The Politics of Liberal Perversion of Language


Gold Member
Jun 22, 2019
"Politics and the English Language" (1946) is an essay by George Orwell that criticized the "ugly and inaccurate" written English of his time and examines the connection between political orthodoxies and the debasement of language. The essay focuses on political language, which, according to Orwell, "is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind". Orwell believed that the language used was necessarily vague or meaningless because it was intended to hide the truth rather than express it (source).

Recently I was called a homophobe. I responded with this: "Apparently you are too stupid to know what a "phobia" is. A "phobia" is a fear, like fear of heights, fear of closed spaces, etc. I have no fear of homosexuals. I call them out for the sick perverts they are. It is cowards like YOU who have the fear, fear of the TRUTH. "

A phobia is a mental condition. As I said, Orwell's essay focuses on political language which is "designed to make lies sound truthful", and of course the opposite too, to make the truth sound like a lie.

In this case, the normal person, me has the mental problem - the "phobia" - and the person with the mental disorder, the homosexual, is the normal person. (NOTE: Do not derail this thread onto the topic of homosexuality. The topic is "The Politics of Liberal Perversion of Language.")

Other examples of this perversion of language? Calling things racist that are not racist. Other sorts of phobias, like Islamophobia. Generally describing things in a manner that are absolutely false, such as the famous Democrat line, "Tax Cuts for the Rich", used to describe tax cuts for businesses as incentives for growth.
Of course, there is this perversion, the phrase "Undocumented Immigrants", used to describe Illegal Aliens. "Alien" is a legal term to describe a non-citizen. But by calling Illegal Aliens "Immigrants", the Left lumps them in with legal immigrants for the purpose of saying the Republicans are anti-Immigrant. That, of course, is a lie. Remember: Orwell's essay focuses on political language which is "designed to make lies sound truthful", and make the truth sound like a lie. In this case, the lie is that Illegal Aliens are the same as Legal Immigrants, and the lie is also that Republicans are anti-Immigrant.


Trump, as usual, is totally correct. This sort of Orwellian perversion of language which Fake News outlets like CNN and MSNBC use on a daily basis really is the enemy of the people. It makes the people believe propaganda & lies, and then they vote based on those lies.

I will always call out the liars in this forum who engage in this debasement of language, and I will start linking back to this OP as a reminder.

Author: Me
Sounds like alternative facts
Ladies and Gentlemen, I have quoted a great example of what my OP is all about. See a man who epitomizes Orwell's focus on political language which is "designed to make lies sound truthful", and of course the opposite too, to make the truth sound like a lie.

Abolish our warfare-State economy and bear true witness to our welfare-State economy.
Please clarify.
Sounds like alternative facts
Ladies and Gentlemen, I have quoted a great example of what my OP is all about. See a man who epitomizes Orwell's focus on political language which is "designed to make lies sound truthful", and of course the opposite too, to make the truth sound like a lie.

Abolish our warfare-State economy and bear true witness to our welfare-State economy.
Please clarify.
Orwell would have loved alternative facts
"Politics and the English Language" (1946) is an essay by George Orwell that criticized the "ugly and inaccurate" written English of his time and examines the connection between political orthodoxies and the debasement of language. The essay focuses on political language, which, according to Orwell, "is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind". Orwell believed that the language used was necessarily vague or meaningless because it was intended to hide the truth rather than express it (source).

Recently I was called a homophobe. I responded with this: "Apparently you are too stupid to know what a "phobia" is. A "phobia" is a fear, like fear of heights, fear of closed spaces, etc. I have no fear of homosexuals. I call them out for the sick perverts they are. It is cowards like YOU who have the fear, fear of the TRUTH. "

A phobia is a mental condition. As I said, Orwell's essay focuses on political language which is "designed to make lies sound truthful", and of course the opposite too, to make the truth sound like a lie.

In this case, the normal person, me has the mental problem - the "phobia" - and the person with the mental disorder, the homosexual, is the normal person. (NOTE: Do not derail this thread onto the topic of homosexuality. The topic is "The Politics of Liberal Perversion of Language.")

