The Politics of Terrorism 101

Islamic terrorists are freaks in their religion. Religion isn't going anywhere and neither are terrorists.
Are any of you able to clearly put forth a proposition and coherently support it?
Hold the Maxim Mustard

The Bible states that at the time of the ominous apocalypse, two armies will be arrayed against each other --- one will be called Gog and the other Magog.

Is there an easy way to coordinate sentimentalism presentations (i.e., religious imagery) with socio-politics (i.e., governance philosophy)?

Maybe Gog is the defender of consumerism-based culture totems associated with 'war games' (i.e., water-pistols). Maybe Magog is the nihilistic Devil's Advocate espousing the intellectual intrigue surrounding the scientific analysis of radical warfare (i.e., chemical weapons).

The fellow from Burger King (the modern real-world capitalism symbol of an 'economics-based' peace) asks, "Can't we all just...get along?"


Water Fight Fun

Chemical Warfare



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