The Planet X/Nibiru/ELEnin Brown Dwarf Timeline

Fuck all y'all...I'm gonna go settle on ELE. Got a few seats open if anyone's interested. PM me for directions.

Yea, but if dey go to the Ozarks...

... dat Ozark Swamp Devil'll get `em...

... so no matter what ya do...

... ya can't win.
Already seen it. Morgan Freeman much better President that Obama.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Deep Impact Trailer (1998)‬‏[/ame]
Dave, I really hope you have some women on your guest list or you're going to be on a long and lonely journey..... with goats and Cootaloot. As Dr. Ian Malcom from Jurrasic park said.... "If there is one thing the history of evolution has taught us it's that life will not be contained. Life breaks free, expands to new territory, and crashes through barriers, painfully, maybe even dangerously."

It ok I'll stay in the cargo bay...!!!

It's full of goats.

You know what I think is funny is that this is a thread full of people that simply choose to ignore math and statistical probability and are not able to tell that something is really wrong with comet Elenin simply based on the name alone! There are too many coincidences to be merely coincidences. I am going to keep this very simple so people can understand.

1. An Average of 10 comets a year are discovered on average and this is the only one that the name of the discoverer = where the comet originates - LEO constellation and also result in potential event = meteor shower. Lets use just the last 30 years of discovering and naming comets. 10 x 30 = 300

1:300 chance

Still seems possible right? ok lets keep going.

2. one of the meanings of the discoverers name means LEO. The comets path happens to originate from the constellation LEO. 12 constellations

1:12 chance

3. Comet Elenin will likely result in a meteor shower in the month of Nov. The definition of a Leonid actually means meteor shower coming from the constellation LEO in the month of NOV. The odds of a discovers name of comet that results in a meteor shower in the month that his name points to? there 12 months

1: 12 chance

There are approximately 7700 professional astronomers in the United States. Leonid is an amateur astronomer from Russia but rented time at the Arizona observatory and found this comet of which 7700 U.S. professional Astronomers didnt do. Lets assume he was a professional though. There are 7700 U.S Astronomers / 10 comets discovered per year =

1: 770 chance

The name Elenin has a Greek origin and comes from elena, Helena.. Origin of the name Helen. Helen Greek bright one, torchlight or helios "sun" Heleyne. Helen of troy was considered to be the daughter of the Greek Goddess Nemesis!! The goddess of destruction. In LeoNID we find the term NID which means = Goddess!! The odds of a persons first and last name both referring to a goddess???? lets put a conservative estimate on it.

1 : 1000 chance

Helen Greek bright one, torchlight or helios "sun" Heleyne. Helios in greek was the sun god, another name given to helios was ''Apollo''
The name Apollo is here understood to mean Apollon "Destroyer''

Leonid has a Greek origin and originates from Leonidas who was a Spartan king of the 5th century BC who sacrificed his life defending the pass of Thermopylae from the Persians. his surname means shining light or helios, helios is another name for apollo(destroyer)greek

odds of a persons first and last name both meaning destroyer from a God/Goddess??????
Lets be conservative.

1 : 5000 chance

Care to guess what the combined odds of all that are???

Then If we look up Nemesis in Wikipedia we find: Nemesis is a hypothetical hard-to-detect red dwarf star,[1] white dwarf star[2] or brown dwarf,[3] orbiting the Sun at a distance of about 50,000 to 100,000 AU (about 0.8-1.5 light-years), somewhat beyond the Oort cloud.

Lastly Elenin has E.L.E in his name which can mean Extinction Level Event.


The odds that a person could discover a comet that has a path that matches his name LEO. That both his first name and last name mean Goddess and also first and last name refer to the God/Goddess of Destruction of which refers to the Goddess Nemesis and when you look that name up it points to a Brown Dwarf of which when you look up Elenin coordinates on Googlesky Wikisky and Microsoft all happen to have Black boxes which are likely hiding something and that there are video's that show the coordinates before the Black box was added showing what appears to be a brown dwarf in that location.

The odds of that????

The odds that persons name could create the following scenario coinciding with the comet he discovered? A brown dwarf (Nemesis) coming from the constellation LEO will pass close to the earth in October resulting in a possible ELE Extinction Level Event which includes a meteor shower in the month of November.

I am not saying for sure there is a brown dwarf behind or around or is Elenin. I dont know. But what I do know though is that there must be a bunch of people here that spend all their money on Lottery tickets because you all have a better chance of winning the Lottery than Leonid Elenin being real!!!!!! NASA is hiding something!!!!! Whether its something in the Vicinity of comet Elenin or the comet isnt real but something else or its a decoy to get us all to look in the wrong direction. There is something very wrong with Elenin. Thats all I know!!
"Houston....We have a problem"

Looks like another conspiracy nut found his way back to USMB. I wonder what the odds of that are? :lol:

Somehow because of the name and odds....this is a serious threat? I think not. NASA isn't hiding anything, there are enough amatuer astronomers that are always looking, and they have come up with nothing out of the ordinary. A comet does not equate to a meteor shower, either. sheesh
"Houston....We have a problem"

Looks like another conspiracy nut found his way back to USMB. I wonder what the odds of that are? :lol:

Somehow because of the name and odds....this is a serious threat? I think not. NASA isn't hiding anything, there are enough amatuer astronomers that are always looking, and they have come up with nothing out of the ordinary. A comet does not equate to a meteor shower, either. sheesh

Yes Meister, If your relying upon NASA in Houston to get you out of the box that I put you in, you do have a problem! :lol: The laws of probability show Leonid Elenin isnt real. I dont know what they are hiding. Draw your own conclusions.

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