The pope "beatifies" 'Mother' Teresa

Yes, you don't know what to say because you are stupid, backwards and have no reasoning powers.

We get that. Religions are based on stupid people like you.

Smart people become atheists.

And you wanted to become smart?

No, I've always been smart. Do you know when I realized the Catholic Church was full of Bovine Feces?

When I was in fifth grade, and this nasty mean-spirited old nun told us the story of Noah's Flood. And she enjoyed telling us how God drowned everyone because they were wicked.

And little Joey, being the sensitive sort that he was, asked,"Why did God Drown all the babies?"

"THEY WERE WICKED BABIES!!! WICKED!!!!!!" The nasty old frustrated Lesbian rasped.

An Omnipotent perfect being wouldn't pick such awful spokesmen.

But more to the point, in the 40 years that have followed, in talking with religious jerkwads,I've never heard a one of you explain in a rational sense why a supposedly good God would drown every baby in the world.

The world will be much better off when Jesus and Jehovah go the way of Zeus and Odin.

And the day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerve in the brain of Jupiter. But may we hope that the dawn of reason and freedom of thought in these United States will do away with this artificial scaffolding, and restore to us the primitive and genuine doctrines of this most venerated reformer of human errors.

-Thomas Jefferson, Letter to John Adams, April 11, 1823

In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own.

-Thomas Jefferson, letter to Horatio G. Spafford, March 17, 1814

Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions. Ideas must be distinct before reason can act upon them; and no man ever had a distinct idea of the trinity. It is the mere Abracadabra of the mountebanks calling themselves the priests of Jesus."

-Thomas Jefferson, letter to Francis Adrian Van der Kemp, 30 July, 1816

Priests...dread the advance of science as witches do the approach of daylight and scowl on the fatal harbinger announcing the subversions of the duperies on which they live.

-Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Correa de Serra, April 11, 1820

What does an Enlightenment politician and how he viewed religion have to do with Christian tenets? Jefferson's life was politics, not faith.
No one is sticking religion--or this forum--into anyone's face. Everyone is here here of their own free will, just as people are free not to pursue further studies of the Old Testament and Noah's ark, but interpret it as they themselves see fit with no further study.

I think I've studied it enough.

1) It's a myth that can easily be disproven by numerous scientific methods
2) It shows the Old Testament God as kind of an evil monster.
3) It's an awesome tool to humiliate religionists trying to explain it beyond a cutesy story about a floating zoo.

Basically someone poisoned your well, and you feel that gives you the right to go around trying to poison the wells of others. You have become the very person you hated the most. That's the trouble with holding onto grudges--grudges then hold onto you.

Sweetie, I know you need to make this about me... Because at the end of the day, you know how ABSURD this is.


In any case, we are not here to talk about you. There is one thing you have right about God. You seem to think there is no God because God would not disappoint you. You are correct. God will not disappoint you.

Naw, God doesn't exist, so he can't disappoint me. Stupid, brain dead mooks like you who give the church a pass when they molest altar boys and steal money meant for charity always disappoint me, though.
Sweetie, I know you need to make this about me... Because at the end of the day, you know how ABSURD this is.



>>the belief that some cosmic Jewish zombie - - - - Zombie? Already lying? Already you have established yourself as the most intelligent creature in the universe and if it does not makes sense to you it simply cannot be.

>>will grant you immortality - - - - too good to be true, yes, we know. We forget you are the wisest man in the room.

>>if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master - -
- - Oh, I get it. You have laid the ground rules down for God and not vice versa. You have decided if there is a God what He is allowed to do only.

>>so he can remove an evil force from your soul - - - - Because to you, cheating or lying or speaking bad about another is not evil. Because sexual depravity or adultery or laziness or looking the other way at the sufferings of your fellow man is not evil. Selfishness is all good. Well no wonder you find the idea that evil could be inside of you to be so absurd.

>>because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree - - - - Oh, is that rib thing the deal breaker for you? By the way, how did you ever become able to talk?

Well let me tell you...


>>The belief that some water fell on a pile of rocks and out of that grew a water beetle. Now this was no ordinary beetle. No, over time it decided it would love to be able to see what is happening all around him, so he pushed and pushed --- like someone having to go to the bathroom --- and the next thing you know, his next baby had some rudimentary eye balls. It is really quite amazing, yet, WE KNOW this is what happened. And the reason we call it amazing is because WE KNOW there is no such thing as an intelligent designer behind this process. ("Intelligent designer, snicker, snicker. :cuckoo: Sorry, Christians, pardon our ill manners.")

>>Now it does not stop here. We are not really sure how, but WE KNOW that somewhere down the road another tiny cute little animal was thinking (well, not really thinking but you get the point) that it would be nice to hear. So that little bugger, like his ancestors, pushed and pushed and strained, and you know, his next little baby was born with two holes in its head and all kinds of neat stuff inside those holes so he could hear.

>>Oh, my, nature is such an amazing thing isn't it? And, by the way, those Christians who believe what history has recorded and countless eye witnesses saw for themselves about their "risen savior," give them a break. Because here is the accepted atheist Rule of Law. "If you did not see it for yourself, you have no reason in the world to believe it has any truth to it." And the second rule is, "If something is invisible, then it cannot exist. (except maybe radio waves and such)."
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Zombie? Already lying? Already you have established yourself as the most intelligent creature in the universe and if it does not makes sense to you it simply cannot be.

Jesus was a Zombie according to you guy... he died, he came back from the dead...

Because to you, cheating or lying or speaking bad about another is not evil. Because sexual depravity or adultery or laziness or looking the other way at the sufferings of your fellow man is not evil. Selfishness is all good. Well no wonder you find the idea that evil could be inside of you to be so absurd.

Guy, some of those things are bad. Some of them,not so much. Most of them are just people being... people. None of them are bad because a magic fairy in the sky said so. And none of them are there because a talking snake tricked anyone from eating from a magic tree.

Oh, is that rib thing the deal breaker for you? By the way, how did you ever become able to talk?

Wow, guy, I think I've unbalanced you a bit. Yes, the Adam and Eve story is silly on its face. Especially when you consider the design template for any animal is the female. (It's why men have nipples).

The belief that some water fell on a pile of rocks and out of that grew a water beetle. Now this was no ordinary beetle. No, over time it decided it would love to be able to see what is happening all around him, so he pushed and pushed ---

Uh, guy, that isn't what evolutionary theory postulates at all. And while I could explain concepts like adaptive radiation and natural selection to you, I don't think that you'd understand the theory any better because you plain old don't want to.

Oh, my, nature is such an amazing thing isn't it? And, by the way, those Christians who believe what history has recorded and countless eye witnesses saw for themselves about their "risen savior," give them a break. Because here is the accepted atheist Rule of Law. "If you did not see it for yourself, you have no reason in the world to believe it has any truth to it." And the second rule is, "If something is invisible, then it cannot exist. (except maybe radio waves and such)."

Except there's no real evidence taht was was recorded was history. The Gospels contradict each other on a lot of key points - where Jesus' family came from, what the names of his followers were, who his ancestors were, and we aren't even getting into the truly fantastical stuff like the whole world going dark for one day or the zombies rising from their graves in Matthew 27:52-54.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

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