The pope "beatifies" 'Mother' Teresa

Not only Catholics, but people of India (who saw her in action) see her as a humanitarian icon. Many will be present to celebrate her canonization.

No one is claiming Mother Teresa was perfect. They are simply honoring a remarkable woman who did so much among the poorest of the poor. We've all heard of 'triage' so that medical care can be given to insure the greatest number of survivors. Mother Teresa worked with those who were not given a chance of survival, while others worked to help those who had at least a half-chance. She worked with what she had, all she had.
Scene from World War 2'
Disillusioned former volunteer Hemley Gonzalez didn't meet her in person, but what he calls the "horrific remnants of her legacy" have left him deeply uncomfortable. After visiting the facilities she's responsible for starting, he feels only a "troubled individual" could have set them up.

After the financial crisis of 2008, Gonzalez took a break from his real estate business in Miami and headed to India, where he spent two months volunteering at Nirmal Hriday, a home for the dying run by Mother Teresa's Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta's (now Kolkata) crowded Kalighat area.
Gonzalez says he was appalled at the poor level of hygiene and medical care he saw there. He says the organization didn't vet him or the other volunteers. None, including himself, had any medical experience or received any training before working at the hospice.

Mother Teresa a 'troubled individual' in a 'museum of poverty' -
Wow. Just when I thought guno couldn't be more of a jerk, he picks on Mother Teresa- a woman who took care of poor sick people.

Except she didn't take care of them. she let them die in a filthy hospital where they received awful care even by third world standards. That's the point.

But the Church has created this fucked up myth that she was a holy person because she was a white lady living with the darkies.
Wow. Just when I thought guno couldn't be more of a jerk, he picks on Mother Teresa- a woman who took care of poor sick people.

Except she didn't take care of them. she let them die in a filthy hospital where they received awful care even by third world standards. That's the point.

But the Church has created this fucked up myth that she was a holy person because she was a white lady living with the darkies.
Wrong. It is no myth that she took care of the poorest of the poor. It may be hard for some people to fathom- committing one's life to helping others but that is what Mother Teresa did.
Sadistic Religious Fanatic: Mother Teresa Was No Saint

Mother Teresa was a moral monster, a sadistic religious fanatic guilty of medical malpractice.

This Sunday, Pope Francis will canonize Mother Teresa as a saint, one of the highest honors in the Roman Catholic Church. Tens of thousands of people are expected to fill St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican to honor a woman who supposedly lived her life dedicated to the poorest of the poor.

However, Mother Teresa was no saint, she was instead a moral monster, a sadistic religious fanatic who took pleasure in the suffering of others, and denied appropriate medical care to the sick and dying.

Sadistic Religious Fanatic: Mother Teresa Was No Saint

makes her supporters what they are; savages

Yet the Catholic propaganda machine, eager for good publicity and the opportunity to hustle the gullible, continues to promote the soon to be saint while ignoring evidence of her moral incompetence.

Teresa was anything but a saint. The nun may have been generous with her prayers, but she was miserly with her foundation’s millions when it came to alleviating the suffering of the sick and the poor.

The celebrated nun had 517 missions in 100 countries at the time of her death. Yet despite plenty of funds, the majority of patients were not cared for properly, many being left to suffer and die without appropriate medical care or pain medication.

Indeed, conditions in the the Missionaries of Charity’s hospices were deplorable. In fact, Teresa refused to introduce the most basic methods of hygiene, even going so far as to reuse needles without sterilization.
You can't " beutify" something that is ugly ... But regardless of whether she was or was not a splendid person once again we are told not to worship the dead saints and in Judiasm people are shown with all their imperfections and warts... This is to show that is what humans are and that none are perfect and sinless and none should be treated or elevated above others....
Wow. Just when I thought guno couldn't be more of a jerk, he picks on Mother Teresa- a woman who took care of poor sick people.

Except she didn't take care of them. she let them die in a filthy hospital where they received awful care even by third world standards. That's the point.

You are getting closer. Mother Teresa worked in areas and conditions that were below even "Third World" standards. These were the poorest of the poor, in the worst of worst conditions. Do you think Mother Teresa was some kind of genie who could magically change filth and poverty into cleanliness and riches? She went there and she worked with the conditions there. Meanwhile her "judges" sit in their clean, first world homes and rate that into which she immersed herself as if they were first world health inspectors investigating a sterile lab.

