The potus Lacks The Power To Delay The Nov. 3 Election Unilaterally


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
The potus Lacks The Power To Delay The Nov. 3 Election Unilaterally

In their article, Phil Helsel and Marianna Sotomayor reporting for NBC wrote, “Trump has not made any comments about delaying the Nov. 3 election, and he does not have the power to do so unilaterally.” Their assertion was true in past, but after the turn of the twenty-first century, not so much.

It's apparent these two individuals have not been paying attention to current events for the past twenty years, and especially the last three.

Have they not seen the congressional Republicans circle the wagons to protect the impeached president trump at every turn? Rubber-stamp his every whim? Defend every lie he utters?

As November approaches and polls show his reelection to be unlikely, or that Moscow Mitch and/or the GOP’s Senate majority to be in danger, the impeached president trump will have no alternative other than to invent an excuse to delay or indefinitely postpone the November 2020 elections “for the safety of all Americans”. Who is in a position to stop him? The impeached president trump owns the DOJ. The conservative majority in the Senate and the conservative majority in the Supreme Court have shown no desire to oppose the impeached president trump. And there is no one else.

The impeached president trump’s proclamation postponing November's elections could come at any time. In a Tweet he posts as he takes his morning dump, or during a news briefing while he accuses reporters of writing fake news stories about him, or in an Executive Order he signs while televised from the Oval Office.

There has been little resistance from Democratic leaders, and the congressional Republicans have proven their undying loyalty to the impeached president trump, regularly showing him their support for him to declare himself “President-for-life” or even “Supreme Dictator” of the United States.

Leaders of the DNC fought to make “Status Quo Joe" the party’s 2020 presidential nominee even before he promised the billionaire class, "Nothing would fundamentally change" if he is elected president, and that, "No one's standard of living will change," (especially that of the working poor).

Now, with his popularity growing on the heels of the impeached president trump’s incompetent handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, “Status Quo Joe” is worried about the political shenanigans impeached president trump has planned between now and November. During an online fundraiser, “Status Quo Joe” said, "Mark my words, I think he is going to try to kick back the election somehow, come up with some rationale why it can't be held.”

With nearly fifty years in American politics “Status Quo Joe” understands what is possible when one corrupt party holds power in the executive and judicial branches, and the majority in the Senate.

We’ll all see what happens, no later than November 2, 2020.

Biden: Trump will try to delay the November election

An entire article researched and sent out based on something Trump never mentioned. The retarded democrats sure are busy.
Hey liberal....yeah, you with the twisted knickers..... knickers sodden with your pissing yourselves in fear.....

Don't sweat President Trump even trying to prevent the November election from taking place.
It won't happen. No, assholes, not "the election won't happen". Our president is not a totalitarian like your Speakerette. There will be no presidential assault on the election process. Now that doesn't preclude a move in the Democrat dominated House from trying to put it off until enough Democrat voters have risen from the grave.

What you need to fear....deep down, panties-shitting what happens in January.

When President Trump begins his second (and final, as he respects The U.S. Constitution) term and there is a veto-proof majority of conservative, Constitution respecting folks in both House and Senate. But some of your fear is needless. These are not vindictive people like you. They'll let you live and probably murder your own children as you so love doing. Yeah, they're a little squisshey in that regard......

Pit, that.
The potus Lacks The Power To Delay The Nov. 3 Election Unilaterally

In their article, Phil Helsel and Marianna Sotomayor reporting for NBC wrote, “Trump has not made any comments about delaying the Nov. 3 election, and he does not have the power to do so unilaterally.” Their assertion was true in past, but after the turn of the twenty-first century, not so much.

It's apparent these two individuals have not been paying attention to current events for the past twenty years, and especially the last three.

Have they not seen the congressional Republicans circle the wagons to protect the impeached president trump at every turn? Rubber-stamp his every whim? Defend every lie he utters?

As November approaches and polls show his reelection to be unlikely, or that Moscow Mitch and/or the GOP’s Senate majority to be in danger, the impeached president trump will have no alternative other than to invent an excuse to delay or indefinitely postpone the November 2020 elections “for the safety of all Americans”. Who is in a position to stop him? The impeached president trump owns the DOJ. The conservative majority in the Senate and the conservative majority in the Supreme Court have shown no desire to oppose the impeached president trump. And there is no one else.

