The Police Will Vote For Who?

That's good, because it is something you excel at.

I would imagine that in the last 8 months, you haven’t talked this much about your candidate at one sitting. All you guys do is comment on Secretary Clinton. Forcing your to talk about Trump err…Drumpf is great since none of you can seriously think he will be a good President when he’s not even a good human being.

Mission Accomplished.

Still don't understand my statement "Pot calling kettle black" do you?

I see VERY little difference between the two, and wont' be voting for either.

One has dedicated her life to public service; one has done nothing but help himself. One is voted as one of the most admired women in the nation/world regularly; the other gives out the phone numbers of his political opponents and says of his female opponents;

Trump: How can you vote for someone with Fiorina’s face? | New York Post

There is no comparison between the two. Clinton is qualified; Trump is not.

Legal age, American citizen...

what other qualification does he need?

D behind his name?


Which neither have
The Police Will Vote For Who?

now that Queen Hillary has gone all in with the
racist, radical group BLM

the press will no doubt be asking about
the culture of hate she has helped to create
that has resulted in the murders of Police

HRC wants to do something about the mentally challenged getting weapons.
Drumpf and the GOP offer nothing but thoughts and prayers.

Advantage HRC.

She's going to find a way to prevent gang bangers to get firearms, without obstructing law abiding citizens from doing so?

I think she is going to echo Judge Scalia’s sentiment that the 2nd amendment is open to restrictions.


adding another 30,000, or more, laws to control firearms is not going to help.

No, offering “thoughts and prayers” is not going to help
I would imagine that in the last 8 months, you haven’t talked this much about your candidate at one sitting. All you guys do is comment on Secretary Clinton. Forcing your to talk about Trump err…Drumpf is great since none of you can seriously think he will be a good President when he’s not even a good human being.

Mission Accomplished.

Still don't understand my statement "Pot calling kettle black" do you?

I see VERY little difference between the two, and wont' be voting for either.

One has dedicated her life to public service; one has done nothing but help himself. One is voted as one of the most admired women in the nation/world regularly; the other gives out the phone numbers of his political opponents and says of his female opponents;

Trump: How can you vote for someone with Fiorina’s face? | New York Post

There is no comparison between the two. Clinton is qualified; Trump is not.

Legal age, American citizen...

what other qualification does he need?

D behind his name?


Which neither have

Hillary is going to be elected President. Her proposals make sense; are workable, and the American people like them.
Drumpf is going down in flames. His proposals are crazy, make not sense, are not workable and would never pass Congress.

Learn to like it.
The Police Will Vote For Who?

now that Queen Hillary has gone all in with the
racist, radical group BLM

the press will no doubt be asking about
the culture of hate she has helped to create
that has resulted in the murders of Police

HRC wants to do something about the mentally challenged getting weapons.
Drumpf and the GOP offer nothing but thoughts and prayers.

Advantage HRC.

She's going to find a way to prevent gang bangers to get firearms, without obstructing law abiding citizens from doing so?

I think she is going to echo Judge Scalia’s sentiment that the 2nd amendment is open to restrictions.


adding another 30,000, or more, laws to control firearms is not going to help.

No, offering “thoughts and prayers” is not going to help

Want to do something about firearm violence?

Enforce the laws already on the books.

Someone makes a straw purchase, lock them up.

Someone commits a crime with a firearm, lock them up.

Felon gets caught with a firearm, lock them up.

Still don't understand my statement "Pot calling kettle black" do you?

I see VERY little difference between the two, and wont' be voting for either.

One has dedicated her life to public service; one has done nothing but help himself. One is voted as one of the most admired women in the nation/world regularly; the other gives out the phone numbers of his political opponents and says of his female opponents;

Trump: How can you vote for someone with Fiorina’s face? | New York Post

There is no comparison between the two. Clinton is qualified; Trump is not.

Legal age, American citizen...

what other qualification does he need?

D behind his name?


Which neither have

Hillary is going to be elected President. Her proposals make sense; are workable, and the American people like them.
Drumpf is going down in flames. His proposals are crazy, make not sense, are not workable and would never pass Congress.

Learn to like it.

"Learn to like it"

Never happen, no matter which psychopath wins
but they after the fact, which is fine

but putting more restrictions, before the fact, on law abiding citizens
who have not done anything wrong
is not the answer
HRC wants to do something about the mentally challenged getting weapons.
Drumpf and the GOP offer nothing but thoughts and prayers.

Advantage HRC.

