The Presidency of Mr. Magoo


Gold Member
Apr 26, 2011
Remember this… [ame=]Fast and Furious - Obama Continues His LIE - YouTube[/ame]

President Magoo, in his seemingly shameless ability to claim incompetency and ignorance in the face of scandal, has again been found to have lied. Jay Carney admitted to the press, during one particularly stressful grilling, that the WH was indeed briefed about the IRS harassment of political organizations opposed to this administration—and when did Obama find out about it? Well, he found out about it like any common man, watching the news. Because why the hell would the President of the United States know what the hell is going on?

Obama-appointed IRS officials went in front of Congress and lied.

For Christ's sake the Attorney General of the United States went before Congress and lied. To this day NOT ONE PERSON has been held accountable in the operation that allowed thousands of assault weapons to cross the American border into the hand of murderous drug cartels with no way of tracking them--for reasons that are still not known.

This is the same president that routinely shows up hours late to press conferences, plays more golf than any of his predecessors--bumbling around, ironically, hopelessly staggering around helpless to do anything about anything because he knows nothing. He makes no attempt at governing, and cries, bitches and moans that Republicans are the reason for his dismal legislative failures—not even able to get his own budget passed in the Democrat-controlled Congress. By the way, how many Democrats voted for Obama’s budget?

Are we to believe that this man is so utterly incompetent? This is where we are now—the best we can hope for is that he really is President Magoo and not some Nixon-like figure on steroids.
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I would respect oblame-o more if he admitted he knew something about what goes down in his own administration. Because he doesn't indicates he's the most incompetent President in my entire lifetime.
“A notification is appropriate and routine and that is what happened and that happened several weeks ago,” Carney said.

Carney said the White House will not make a formal statement until a complete IG report is released.

Carney said later in the press conference that although the White House was notified “weeks ago” about the IRS investigaton, neither he nor the president were notified individually

Read more: White House notified of IRS investigation 'weeks ago' | The Daily Caller

'Fast and Furious' report slaps 14 at Justice, ATF -

1. Obama has played more golf than any president in history
This isn't even close to being true. Now, there's no question that he plays on a regular basis: 104 rounds from January 2009 through Aug. 4 of this year, the last time he played, according to Mark Knoller, the longtime White House correspondent for CBS Radio. That puts him about in the middle when compared with other duffers-in-chief. It's less than Bill Clinton, and a lot less than Dwight Eisenhower, who played more than 800 rounds over eight years — four times as often as Obama plays.

And why is it an outrage if the president, who heads one of three branches of government, golfs 104 times in three-and-a-half-years, but the head of another branch of government, the Speaker of the House, plays four times as much? You heard correctly: John Boehner once told Golf Digest that he plays upwards of 100 rounds a year. Seems like a double standard, no?

Deconstructing the 5 most ridiculous myths about Barack Obama - The Week
After watching the Daily Show, I have to bump my thread--BECAUSE EVEN JON STEWART AGREES WITH ME.

And the only thing the leftist apologists on this board can say is...Woodrow Wilson played more golf.
$Wussification.jpgAllen West v/s President Magoo
I mean really it is a kind of obscure reference, for myself and the Daily Show writers to look at what this administration wants us to believe--that Obama hasn't a clue about what is going on, that he found out about scandal after scandal from watching MSNBC..err he wouldn't have found out about anything from MSNBC perhaps I don't know CNN--and both of us think Mr. Magoo--me a staunch conservative and the Daily Show writers being the remnants of Magic Bus hippies of the 60's is really saying something about the sheer incompetence.

President Magoo would like us to believe he is this stupid, because otherwise it is the end of his presidency.
Jim Backus is turning over in his grave.
Americans should boot Obama so that a different Banker Controlled Politician will take the reigns of power in DC.
Americans should boot Obama so that a different Banker Controlled Politician will take the reigns of power in DC.

Let's have a coronation for The Bernanke and make him Supreme Ruler for Life!
I would respect oblame-o more if he admitted he knew something about what goes down in his own administration. Because he doesn't indicates he's the most incompetent President in my entire lifetime.

really, bush was blamed for everything that happened under his watch but libs say obama is not to blame for the same type stuff

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