The poor and meek will inherit the Earth


VIP Member
Jun 12, 2013
Most people think the "poor" that Jesus spoke about has something to do with people not having wealth in this world. They also think that the rich people of this world are controlling the poor people.

However, the "poor" means the invisible spirit of a man while the "rich" means the flesh and all the things of this world that the flesh desires. This is why Jesus said, the poor and the meek shall inherit the earth. All us saints know that the spirit of man ( the poor ) will be saved from their flesh and this world ( the rich ) as their flesh perishes during this first age.

In the next age, we won't understand what poor and rich means.
I've actually been trying to understand the word meek as used in the scriptures for a while. Im not totally satisfied that I understand it yet.

The poor and the week will inherit the earth.
and what is the meaning of "meek".......does it mean the shy or weak or does it mean the just?

In order for you to understand this post, remove the word "meek" and quite worrying about what it means.

Now read this;

The poor will inherit the earth. The "poor" means the invisible spirit of man. The "rich" means the flesh and the riches of this world that the flesh desires.
I've actually been trying to understand the word meek as used in the scriptures for a while. Im not totally satisfied that I understand it yet.

The poor and the week will inherit the earth.

You totally missed the point of this thread. Who cares what "meek" means. The poor and the meek means the invisible spirit of man but the flesh is the deceiver that makes man desire the riches of this world.

Galations 5:
19: Now the works of the flesh are plain: fornication, impurity, licentiousness,
20: idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, anger, selfishness, dissension, party spirit,
21: envy, drunkenness, carousing, and the like. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

John 6
63: It is the spirit that gives life, the flesh is of no avail; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life.

Genesis 6
12: And God saw the earth, and behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted their way upon the earth.
13: And God said to Noah, "I have determined to make an end of all flesh; for the earth is filled with violence through them; behold, I will destroy them with the earth.

The flood killed the flesh of many of God's people but His fire on the Last Day of this age will destroy the rest of the flesh.

Isaiah 66
15: "For behold, the LORD will come in fire, and his chariots like the stormwind, to render his anger in fury, and his rebuke with flames of fire.
16: For by fire will the LORD execute judgment, and by his sword, upon all flesh; and those slain by the LORD shall be many.

2 Peter 3
10: But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the heavens will pass away with a loud noise, and the elements will be dissolved with fire, and the earth and the works that are upon it will be burned up.

Zephaniah 1
18: Neither their silver nor their gold shall be able to deliver them on the day of the wrath of the LORD. In the fire of his jealous wrath, all the earth shall be consumed; for a full, yea, sudden end he will make of all the inhabitants of the earth.

The flesh perishes while the spirit of man goes on to the next age and gets new flesh in the New Heaven and Earth to experience new life for eternity.
In my opinion, in Jesus' day, the Jews believed there was one pathway to heaven and that was by perfectly keeping every point of the Law. Something that was impossible to do. So they devised various ways--Yom Kippur, Day of Atonement; the "escape goat"; etc.--to get around that impossible requirement.

The first Christians believed that of the Law as well but also knew that it was impossible for any human to keep all of the Law at all times though many strived mightily to do so. But ultimately all sinned and fell short. Jesus came with the release--he Himself fulfilled ALL the requirement of the Law and our assurance of eternal life was in Him. Those who came to him in meekness and poorness of spirit (i.e. humbleness; willingness to admit our shortcomings and wrong doings and submit to a higher power; an understanding that God could do it when we can't) would be forgiven and ushered into eternal life.

Meek = humility, choosing to submit to a higher power, ability to give up control and let go and let God.

Poor in Spirit = that state in which we know we are a sinner no better than other sinners; that we are not all powerful, all knowing, and capable of solving all things; and that no amount of our own will can heal all our feelings of guilt, inadequacy, shame, grief, regret. But God can.
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In my opinion, in Jesus' day, the Jews believed there was one pathway to heaven and that was by perfectly keeping every point of the Law. Something that was impossible to do. So they devised various ways--Yom Kippur, Day of Atonement; the "escape goat"; etc.--to get around that impossible requirement.

The first Christians believed that of the Law as well but also knew that it was impossible for any human to keep all of the Law at all times though many strived mightily to do so. But ultimately all sinned and fell short. Jesus came with the release--he Himself fulfilled ALL the requirement of the Law and our assurance of eternal life was in Him. Those who came to him in meekness and poorness of spirit (i.e. humbleness; willingness to admit our shortcomings and wrong doings and submit to a higher power; an understanding that God could do it when we can't) would be forgiven and ushered into eternal life.

Meek = humility, choosing to submit to a higher power, ability to give up control and let go and let God.

Poor in Spirit = that state in which we know we are a sinner no better than other sinners; that we are not all powerful, all knowing, and capable of solving all things; and that no amount of our own will can heal all our feelings of guilt, inadequacy, shame, grief, regret. But God can.