Other examples of this perversion of language? Calling things racist that are not racist. Other sorts of phobias, like Islamophobia. Generally describing things in a manner that are absolutely false, such as the famous Democrat line, "Tax Cuts for the Rich", used to describe tax cuts for businesses as incentives for growth.
Of course, there is this perversion, the phrase "Undocumented Immigrants", used to describe Illegal Aliens. "Alien" is a legal term to describe a non-citizen. But by calling Illegal Aliens "Immigrants", the Left lumps them in with legal immigrants for the purpose of saying the Republicans are anti-Immigrant. That, of course, is a lie. Remember: Orwell's essay focuses on political language which is "designed to make lies sound truthful", and make the truth sound like a lie. In this case, the lie is that Illegal Aliens are the same as Legal Immigrants, and the lie is also that Republicans are anti-Immigrant.


Trump, as usual, is totally correct. This sort of Orwellian perversion of language which Fake News outlets like CNN and MSNBC use on a daily basis really is the enemy of the people. It makes the people believe propaganda & lies, and then they vote based on those lies.

I will always call out the liars in this forum who engage in this debasement of language, and I will start linking back to this OP as a reminder.

Author: Me

I'm more of a fan of one of Orwell's other works; 1984.

The book is a dark & depressing blue print for modern day GOP.
"Politics and the English Language" (1946) is an essay by George Orwell that criticized the "ugly and inaccurate" written English of his time and examines the connection between political orthodoxies and the debasement of language. The essay focuses on political language, which, according to Orwell, "is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind". Orwell believed that the language used was necessarily vague or meaningless because it was intended to hide the truth rather than express it (source).

Recently I was called a homophobe. I responded with this: "Apparently you are too stupid to know what a "phobia" is. A "phobia" is a fear, like fear of heights, fear of closed spaces, etc. I have no fear of homosexuals. I call them out for the sick perverts they are. It is cowards like YOU who have the fear, fear of the TRUTH. "

A phobia is a mental condition. As I said, Orwell's essay focuses on political language which is "designed to make lies sound truthful", and of course the opposite too, to make the truth sound like a lie.

In this case, the normal person, me has the mental problem - the "phobia" - and the person with the mental disorder, the homosexual, is the normal person. (NOTE: Do not derail this thread onto the topic of homosexuality. The topic is "The Politics of Liberal Perversion of Language.")

Other examples of this perversion of language? Calling things racist that are not racist. Other sorts of phobias, like Islamophobia. Generally describing things in a manner that are absolutely false, such as the famous Democrat line, "Tax Cuts for the Rich", used to describe tax cuts for businesses as incentives for growth.
Of course, there is this perversion, the phrase "Undocumented Immigrants", used to describe Illegal Aliens. "Alien" is a legal term to describe a non-citizen. But by calling Illegal Aliens "Immigrants", the Left lumps them in with legal immigrants for the purpose of saying the Republicans are anti-Immigrant. That, of course, is a lie. Remember: Orwell's essay focuses on political language which is "designed to make lies sound truthful", and make the truth sound like a lie. In this case, the lie is that Illegal Aliens are the same as Legal Immigrants, and the lie is also that Republicans are anti-Immigrant.


Trump, as usual, is totally correct. This sort of Orwellian perversion of language which Fake News outlets like CNN and MSNBC use on a daily basis really is the enemy of the people. It makes the people believe propaganda & lies, and then they vote based on those lies.

I will always call out the liars in this forum who engage in this debasement of language, and I will start linking back to this OP as a reminder.

Author: Me

I got a Winner medal from the professor. I am honored. Thank you.
"Politics and the English Language" (1946) is an essay by George Orwell that criticized the "ugly and inaccurate" written English of his time and examines the connection between political orthodoxies and the debasement of language. The essay focuses on political language, which, according to Orwell, "is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind". Orwell believed that the language used was necessarily vague or meaningless because it was intended to hide the truth rather than express it (source).

Recently I was called a homophobe. I responded with this: "Apparently you are too stupid to know what a "phobia" is. A "phobia" is a fear, like fear of heights, fear of closed spaces, etc. I have no fear of homosexuals. I call them out for the sick perverts they are. It is cowards like YOU who have the fear, fear of the TRUTH. "

A phobia is a mental condition. As I said, Orwell's essay focuses on political language which is "designed to make lies sound truthful", and of course the opposite too, to make the truth sound like a lie.

In this case, the normal person, me has the mental problem - the "phobia" - and the person with the mental disorder, the homosexual, is the normal person. (NOTE: Do not derail this thread onto the topic of homosexuality. The topic is "The Politics of Liberal Perversion of Language.")

