The politics of division can't last


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
In 2009 - 2010 Democrats arrogantly cut GOP lawmakers out of the decision making process when crafting the Affordable Care Act, fast forward to 2017 and the GOP has done the same thing to the Democrats when crafting their healthcare bill. The politics of division and exclusion is not sustainable, it has led to the downfall of many world powers through the centuries, and America will not be immune. Conservatives and Liberals....don't blame your lawmakers for this. It's your fault and no one else's! Both Conservatives and Liberals have adopted a bunker mentality when it comes to politics, "my way or the highway" is the prevailing attitude today. I would highly suggest both Conservatives and Liberals stop letting their respective media outlets do their thinking for them. Turn off the TV, and talk to each other, try to understand the other person's point of view, without all the sound bites, and bullet points that both Liberal and Conservative media outlets feed us everyday. Your communities and country will be better off for it.... and it might just make you a better person. :bye1:
There's not much that can be said when the other side wants to elect Jesus, as POTUS.

That said, those elected have forgotten they are to govern for everyone and those who voted for them don't even get the concept.
Liberals are adults that haven't or can't grow up. Conservatives are those that do, we understand them very well. Liberals want their way or else, conservatives cave far too often for fear of being labeled homophobe, sexist, racist, bigot, Neanderthal, etc. And we NEVER hear about any division when the left is in power, it's all "elections have consequences, suck on it, etc."
I rest my case.....

There's not much that can be said when the other side wants to elect Jesus, as POTUS.

That said, those elected have forgotten they are to govern for everyone and those who voted for them don't even get the concept.
I'm all for talking with one another but I disagree that we shouldn't blame the politicians.

Our representatives took an oath to defend and protect the constitution of the united states. Despite that representatives of both parties are trying to interfere with our health care despite the constitution giving them no authority to do so.

They have a responsibility to keep their oaths. They assume the responsibility to remind the people of their rights and the limits the constitution places on our government. They have neglected both of these responsibilities.

Let us return to the constitutional standard and raise it so that the honest and wise will gather to it
Liberals are adults that haven't or can't grow up. Conservatives are those that do, we understand them very well. Liberals want their way or else, conservatives cave far too often for fear of being labeled homophobe, sexist, racist, bigot, Neanderthal, etc. And we NEVER hear about any division when the left is in power, it's all "elections have consequences, suck on it, etc."
Liberals and conservatives can cut deals all day long, but not liberals and reactionaries. We have reactionaries here, not conservatives. Your demand to return to 1892 isn't going to cut it.
Liberals are adults that haven't or can't grow up. Conservatives are those that do, we understand them very well. Liberals want their way or else, conservatives cave far too often for fear of being labeled homophobe, sexist, racist, bigot, Neanderthal, etc. And we NEVER hear about any division when the left is in power, it's all "elections have consequences, suck on it, etc."
Liberals and conservatives can cut deals all day long, but not liberals and reactionaries. We have reactionaries here, not conservatives. Your demand to return to 1892 isn't going to cut it.
You keep proving my point. You're a toddler.
I'm all for talking with one another but I disagree that we shouldn't blame the politicians.

Our representatives took an oath to defend and protect the constitution of the united states. Despite that representatives of both parties are trying to interfere with our health care despite the constitution giving them no authority to do so.

They have a responsibility to keep their oaths. They assume the responsibility to remind the people of their rights and the limits the constitution places on our government. They have neglected both of these responsibilities.

Let us return to the constitutional standard and raise it so that the honest and wise will gather to it

The only real answer is a return to federalism. Most people on the right are OK with that to a degree, but the left is currently founded on the idea of as much power as possible as far removed from the people as possible. They need federal control of as many things as possible to get their agenda implemented.
Liberals are adults that haven't or can't grow up. Conservatives are those that do, we understand them very well. Liberals want their way or else, conservatives cave far too often for fear of being labeled homophobe, sexist, racist, bigot, Neanderthal, etc. And we NEVER hear about any division when the left is in power, it's all "elections have consequences, suck on it, etc."
Liberals and conservatives can cut deals all day long, but not liberals and reactionaries. We have reactionaries here, not conservatives. Your demand to return to 1892 isn't going to cut it.
You keep proving my point. You're a toddler.
Not in the slightest but your childish reaction is proof of my point. No matter what issue I give you you'll just whine and say something partisan and stupid.
I'm all for talking with one another but I disagree that we shouldn't blame the politicians.

