The Pres is out of Control

The race baiting machine is kicked into high gear and will stay that way for a while. Notice that Obama isn't telling anyone to calm down and hold judgment till the facts are in. He could address the rioters, but chooses not to. A real leader would try to help ease the tensions in Missouri, but we don't have a leader. We have a community organizer who is used to keeping people angry to reach a goal.

Yes, the race baiters ARE kicking into high gear, as you and the previous posters show, as well as the recent crap from Limbaugh and Faux 'News'
Ohh look this story almost fails to mention the "teen" fired on the officer.

Tensions flare in St. Louis after off-duty cop shoots teenager - Yahoo News


The officer fired his pistol 17 times, police said.

A 9mm pistol allegedly fired by Myers was found at the scene, police said.
But Van Jones, a civil rights activist and CNN contributor, said nobody can trust the police after the Brown killing.

"You're seeing a wholesale breakdown of trust," he said on "OutFront."

"It is an unfortunate situation. My heart goes out to the family, but again from what I am hearing it was a direct correlation to racial profiling, racial profiling went deadly."

Medical examiner St. Louis officer shot teen 7-8 times -
It's so sad. The conservative racist filth used to hide who they were, because at least they had a sense of shame over being racist filth. Now that they've got a network telling them that it's good to be racist filth, they're all coming out of the racist closet and proudly spouting their racist filth to anyone who will listen.
When has the obie admin ever not been racist? Ever since he talked about his typical white grandma it's always been race.

Making it about race divides this country...It is benefical to the democats as these minority groups, then want to get back at whites...So they vote democrat!

Only an ignorant tool wouldn't know over 90%+ of blacks already vote Dem, they don't need to divide the nation, it's the conservatives/GOPers who are doing it, over and over and over

Conservatives are GREAT at race baiting.
Seems like this forum has a specific set of 6 hillbilly inbreeds turning up once every day posting swamp stuff.

And how exactly is that any less insulting than calling someone a n!gger?

Also, I believe that calling other posters inbred is implying that their blood relatives had incestual relations. Family is supposed to off limits. Reported.


I didnt know that inbreeds were a race? Or even that rednecks were a race.

If you dont like your stereotypes, then work on having them changed, instead of whining over being confronted on what is a culture of bigotry and incest by a bunch of uncultured swamp savages.
It is against board rules to involve family members in your insults. Claiming someone is inbred is an insult on ones family.

But accurate!
same for you bear
The cop was fired on 3 times. The shooter only stopped because his firearm jammed. And you think this is about race? Well it is, it is about blacks claiming killing and attacking cops is ok cause blacks did it.
Its about the bigger this case the cop may have been fired on three times ( i havent read up on the topic yet) and thus shooting the man would be justified.

The issue goes beyond the rioting, and these two past stories out of there. Sadly you people tend to just focus story to story and play partisan gotcha.
Wrong the cop was fired on yet the blacks are claiming the man that did the firing was murdered without cause and that he was unarmed. NOT one of them was there, and yet they are making the claim. No witness has come forward claiming anything of the sort. You on the other hand claim that they are justified in making these claims because of another case that as far as I know has not been decided yet. Another case where a cop claims he was attacked.
The fuck are you making up stories. I was saying if the cop was fired on then his shooting was justified you dumb motherfucker.

Too busy being a partisan retard to understand anything.
Seems like this forum has a specific set of 6 hillbilly inbreeds turning up once every day posting swamp stuff.

And how exactly is that any less insulting than calling someone a n!gger?

Also, I believe that calling other posters inbred is implying that their blood relatives had incestual relations. Family is supposed to off limits. Reported.


I didnt know that inbreeds were a race? Or even that rednecks were a race.

If you dont like your stereotypes, then work on having them changed, instead of whining over being confronted on what is a culture of bigotry and incest by a bunch of uncultured swamp savages.
It is against board rules to involve family members in your insults. Claiming someone is inbred is an insult on ones family.