Other examples of this perversion of language? Calling things racist that are not racist. Other sorts of phobias, like Islamophobia. Generally describing things in a manner that are absolutely false, such as the famous Democrat line, "Tax Cuts for the Rich", used to describe tax cuts for businesses as incentives for growth.
Of course, there is this perversion, the phrase "Undocumented Immigrants", used to describe Illegal Aliens. "Alien" is a legal term to describe a non-citizen. But by calling Illegal Aliens "Immigrants", the Left lumps them in with legal immigrants for the purpose of saying the Republicans are anti-Immigrant. That, of course, is a lie. Remember: Orwell's essay focuses on political language which is "designed to make lies sound truthful", and make the truth sound like a lie. In this case, the lie is that Illegal Aliens are the same as Legal Immigrants, and the lie is also that Republicans are anti-Immigrant.


Trump, as usual, is totally correct. This sort of Orwellian perversion of language which Fake News outlets like CNN and MSNBC use on a daily basis really is the enemy of the people. It makes the people believe propaganda & lies, and then they vote based on those lies.

I will always call out the liars in this forum who engage in this debasement of language, and I will start linking back to this OP as a reminder.

Author: Me

Orwell's Doublespeak: The Language of the Left
Orwell’s Doublespeak:  The Language of the Left

George Orwell introduced the language of doublespeak in his dystopian novel “1984” published in 1949. Doublespeak is the language of opposites. Up is down and down is up.

The word doublespeak derives from two Orwellian words “doublethink” and “newspeak.” Doublethink is when a person accepts two mutually contradictory thoughts as correct without being aware or troubled by the glaring contradiction between them. Doublethink statements like “war is peace” “freedom is slavery” “ignorance is strength” are made without discomfort. Newspeak is a method of controlling thought through language - it is the language of fake news. Doublespeak combines doublethink and newspeak in language that deliberately obscures, distorts, disguises, or reverses the meaning of words to manipulate public opinion in a mass social engineering effort.

Orwellian doublespeak is the language of the hard Left leading a coup against Western democracies and their national sovereignty. Barack Obama spoke doublespeak when he promised hope and change. Obama deliberately obscured and disguised his hope for changing American democracy into socialism. Most Americans understood hope and change to mean a better life and the realization of the American dream - a hope to improve our democracy not to destroy it.

The left-wing liberal agenda seeks to destroy the socio-political infrastructure of American democracy and transform it into a dependent socialist state with cradle to grave control by the government. Their strategy of destruction is to target the traditional American institutions of family, religion, and education that promote independence, adulthood, individualism, and ego strength - the qualities that made America great and support American democracy and sovereignty.

The 21st century Leftist progressives speak doublespeak - their “progressive” narrative is entirely regressive.

The regressive infantile impulses and temper tantrums exhibited by left-wing liberals today cannot seriously be called “progressive” except by double-speaking Leftists who believe that going backwards is going forward. REGRESSIVE is the accurate word for the infantile behavior and impulses that inform the “progressive” Left. Safe spaces, Play-Doh and counseling for disappointment, segregated black-only lounges are all regressive demands of an increasingly regressed population.

To understand why the progressives speak doublespeak, their goals, who benefits, and the purpose of relabeling up as down and down as up it is necessary to translate doublespeak into colloquial English
I'm more of a fan of one of Orwell's other works; 1984.
The book is a dark & depressing blue print for modern day GOP.
With that one remark. You have proven yourself to be the stupidest poster on on this forum.
He is quite the dope.

Read our Constitution and supreme law of the land. Then we can discuss it.

If you don't want to make your point clearly then I'll just ignore you. But don't give me snotty punk responses like that.
"Politics and the English Language" (1946) is an essay by George Orwell that criticized the "ugly and inaccurate" written English of his time and examines the connection between political orthodoxies and the debasement of language. The essay focuses on political language, which, according to Orwell, "is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind". Orwell believed that the language used was necessarily vague or meaningless because it was intended to hide the truth rather than express it (source).

