The pope "beatifies" 'Mother' Teresa

No, their first concern is relieving poverty by restricting population growth...

And she made their situation worse by bad care and bad practices...

You might have a point there. I'm sure that the church had to spend a lot of that money she raised paying off altar boys that were diddled by pedophile priests. I don't think that makes it better.

Yeah, too bad that it never saw any of that money, and they were infecting people with unsterilized needles.

Since you can do better, be sure and send us some before and after pictures.
isn't about me. It's about rationally looking at the evidence vs. Believing in fairy tales...

Perhaps that's how people come to different conclusions. Some study fairy tales while the rest of us are studying history, not to mention science and ancient cultures.
Perhaps that's how people come to different conclusions. Some study fairy tales while the rest of us are studying history, not to mention science and ancient cultures.

No, some of you have been brainwashed by a scam called "A Church", and because you are soooo terrified of dying, you happily slop up whatever swill they serve. And you sit their quietly while their degenerate clergy molests children and scammers like Theresa take your money and fail to treat the poor people it was meant for.

The greatest day for humanity will be the day we shut down the last church and burn the last bible.
No, some of you have been brainwashed by a scam called "A Church", and because you are soooo terrified of dying, you happily slop up whatever swill they serve. And you sit their quietly while their degenerate clergy molests children and scammers like Theresa take your money and fail to treat the poor people it was meant for.

The greatest day for humanity will be the day we shut down the last church and burn the last bible.

I don't know what to say, Joe. I'm very, very sorry.
Yes, you don't know what to say because you are stupid, backwards and have no reasoning powers.

We get that. Religions are based on stupid people like you.

Smart people become atheists.

And you wanted to become smart?
Yes, you don't know what to say because you are stupid, backwards and have no reasoning powers.

We get that. Religions are based on stupid people like you.

Smart people become atheists.

And you wanted to become smart?

No, I've always been smart. Do you know when I realized the Catholic Church was full of Bovine Feces?

When I was in fifth grade, and this nasty mean-spirited old nun told us the story of Noah's Flood. And she enjoyed telling us how God drowned everyone because they were wicked.

And little Joey, being the sensitive sort that he was, asked,"Why did God Drown all the babies?"

"THEY WERE WICKED BABIES!!! WICKED!!!!!!" The nasty old frustrated Lesbian rasped.

An Omnipotent perfect being wouldn't pick such awful spokesmen.

But more to the point, in the 40 years that have followed, in talking with religious jerkwads,I've never heard a one of you explain in a rational sense why a supposedly good God would drown every baby in the world.

The world will be much better off when Jesus and Jehovah go the way of Zeus and Odin.
No, I've always been smart. Do you know when I realized the Catholic Church was full of Bovine Feces?

When I was in fifth grade, and this nasty mean-spirited old nun told us the story of Noah's Flood. And she enjoyed telling us how God drowned everyone because they were wicked.

And little Joey, being the sensitive sort that he was, asked,"Why did God Drown all the babies?"

"THEY WERE WICKED BABIES!!! WICKED!!!!!!" The nasty old frustrated Lesbian rasped.

An Omnipotent perfect being wouldn't pick such awful spokesmen.

But more to the point, in the 40 years that have followed, in talking with religious jerkwads,I've never heard a one of you explain in a rational sense why a supposedly good God would drown every baby in the world.

The world will be much better off when Jesus and Jehovah go the way of Zeus and Odin.

While I am not convinced every word in the story of Noah's Ark is to be taken literally, let's start with that premise and see where it takes us. The story begins with God looking upon the world and seeing that it is turning to evil ways. He determines His spirit will work with the world for 120 years (about five generations) but if the people refuse to change, He will have to begin again. We're talking four generations of babies growing, becoming wicked, and despite God's prophets and spirits, they wickedness continues and grows.

What are you supposing would be different about this fifth generation of babies? Their parents are watching Noah building the Ark, Noah and his family (like the prophets sent before him) are warning people of the coming disaster...but even so, no one listens. The reason Noah and his family lived is because they listened to God and were obedient to His ways and His instructions.

As a gardener, I will occasionally raze a bush to the ground because it is getting out of hand. It comes back stronger, more beautiful than it was before. Mankind came back stronger, more beautiful than it was before.
While I am not convinced every word in the story of Noah's Ark is to be taken literally, let's start with that premise and see where it takes us. The story begins with God looking upon the world and seeing that it is turning to evil ways. He determines His spirit will work with the world for 120 years (about five generations) but if the people refuse to change, He will have to begin again. We're talking four generations of babies growing, becoming wicked, and despite God's prophets and spirits, they wickedness continues and grows.

What are you supposing would be different about this fifth generation of babies? Their parents are watching Noah building the Ark, Noah and his family (like the prophets sent before him) are warning people of the coming disaster...but even so, no one listens. The reason Noah and his family lived is because they listened to God and were obedient to His ways and His instructions.

