The Politics of Liberal Perversion of Language

Here's another one:

"Undocumented Immigrant" Is a Made-Up Term That Ignores the Law
"Undocumented Immigrant" Is a Made-Up Term That Ignores the Law

The news media is reporting that an internal email at the Justice Department has reminded its lawyers that the legally correct term they should be using in their briefs is “illegal alien,” not the euphemism “undocumented immigrant.”

The Justice Department leadership is correct. Illegal alien is the correct legal term that should be used.

“Undocumented immigrant” is a politically correct, made-up term adopted by pro-illegal alien advocacy groups and liberal media outlets to obscure the fact that such aliens have violated U.S. immigration law and are in the country illegally.

Precision in the law is a vital principle, since the exact words used in statutes, regulations, contracts, guidance documents, and policy statements can significantly affect how they are applied and interpreted.

If we are going to discuss and debate the issue of immigration and what our public policy should be, we should at least use accurate, precise terms, and talk about, for example, legal aliens vs. illegal aliens.

Government lawyers in particular have an obligation to use the correct language of the federal statutes they are sworn to uphold and enforce.

Federal immigration law uses the term “illegal alien.” For example, 8 U.S.C. §1365 is a provision that deals with a reimbursement program the federal government has for states that are incarcerating illegal aliens. Its very title refers to “illegal aliens,” and that term is used in the statute itself, which defines an illegal alien as anyone “who is in the United States unlawfully.”

“Alien”—rather than “immigrant”—is the correct legal term, since “alien” is defined in 8 U.S.C. §1101 (a)(3) as “any person not a citizen or national of the United States.”

The Supreme Court, which has decided numerous cases involving federal immigration law, also uses the correct, precise legal term of “illegal alien.”
Next: Rights.

Our rights are laid out in the Bill of Rights. There are no LGBTQ rights or Womens' Rights or Minority Rights. We all have the same rights.

And when that idiot Bernie Sanders says Healthcare is a Right he is totally destroying that word. What he really means is that he thinks government should PAY for healthcare. For him its about money, not rights.
even if health care is a right were does it say the cost of those rights have to be paid for by government
because if thats the case government would be required to purchase a gun for me
Next: Rights.

Our rights are laid out in the Bill of Rights. There are no LGBTQ rights or Womens' Rights or Minority Rights. We all have the same rights.

And when that idiot Bernie Sanders says Healthcare is a Right he is totally destroying that word. What he really means is that he thinks government should PAY for healthcare. For him its about money, not rights.
even if health care is a right were does it say the cost of those rights have to be paid for by government
because if thats the case government would be required to purchase a gun for me

Excellent point, and food too.

Liberals want to claim anything they want as a right. By doing so, they can try to justify having taxpayers fund those things for people that don't have them but think it's owed to them.
Let us add yet another perversion: Choice.

Choice and Healthcare and Rights have been used to describe what is actually the murder of an innocent human being. Abortion is the fundamental denial of rights to the human being that is being killed, namely his or her Right to Life.

And healthcare? Healthcare is meant to save life not take it. Calling Abortion "Healthcare"is the ultimate language perversion.

Let us remember this from the OP:

"Politics and the English Language" (1946) is an essay by George Orwell that criticized the "ugly and inaccurate" written English of his time and examines the connection between political orthodoxies and the debasement of language. The essay focuses on political language, which, according to Orwell, "is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind". Orwell believed that the language used was necessarily vague or meaningless because it was intended to hide the truth rather than express it (source).

Oh, yes indeed. The Left wants to hide what is actually a holocaust beyond the wildest dreams of Hitler or Stalin. They weep for a few kids in detention, and celebrate the slaughter of millions.

Addendum: "My Body My Choice." Scientifically, DNA proved that the baby is NOT part of the woman's body, so that slogan is yet another liberal lie.
Racism: Does that word even mean anything specific anymore, now that the Left calls everything and anything they don't like racist?
And when that idiot Bernie Sanders says Healthcare is a Right he is totally destroying that word. What he really means is that he thinks government should PAY for healthcare. For him its about money, not rights.

And don't forget, government doesn't pay for anything. Government creates no wealth,and has no wealth other than that which it takes from the taxpayers. When one talks of government paying for something, the truth is that it is all of us taxpayers paying for it. Government is just a forced middleman, that compels the transaction to take place, and which insulates such transactions from the free-market forces that otherwise limit transactions to what those involved would voluntarily engage in.
And when that idiot Bernie Sanders says Healthcare is a Right he is totally destroying that word. What he really means is that he thinks government should PAY for healthcare. For him its about money, not rights.
And don't forget, government doesn't pay for anything. Government creates no wealth,and has no wealth other than that which it takes from the taxpayers. When one talks of government paying for something, the truth is that it is all of us taxpayers paying for it. Government is just a forced middleman, that compels the transaction to take place, and which insulates such transactions from the free-market forces that otherwise limit transactions to what those involved would voluntarily engage in.

