The Pleasantville Gazette


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This little gender-heroism tale is meant to explore the society 'notion' that everyday curiosity about pedestrian psychological ailments create spiritual uneasiness in our midst.

Is this a conspiracy or an omen? I'm a big fan of Orson Welles' War of the Worlds radio broadcast.



Shelbye was a comely young woman from Texas with a fierce spirit and sharp wit. She always carried a bright pink handkerchief which she said gave her luck and made her optimistic about the manners of men. Shelbye's parents were well-to-do; her father was a businessman, selling bonds, and her mother was a very good cook who presented her recipes on the local Austin TV network for her community.

Shelbye was something of a sleuth and wanted to investigate the occurrence of WWII veterans suffering from severe trauma and resorting to frustration-driven acts of crime, even murder. She started reading a story of bodies being robbed from graves near Austin and formulated the hypothesis that the culprit was a WWII veteran engaged in some bizarre ritual act of cannibalistic rage.

Shelbye decided to snoop around the area and the two towns near where the grave-robbing incidents were reported. Her detective work led her to a small residential community in a suburban enclave right outside Austin and about 25 miles from the cemetery where the grave-robbing incidents occurred. Her car broke down in front of a gray-colored house, so she knocked on the door to ask to use the phone to call for roadside assistance.

Shelbye walked into the house after a strange, rather well-built man of about 40 years-of-age opened the door. The man introduced himself as Thomas Hewitt and shower here where the phone was. When Shelbye picked up the phone, there was no dial tone. She was confused and when she looked around to find Thomas Hewitt, she noticed a man (apparently Thomas) was walking towards her wearing a mask made out of human skin and carrying a sledgehammer.

Shelbye screamed and pulled out her lucky pink handkerchief and said, "Listen, Mr. Hewitt, I don't know why you're dressed like that, or why you're walking towards me with that ominous sledgehammer, but I have this pink handkerchief, which I carry around with me to remind men of the value of good manners! I suggest you follow the virtue-call of this handkerchief and allow me to leave, and I will never mention what went on in here!"

Shelbye was surprised when Thomas Hewitt allowed her to escape. She ran as fast as she could and into another house in the same residential community and used the inhabitants' phone and called the police who promptly helped her. When they asked her what happened, she remembered her creepy vow and decided to keep it: "Well, I walked into the house of a WWII veteran (or his son) and asked to use his phone, and he became very embarrassed when we discovered his phone didn't work, so I pulled out my handkerchief to comfort him, but he got flustered and ordered me to leave immediately!"

Shelbye never thought about the incident with Thomas Hewitt again and concluded that the ghoul was indeed the son of some emotionally traumatized WWII veteran and decided to go grave-robbing to make some kind of Occultist metaphysical statement against the status-quo. Shelbye decided to remain silent about the possibility that there was an entire community of psychologically deranged WWII veterans and their families who may never be able to disclose their condition. Shelbye pulled out her pink handkerchief and kissed it, thanking God for America's appreciation for veteran Medicaid programs.



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