As a gardener, I will occasionally raze a bush to the ground because it is getting out of hand. It comes back stronger, more beautiful than it was before. Mankind came back stronger, more beautiful than it was before.

Wow... that was.. um, even more retarded than what Sister Mary Butch came up with.

Okay, you see, some problems with that. First, never really says how much time Noah spent working on his boat. (We could list dozens of scientific reasons why the story doesn't work, from engineering to taxonomy, but let's stick with just the morality of the thing.)

So God tells Noah to build his boat. Nothing in the story says he warned anyone else what was coming, or that Noah warned anyone, either. For all they knew, Noah was just so old crazy guy building a boat in the middle of the desert.

So theres really no evidence that God tried to get the parents of those evil babies to change their ways.

And of course, this isn't an isolated incident of God just having it out for fucking babies. You'd think he was in an airliner behind one who cried the whole flight.

in Exodus, he kills every first born in Egypt after he made Pharoah be kind of a dick.

In 2 Samuel, he kills David's baby to teach David a lesson that taking another man's wife is wrong.

We haven't even gotten into all the times he's ordered his followers to put all their enemies to the sword...

God the Cosmic Sadist. When you look at him that way, Mother Theresa watching poor people die on a dirty floor of her crappy hospital makes a lot more sense.
Wow... that was.. um, even more retarded than what Sister Mary Butch came up with.

Okay, you see, some problems with that. First, never really says how much time Noah spent working on his boat. (We could list dozens of scientific reasons why the story doesn't work, from engineering to taxonomy, but let's stick with just the morality of the thing.)

So God tells Noah to build his boat. Nothing in the story says he warned anyone else what was coming, or that Noah warned anyone, either. For all they knew, Noah was just so old crazy guy building a boat in the middle of the desert.

So theres really no evidence that God tried to get the parents of those evil babies to change their ways.

And of course, this isn't an isolated incident of God just having it out for fucking babies. You'd think he was in an airliner behind one who cried the whole flight.

in Exodus, he kills every first born in Egypt after he made Pharoah be kind of a dick.

In 2 Samuel, he kills David's baby to teach David a lesson that taking another man's wife is wrong.

We haven't even gotten into all the times he's ordered his followers to put all their enemies to the sword...

God the Cosmic Sadist. When you look at him that way, Mother Theresa watching poor people die on a dirty floor of her crappy hospital makes a lot more sense.

You said you were smart. Did you read the beginning of Genesis Chapter 6, where God said He would wait 120 years? Did you listen to Rabbis as well as priests and nuns? Did you ask the same question as an adult? Or did you leap to your own conclusions? Ever hear the quote about conclusions? (Conclusions are the point many stop thinking.) Many Rabbis are well versed in oral traditions. If you truly study the story of Exodus you will note here, as well, God waited upon the Egyptians and gave them many heads up before taking action. Even then His response was mild compared to the havoc Egyptians had heaped upon the Jews and their male babies.
You said you were smart. Did you read the beginning of Genesis Chapter 6, where God said He would wait 120 years?

The Bible says NOTHING OF THE SORT. Here's what it actually says.

6:1 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,
6:2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.
6:3 And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.
6:4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

See, nothing in there about God waiting. Apparently his angels were getting them some pussy, but nothing about God wanting to wait 120 years to see if man straightened out before drowning him some babies. He merely limited their lifespan to 120 years, after people were routinely living 900 years... (which again, is absurd.)

Did you listen to Rabbis as well as priests and nuns? Did you ask the same question as an adult? Or did you leap to your own conclusions? Ever hear the quote about conclusions? (Conclusions are the point many stop thinking.)

No, I stopped listening to ANYTHING religious assholes had to say after a nun told me there was a good reason why my Mom Died of Cancer... Now anyone pushing religion around me is a fair target for whatever mean-spirited humiliation I can inflict on them...

Many Rabbis are well versed in oral traditions. If you truly study the story of Exodus you will note here, as well,

What I noted is your God murdered babies so he could send his people off into the desert to torture them for 40 years... and they rightfully complained, "Hey, maybe we didn't have it so bad in Egypt", he murdered the fuck out of them for that.

Again... the God of the Bible is an absolute bastard and not worthy of anyone's worship if he did exist. You might as well worship C'Thulhu, he's just as fictional and not nearly as much of a prick.

God waited upon the Egyptians and gave them many heads up before taking action. Even then His response was mild compared to the havoc Egyptians had heaped upon the Jews and their male babies.

Well, first, they were Hebrews, not Jews. Second, God didn't kill just the royal babies. He killed the babies of the slave woman working in the fields.

Of course, there is no evidence the Hebrews ever lived in Egypt. This is just a bunch of backwards peasents living next to a really developed society saying, "My Sky Pixie is better than your sky pixie..."
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The Bible says NOTHING OF THE SORT. Here's what it actually says.