Recently I was called a homophobe. I responded with this: "Apparently you are too stupid to know what a "phobia" is. A "phobia" is a fear, like fear of heights, fear of closed spaces, etc. I have no fear of homosexuals. I call them out for the sick perverts they are. It is cowards like YOU who have the fear, fear of the TRUTH. "

A phobia is a mental condition. As I said, Orwell's essay focuses on political language which is "designed to make lies sound truthful", and of course the opposite too, to make the truth sound like a lie.

In this case, the normal person, me has the mental problem - the "phobia" - and the person with the mental disorder, the homosexual, is the normal person. (NOTE: Do not derail this thread onto the topic of homosexuality. The topic is "The Politics of Liberal Perversion of Language.")

Other examples of this perversion of language? Calling things racist that are not racist. Other sorts of phobias, like Islamophobia. Generally describing things in a manner that are absolutely false, such as the famous Democrat line, "Tax Cuts for the Rich", used to describe tax cuts for businesses as incentives for growth.
Of course, there is this perversion, the phrase "Undocumented Immigrants", used to describe Illegal Aliens. "Alien" is a legal term to describe a non-citizen. But by calling Illegal Aliens "Immigrants", the Left lumps them in with legal immigrants for the purpose of saying the Republicans are anti-Immigrant. That, of course, is a lie. Remember: Orwell's essay focuses on political language which is "designed to make lies sound truthful", and make the truth sound like a lie. In this case, the lie is that Illegal Aliens are the same as Legal Immigrants, and the lie is also that Republicans are anti-Immigrant.


Trump, as usual, is totally correct. This sort of Orwellian perversion of language which Fake News outlets like CNN and MSNBC use on a daily basis really is the enemy of the people. It makes the people believe propaganda & lies, and then they vote based on those lies.

I will always call out the liars in this forum who engage in this debasement of language, and I will start linking back to this OP as a reminder.

Author: Me
What if we said gayphobia instead of homophobia? Would thet be more like fearing the condition and not the person? Or loving the person but hating the sin? What say you?
Excellent Original Post. Thank you. I see you are new. Welcome and please have at it. Need more Patriots.

You will find an amazingly poorly educated adversary on this board. Expect nothing but elementary school responses. The best you will get is a clean dodge.
"Politics and the English Language" (1946) is an essay by George Orwell that criticized the "ugly and inaccurate" written English of his time and examines the connection between political orthodoxies and the debasement of language. The essay focuses on political language, which, according to Orwell, "is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind". Orwell believed that the language used was necessarily vague or meaningless because it was intended to hide the truth rather than express it (source).

Recently I was called a homophobe. I responded with this: "Apparently you are too stupid to know what a "phobia" is. A "phobia" is a fear, like fear of heights, fear of closed spaces, etc. I have no fear of homosexuals. I call them out for the sick perverts they are. It is cowards like YOU who have the fear, fear of the TRUTH. "

A phobia is a mental condition. As I said, Orwell's essay focuses on political language which is "designed to make lies sound truthful", and of course the opposite too, to make the truth sound like a lie.

In this case, the normal person, me has the mental problem - the "phobia" - and the person with the mental disorder, the homosexual, is the normal person. (NOTE: Do not derail this thread onto the topic of homosexuality. The topic is "The Politics of Liberal Perversion of Language.")

Other examples of this perversion of language? Calling things racist that are not racist. Other sorts of phobias, like Islamophobia. Generally describing things in a manner that are absolutely false, such as the famous Democrat line, "Tax Cuts for the Rich", used to describe tax cuts for businesses as incentives for growth.
Of course, there is this perversion, the phrase "Undocumented Immigrants", used to describe Illegal Aliens. "Alien" is a legal term to describe a non-citizen. But by calling Illegal Aliens "Immigrants", the Left lumps them in with legal immigrants for the purpose of saying the Republicans are anti-Immigrant. That, of course, is a lie. Remember: Orwell's essay focuses on political language which is "designed to make lies sound truthful", and make the truth sound like a lie. In this case, the lie is that Illegal Aliens are the same as Legal Immigrants, and the lie is also that Republicans are anti-Immigrant.


Trump, as usual, is totally correct. This sort of Orwellian perversion of language which Fake News outlets like CNN and MSNBC use on a daily basis really is the enemy of the people. It makes the people believe propaganda & lies, and then they vote based on those lies.

I will always call out the liars in this forum who engage in this debasement of language, and I will start linking back to this OP as a reminder.

Author: Me

Let's add another perverted term to the OP: White Nationalism, is another fake phony term.

