The Pope In Washington, DC


Gold Member
Aug 20, 2015
I'm sure this is important to many but all this smoke and mirrors makes my arse crave an onion.

Just what good is done when any man "Blesses" another. What good is done when one human being lets another kiss his ring, that seems like Godfather stuff to me, the Marlon Brando kind. What good is done with a bunch of formal ceremony when it's about an invisible man in the sky?...... You gotta love the smoke pots.....kinda like Christmas tree ornaments.

I was checking Google concerning the pope's daily activities:

He starts his day by praying and preparing his morning mass, reflecting on the day's scriptures and on his homily. The mass, he celebrates each day at 7 a.m. in Santa Martha's chapel, has become the most privileged way to watch and get close to him. It is a half private, half public event, which gathers selected visitors from Rome and abroad.

Wearing unsophisticated liturgical cloth, the pope enters from the side, with no altar boy. His daily homily is his way of delivering messages to the rest of the Catholic Church throughout the world and to the Roman Curia inside. His way of reforming the Curia is not just through structural measures and nominations, but also with a "thought of the day" approach. In this way he slowly spells out, day by day, his spiritual approach and spreads it, via the Vatican media, to shape his organization's vision.

When the mass ends, everyone remains seated. Pope Francis gets up in silence, often moving to a seat in the back row, to pray among the people. All the others try to pretend he's not there, all the while keeping an eye on him. Francis then stands up and leaves to warmly greet everyone outside the chapel -- every single person, one by one. It's just now 8:00 AM.

Now this one will thrill you. Transubstantiation (in Latin, transsubstantiatio, in Greek metousiosis) is, according to the teaching of the Catholic Church, the change by which the bread and the wine used in the sacrament of the Eucharist become, not merely as a sign or a figure, but also in actual reality the body and blood of Christ. The Catholic Church teaches that the substance, or reality, of the bread is changed into that of the body of Christ and the substance of the wine into that of his blood. In other words just like cannibalism.
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You're describing the Popes' activities in Washington, D.C.? (Idjit then goes on to describe activities in Rome.......:cuckoo:).
You're describing the Popes' activities in Washington, D.C.? (Idjit then goes on to describe activities in Rome.......:cuckoo:).

Nope.....I read it in a Google search. It had nothing to do with Washington. The part about my arse craving an onion was about the activities in DC.

The Jews, the Catholics, the protestants, the Snake handlers, etc. When someone has actually been convinced that they are being judged by an invisible man in the sky and if they ask forgiveness for every bad thing they ever do, then give ten percent of their worth to a man made church, which by the way there is no mention of in the new testament....not one single instruction for mankind to build a church...a home made boat to house two of every species on earth but no church. The value of churches in this world exceeds any other real property other than the largest governments, meanwhile nearly a billion people on the planet are suffering from malnutrition or starving to death. It kinda looks like somebody would see through this con game after 2000 years.
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Ironically the ring worn by the Popes is the fishman god ring (Dagon) that they are kissing. He was the Father of Baal, who is the father of the morning star-rev 22:16.
This is why the Ishtar (easter) myth is that she births a giant egg by the river bed in which a fish is hatched called
the morning star. This is why they wear the fish head hat called Mitre and have scales on their robes or trim.
Ironically the ring worn by the Popes is the fishman god ring (Dagon) that they are kissing. He was the Father of Baal, who is the father of the morning star-rev 22:16.
This is why the Ishtar (easter) myth is that she births a giant egg by the river bed in which a fish is hatched called
the morning star. This is why they wear the fish head hat called Mitre and have scales on their robes or trim.

LOL! About that time a whole flock of bird dogs flew over!!

Feel free to carry on!
Ironically the ring worn by the Popes is the fishman god ring (Dagon) that they are kissing. He was the Father of Baal, who is the father of the morning star-rev 22:16.
This is why the Ishtar (easter) myth is that she births a giant egg by the river bed in which a fish is hatched called
the morning star. This is why they wear the fish head hat called Mitre and have scales on their robes or trim.

LOL! About that time a whole flock of bird dogs flew over!!

Feel free to carry on!

What do you find funny about what he just said? He is telling you that this entire religion is based on Baal worship. You find that funny? As you claimed to be a former Roman Catholic you should appreciate the information he is giving you. It is very serious. Catholicism comes out of the occult Babylonian religion.
Catholicism is a pagan religion. So Pope cannot be infallible or holy.

( Ecclesiastes 7:20)Indeed, there is no one on earth who is righteous, no one who does what is right and never sins.

: "Call no man your father on earth, for you have one Father, who is in heaven" (Matt. 23:9).
Wonder when this pope will do away with the statue bowing, incense huffing, rosary swinging,and jesus cracker gobbling ? The guy seems too smart to be spouting that stuff
Dimwitted troll ^^^^^^^^^^^^

I told you I have an IQ of about 130 and I'm retired, live in a brick rancher with 220 ft. lake frontage, a new floating dock with a 2013 model South Bay 500 series pontoon boat docked there. 1 1/2 acres of zoysia grass with irrigation system which uses lake water. I have two new cars, Impala and Outback, etc.
It's tough down here on the water. What about you? Do you post from work using your employer's time and equipment.....I suppose.
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