Oh, I have not forgotten that. Thank you. The Lefties here are too stupid to get that but I am fully aware.
Very well written, and very accurate.

I have said things similar but certainly not with the eloquence you have.

The bed wetters have manipulated many words, and symbols in order to confuse and undermine the ability of others to communicate effectively. It is also a tactic Mao used when "simplifying" the chinese language. It went from 40K + Characters to something significantly less, although I forget all of the details.

Essentially it dumbed down the language so that certain nuances would be forgotten by the mindless drones who preached collectivism and dragged their own people to violent deaths for offenses against "the people" however it was perceived.

Very well written, and very accurate.

I have said things similar but certainly not with the eloquence you have.

The bed wetters have manipulated many words, and symbols in order to confuse and undermine the ability of others to communicate effectively. It is also a tactic Mao used when "simplifying" the chinese language. It went from 40K + Characters to something significantly less, although I forget all of the details.

Essentially it dumbed down the language so that certain nuances would be forgotten by the mindless drones who preached collectivism and dragged their own people to violent deaths for offenses against "the people" however it was perceived.

Thank you. I appreciate that.
Next: Immigrant vs. Illegal Alien. Who wants to chime in before I do

Illegal Alien or "Undocumented Immigrant?" | Federation for American Immigration Reform

".....America uses the term “illegal alien” to describe someone in our country in violation of our immigration laws not to demean someone, but rather because it is the correct, and legally recognized, term.
The enablers of illegal aliens have engaged in a “political correctness” campaign in an attempt to suppress use of the legally recognized term “illegal alien” often asserting that “a person cannot be illegal.” Their alternative term is “undocumented immigrant.” This term blurs the distinction between legally admitted immigrants and those who have sneaked into the country or chosen to violate the terms of a legal entry. They have even gone so far as to advance their “political correctness” efforts in legal journals and in the courts......."
Democratic lawmaker: Hearsay evidence 'can be much better' than direct in some cases
Democratic lawmaker: Hearsay evidence 'can be much better' than direct in some cases

"Hearsay can be much better evidence than direct, as we have learned in painful instances and it's certainly valid in this instance."
An immediate challenge came from a GOP member saying that hearsay evidence would not be admissible into a court case such as the case for impeaching Trump

"Politics and the English Language" (1946) is an essay by George Orwell that criticized the "ugly and inaccurate" written English of his time and examines the connection between political orthodoxies and the debasement of language. The essay focuses on political language, which, according to Orwell, "is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind". Orwell believed that the language used was necessarily vague or meaningless because it was intended to hide the truth rather than express it (source).

Recently I was called a homophobe. I responded with this: "Apparently you are too stupid to know what a "phobia" is. A "phobia" is a fear, like fear of heights, fear of closed spaces, etc. I have no fear of homosexuals. I call them out for the sick perverts they are. It is cowards like YOU who have the fear, fear of the TRUTH. "

A phobia is a mental condition. As I said, Orwell's essay focuses on political language which is "designed to make lies sound truthful", and of course the opposite too, to make the truth sound like a lie.

In this case, the normal person, me has the mental problem - the "phobia" - and the person with the mental disorder, the homosexual, is the normal person. (NOTE: Do not derail this thread onto the topic of homosexuality. The topic is "The Politics of Liberal Perversion of Language.")

Other examples of this perversion of language? Calling things racist that are not racist. Other sorts of phobias, like Islamophobia. Generally describing things in a manner that are absolutely false, such as the famous Democrat line, "Tax Cuts for the Rich", used to describe tax cuts for businesses as incentives for growth.
Of course, there is this perversion, the phrase "Undocumented Immigrants", used to describe Illegal Aliens. "Alien" is a legal term to describe a non-citizen. But by calling Illegal Aliens "Immigrants", the Left lumps them in with legal immigrants for the purpose of saying the Republicans are anti-Immigrant. That, of course, is a lie. Remember: Orwell's essay focuses on political language which is "designed to make lies sound truthful", and make the truth sound like a lie. In this case, the lie is that Illegal Aliens are the same as Legal Immigrants, and the lie is also that Republicans are anti-Immigrant.


Trump, as usual, is totally correct. This sort of Orwellian perversion of language which Fake News outlets like CNN and MSNBC use on a daily basis really is the enemy of the people. It makes the people believe propaganda & lies, and then they vote based on those lies.

I will always call out the liars in this forum who engage in this debasement of language, and I will start linking back to this OP as a reminder.

Author: Me

Fair Trial
From another thread: Fair Trial? .....or Fascist Trial?

It just struck me a little while ago. I guess I was a little slow before reading the stories in the news before the truth of it sunk in.

As you know there are a lot of stories and links in this forum about Pelosi wanting "a fair trial."

What do we think of when we normally think of a fair trial? What is it that normally comes to mind when we say someone deserves a fair trial? Well, you think about the defendant getting a fair trial, correct? We know that in the Old South black people did not get a fair trial, and in the old west sometimes people would get hung and not get a fair trial, so whenever we talk about a fair trial we are always talking about the defendant getting a fair trial.