Our representatives took an oath to defend and protect the constitution of the united states. Despite that representatives of both parties are trying to interfere with our health care despite the constitution giving them no authority to do so.

They have a responsibility to keep their oaths. They assume the responsibility to remind the people of their rights and the limits the constitution places on our government. They have neglected both of these responsibilities.

Let us return to the constitutional standard and raise it so that the honest and wise will gather to it

The only real answer is a return to federalism. Most people on the right are OK with that to a degree, but the left is currently founded on the idea of as much power as possible as far removed from the people as possible. They need federal control of as many things as possible to get their agenda implemented.

Problem is so many people have no clue what federalism is
I'm all for talking with one another but I disagree that we shouldn't blame the politicians.

Our representatives took an oath to defend and protect the constitution of the united states. Despite that representatives of both parties are trying to interfere with our health care despite the constitution giving them no authority to do so.

They have a responsibility to keep their oaths. They assume the responsibility to remind the people of their rights and the limits the constitution places on our government. They have neglected both of these responsibilities.

Let us return to the constitutional standard and raise it so that the honest and wise will gather to it

The only real answer is a return to federalism. Most people on the right are OK with that to a degree, but the left is currently founded on the idea of as much power as possible as far removed from the people as possible. They need federal control of as many things as possible to get their agenda implemented.
The Agenda of the US is Liberalism. That's what it was founded on, you just don't like it.
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Liberals are adults that haven't or can't grow up. Conservatives are those that do, we understand them very well. Liberals want their way or else, conservatives cave far too often for fear of being labeled homophobe, sexist, racist, bigot, Neanderthal, etc. And we NEVER hear about any division when the left is in power, it's all "elections have consequences, suck on it, etc."
Liberals and conservatives can cut deals all day long, but not liberals and reactionaries. We have reactionaries here, not conservatives. Your demand to return to 1892 isn't going to cut it.
You keep proving my point. You're a toddler.
Not in the slightest but your childish reaction is proof of my point. No matter what issue I give you you'll just whine and say something partisan and stupid.

Pot meet kettle
I'm all for talking with one another but I disagree that we shouldn't blame the politicians.

Our representatives took an oath to defend and protect the constitution of the united states. Despite that representatives of both parties are trying to interfere with our health care despite the constitution giving them no authority to do so.

They have a responsibility to keep their oaths. They assume the responsibility to remind the people of their rights and the limits the constitution places on our government. They have neglected both of these responsibilities.

Let us return to the constitutional standard and raise it so that the honest and wise will gather to it

The only real answer is a return to federalism. Most people on the right are OK with that to a degree, but the left is currently founded on the idea of as much power as possible as far removed from the people as possible. They need federal control of as many things as possible to get their agenda implemented.

Problem is so many people have no clue what federalism is

It's also kind of funny that the definition has changed since the founding of the Country. The original federalists were those who supported a stronger federal government. today it means you want a stronger level of State control over things not mandated to the feds via the constitution.
I'm all for talking with one another but I disagree that we shouldn't blame the politicians.

Our representatives took an oath to defend and protect the constitution of the united states. Despite that representatives of both parties are trying to interfere with our health care despite the constitution giving them no authority to do so.

They have a responsibility to keep their oaths. They assume the responsibility to remind the people of their rights and the limits the constitution places on our government. They have neglected both of these responsibilities.

Let us return to the constitutional standard and raise it so that the honest and wise will gather to it

The only real answer is a return to federalism. Most people on the right are OK with that to a degree, but the left is currently founded on the idea of as much power as possible as far removed from the people as possible. They need federal control of as many things as possible to get their agenda implemented.
The Agenda of the US is Liberalism. That's what is was founded on, you just don't like it.

Classical Liberalism, not the current Progressive Statism that masquerades under the title of "Liberal"
I'm all for talking with one another but I disagree that we shouldn't blame the politicians.

Our representatives took an oath to defend and protect the constitution of the united states. Despite that representatives of both parties are trying to interfere with our health care despite the constitution giving them no authority to do so.

They have a responsibility to keep their oaths. They assume the responsibility to remind the people of their rights and the limits the constitution places on our government. They have neglected both of these responsibilities.

Let us return to the constitutional standard and raise it so that the honest and wise will gather to it

The only real answer is a return to federalism. Most people on the right are OK with that to a degree, but the left is currently founded on the idea of as much power as possible as far removed from the people as possible. They need federal control of as many things as possible to get their agenda implemented.
The Agenda of the US is Liberalism. That's what is was founded on, you just don't like it.