6:1 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,
6:2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.
6:3 And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.
6:4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

See, nothing in there about God waiting. Apparently his angels were getting them some pussy, but nothing about God wanting to wait 120 years to see if man straightened out before drowning him some babies. He merely limited their lifespan to 120 years, after people were routinely living 900 years... (which again, is absurd.)

Reading the story in the original Hebrew, or studying what Hebrew scholars have to say about this passage is far more interesting than the take you present. When Hebrew is translated into other languages, the original meanings are often lost and angels take their place.

No, I stopped listening to ANYTHING religious assholes had to say after a nun told me there was a good reason why my Mom Died of Cancer... Now anyone pushing religion around me is a fair target for whatever mean-spirited humiliation I can inflict on them...

Sounds like there was a resolution to act exactly like the despised nun acted toward sensitive people.

What I noted is your God murdered babies so he could send his people off into the desert to torture them for 40 years... and they rightfully complained, "Hey, maybe we didn't have it so bad in Egypt", he murdered the fuck out of them for that.

Again... the God of the Bible is an absolute bastard and not worthy of anyone's worship if he did exist. You might as well worship C'Thulhu, he's just as fictional and not nearly as much of a prick.

Of course, there is no evidence the Hebrews ever lived in Egypt. This is just a bunch of backwards peasents living next to a really developed society saying, "My Sky Pixie is better than your sky pixie..."

People who find a God in murder, cancer, devastation, and loss aren't going to want to know Him or get close to Him.
Reading the story in the original Hebrew, or studying what Hebrew scholars have to say about this passage is far more interesting than the take you present. When Hebrew is translated into other languages, the original meanings are often lost and angels take their place.

Not really. No other translation I have ever seen has "God says you got 120 years to get your shit together and stop fucking angels..."

Sounds like there was a resolution to act exactly like the despised nun acted toward sensitive people.

If I were doing it on the worst day of their lives, you might have a point. But again, I only consider it fair game if you stick your superstitions in my face.

People who find a God in murder, cancer, devastation, and loss aren't going to want to know Him or get close to Him.

But all those things exist and God does nothing about them, that's the point.

Because he's too busy not existing.

He's be a real prick if he let those things go on and did nothing about them.
Yes, you don't know what to say because you are stupid, backwards and have no reasoning powers.

We get that. Religions are based on stupid people like you.

Smart people become atheists.

And you wanted to become smart?

No, I've always been smart. Do you know when I realized the Catholic Church was full of Bovine Feces?

When I was in fifth grade, and this nasty mean-spirited old nun told us the story of Noah's Flood. And she enjoyed telling us how God drowned everyone because they were wicked.

And little Joey, being the sensitive sort that he was, asked,"Why did God Drown all the babies?"

"THEY WERE WICKED BABIES!!! WICKED!!!!!!" The nasty old frustrated Lesbian rasped.

An Omnipotent perfect being wouldn't pick such awful spokesmen.

But more to the point, in the 40 years that have followed, in talking with religious jerkwads,I've never heard a one of you explain in a rational sense why a supposedly good God would drown every baby in the world.

The world will be much better off when Jesus and Jehovah go the way of Zeus and Odin.

And the day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerve in the brain of Jupiter. But may we hope that the dawn of reason and freedom of thought in these United States will do away with this artificial scaffolding, and restore to us the primitive and genuine doctrines of this most venerated reformer of human errors.

-Thomas Jefferson, Letter to John Adams, April 11, 1823

In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own.

-Thomas Jefferson, letter to Horatio G. Spafford, March 17, 1814

Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions. Ideas must be distinct before reason can act upon them; and no man ever had a distinct idea of the trinity. It is the mere Abracadabra of the mountebanks calling themselves the priests of Jesus."

-Thomas Jefferson, letter to Francis Adrian Van der Kemp, 30 July, 1816

Priests...dread the advance of science as witches do the approach of daylight and scowl on the fatal harbinger announcing the subversions of the duperies on which they live.

-Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Correa de Serra, April 11, 1820
Not really. No other translation I have ever seen has "God says you got 120 years to get your shit together and stop fucking angels..."

If I were doing it on the worst day of their lives, you might have a point. But again, I only consider it fair game if you stick your superstitions in my face.

But all those things exist and God does nothing about them, that's the point.

Because he's too busy not existing.

He's be a real prick if he let those things go on and did nothing about them.

No one is sticking religion--or this forum--into anyone's face. Everyone is here here of their own free will, just as people are free not to pursue further studies of the Old Testament and Noah's ark, but interpret it as they themselves see fit with no further study.

Basically someone poisoned your well, and you feel that gives you the right to go around trying to poison the wells of others. You have become the very person you hated the most. That's the trouble with holding onto grudges--grudges then hold onto you.

In any case, we are not here to talk about you. There is one thing you have right about God. You seem to think there is no God because God would not disappoint you. You are correct. God will not disappoint you.

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