She's going to find a way to prevent gang bangers to get firearms, without obstructing law abiding citizens from doing so?

I think she is going to echo Judge Scalia’s sentiment that the 2nd amendment is open to restrictions.


adding another 30,000, or more, laws to control firearms is not going to help.

No, offering “thoughts and prayers” is not going to help

Want to do something about firearm violence?

Enforce the laws already on the books.

Someone makes a straw purchase, lock them up.

Someone commits a crime with a firearm, lock them up.

Felon gets caught with a firearm, lock them up.


All of that is good stuff. I wish the Democrats would get on board with all of those things. Of course, what usually happens in these rampage killings is that the shooter often dies of his own hand or is killed by the police. So none of that comes into play.

So we’re back to offering “thoughts and prayers” only from the GOP and the search for solutions from those interested in solving problems.
Has Trump ever gone by his grandfathers former last name?

Did he father even go by the last name of Drumpf.

Or are you doing this because YOU want to look silly?

Don’t mind looking silly.

That's good, because it is something you excel at.

I would imagine

Flights of fantasy are another thing at which you excel.

All you guys do is comment on Secretary Clinton.

That's because she's a criminal bitch and we want her politically destroyed for all time, along with that bastardized version of an "American" political party behind her.

The GOP war on women continues unabated I see.

Just that woman.
What law would have prevented Lanza from killing his mother and taking her firearms to massacre school children?
Read the article and what happened was they ( The Clinton Camp ) did not fill out the questionnaire, so there is that.

Then factor in how many Minority Officers that work across this nation and because one Union does not endorse her does not mean all of those that belong to the Union will vote for Trump because my bet the Minority Officers will not vote for your hero.

Finally, in 2012 the Union did not endorse either candidate ( Romney or Obama ) and since 1996 they only endorsed the GOP candidate, so the Union endorsement sway very little I would say...

Let see in September if Trump get their endorsement and if not will you stick to your guns and proclaim it does not matter because in your heart you believe Trump will be victorious like Stewart is against Louis?

View attachment 84568
Trust me, Black Officers aren't voting for the trumpeter...
Read the article and what happened was they ( The Clinton Camp ) did not fill out the questionnaire, so there is that.

Then factor in how many Minority Officers that work across this nation and because one Union does not endorse her does not mean all of those that belong to the Union will vote for Trump because my bet the Minority Officers will not vote for your hero.

Finally, in 2012 the Union did not endorse either candidate ( Romney or Obama ) and since 1996 they only endorsed the GOP candidate, so the Union endorsement sway very little I would say...

Let see in September if Trump get their endorsement and if not will you stick to your guns and proclaim it does not matter because in your heart you believe Trump will be victorious like Stewart is against Louis?

View attachment 84568
Trust me, Black Officers aren't voting for the trumpeter...

Sheriff David Clarke: It's time to stand up to Black Lives Matter | Fox News
Read the article and what happened was they ( The Clinton Camp ) did not fill out the questionnaire, so there is that.

Then factor in how many Minority Officers that work across this nation and because one Union does not endorse her does not mean all of those that belong to the Union will vote for Trump because my bet the Minority Officers will not vote for your hero.

Finally, in 2012 the Union did not endorse either candidate ( Romney or Obama ) and since 1996 they only endorsed the GOP candidate, so the Union endorsement sway very little I would say...

Let see in September if Trump get their endorsement and if not will you stick to your guns and proclaim it does not matter because in your heart you believe Trump will be victorious like Stewart is against Louis?

View attachment 84568
Trust me, Black Officers aren't voting for the trumpeter...

Sheriff David Clarke: It's time to stand up to Black Lives Matter | Fox News
Black Officers view clark as a better come up with something better.
From right wing CNN
Study: Gun homicides, violence down sharply in past 20 years

Really, as long as Democrat supporters like BLM and the Muslim
terrorist community don't go on rampages

there is no "issue" - it seems we need to keep guns from those groups

otherwise, considering a lot of these statistics contain suicide
the Democrats just use the deaths as a means to get to their true
goal- elimination of guns, in general

otherwise, our prayers go out to the victims of BLM shootings
Read the article and what happened was they ( The Clinton Camp ) did not fill out the questionnaire, so there is that.

Then factor in how many Minority Officers that work across this nation and because one Union does not endorse her does not mean all of those that belong to the Union will vote for Trump because my bet the Minority Officers will not vote for your hero.