So you consider federalism a principle contrary to the us founding?
Liberals are adults that haven't or can't grow up. Conservatives are those that do, we understand them very well. Liberals want their way or else, conservatives cave far too often for fear of being labeled homophobe, sexist, racist, bigot, Neanderthal, etc. And we NEVER hear about any division when the left is in power, it's all "elections have consequences, suck on it, etc."
Liberals and conservatives can cut deals all day long, but not liberals and reactionaries. We have reactionaries here, not conservatives. Your demand to return to 1892 isn't going to cut it.

To people like you Bi-Partisan means complete capitulation, grow up. Now, having said that what's even worse is that people sill buy into the system. The system is indeed "rigged", but not in the way the "right" or "left" is claiming. The Right/Left paradigm exists only at street level. It does not exist in the halls of power. It's just a game played to make us think we have a say. Hell, we don't and we haven't for decades. Hence what you see in Politics today.
Liberals are adults that haven't or can't grow up. Conservatives are those that do, we understand them very well. Liberals want their way or else, conservatives cave far too often for fear of being labeled homophobe, sexist, racist, bigot, Neanderthal, etc. And we NEVER hear about any division when the left is in power, it's all "elections have consequences, suck on it, etc."
Liberals and conservatives can cut deals all day long, but not liberals and reactionaries. We have reactionaries here, not conservatives. Your demand to return to 1892 isn't going to cut it.
You keep proving my point. You're a toddler.
Not in the slightest but your childish reaction is proof of my point. No matter what issue I give you you'll just whine and say something partisan and stupid.

I'm all for talking with one another but I disagree that we shouldn't blame the politicians.

Our representatives took an oath to defend and protect the constitution of the united states. Despite that representatives of both parties are trying to interfere with our health care despite the constitution giving them no authority to do so.

They have a responsibility to keep their oaths. They assume the responsibility to remind the people of their rights and the limits the constitution places on our government. They have neglected both of these responsibilities.

Let us return to the constitutional standard and raise it so that the honest and wise will gather to it

The only real answer is a return to federalism. Most people on the right are OK with that to a degree, but the left is currently founded on the idea of as much power as possible as far removed from the people as possible. They need federal control of as many things as possible to get their agenda implemented.

Problem is so many people have no clue what federalism is

It's also kind of funny that the definition has changed since the founding of the Country. The original federalists were those who supported a stronger federal government. today it means you want a stronger level of State control over things not mandated to the feds via the constitution.

Perhaps we should start a new federalist party
Liberals are adults that haven't or can't grow up. Conservatives are those that do, we understand them very well. Liberals want their way or else, conservatives cave far too often for fear of being labeled homophobe, sexist, racist, bigot, Neanderthal, etc. And we NEVER hear about any division when the left is in power, it's all "elections have consequences, suck on it, etc."
Liberals and conservatives can cut deals all day long, but not liberals and reactionaries. We have reactionaries here, not conservatives. Your demand to return to 1892 isn't going to cut it.
You keep proving my point. You're a toddler.
Not in the slightest but your childish reaction is proof of my point. No matter what issue I give you you'll just whine and say something partisan and stupid.
Like I said you keep proving you're a toddler. What "issue" did you give me? You called us reactionaries. We don't bed over far enough for you? 1892? Was that your "issue".

Your issue is that you are a toddler with soiled diapers not getting your way. Tough shit.
I'm all for talking with one another but I disagree that we shouldn't blame the politicians.

Our representatives took an oath to defend and protect the constitution of the united states. Despite that representatives of both parties are trying to interfere with our health care despite the constitution giving them no authority to do so.

They have a responsibility to keep their oaths. They assume the responsibility to remind the people of their rights and the limits the constitution places on our government. They have neglected both of these responsibilities.

Let us return to the constitutional standard and raise it so that the honest and wise will gather to it

The only real answer is a return to federalism. Most people on the right are OK with that to a degree, but the left is currently founded on the idea of as much power as possible as far removed from the people as possible. They need federal control of as many things as possible to get their agenda implemented.

Problem is so many people have no clue what federalism is

It's also kind of funny that the definition has changed since the founding of the Country. The original federalists were those who supported a stronger federal government. today it means you want a stronger level of State control over things not mandated to the feds via the constitution.

Perhaps we should start a new federalist party

I remember there was an attempt to start up the Whigs again. Not sure how that is going.

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