The Pornography Plague

If God is so perfect then why would he create a retard? I think the answer is in the question. He wouldn't. These creatures are the spawn of Hell, and anyone who suggests otherwise is not only insulting me, he is insulting God.

So let's get one thing straight here, these filthy retards are not even human. They are worthless slobbering stammering stuttering piecies of excrement. An abomination to God. They are a burden on our economy. They are a burden on the poor mothers who bore them, though I have no doubt those mothers must have done something to deserve such deformed repulsive babies. They were probably whores, fornicators, alcoholics, wiccans, satanists, losers, junkies, homosexuals or Jews to have been cursed with twisted limbless demon children like that. You would never catch a True Christian giving birth to one of these defective mongeloid monsters.​

*nod* I agree ... but then I don't agree. I don't like having sex, but I see nothing wrong with people enjoying themselves with porn. Better than making more babies we'll have to get rid of in the future.

This coming from a closeted nymphomaniac who's probably creaming herself in anticipation of a lay. Why are you panties on so tight?
If God is so perfect then why would he create a retard? I think the answer is in the question. He wouldn't. These creatures are the spawn of Hell, and anyone who suggests otherwise is not only insulting me, he is insulting God.

So let's get one thing straight here, these filthy retards are not even human. They are worthless slobbering stammering stuttering piecies of excrement. An abomination to God. They are a burden on our economy. They are a burden on the poor mothers who bore them, though I have no doubt those mothers must have done something to deserve such deformed repulsive babies. They were probably whores, fornicators, alcoholics, wiccans, satanists, losers, junkies, homosexuals or Jews to have been cursed with twisted limbless demon children like that. You would never catch a True Christian giving birth to one of these defective mongeloid monsters.​


Wondering, what fucking drugs are you on? I have a friend who would love a trip like that.
This coming from a closeted nymphomaniac who's probably creaming herself in anticipation of a lay. Why are you panties on so tight?

Why must one project ones own feelings of loss onto another just because they do not understand and why not just continue with the discussion in a meaningful and intelligent manner instead of attempting to insult with something that matter not to the other.
Why must one project ones own feelings of loss onto another just because they do not understand and why not just continue with the discussion in a meaningful and intelligent manner instead of attempting to insult with something that matter not to the other.

You're projecting your loss of sex onto me, not the other way around. I have no problems with porn, even my girlfriends I occasionally screw love porn, since you don't like sex what the fuck are you posting in this thread for?
You're projecting your loss of sex onto me, not the other way around. I have no problems with porn, even my girlfriends I occasionally screw love porn, since you don't like sex what the fuck are you posting in this thread for?

It is you who are posting vulgarities, talking about porn and accusing another of wanting you is:

1. Very arrogant.

2. Projecting a lack of.


3. Sick and twisted.

I just chose the nicer of the three.
Not sure, but that stuff I quoted which you posted is nuts, pure insanity, only a drug trip could cause even the most brain dead to believe it.
You seem to think I wrote it. You also seem to think it's meant to be believed.

Only an idiot could get it so wrong, so quickly.

You seem to think I wrote it. You also seem to think it's meant to be believed.

Only an idiot could get it so wrong, so quickly.


*tilts head* Um ... how did you get that from my nondescript post? *shrug* Oh well, just needed to be sure you weren't ... *coo coo* like the other freaks.
I don't like having sex

Why don't women like sex, I always wonder. I think it's evolutionary. Men have a mega-drive to plant their seed, while women are focused on raising the ones made. Maybe if women liked sex as much as men, it would screw things up. Prostitution would disappear, I guess. Who knows. I love porn. My wife thinks it's disgusting.
Why don't women like sex, I always wonder. I think it's evolutionary. Men have a mega-drive to plant their seed, while women are focused on raising the ones made. Maybe if women liked sex as much as men, it would screw things up. Prostitution would disappear, I guess. Who knows. I love porn. My wife thinks it's disgusting.

Liberal women love sex..
Why don't women like sex, I always wonder. I think it's evolutionary. Men have a mega-drive to plant their seed, while women are focused on raising the ones made. Maybe if women liked sex as much as men, it would screw things up. Prostitution would disappear, I guess. Who knows. I love porn. My wife thinks it's disgusting.

They like it, your just bad at it.
Why don't women like sex, I always wonder. I think it's evolutionary. Men have a mega-drive to plant their seed, while women are focused on raising the ones made. Maybe if women liked sex as much as men, it would screw things up. Prostitution would disappear, I guess. Who knows. I love porn. My wife thinks it's disgusting.

Just an individual choice, like why some people don't like coffee, some people don't like steak, etc.

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