The practical morality of abortion

All life is equally valuable, stop pretending otherwise.
Where did you get that utterly dogmatic nonsense from?

And having human DNA doesn't make one a person. That takes time, and luck.

It takes a human sperm fertilizing a human egg.
Great to know you understand that part. Did you know that most conceptions will never make it from conception to birth? Did you know that just because something carries human DNA that doesn't mean it's a person?

I know that human beings are conceive by other human beings, what grows in the womb is a human being, and that human abortion kills that unborn human being.
That's a "person"?


And nature, all by herself, will kill off 50% of them before the woman even knows she's pregnant, not to mention those she will kill off after the woman does know. So, tell us, should we hold a funeral for this?

If that's a human egg fertilized by a human sperm, then yes.

Your proud bigotry against helpless haploid humans contradicts your own claim. You display the same subjectivism that you condemn in others.

Yet, as I seem to notice, you belong or espouse to a set of ideals and to a party that advocates stem cell research, or the wanton destruction of "haploid humans" in the name of curing diseases in human beings, which I find reprehensible in its own right.

And you're condemning me for my supposed "bigotry against helpless haploid humans?"
Where did you get that utterly dogmatic nonsense from?

And having human DNA doesn't make one a person. That takes time, and luck.

It takes a human sperm fertilizing a human egg.
Great to know you understand that part. Did you know that most conceptions will never make it from conception to birth? Did you know that just because something carries human DNA that doesn't mean it's a person?

I know that human beings are conceive by other human beings, what grows in the womb is a human being, and that human abortion kills that unborn human being.
That's a "person"?


And nature, all by herself, will kill off 50% of them before the woman even knows she's pregnant, not to mention those she will kill off after the woman does know. So, tell us, should we hold a funeral for this?

If that's a human egg fertilized by a human sperm, then yes.

This . and you are the same eh? Good to know since the . is treated by nature with about as much respect as it deserves, none...
I did my internship in a wonderful place where they get pregnant women off the street addicted to drugs and sober them up, most of the time they get them on government assistance. They have a school to get a GED, but basically these women and children live in poverty.
May I ask why you wanted to take the time to educate us on what happens with abortion, but leave out what happens to the baby after birth.
I have seen it over and over again, they live in dumpsters or called trailer trash only starting a whole new generation of drug addicts. Maybe 1 or 2 will escape and get a good education ( not by the support of the government)

A few are adopted, its easier to adopt in China than it is to jump through the hoops here in America

If you were to add solutions to help these babies after birth, I do feel more people would be behind you. It is not that we want to murder an innocent child, it is about taking care of the child after birth to have a productive life.

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Sex education and access to contraceptives have been proven to reduce abortion rates.
It's been proven...the evidence is's not rocket surgery.
It takes a human sperm fertilizing a human egg.
Great to know you understand that part. Did you know that most conceptions will never make it from conception to birth? Did you know that just because something carries human DNA that doesn't mean it's a person?

I know that human beings are conceive by other human beings, what grows in the womb is a human being, and that human abortion kills that unborn human being.
That's a "person"?


And nature, all by herself, will kill off 50% of them before the woman even knows she's pregnant, not to mention those she will kill off after the woman does know. So, tell us, should we hold a funeral for this?

If that's a human egg fertilized by a human sperm, then yes.

This . and you are the same eh? Good to know since the . is treated by nature with about as much respect as it deserves, none...

Yes, human beings start out as a little, teeny, tiny dot. All that they are is in included in that fertilized speck. Amazing! Once it starts dividing, that is the beginning of a unique human being's life. That's how human beings start. Just because they are at a different developmental stage does not make them any less of a human being. Of course, by the time they're big enough to be ripped apart a la abortion, they look more like a human being ... but that doesn't make them more of a human being.
I did my internship in a wonderful place where they get pregnant women off the street addicted to drugs and sober them up, most of the time they get them on government assistance. They have a school to get a GED, but basically these women and children live in poverty.
May I ask why you wanted to take the time to educate us on what happens with abortion, but leave out what happens to the baby after birth.
I have seen it over and over again, they live in dumpsters or called trailer trash only starting a whole new generation of drug addicts. Maybe 1 or 2 will escape and get a good education ( not by the support of the government)

A few are adopted, its easier to adopt in China than it is to jump through the hoops here in America

If you were to add solutions to help these babies after birth, I do feel more people would be behind you. It is not that we want to murder an innocent child, it is about taking care of the child after birth to have a productive life.