Mother Teresa didn't just go to a Third World country. She went there to give help to those who even Third World populations had no hope for. Try walking a mile in her shoes before you insist she walk in first world country shoes.
You can't " beutify" something that is ugly ... But regardless of whether she was or was not a splendid person once again we are told not to worship the dead saints and in Judiasm people are shown with all their imperfections and warts... This is to show that is what humans are and that none are perfect and sinless and none should be treated or elevated above others....
Sigh. This is not about worshiping Mother Teresa--or any Saint. Canonized Saints have a better analogy with a Sports Hall of Fame. They are simply fine examples of a faith lived well. Jews honor Abraham, Moses, David probably to a much greater extent than any Catholic honors any Saint. Should Jews be accused of worshiping their Fathers?
Dead saints are bowed to and prayed to by many Christian sects esp Catholicism..Jews are taught not to worship those who died before them ... Some may.. No one is perfect or sinless but it is not acceptable behaviour.. She is now elevated to be prayed too another in a long line... Most sports hero s are fawned upon during their hey days but after their fans die off usually so does the fawning...
Dead saints are bowed to and prayed to by many Christian sects esp Catholicism..Jews are taught not to worship those who died before them ... Some may.. No one is perfect or sinless but it is not acceptable behaviour.. She is now elevated to be prayed too another in a long line... Most sports hero s are fawned upon during their hey days but after their fans die off usually so does the fawning...

I don't know, so I'll ask: Do Jews ever ask other Jews to pray for them?

It is routine for Catholics to ask others to pray for them. It is also Catholic belief that those who have passed on still make up the Church, and for Catholics there is absolutely no difference in asking a living friend to pray for them or in asking someone who has passed on to pray for them. In each case, prayers by all are directed to the Almighty.

So, no, Mother Teresa is no more "elevated" to receive prayer requests in the afterlife than anyone is "elevated" to receive prayer requests in this life. She is still a member of the Church--her death does not change that. She was not suddenly forbidden to receive requests to pray for someone just because she died. It is what it has always been.

So while sports heroes may die and people in this life forget them, Catholics believe people live on for eternity. We (or at least a number of us) try to remember as many as possible, both those famous and those whose names will never be known by most.
You are getting closer. Mother Teresa worked in areas and conditions that were below even "Third World" standards. These were the poorest of the poor, in the worst of worst conditions. Do you think Mother Teresa was some kind of genie who could magically change filth and poverty into cleanliness and riches? She went there and she worked with the conditions there. Meanwhile her "judges" sit in their clean, first world homes and rate that into which she immersed herself as if they were first world health inspectors investigating a sterile lab.

Mother Teresa didn't just go to a Third World country. She went there to give help to those who even Third World populations had no hope for. Try walking a mile in her shoes before you insist she walk in first world country shoes.

If she really wanted to help the third world, she should have walked around dispensing rubbers and birth control pills. That's how you get out of deplorable third world poverty. But that would have made her magic sky fairy cry.

I think when you collect billions of dollars, you should at the very least establish third world standards of care. Basic stuff like sterilizing needles before you use them.
If she really wanted to help the third world, she should have walked around dispensing rubbers and birth control pills. That's how you get out of deplorable third world poverty. But that would have made her magic sky fairy cry.

When doctors and nurses in First World Countries step in to help the sick and dying portion of the population, is their first concern to hand the sick and dying in First World countries rubbers and birth control pills?

Mother Teresa wasn't working among the poor but healthy. Her work was with the sick and dying.

I think when you collect billions of dollars, you should at the very least establish third world standards of care. Basic stuff like sterilizing needles before you use them.

Billions of dollars? Really? I've heard some say "millions" but "billions" is a new one. But to address this further: Whether a donation is to the Red Cross in the name of a disaster, or to a person such as Mother Teresa, the donation is still processed through a financial center at a headquarters--in Mother Teresa's case, the Vatican; in the case of Red Cross or Habitat for Humanity donations to flood victims through their regional/national office.

Second, even a small, three-story hospital in India to serve an area like Calcutta would run upwards towards fifty million dollars to build, and after it is built, the utilities alone would run close to a million dollars annually.

