The Pope takes back his Church

The Pope is just aknowledging that obscence wealth exist. We threw that term away in the 80's and accepted that greed was ok. We will never solve our economic problems unless we go back to aknowledging that obscene wealth and greed are bad things.
The Pope is just aknowledging that obscence wealth exist. We threw that term away in the 80's and accepted that greed was ok. We will never solve our economic problems unless we go back to aknowledging that obscene wealth and greed are bad things.

Greed is a Deadly Sin transformed into virtue by the Plutocrats and those who do their bidding solely of selfish reasons; "it's your money" is their mantra.
See the bold, and for further consideration:

I understood what you were saying, but Not2BSubjugated brings up a good point. Our leaders do not represent us very well. I don't care about subsidized health, education, or military. I think all three areas would be much more efficient without the "assistance" of government. The people need to be the ones to negotiate fair prices and consume intelligently, if the people can't do it themselves then where is the benefit in letting their "representatives" do it for them? Are their representatives doctors or politicians? Let's be serious for a second. Do you honestly believe that Obama is reforming healthcare because he thinks it will be better for America?

I do. I also believe the Pope is speaking out to make our world better. Better? Fair and not under the control of the power elite, the plutocrats and the bullies. "Man is born free" yet remains, "everywhere in chains".

And you believe Obama will make everything better by putting your health care decisions into the hands of bureaucrats? Have you seen what these people do with money, power, and responsibility? Do you remember Social Security?
The Pope is just aknowledging that obscence wealth exist. We threw that term away in the 80's and accepted that greed was ok. We will never solve our economic problems unless we go back to aknowledging that obscene wealth and greed are bad things.

Greed is a Deadly Sin transformed into virtue by the Plutocrats and those who do their bidding solely of selfish reasons; "it's your money" is their mantra.

Is Apple motivated by "greed"
I do. I also believe the Pope is speaking out to make our world better. Better? Fair and not under the control of the power elite, the plutocrats and the bullies. "Man is born free" yet remains, "everywhere in chains".

And you believe Obama will make everything better by putting your health care decisions into the hands of bureaucrats? Have you seen what these people do with money, power, and responsibility? Do you remember Social Security?

Millions of people have their put their "health care decisions into the hands of bureaucrats" and you don't find people on Medicare complaining the same way those who depend upon the greedy HMO's do.

As far as SS goes that is one of the finest systems of it's kind in the world. You really do need better examples.
And you believe Obama will make everything better by putting your health care decisions into the hands of bureaucrats? Have you seen what these people do with money, power, and responsibility? Do you remember Social Security?

Man, you need to learn how to post....your posts have the quotes all messed up.....being given to the member that didn't post it.

As for the healthcare....what we had was awful, the insurance companies doing whatever they wanted, screwing people left and right....anything will be an improvement.
And you believe Obama will make everything better by putting your health care decisions into the hands of bureaucrats? Have you seen what these people do with money, power, and responsibility? Do you remember Social Security?

Millions of people have their put their "health care decisions into the hands of bureaucrats" and you don't find people on Medicare complaining the same way those who depend upon the greedy HMO's do.

As far as SS goes that is one of the finest systems of it's kind in the world. You really do need better examples.

You're going to stand by social security at this point?
Did you forget it's been plagued by governmental corruption and spending?
I've heard quite a few Medicare participants complaining, mainly after the introduction of Obamacare and the cuts in their funding.
Millions of people have their put their "health care decisions into the hands of bureaucrats" and you don't find people on Medicare complaining the same way those who depend upon the greedy HMO's do.

As far as SS goes that is one of the finest systems of it's kind in the world. You really do need better examples.

You're going to stand by social security at this point?
Did you forget it's been plagued by governmental corruption and spending?
I've heard quite a few Medicare participants complaining, mainly after the introduction of Obamacare and the cuts in their funding.

There is no apostrophe in "Sees."
And you believe Obama will make everything better by putting your health care decisions into the hands of bureaucrats? Have you seen what these people do with money, power, and responsibility? Do you remember Social Security?

Man, you need to learn how to post....your posts have the quotes all messed up.....being given to the member that didn't post it.

As for the healthcare....what we had was awful, the insurance companies doing whatever they wanted, screwing people left and right....anything will be an improvement.

I press the "quote" button the same as anyone else does, convenient for you to assume I am the one at fault.