Stop playing moderator hillbilly!
Seems like this forum has a specific set of 6 hillbilly inbreeds turning up once every day posting swamp stuff.

And how exactly is that any less insulting than calling someone a n!gger?

Also, I believe that calling other posters inbred is implying that their blood relatives had incestual relations. Family is supposed to off limits. Reported.


I didnt know that inbreeds were a race? Or even that rednecks were a race.

If you dont like your stereotypes, then work on having them changed, instead of whining over being confronted on what is a culture of bigotry and incest by a bunch of uncultured swamp savages.
It is against board rules to involve family members in your insults. Claiming someone is inbred is an insult on ones family.

Stop playing moderator hillbilly!
Lets be specific shall we? You claim Hill Billies are incestuous, are you accusing me of being from an incestuous relationship?
John Wiley Price Arrested Accused of Taking 950 000 in Bribes NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth
Corn row guy is none other than John Wiley Price, finally arrested and charged with bribery, amil fraud and tax evasion in July, now out on bail, still Commissioner, though.
I just watched a story on Erin Burnett's show on CNN about the Dallas Ebola guy that died. The family is pissed and are saying that he died because he was given subpar treatment because he is black. There is a black guy with cornrows on the Dallas city commission that is crying racism too.

I like to watch Erin Burnett because she is smoking hot. Lots of time she shows a lot of tits too. She was interviewing the nephew of the dead Liberian guy. The guy was pissed and sounded like Al Sharptonor someone like him has already been giving him counsel. Finally, the nephew broke down and started crying. He asked for the cameras to be turned off. But Erin kept plowing on ahead with her questions. It was beautiful. I almost pulled out my cock. But I digress.
I just watched a story on Erin Burnett's show on CNN about the Dallas Ebola guy that died. The family is pissed and are saying that he died because he was given subpar treatment because he is black. There is a black guy with cornrows on the Dallas city commission that is crying racism too.

I like to watch Erin Burnett because she is smoking hot. Lots of time she shows a lot of tits too. She was interviewing the nephew of the dead Liberian guy. The guy was pissed and sounded like Al Sharptonor someone like him has already been giving him counsel. Finally, the nephew broke down and started crying. He asked for the cameras to be turned off. But Erin kept plowing on ahead with her questions. It was beautiful. I almost pulled out my cock. But I digress.

Damn. I could not have posted anything that would match this for exposing the 'Conservative' mindset.

His family and the whole nation has reason to sue that damned bunch of incompetants at the hospital. Twice they sent him home when he made it very plain that he thought he had Ebola.
Deleted - issued a zero point warning about family references and no-content flames.
Ahh ya that impartial press hard at work, pretending the latest shooting was not a firefight.

St. Louis area police arrest at least 17 during weekend of protests - Yahoo News
from your link:
Last Wednesday, an off-duty white officer working for a security firm shot dead 18-year-old Vonderrit Myers Jr. in the Shaw neighborhood in what police described as a firefight.

you lying sack of shit
A one line statement that claims the cops said. Ya they sure do believe it.
Ahh ya that impartial press hard at work, pretending the latest shooting was not a firefight.

St. Louis area police arrest at least 17 during weekend of protests - Yahoo News
from your link:
Last Wednesday, an off-duty white officer working for a security firm shot dead 18-year-old Vonderrit Myers Jr. in the Shaw neighborhood in what police described as a firefight.

you lying sack of shit
A one line statement that claims the cops said. Ya they sure do believe it.
in otherwords you are fucking wrong like usual so you need to punt in attempt to save some face because you are a fucking loser.
The black MAN was shot after firing on a cop. His parents were not there and so have no idea if he was armed or not, Further he was released on bail for a Firearms charge. he has a HISTORY of being armed.

Teen shooting triggers fresh protests in St. Louis

The demand by blacks to ignore the fact a cop was shot at and have an investigation into a self defense shooting is ignorant and stupid.
Sensationalism and hype sells.

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