- Mar 3, 2013
- 85,939
- 48,679
- 2,605
That's good, because it is something you excel at.
I would imagine that in the last 8 months, you haven’t talked this much about your candidate at one sitting. All you guys do is comment on Secretary Clinton. Forcing your to talk about Trump err…Drumpf is great since none of you can seriously think he will be a good President when he’s not even a good human being.
Mission Accomplished.
Still don't understand my statement "Pot calling kettle black" do you?
I see VERY little difference between the two, and wont' be voting for either.
One has dedicated her life to public service; one has done nothing but help himself. One is voted as one of the most admired women in the nation/world regularly; the other gives out the phone numbers of his political opponents and says of his female opponents;
Trump: How can you vote for someone with Fiorina’s face? | New York Post
There is no comparison between the two. Clinton is qualified; Trump is not.
Legal age, American citizen...
what other qualification does he need?
D behind his name?
Which neither have