Finally, in 2012 the Union did not endorse either candidate ( Romney or Obama ) and since 1996 they only endorsed the GOP candidate, so the Union endorsement sway very little I would say...

Let see in September if Trump get their endorsement and if not will you stick to your guns and proclaim it does not matter because in your heart you believe Trump will be victorious like Stewart is against Louis?

View attachment 84568
Trust me, Black Officers aren't voting for the trumpeter...

Sheriff David Clarke: It's time to stand up to Black Lives Matter | Fox News
Black Officers view clark as a better come up with something better.
Read the article and what happened was they ( The Clinton Camp ) did not fill out the questionnaire, so there is that.

Then factor in how many Minority Officers that work across this nation and because one Union does not endorse her does not mean all of those that belong to the Union will vote for Trump because my bet the Minority Officers will not vote for your hero.

Finally, in 2012 the Union did not endorse either candidate ( Romney or Obama ) and since 1996 they only endorsed the GOP candidate, so the Union endorsement sway very little I would say...

Let see in September if Trump get their endorsement and if not will you stick to your guns and proclaim it does not matter because in your heart you believe Trump will be victorious like Stewart is against Louis?

View attachment 84568
Trust me, Black Officers aren't voting for the trumpeter...

Sheriff David Clarke: It's time to stand up to Black Lives Matter | Fox News
Black Officers view clark as a better come up with something better.

Keep thinking that. :laugh:
Police unions negotiate contracts and sometimes protect membership from arbitrary regulations. Sometimes Police union officials are aligned with (intimidated or paid off by) political bigwigs but it is ludicrous to suggest that high profile national police union leadership speaks for the political affiliation of the membership. Police officers are well aware that the racist propaganda generated by the democrat party is intended to incite violence against Police and jeopardizes their lives. Regardless of the liberal media's spin of the rhetoric of Police union leadership there is little support for Hillary among either Military or Police officers.
Last edited:
Read the article and what happened was they ( The Clinton Camp ) did not fill out the questionnaire, so there is that.

Then factor in how many Minority Officers that work across this nation and because one Union does not endorse her does not mean all of those that belong to the Union will vote for Trump because my bet the Minority Officers will not vote for your hero.

Finally, in 2012 the Union did not endorse either candidate ( Romney or Obama ) and since 1996 they only endorsed the GOP candidate, so the Union endorsement sway very little I would say...

Let see in September if Trump get their endorsement and if not will you stick to your guns and proclaim it does not matter because in your heart you believe Trump will be victorious like Stewart is against Louis?

View attachment 84568
Trust me, Black Officers aren't voting for the trumpeter...

Sheriff David Clarke: It's time to stand up to Black Lives Matter | Fox News
Black Officers view clark as a better come up with something better.
Well my link is 20 years and retired. Still active with POAM and works with DPD and Sheriffs from the three counties.
We speak very frankly...clark is a loon is a common consensus.
Read the article and what happened was they ( The Clinton Camp ) did not fill out the questionnaire, so there is that.

Then factor in how many Minority Officers that work across this nation and because one Union does not endorse her does not mean all of those that belong to the Union will vote for Trump because my bet the Minority Officers will not vote for your hero.

Finally, in 2012 the Union did not endorse either candidate ( Romney or Obama ) and since 1996 they only endorsed the GOP candidate, so the Union endorsement sway very little I would say...

Let see in September if Trump get their endorsement and if not will you stick to your guns and proclaim it does not matter because in your heart you believe Trump will be victorious like Stewart is against Louis?

View attachment 84568
Trust me, Black Officers aren't voting for the trumpeter...

Sheriff David Clarke: It's time to stand up to Black Lives Matter | Fox News
Black Officers view clark as a better come up with something better.
Well my link is 20 years and retired. Still active with POAM and works with DPD and Sheriffs from the three counties.
We speak very frankly...clark is a loon is a common consensus.


no link
Black Officers view clark as a better come up with something better.
Well my link is 20 years and retired. Still active with POAM and works with DPD and Sheriffs from the three counties.
We speak very frankly...clark is a loon is a common consensus.


no link
Don't need a link, we speak amongst ourselves very frankly...I bet you think we vote republican
Well my link is 20 years and retired. Still active with POAM and works with DPD and Sheriffs from the three counties.
We speak very frankly...clark is a loon is a common consensus.


no link
Don't need a link, we speak amongst ourselves very frankly...I bet you think we vote republican

Don't need a link,

Right, we just take your word.

Couple in Law Enforcement in my family, and a few in Corrections as well.

They disagree
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