You're still a long way from understanding who you are in God. The flesh keeps you deceived and that's why all flesh has to perish during this age to free your spirit to experience eternal life in the New Heaven and Earth.
In my opinion, in Jesus' day, the Jews believed there was one pathway to heaven and that was by perfectly keeping every point of the Law. Something that was impossible to do. So they devised various ways--Yom Kippur, Day of Atonement; the "escape goat"; etc.--to get around that impossible requirement.

The first Christians believed that of the Law as well but also knew that it was impossible for any human to keep all of the Law at all times though many strived mightily to do so. But ultimately all sinned and fell short. Jesus came with the release--he Himself fulfilled ALL the requirement of the Law and our assurance of eternal life was in Him. Those who came to him in meekness and poorness of spirit (i.e. humbleness; willingness to admit our shortcomings and wrong doings and submit to a higher power; an understanding that God could do it when we can't) would be forgiven and ushered into eternal life.

Meek = humility, choosing to submit to a higher power, ability to give up control and let go and let God.

Poor in Spirit = that state in which we know we are a sinner no better than other sinners; that we are not all powerful, all knowing, and capable of solving all things; and that no amount of our own will can heal all our feelings of guilt, inadequacy, shame, grief, regret. But God can.

You're still a long way from understanding who you are in God. The flesh keeps you deceived and that's why all flesh has to perish during this age to free your spirit to experience eternal life in the New Heaven and Earth.

Well I'm sorry I don't measure up to your standards. But it's okay. I don't thnk any of us understand who we are the way God understands who we are. I'm in a thankful mood and won't hold your prejudices against you. :) (And I hope its okay if I don't lose any sleep over your opinion of me?)
In my opinion, in Jesus' day, the Jews believed there was one pathway to heaven and that was by perfectly keeping every point of the Law. Something that was impossible to do. So they devised various ways--Yom Kippur, Day of Atonement; the "escape goat"; etc.--to get around that impossible requirement.

The first Christians believed that of the Law as well but also knew that it was impossible for any human to keep all of the Law at all times though many strived mightily to do so. But ultimately all sinned and fell short. Jesus came with the release--he Himself fulfilled ALL the requirement of the Law and our assurance of eternal life was in Him. Those who came to him in meekness and poorness of spirit (i.e. humbleness; willingness to admit our shortcomings and wrong doings and submit to a higher power; an understanding that God could do it when we can't) would be forgiven and ushered into eternal life.

Meek = humility, choosing to submit to a higher power, ability to give up control and let go and let God.

Poor in Spirit = that state in which we know we are a sinner no better than other sinners; that we are not all powerful, all knowing, and capable of solving all things; and that no amount of our own will can heal all our feelings of guilt, inadequacy, shame, grief, regret. But God can.

You're still a long way from understanding who you are in God. The flesh keeps you deceived and that's why all flesh has to perish during this age to free your spirit to experience eternal life in the New Heaven and Earth.

Well I'm sorry I don't measure up to your standards. But it's okay. I don't thnk any of us understand who we are the way God understands who we are. I'm in a thankful mood and won't hold your prejudices against you. :) (And I hope its okay if I don't lose any sleep over your opinion of me?)

It's not about measuring up to my standards my friend. I'm only letting you know that believers are not saints who have witnessed the hidden knowledge of God ( Christ ) within our mind. Believers are chosen to listen to a saint's testimonies, whether written or spoken, and believe some of the information we testify to. it's impossible for a believer to understand everything we speak because of the cares of this world, which means all believers are still under the Old Covenant "veil" that is removed from us saints. This removal of the "veil" is called the born again experience. This is when we receive the hidden knowledge of God.

However, the hidden knowledge of God can't be understood until God puts words from our own vocabulary into our mind to write or speak with. This is how He teaches us what this hidden knowledge is about. It's like a painter who has to put brushstrokes of paint on a canvas before he can see what was put into his mind as invisible thoughts. The painting is the language needed to understand hidden thoughts. Words that we saints write and speak are language that is needed to understand "Christ", where all God's information exists of the past, present and future.
Blessed are: The poor and meek will inherit the Earth

King James Bible

And God said, Let us make (man) in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

Let us make man in our image ... and let them have dominion (over)

Blessed are: is not the scribe who wrote the above.

Blessed are: The poor and meek will inherit the Earth

King James Bible

And God said, Let us make (man) in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

Let us make man in our image ... and let them have dominion (over)

Blessed are: is not the scribe who wrote the above.


The "image of God" is invisible. This is the Heaven where ALL God's creation exists for eternity. From this invisible Kingdom of God ( Jacob ) is formed a visible Earthly Kingdom ( Jerusalem ) that we can see, hear, taste, smell and touch with a flesh ( Israel ).

Isaiah 43
1: But now thus says the LORD, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.

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