But that is not the case with Pelosi. In fact she wants the exact opposite. She does not want a fair trial for the defendant Donald Trump. She wants a guilty verdict in advance. Anything other than a guilty verdict for her will mean the trial was not fair. Can there any thing more fascist than that? Can there be anything more Nazi than that?

I often speak about Democrats be Nazis and fascists because they murder people by the billions (abortion), they stifle free speech, and they practice all manner of fascist behaviors. But here we have the cherry on the cake; Pelosi wants a fascist, Nazi guaranteed "guilty" verdict to follow on the heels of her fascist show trial hearings in the House.

If anybody reading this has any sense of decency or morality you will reject the Democrat Party like some Democrats recently have, and if you don't want to became a Republican then at the very least vote Independent. It is impossible for any halfway decent human being to continue being a Democrat. Fascists in every single way, Democrats have corrupted the rule of law and corrupted the constitution in every possible way. These criminals cannot be allowed to continue in power .
Unfortunately, the "liberal" perversion of language has been embraced by conservatives as well. It's a game the whole family can play!
"Politics and the English Language" (1946) is an essay by George Orwell that criticized the "ugly and inaccurate" written English of his time and examines the connection between political orthodoxies and the debasement of language. The essay focuses on political language, which, according to Orwell, "is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind". Orwell believed that the language used was necessarily vague or meaningless because it was intended to hide the truth rather than express it (source).

Recently I was called a homophobe. I responded with this: "Apparently you are too stupid to know what a "phobia" is. A "phobia" is a fear, like fear of heights, fear of closed spaces, etc. I have no fear of homosexuals. I call them out for the sick perverts they are. It is cowards like YOU who have the fear, fear of the TRUTH. "

A phobia is a mental condition. As I said, Orwell's essay focuses on political language which is "designed to make lies sound truthful", and of course the opposite too, to make the truth sound like a lie.

In this case, the normal person, me has the mental problem - the "phobia" - and the person with the mental disorder, the homosexual, is the normal person. (NOTE: Do not derail this thread onto the topic of homosexuality. The topic is "The Politics of Liberal Perversion of Language.")

Other examples of this perversion of language? Calling things racist that are not racist. Other sorts of phobias, like Islamophobia. Generally describing things in a manner that are absolutely false, such as the famous Democrat line, "Tax Cuts for the Rich", used to describe tax cuts for businesses as incentives for growth.
Of course, there is this perversion, the phrase "Undocumented Immigrants", used to describe Illegal Aliens. "Alien" is a legal term to describe a non-citizen. But by calling Illegal Aliens "Immigrants", the Left lumps them in with legal immigrants for the purpose of saying the Republicans are anti-Immigrant. That, of course, is a lie. Remember: Orwell's essay focuses on political language which is "designed to make lies sound truthful", and make the truth sound like a lie. In this case, the lie is that Illegal Aliens are the same as Legal Immigrants, and the lie is also that Republicans are anti-Immigrant.


Trump, as usual, is totally correct. This sort of Orwellian perversion of language which Fake News outlets like CNN and MSNBC use on a daily basis really is the enemy of the people. It makes the people believe propaganda & lies, and then they vote based on those lies.

I will always call out the liars in this forum who engage in this debasement of language, and I will start linking back to this OP as a reminder.

Author: Me
Most of the posts here are a perversion of language.
Sounds like alternative facts
Ladies and Gentlemen, I have quoted a great example of what my OP is all about. See a man who epitomizes Orwell's focus on political language which is "designed to make lies sound truthful", and of course the opposite too, to make the truth sound like a lie.

Abolish our warfare-State economy and bear true witness to our welfare-State economy.
Please clarify.
Orwell would have loved alternative facts
The whole childish and anti-intellectual "meme" about "alternative facts" is more or less predicated on being of sub-par intelligence and education, or even having so much as a basic or rudimentary working knowledge of what "facts" are, how they're used, or how basic institutions of our day-to-day lives, such as journalism courts of law collect, examine, and construct theories, thesis's, and so forth out of the facts at hand.

In reality, there is is no such thing as "the facts", nor "alternative facts", there are just facts, or pieces of information which are used in a virtually unlimited number of ways, varying heavily and widely by the context.

This stupidity also reminds me of people who say something is "fact", when what they mean to assert is that it is "true" or credible, again showing ignorance, dishonesty, and stupidity about or in regards to what a "fact" actually is to begin with, and the way or ways in which facts, or information are and can be used, the merits of how they are being used in such and such a theory, context, summary, or approximation of an aspect of reality being an entirely different story or case in and of itself, and not open for discussion here, particularily with those of an average IQ and EQ if they're lucky, a below average one at best, and a severely below average one at worst, generous as that assessment of their rank stupidity and childish indoctrination and regurgitation is to begin with...

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