The Planet X/Nibiru/ELEnin Brown Dwarf Timeline

You can't see it because its a dark metallic object cloaked in a electron cloud. This is similar to stealth the technology used to build the stealth fighter.

Elenin is a very dangerous comet because it is a long period comet whose tail the Earth passes through. Comets are not balls of ice and dust like Nasa states. Nasa will not release this information because there is absolutely nothing anyone can do about it except panic. Sit back and enjoy the ride and be thankful to be alive in this time to bear witness to this event.

Comets are electric space capacitors. Comets are electromagnetically connected to the sun and planets by EM ropes (JPL, 2005). Extreme EM can cause earthquakes. This is what HAARP research is based upon. EM energy lubricates fault lines. The reason Elenin is causing quakes when others do not is because Elenin has been in deep space a long time gathering electrons to energize the sun by discharging its capacitance. A comets positively charged metallic core is ideal for storing electrons in the core's atomic structure.

Comets pick up electrons as they fly through space. The longer in space without discharging, the more electricity is stored in the comet. When the comet approaches the sun, it begins to glow because the electric circuit is energized by the sun’s proton wind. The hydrogen protons combine with the oxygen in the solar wind to produce water in the comet's tail through combustion; which creates visible photons. The sun provides the positive charge and the stored electrons provide the negative charge to complete an electric circuit. The metal comet nucleus behaves similar to the filament on a lightbulb when positive and negative wires are attached. The bulb glows.

Comets do the same thing when the comet encounters the solar wind. The luminosity can increase by a million times when the comet discharges its capacitance to the sun. The infrared signature for comet Elenin suggests the charge Elenin is carrying is so large that when the comet dumps its capacitance, the resulting photon flare up will engulf the Earth as the Earth passes through the tail.

When Elenin was 14 AUs away on June 14, 2007, Nasa photographed the comet when they took the infrared image for google sky. The infrared image indicates Elenin’s infrared electrical signature is 17 million miles across with xray jets extending over 100 million miles from Elenin. When Elenin flares and dumps its electron load (electricity), the photon flash will be so great that it will instantly turn everything on the earth’s surface into light energy.

The reasons other comets are not a threat is that most comets do not pass between the earth and the sun putting the earth in the tail. Also, comets with periods of a a hundred years or so are able to dump their charge more frequently which keeps the IR signature low.

Elenin is different. There is no other object is space that humans have identified that has an electric signature like Elenin. This is why the governments of the world are building bunkers deep within the Earth. This is why the seed vault was built in Greenland. This is why the US government is spending like there is no tomorrow. This is why our weather is changing now. This is why we have civil unrest around the world. It's Rapture time.

God is light and He is coming for you. See you all on the other side.
You can't see it because its a dark metallic object cloaked in a electron cloud. This is similar to stealth the technology used to build the stealth fighter.
See, just a couple minutes with Google can prevent you from looking like an idiot.

How does Stealth technology work?
The concept behind the stealth technology is very simple. As a matter of fact it is totally the principle of reflection and absorption that makes aircraft "stealthy". Deflecting the incoming radar waves into another direction and thus reducing the number of waves does this, which returns to the radar. Another concept that is followed is to absorb the incoming radar waves totally and to redirect the absorbed electromagnetic energy in another direction. What ever may be the method used, the level of stealth an aircraft can achieve depends totally on the design and the substance with which it is made of.​
You can't see it because its a dark metallic object cloaked in a electron cloud. This is similar to stealth the technology used to build the stealth fighter.

Elenin is a very dangerous comet because it is a long period comet whose tail the Earth passes through. Comets are not balls of ice and dust like Nasa states. Nasa will not release this information because there is absolutely nothing anyone can do about it except panic. Sit back and enjoy the ride and be thankful to be alive in this time to bear witness to this event.

Comets are electric space capacitors. Comets are electromagnetically connected to the sun and planets by EM ropes (JPL, 2005). Extreme EM can cause earthquakes. This is what HAARP research is based upon. EM energy lubricates fault lines. The reason Elenin is causing quakes when others do not is because Elenin has been in deep space a long time gathering electrons to energize the sun by discharging its capacitance. A comets positively charged metallic core is ideal for storing electrons in the core's atomic structure.