Nationalism is a GOOD thing, the opposite of globalism. I am a Nationalist, I put my nation first above others. Globalists create chaos like we see at the border - the no borders gang.

White Supremacy is a thing, but there are o few of them that they are essentially 0% of the population, and the fake News' media obsession with them is nonsensical.There are not enough of them to fill up my bathroom.

But White Nationalism? This is an Orwellian perversion of language. White Nationalism is the Left's attempt to make Nationalism a racial thing. It is not. By using this term, if you put America First like Trump does then you get branded a racist. Such is the evil of the Left.
"Politics and the English Language" (1946) is an essay by George Orwell that criticized the "ugly and inaccurate" written English of his time and examines the connection between political orthodoxies and the debasement of language. The essay focuses on political language, which, according to Orwell, "is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind". Orwell believed that the language used was necessarily vague or meaningless because it was intended to hide the truth rather than express it (source).

Recently I was called a homophobe. I responded with this: "Apparently you are too stupid to know what a "phobia" is. A "phobia" is a fear, like fear of heights, fear of closed spaces, etc. I have no fear of homosexuals. I call them out for the sick perverts they are. It is cowards like YOU who have the fear, fear of the TRUTH. "

A phobia is a mental condition. As I said, Orwell's essay focuses on political language which is "designed to make lies sound truthful", and of course the opposite too, to make the truth sound like a lie.

In this case, the normal person, me has the mental problem - the "phobia" - and the person with the mental disorder, the homosexual, is the normal person. (NOTE: Do not derail this thread onto the topic of homosexuality. The topic is "The Politics of Liberal Perversion of Language.")

Other examples of this perversion of language? Calling things racist that are not racist. Other sorts of phobias, like Islamophobia. Generally describing things in a manner that are absolutely false, such as the famous Democrat line, "Tax Cuts for the Rich", used to describe tax cuts for businesses as incentives for growth.
Of course, there is this perversion, the phrase "Undocumented Immigrants", used to describe Illegal Aliens. "Alien" is a legal term to describe a non-citizen. But by calling Illegal Aliens "Immigrants", the Left lumps them in with legal immigrants for the purpose of saying the Republicans are anti-Immigrant. That, of course, is a lie. Remember: Orwell's essay focuses on political language which is "designed to make lies sound truthful", and make the truth sound like a lie. In this case, the lie is that Illegal Aliens are the same as Legal Immigrants, and the lie is also that Republicans are anti-Immigrant.


Trump, as usual, is totally correct. This sort of Orwellian perversion of language which Fake News outlets like CNN and MSNBC use on a daily basis really is the enemy of the people. It makes the people believe propaganda & lies, and then they vote based on those lies.

I will always call out the liars in this forum who engage in this debasement of language, and I will start linking back to this OP as a reminder.

Author: Me

Let's add another perverted term to the OP: White Nationalism, is another fake phony term.

Nationalism is a GOOD thing, the opposite of globalism. I am a Nationalist, I put my nation first above others. Globalists create chaos like we see at the border - the no borders gang.

White Supremacy is a thing, but there are o few of them that they are essentially 0% of the population, and the fake News' media obsession with them is nonsensical.There are not enough of them to fill up my bathroom.

But White Nationalism? This is an Orwellian perversion of language. White Nationalism is the Left's attempt to make Nationalism a racial thing. It is not. By using this term, if you put America First like Trump does then you get branded a racist. Such is the evil of the Left.

Agree again. I am a white nationalist are were---Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Madison, Hamilton, Hancock, Henry, Revere, et al.....and possibly the greatest most ardent American white nationalist ever....Abraham Lincoln.

You are right on point with the perversion of the language.
"Politics and the English Language" (1946) is an essay by George Orwell that criticized the "ugly and inaccurate" written English of his time and examines the connection between political orthodoxies and the debasement of language. The essay focuses on political language, which, according to Orwell, "is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind". Orwell believed that the language used was necessarily vague or meaningless because it was intended to hide the truth rather than express it (source).

Recently I was called a homophobe. I responded with this: "Apparently you are too stupid to know what a "phobia" is. A "phobia" is a fear, like fear of heights, fear of closed spaces, etc. I have no fear of homosexuals. I call them out for the sick perverts they are. It is cowards like YOU who have the fear, fear of the TRUTH. "

A phobia is a mental condition. As I said, Orwell's essay focuses on political language which is "designed to make lies sound truthful", and of course the opposite too, to make the truth sound like a lie.