Keep in mind the Gospel story that one does not begin building until one assesses the true cost. Even with "millions" of dollars in donations, Mother Teresa could not bring First World care to Calcutta. She had to work with what was available.
I think the issue lies elsewhere.
Presuming Mother Teresa was a loving soul, the RCC would still have to beatify her because they have to beatify everyone.
They would have to find her defecating twice without having to wipe herself in order to beatify her.
And that's what you get when a religion dictates all of their heroes and heroines have to be perfect.
I think the issue lies elsewhere.

According to the critics, they apparently think they could have done what Mother Teresa did:

1. Better
2. Accomplished more
3. Gotten more bang for their buck
And, are even better, more perfect people than Mother Teresa

I wonder why God didn't call these better, more accomplished people instead of calling some worthless sinner like Mother Teresa? Why don't these better, more accomplished people head for Calcutta to fix what they are so certain Mother Teresa messed up?
I think the issue lies elsewhere.

According to the critics, they apparently think they could have done what Mother Teresa did:

1. Better
2. Accomplished more
3. Gotten more bang for their buck
And, are even better, more perfect people than Mother Teresa

I wonder why God didn't call these better, more accomplished people instead of calling some worthless sinner like Mother Teresa? Why don't these better, more accomplished people head for Calcutta to fix what they are so certain Mother Teresa messed up?
It is accepted amongst the Jews that Mother Teresa was without reproach.
I believe we are living in an age where people are getting tired of Beatification amongst all the scandals of the RCC.
It is accepted amongst the Jews that Mother Teresa was without reproach.
I believe we are living in an age where people are getting tired of Beatification amongst all the scandals of the RCC.

Yet the Catholic Church is far from being all scandal, and works (without fanfare or spotlight) on reparations accomplished. The people within the Church (the Body of Christ) work to repair and alleviate the damage done by a few.

The Apostles were the first example of this. One of them (one-twelfth) of them caused scandal and tragedy. The consensus was never, "Well, if one of us became a travesty, it must mean we are all travesty." No, they simply went to work telling the world of Christ and the kingdom of God. Today, there are 1.2 billion Catholics worldwide. If one-twelfth today failed like the one-twelfth of yesteryear, that would amount to one hundred million Catholics. But nowhere close to one hundred million Catholics are causing scandal in the Catholic Church.

As a Catholic, I am grateful that such a spotlight is on the Catholic faith. It keeps us informed. As a former journalist I am aghast that the news media wasn't/isn't more on top of a greater number of scandals of the same type that are in our public schools and medical professions. Even so, I would prefer that schools and government be thrown under the bus and their transgressions remain secret than leave the Church to the same fate. If the news media felt the had to pick one, then I'm glad the Catholic Church was the one they chose as Catholics also have a reputation for repenting/changing course and moving on.

So, if the Catholic Church wants to--in troubled times--celebrate the life of one of its members, it should be able to do so in relative peace.
When doctors and nurses in First World Countries step in to help the sick and dying portion of the population, is their first concern to hand the sick and dying in First World countries rubbers and birth control pills?

No, their first concern is relieving poverty by restricting population growth...

Mother Teresa wasn't working among the poor but healthy. Her work was with the sick and dying.

And she made their situation worse by bad care and bad practices...

Billions of dollars? Really? I've heard some say "millions" but "billions" is a new one. But to address this further: Whether a donation is to the Red Cross in the name of a disaster, or to a person such as Mother Teresa, the donation is still processed through a financial center at a headquarters--in Mother Teresa's case, the Vatican; in the case of Red Cross or Habitat for Humanity donations to flood victims through their regional/national office.

You might have a point there. I'm sure that the church had to spend a lot of that money she raised paying off altar boys that were diddled by pedophile priests. I don't think that makes it better.

Second, even a small, three-story hospital in India to serve an area like Calcutta would run upwards towards fifty million dollars to build, and after it is built, the utilities alone would run close to a million dollars annually.

Yeah, too bad that it never saw any of that money, and they were infecting people with unsterilized needles.

I wonder why God didn't call these better, more accomplished people instead of calling some worthless sinner like Mother Teresa? Why don't these better, more accomplished people head for Calcutta to fix what they are so certain Mother Teresa messed up?

God didn't call anyone.
God doesn't exist.
People who think God calls them are hearing voices in their heads, and we have medications for that now.

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