Comets pick up electrons as they fly through space. The longer in space without discharging, the more electricity is stored in the comet. When the comet approaches the sun, it begins to glow because the electric circuit is energized by the sun’s proton wind. The hydrogen protons combine with the oxygen in the solar wind to produce water in the comet's tail through combustion; which creates visible photons. The sun provides the positive charge and the stored electrons provide the negative charge to complete an electric circuit. The metal comet nucleus behaves similar to the filament on a lightbulb when positive and negative wires are attached. The bulb glows.

Comets do the same thing when the comet encounters the solar wind. The luminosity can increase by a million times when the comet discharges its capacitance to the sun. The infrared signature for comet Elenin suggests the charge Elenin is carrying is so large that when the comet dumps its capacitance, the resulting photon flare up will engulf the Earth as the Earth passes through the tail.

When Elenin was 14 AUs away on June 14, 2007, Nasa photographed the comet when they took the infrared image for google sky. The infrared image indicates Elenin’s infrared electrical signature is 17 million miles across with xray jets extending over 100 million miles from Elenin. When Elenin flares and dumps its electron load (electricity), the photon flash will be so great that it will instantly turn everything on the earth’s surface into light energy.

The reasons other comets are not a threat is that most comets do not pass between the earth and the sun putting the earth in the tail. Also, comets with periods of a a hundred years or so are able to dump their charge more frequently which keeps the IR signature low.

Elenin is different. There is no other object is space that humans have identified that has an electric signature like Elenin. This is why the governments of the world are building bunkers deep within the Earth. This is why the seed vault was built in Greenland. This is why the US government is spending like there is no tomorrow. This is why our weather is changing now. This is why we have civil unrest around the world. It's Rapture time.

God is light and He is coming for you. See you all on the other side.

Is that the side where we all need an assload of AA batteries, MRE's and SILVER????
You can't see it because its a dark metallic object cloaked in a electron cloud.
and we all know we cant see dark clouds or metallic objects...... :cuckoo:

This is similar to stealth the technology used to build the stealth fighter.
....ummm..... no it isnt.:cuckoo:

Elenin is a very dangerous comet because it is a long period comet whose tail the Earth passes through. Comets are not balls of ice and dust like Nasa states.
who says they are not? and who has more credibility.... the person you are quoting or the organization that put a man on the moon? :cuckoo:

Nasa will not release this information because there is absolutely nothing anyone can do about it except panic. Sit back and enjoy the ride and be thankful to be alive in this time to bear witness to this event.
thankful i can read the rants of morons like you while still keeping you lunatics at a safe distance.

Comets are electric space capacitors. Comets are electromagnetically connected to the sun and planets by EM ropes (JPL, 2005). Extreme EM can cause earthquakes. This is what HAARP research is based upon. EM energy lubricates fault lines.
lubricates fault lines?!!! HAHAHAHAHahahahahaha!!! :lol:

blah blah blah....
This is why our weather is changing now. This is why we have civil unrest around the world. It's Rapture time.

God is light and He is coming for you. See you all on the other side.

the weather has been changing since the last ice age. are blaming it on a COMET?!! :lol:

my boogeyman in the sky can beat up your boogeyman in the sky and he says you're a complete fucking moron.:cuckoo:
Wow didnt think any one could be even more crazyer then terral but that guy just takes the cake and the oven that baked it...:lol::smoke::lol:
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OK folks. Let's say it's a comet, or a brown dwarf, or perhaps nothing that impacts out planet. WTF are we able to do about it. There are far better conspiracies that society, and jackasses like us can mull over. There are a few other threads that depict issues debatable without the END in sight!
I'm abut to unleash a brown drawrf. I will PM terral if the worlds plumng system blows up :D
an interesting development pic from south pole telescope

We've identified the moon and the location of the Sun, but there is another large planetoid object that is not yet identified. In my opinion, no other planet in our solar system should look this big or this close to Earth.

Also, I do believe comet Elenin is just a comet. But it was used to have us look the other way (Leo) instead of in the South Pole region. It's the first thing to pass before the dwarf star, and fit's into the Hopi's Prophecy's Blue (comet) and Red (Dwarf Star) Kachina perfectly. But they named the comet ELEnin for a reason. It's a warning signal to all the leaders of the world.