In this case, the normal person, me has the mental problem - the "phobia" - and the person with the mental disorder, the homosexual, is the normal person. (NOTE: Do not derail this thread onto the topic of homosexuality. The topic is "The Politics of Liberal Perversion of Language.")

Other examples of this perversion of language? Calling things racist that are not racist. Other sorts of phobias, like Islamophobia. Generally describing things in a manner that are absolutely false, such as the famous Democrat line, "Tax Cuts for the Rich", used to describe tax cuts for businesses as incentives for growth.
Of course, there is this perversion, the phrase "Undocumented Immigrants", used to describe Illegal Aliens. "Alien" is a legal term to describe a non-citizen. But by calling Illegal Aliens "Immigrants", the Left lumps them in with legal immigrants for the purpose of saying the Republicans are anti-Immigrant. That, of course, is a lie. Remember: Orwell's essay focuses on political language which is "designed to make lies sound truthful", and make the truth sound like a lie. In this case, the lie is that Illegal Aliens are the same as Legal Immigrants, and the lie is also that Republicans are anti-Immigrant.


Trump, as usual, is totally correct. This sort of Orwellian perversion of language which Fake News outlets like CNN and MSNBC use on a daily basis really is the enemy of the people. It makes the people believe propaganda & lies, and then they vote based on those lies.

I will always call out the liars in this forum who engage in this debasement of language, and I will start linking back to this OP as a reminder.

Author: Me

Let's add another perverted term to the OP: White Nationalism, is another fake phony term.

Nationalism is a GOOD thing, the opposite of globalism. I am a Nationalist, I put my nation first above others. Globalists create chaos like we see at the border - the no borders gang.

White Supremacy is a thing, but there are o few of them that they are essentially 0% of the population, and the fake News' media obsession with them is nonsensical.There are not enough of them to fill up my bathroom.

But White Nationalism? This is an Orwellian perversion of language. White Nationalism is the Left's attempt to make Nationalism a racial thing. It is not. By using this term, if you put America First like Trump does then you get branded a racist. Such is the evil of the Left.

Let us add yet another perversion: Choice.

Choice and Healthcare and Rights have been used to describe what is actually the murder of an innocent human being. Abortion is the fundamental denial of rights to the human being that is being killed, namely his or her Right to Life.

And healthcare? Healthcare is meant to save life not take it. Calling Abortion "Healthcare"is the ultimate language perversion.

Let us remember this from the OP:

"Politics and the English Language" (1946) is an essay by George Orwell that criticized the "ugly and inaccurate" written English of his time and examines the connection between political orthodoxies and the debasement of language. The essay focuses on political language, which, according to Orwell, "is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind". Orwell believed that the language used was necessarily vague or meaningless because it was intended to hide the truth rather than express it (source).

Oh, yes indeed. The Left wants to hide what is actually a holocaust beyond the wildest dreams of Hitler or Stalin. They weep for a few kids in detention, and celebrate the slaughter of millions.
We would all be better off if we plugged our ears closed our mouths and really started looking at what was going on in the state we live in, and how much say we really have in what is being done in our name.
We would all be better off if we plugged our ears closed our mouths and really started looking at what was going on in the state we live in, and how much say we really have in what is being done in our name.

You are actually on to something there. I stopped listening to a lot of stuff and rely on my own observations and common sense.
Next: Rights.

Our rights are laid out in the Bill of Rights. There are no LGBTQ rights or Womens' Rights or Minority Rights. We all have the same rights.

And when that idiot Bernie Sanders says Healthcare is a Right he is totally destroying that word. What he really means is that he thinks government should PAY for healthcare. For him its about money, not rights.
Sounds like alternative facts
let me try to expain alternative facts to tyou

you have two coins on both coins one side is blue the other side is red you lay both coins down on a table one with blue side up the other with red side up you tell someone to pickup the blue coin he will pick up the coin with the blue side up
was he wrong? because the fact is the coin isnt just blue but also red but he didn't know that because he couldn't see the other side
lets say you tell him to pick up the blue and red coin what coin would he pick? maybe neither because all he sees is one blue one red

many times facts are based on perception what some one knows to be true

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