Really? There's no charity that helps those in need? No government assistance? No welfare? No food stamps? No WIC? No other programs?

You guys are so full of shit with your old, worn-out, lame meme.

Oh, and here's a clue ... the parents are the ones who are suppose to take care of the human being they created after said human being is born. Duh.
Great to know you understand that part. Did you know that most conceptions will never make it from conception to birth? Did you know that just because something carries human DNA that doesn't mean it's a person?

I know that human beings are conceive by other human beings, what grows in the womb is a human being, and that human abortion kills that unborn human being.
That's a "person"?


And nature, all by herself, will kill off 50% of them before the woman even knows she's pregnant, not to mention those she will kill off after the woman does know. So, tell us, should we hold a funeral for this?

If that's a human egg fertilized by a human sperm, then yes.

This . and you are the same eh? Good to know since the . is treated by nature with about as much respect as it deserves, none...

Yes, human beings start out as a little, teeny, tiny dot. All that they are is in included in that fertilized speck. Amazing! Once it starts dividing, that is the beginning of a unique human being's life. That's how human beings start. Just because they are at a different developmental stage does not make them any less of a human being. Of course, by the time they're big enough to be ripped apart a la abortion, they look more like a human being ... but that doesn't make them more of a human being.

So by your reasoning the criminal penalty for a woman who has an abortion should be conviction of murder.
Yet, as I seem to notice, you belong or espouse to a set of ideals and to a party that advocates stem cell research, or the wanton destruction of "haploid humans" in the name of curing diseases in human beings, which I find reprehensible in its own right.

And you're condemning me for my supposed "bigotry against helpless haploid humans?"

Pointing out your hypocrisy does not make me a hypocrite.

When I start seriously whining about the sanctity of human life, you'll have a point. I don't, so you don't have a point. I'm just mocking your dishonest hysterics.
No, you see unborn children as objects that can be discarded on a whim. And clearly you didn't read the 1948 Geneva Declaration.

And clearly you're engaging in a cherrypicking fallacy. Nobody has heard of the Oath of Geneva before, or cares.

And then there's the Hippocratic Oath, which acknowledges the detriment of Abortion:

The original Hippocratic Oath allows abortion. It only forbids abortion by pessary.

And so does the Bible. Numbers gives instructions on how to perform one with the ol' "bitter water" treatment. Exodus points out the penalty for killing a person is death, but the penality for killing a fetus is a cash fine.

When the US Constitution was written, abortion was legal and common. The founders saw no problem with that.

So, I've got the Hippocratic Oath, the Bible and the Constitution. Plus, I can point out that nobody thinks specks are people. That definitely trumps your feeble cherrypicks.

You really need to looking at some real history, instead of the PC version that the pro-lifers feed you.
Comparing me to PETA is your only argument.

It's apparently a good argument, being you have no response to it.

PETA creates some whacked-out subjective definitions to claim that killing a cow is murder.

Pro-lifers create some whacked-out subjective definitions to claim abortion is murder.

Pro-life and PETA are using the same invalid tactics.

Also, you're defending the woman's right to have an abortion are you not? Would that also count as "making excuses for murder?"

I'm consistent. I reject the reasoning of both you and your PETA brethren.

Of course not. Abortion will never be murder in your eyes, just a woman exercising her "liberty." Exercising liberty at the cost of the life of another isn't liberty at all

There are many fine Islamic republics and third-world dictatorships out there that share your disdain for basic human liberty. Democracies, not so much. Abortion rights go hand-in-hand with liberty in general.

That's a classic talking point. And you reveal your true nature by saying "human life" is clearly not valuable on its own.

Quit dodging. Is a skin cell valuable or not? No? Then human life on its own isn't valuable. Your argument is plainly false.

Just where do you get the idea that you can determine the value of life?

It's not just me. It's all of humanity over all of history. Where do you get the idea you can ignore that? If you want to remove people's liberty and overturn the opinion of humanity, you'll have to do a bit better than endlessly repeating "BECAUSE I SAY SO!".