It's a real a disappointment that the USA's SPT - South Pole Telescope pictures are kept secret from us, and that we have to, instead, use Germany's Neumayer Station III.
Oh sorry about the you tube thing but here is a vid of the same thing
Maybe this shows a bit more
[ame=]YouTube - ‪Unidentified Object @ Antarctica's Neumayer Station 061811- 062011‬‏[/ame]
Oh sorry about the you tube thing but here is a vid of the same thing
Maybe this shows a bit more
YouTube - ‪Unidentified Object @ Antarctica's Neumayer Station 061811- 062011‬‏

So you have a full moon rising, right? Then you have a mysterious object that shows a crescent....right? I want you to think long and hard about how that is even possible.

Where is the light coming from that would create a crescent? Sheesh, you people will believe anything on youtube, apparently.
an interesting development pic from south pole telescope

We've identified the moon and the location of the Sun, but there is another large planetoid object that is not yet identified. In my opinion, no other planet in our solar system should look this big or this close to Earth.

Also, I do believe comet Elenin is just a comet. But it was used to have us look the other way (Leo) instead of in the South Pole region. It's the first thing to pass before the dwarf star, and fit's into the Hopi's Prophecy's Blue (comet) and Red (Dwarf Star) Kachina perfectly. But they named the comet ELEnin for a reason. It's a warning signal to all the leaders of the world.

It's a real a disappointment that the USA's SPT - South Pole Telescope pictures are kept secret from us, and that we have to, instead, use Germany's Neumayer Station III.
Ummm...that's not a photo taken by a telescope. You can tell because there's a fucking building in it.

i took the first picture in Mt Eden Auckland New Zealand on the 27/06/11 at about 10:30am. and others a day apart since. So..... everyone knows looking directly into the sun is stupid!
but taking photos of it reveal something very large behind it! ive taken a few of these at different times and on different days yet this object seems to hang around all the time.
any ideas wtf this is???
looking at this thing from my point of view in NZ this looks like a second sun in my pics!...that nobody has seen yet because you cant see it for the suns glare is too over powering!

It seems to give the sun an extra bit of glow to one side depending on what angle you take the photo. ive used different shooting modes and this thing is clearly visible and real in all of them.
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That's bc it's a space house Dave come on get with the picture..this is my weekend house on nibiru it's really nice bc the brown dwarf lives right next door and stops to see me every Sunday with a big apple pie...:lol:
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I got the cure for the brown dwarf.


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Some of you guys should chill on the name calling and insults..some of you guys said enough insults already and you made your opinions quite clear. I just find it a tad immature but hey..what ever floats your boat. Its think the topic is crazy and nuts? Well let it be..dont go int it..why thats such a problem for some of you is beyond me...i just dont carry myself around like that i guess. Just have a bit of respect even if you flat out totally disagree with someone or feel they fell off their rocker. Remember..karma is real and what goes around comes around. Treat people how you would want to be treated even under extreme disagreements...its sad i have to bring this up but had to remind some of you guys.

The problem i find with people today is that their arrogance and pride has taken over their compassion and humbleness. Pride, arrogance and self-righteousness numbs people up from all of that and is why people are so rude and cruel towards one another...just wanted to share that with you guys even though im sure it'll still ruffle up a few feathers i bet even though i mean no offense to anyone personally.

Anyways..I dont agree on Terral's advice in running for the hills or caves i should say with a years worth of food. I think that entire idea of is totally uncalled for and here's why. You know..if this entire thing becomes a reality ..there is not much any of us can do to avoid what it will cause on earth. In other words - there is not much sense in trying to protect your life against something that will probably destroy your life regardless. A cave is not gonna cut it.. you need a highly constructed underground bunker that is quality built to survive a mega disaster.. a mass extinction level event. If you cant afford one of those bunkers..its a waste of time running for the caves..seriously..all this is doing is putting people into panic mode which imho is not cool.

Dont get me wrong..i think its good to warn people of things that could happen but be responsible in doing so...i know extinction level events have happened before but they are "very" rare and the chances of this one being one of them is quite slim but who not too arrogant to sit here and totally rule out the possibility..i just happen to think the possibility is quite slim. Some of you guys are totally ruling it out all shouldn't do that because it IS possible.

I guess my point is that with the things happening today around the world and THINGS ARE happening at a much higher rate..these sorts of things start to become more believable.

This is what i think and i dont mean to turn it into a religious thing but im begining to believe that some of what is prophesized in the bible is starting to happen but then again..i dont know..but i am noticing a quick change in things around the world and its increasing.

I guess it boils down to that old saying "Time will reveal the truth" :cool:
See the thing is the more people bitch about name calling the more I'm going to do it so suck it up or GET OUT!!!! :lol:

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