The impeached president trump’s proclamation postponing November's elections could come at any time. In a Tweet he posts as he takes his morning dump, or during a news briefing while he accuses reporters of writing fake news stories about him, or in an Executive Order he signs while televised from the Oval Office.

There has been little resistance from Democratic leaders, and the congressional Republicans have proven their undying loyalty to the impeached president trump, regularly showing him their support for him to declare himself “President-for-life” or even “Supreme Dictator” of the United States.

Leaders of the DNC fought to make “Status Quo Joe" the party’s 2020 presidential nominee even before he promised the billionaire class, "Nothing would fundamentally change" if he is elected president, and that, "No one's standard of living will change," (especially that of the working poor).

Now, with his popularity growing on the heels of the impeached president trump’s incompetent handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, “Status Quo Joe” is worried about the political shenanigans impeached president trump has planned between now and November. During an online fundraiser, “Status Quo Joe” said, "Mark my words, I think he is going to try to kick back the election somehow, come up with some rationale why it can't be held.”

With nearly fifty years in American politics “Status Quo Joe” understands what is possible when one corrupt party holds power in the executive and judicial branches, and the majority in the Senate.

We’ll all see what happens, no later than November 2, 2020.

Biden: Trump will try to delay the November election


Just a Biden fever dream.
The potus Lacks The Power To Delay The Nov. 3 Election Unilaterally

In their article, Phil Helsel and Marianna Sotomayor reporting for NBC wrote, “Trump has not made any comments about delaying the Nov. 3 election, and he does not have the power to do so unilaterally.” Their assertion was true in past, but after the turn of the twenty-first century, not so much.

It's apparent these two individuals have not been paying attention to current events for the past twenty years, and especially the last three.

Have they not seen the congressional Republicans circle the wagons to protect the impeached president trump at every turn? Rubber-stamp his every whim? Defend every lie he utters?

As November approaches and polls show his reelection to be unlikely, or that Moscow Mitch and/or the GOP’s Senate majority to be in danger, the impeached president trump will have no alternative other than to invent an excuse to delay or indefinitely postpone the November 2020 elections “for the safety of all Americans”. Who is in a position to stop him? The impeached president trump owns the DOJ. The conservative majority in the Senate and the conservative majority in the Supreme Court have shown no desire to oppose the impeached president trump. And there is no one else.

The impeached president trump’s proclamation postponing November's elections could come at any time. In a Tweet he posts as he takes his morning dump, or during a news briefing while he accuses reporters of writing fake news stories about him, or in an Executive Order he signs while televised from the Oval Office.

There has been little resistance from Democratic leaders, and the congressional Republicans have proven their undying loyalty to the impeached president trump, regularly showing him their support for him to declare himself “President-for-life” or even “Supreme Dictator” of the United States.

Leaders of the DNC fought to make “Status Quo Joe" the party’s 2020 presidential nominee even before he promised the billionaire class, "Nothing would fundamentally change" if he is elected president, and that, "No one's standard of living will change," (especially that of the working poor).

Now, with his popularity growing on the heels of the impeached president trump’s incompetent handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, “Status Quo Joe” is worried about the political shenanigans impeached president trump has planned between now and November. During an online fundraiser, “Status Quo Joe” said, "Mark my words, I think he is going to try to kick back the election somehow, come up with some rationale why it can't be held.”

With nearly fifty years in American politics “Status Quo Joe” understands what is possible when one corrupt party holds power in the executive and judicial branches, and the majority in the Senate.

We’ll all see what happens, no later than November 2, 2020.

Biden: Trump will try to delay the November election


Trump and his NaziCon supporters may not be able to delay the 2020 election - but they'll be working overtime on voter suppression and ways to reduce Democrat votes. It's what they do.
The potus Lacks The Power To Delay The Nov. 3 Election Unilaterally

Why is it every time a president nears the end of his term you retards trot this conspiracy theory out?

"Trump is going to try and postpone the election!" - 2020

"Obama is going to try and postpone the election!" - 2016

"Bush is going to try and postpone the election!" - 2008"

"Clinton is going to try and postpone the election!" - 2000
He has an appointment to do his pedicure on that Tuesday, so, what is your problem with voting next day on Wednesday?

Can't you wait just one more day? Sheesss!!!

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