And if you think I am, no, I'm not. I'm defending it. You're no better than those barbarians at Planned Parenthood, placing monetary value on the dismembered body parts of unborn children, and now, trying to determine the value of life all on your own. Does that help you justify what you're doing?

Most pro-lifers literally think that God has given them a free pass to lie for the cause, or engage in any level of vile sleaze. That preceding paragraph was an example of that. That's why the hardcore pro-lifers can't be trusted. Whatever the situation is, they'll justify their awful behavior to themselves by telling themselves that God wanted them to act badly. Of course, it's not God telling pro-lifers to act like that, it's the other guy.
I know that human beings are conceive by other human beings, what grows in the womb is a human being, and that human abortion kills that unborn human being.
That's a "person"?


And nature, all by herself, will kill off 50% of them before the woman even knows she's pregnant, not to mention those she will kill off after the woman does know. So, tell us, should we hold a funeral for this?

If that's a human egg fertilized by a human sperm, then yes.

This . and you are the same eh? Good to know since the . is treated by nature with about as much respect as it deserves, none...

Yes, human beings start out as a little, teeny, tiny dot. All that they are is in included in that fertilized speck. Amazing! Once it starts dividing, that is the beginning of a unique human being's life. That's how human beings start. Just because they are at a different developmental stage does not make them any less of a human being. Of course, by the time they're big enough to be ripped apart a la abortion, they look more like a human being ... but that doesn't make them more of a human being.

So by your reasoning the criminal penalty for a woman who has an abortion should be conviction of murder.

Murder is the unlawful, premeditated killing of one human being by another.

Human abortion is legal therefore, it can not be classified as murder.

If it were illegal? Then yes.
I did my internship in a wonderful place where they get pregnant women off the street addicted to drugs and sober them up, most of the time they get them on government assistance. They have a school to get a GED, but basically these women and children live in poverty.
May I ask why you wanted to take the time to educate us on what happens with abortion, but leave out what happens to the baby after birth.
I have seen it over and over again, they live in dumpsters or called trailer trash only starting a whole new generation of drug addicts. Maybe 1 or 2 will escape and get a good education ( not by the support of the government)

A few are adopted, its easier to adopt in China than it is to jump through the hoops here in America

If you were to add solutions to help these babies after birth, I do feel more people would be behind you. It is not that we want to murder an innocent child, it is about taking care of the child after birth to have a productive life.


Really? There's no charity that helps those in need? No government assistance? No welfare? No food stamps? No WIC? No other programs?

You guys are so full of shit with your old, worn-out, lame meme.

Oh, and here's a clue ... the parents are the ones who are suppose to take care of the human being they created after said human being is born. Duh.

In a perfect world all parents would step up and raise the baby in a healthy home. Being this is not the case, the children are the ones who suffer.
Curious as if you are all talk without a clue or if you have actually had any education or raised a baby on welfare. Surprised to see that you didn't say it is up to the churches and not the government to raise these babies.

I do not agree at all with abortion, but to force a woman who was raped or will die, is just nonsense, and obviously you have never loved someone who died because of a fetus killing the mother.
In a perfect world all parents would step up and raise the baby in a healthy home. Being this is not the case, the children are the ones who suffer.
Curious as if you are all talk without a clue or if you have actually had any education or raised a baby on welfare. Surprised to see that you didn't say it is up to the churches and not the government to raise these babies.

I do not agree at all with abortion, but to force a woman who was raped or will die, is just nonsense, and obviously you have never loved someone who died because of a fetus killing the mother.

Hey, let me know when the world is perfect, mmkay?

Unborn children (oh sorry, pro"choice" does not acknowledge they are children. Ok, unborn human beings) die when they are aborted ... yet pro"choice" believes that is better than being given a chance at life; pro"choice" believes that death is a better option than life.

Death is not the better option, no matter how hard raising a child on welfare is. Did I really just have to point that out to you? omg

It's up to the parents to raise their children. If they are unable to, place them up for adoption. It's not rocket science.
In a perfect world all parents would step up and raise the baby in a healthy home. Being this is not the case, the children are the ones who suffer.
Curious as if you are all talk without a clue or if you have actually had any education or raised a baby on welfare. Surprised to see that you didn't say it is up to the churches and not the government to raise these babies.