So far as greedy HMOs goes, it will be the same. Only difference is that this time it will be backed by government. Just wait until the pharmaceutical companies get to make their greasy deals with politicians like they do now with doctors. Really, it is the people's fault their system is so awful.
Bad grammar - guess I'll have to put you on ignore rather than wince every time I see you post. :thup:

If you'd like to be that self-righteous and ignorant then be my guest, there is nothing I can say to stop you. :thup:

Edit: Speaking of bad grammar, your misuse of the en dash is quite ironic.
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Bad grammar - guess I'll have to put you on ignore rather than wince every time I see you post. :thup:

If you'd like to be that self-righteous and ignorant then be my guest, there is nothing I can say to stop you. :thup:

Edit: Speaking of bad grammar, your misuse of the en dash is quite ironic.

Self righteous is what she is, ironic given that she'll point her finger at every other person she disagrees with claiming that's what they are. She's like a nun with a ruler standing over you and smacks the knuckles when you use bad grammer, wtf is up with that? :lol: Just shows them for the hypocrits they are. :cool:
Bad grammar - guess I'll have to put you on ignore rather than wince every time I see you post. :thup:

If you'd like to be that self-righteous and ignorant then be my guest, there is nothing I can say to stop you. :thup:

Edit: Speaking of bad grammar, your misuse of the en dash is quite ironic.

Speaking of making an error while attempting to point out an error - well done.

punctuation - When should I use an em-dash, an en-dash, and a hyphen? - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange

I was using an em-dash, not an en-dash. :thup:
Bad grammar - guess I'll have to put you on ignore rather than wince every time I see you post. :thup:

If you'd like to be that self-righteous and ignorant then be my guest, there is nothing I can say to stop you. :thup:

Edit: Speaking of bad grammar, your misuse of the en dash is quite ironic.

Speaking of making an error while attempting to point out an error - well done.

punctuation - When should I use an em-dash, an en-dash, and a hyphen? - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange

I was using an em-dash, not an en-dash. :thup:

Progressive logic!! I'll smack you upside the head for misusing an apostrophe, but if you want to murder your unborn child, who am I to judge??? Gotta love it! :cuckoo:
Millions of people have their put their "health care decisions into the hands of bureaucrats" and you don't find people on Medicare complaining the same way those who depend upon the greedy HMO's do.

As far as SS goes that is one of the finest systems of it's kind in the world. You really do need better examples.

You're going to stand by social security at this point?
Did you forget it's been plagued by governmental corruption and spending?
That SS funds have been misused for other purposes is a legitimate complaint but the onus is on you to prove that SS has "been plagued by governmental corruption"
I've heard quite a few Medicare participants complaining, mainly after the introduction of Obamacare and the cuts in their funding.

Since none of those alleged "cuts in their funding" have actually occurred they are just complaining for the sake of it!
And you believe Obama will make everything better by putting your health care decisions into the hands of bureaucrats? Have you seen what these people do with money, power, and responsibility? Do you remember Social Security?

Man, you need to learn how to post....your posts have the quotes all messed up.....being given to the member that didn't post it.

As for the healthcare....what we had was awful, the insurance companies doing whatever they wanted, screwing people left and right....anything will be an improvement.

I press the "quote" button the same as anyone else does, convenient for you to assume I am the one at fault.

So far as greedy HMOs goes, it will be the same. Only difference is that this time it will be backed by government. Just wait until the pharmaceutical companies get to make their greasy deals with politicians like they do now with doctors. Really, it is the people's fault their system is so awful.

The pharmaceutical companies already did those "greasy deals with politicians" back in 2003 with the Medicare Part D taxpayer boondoggle.
And you believe Obama will make everything better by putting your health care decisions into the hands of bureaucrats? Have you seen what these people do with money, power, and responsibility? Do you remember Social Security?

Man, you need to learn how to post....your posts have the quotes all messed up.....being given to the member that didn't post it.

As for the healthcare....what we had was awful, the insurance companies doing whatever they wanted, screwing people left and right....anything will be an improvement.

I press the "quote" button the same as anyone else does, convenient for you to assume I am the one at fault.
Yes, you press the quote button, but then you go and parse the comments without putting the correct "quotes - /quotes" in the right places. You have a preview button, and you can see how your post is going to come out, so why don't you use it. Then correct as needed.

So far as greedy HMOs goes, it will be the same. Only difference is that this time it will be backed by government. Just wait until the pharmaceutical companies get to make their greasy deals with politicians like they do now with doctors. Really, it is the people's fault their system is so awful.
That's right, it will be backed by the government, who won't let them pull the wool over peoples' eyes...before they were able to do whatever they wanted and we had to live with it. There was nothing the people could do to correct it, it had to be the government to step in and come up with regulations, and that is what has been done.

Most people that are enrolling under the ACA are finding that they are paying a lot less for a lot more...why would anyone think that was bad?

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