I do not agree at all with abortion, but to force a woman who was raped or will die, is just nonsense, and obviously you have never loved someone who died because of a fetus killing the mother.

Hey, let me know when the world is perfect, mmkay?

Unborn children (oh sorry, pro"choice" does not acknowledge they are children. Ok, unborn human beings) die when they are aborted ... yet pro"choice" believes that is better than being given a chance at life; pro"choice" believes that death is a better option than life.

Death is not the better option, no matter how hard raising a child on welfare is. Did I really just have to point that out to you? omg

It's up to the parents to raise their children. If they are unable to, place them up for adoption. It's not rocket science.

Just like I thought, you are just lip servicing sitting back on your reclining chair.

I never said that I agree with abortion, and I worked in the field of actually helping and seeing the miracle of a babies being born without addictions. Have you ever seen a meth newborn?

Just saying when you are able to, find a home ( City Team is good ) and give the women and children some of your time, it is very rewarding. Or hold and rock an addicted baby in the hospital. Maybe support the foster homes where these forever handicapped meth/ heroin abandoned children live.

My point is, ALL are God's living being's , but our responsibility of fighting for them doesn't stop at birth, this is my argument.
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That's a "person"?


And nature, all by herself, will kill off 50% of them before the woman even knows she's pregnant, not to mention those she will kill off after the woman does know. So, tell us, should we hold a funeral for this?

If that's a human egg fertilized by a human sperm, then yes.

This . and you are the same eh? Good to know since the . is treated by nature with about as much respect as it deserves, none...

Yes, human beings start out as a little, teeny, tiny dot. All that they are is in included in that fertilized speck. Amazing! Once it starts dividing, that is the beginning of a unique human being's life. That's how human beings start. Just because they are at a different developmental stage does not make them any less of a human being. Of course, by the time they're big enough to be ripped apart a la abortion, they look more like a human being ... but that doesn't make them more of a human being.

So by your reasoning the criminal penalty for a woman who has an abortion should be conviction of murder.

Murder is the unlawful, premeditated killing of one human being by another.

Human abortion is legal therefore, it can not be classified as murder.

If it were illegal? Then yes.
That's a "person"?


And nature, all by herself, will kill off 50% of them before the woman even knows she's pregnant, not to mention those she will kill off after the woman does know. So, tell us, should we hold a funeral for this?

If that's a human egg fertilized by a human sperm, then yes.

This . and you are the same eh? Good to know since the . is treated by nature with about as much respect as it deserves, none...

Yes, human beings start out as a little, teeny, tiny dot. All that they are is in included in that fertilized speck. Amazing! Once it starts dividing, that is the beginning of a unique human being's life. That's how human beings start. Just because they are at a different developmental stage does not make them any less of a human being. Of course, by the time they're big enough to be ripped apart a la abortion, they look more like a human being ... but that doesn't make them more of a human being.

So by your reasoning the criminal penalty for a woman who has an abortion should be conviction of murder.

Murder is the unlawful, premeditated killing of one human being by another.

Human abortion is legal therefore, it can not be classified as murder.

If it were illegal? Then yes.

I asked what it should be. You think abortion should be the crime of murder. Good luck with that.
If that's a human egg fertilized by a human sperm, then yes.

This . and you are the same eh? Good to know since the . is treated by nature with about as much respect as it deserves, none...

Yes, human beings start out as a little, teeny, tiny dot. All that they are is in included in that fertilized speck. Amazing! Once it starts dividing, that is the beginning of a unique human being's life. That's how human beings start. Just because they are at a different developmental stage does not make them any less of a human being. Of course, by the time they're big enough to be ripped apart a la abortion, they look more like a human being ... but that doesn't make them more of a human being.

So by your reasoning the criminal penalty for a woman who has an abortion should be conviction of murder.

Murder is the unlawful, premeditated killing of one human being by another.

Human abortion is legal therefore, it can not be classified as murder.

If it were illegal? Then yes.

I asked what it should be. You think abortion should be the crime of murder. Good luck with that.

You didn't ask anything.


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