The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Are you really serious? trump was handed declining unemployment, record job growth, and full employment. C'mon folks we have to be more detailed here. Unemployment was 4.7 percent when trump took office I mean, can we get real? It fell by a point during his time and that wasn't because of anything he has done.

Obama was handed a dying economy and yet you want to contrast the numbers with trump when for most of this presidency trump has rode on Obamas economic work.

I know most of you guys here want to re elect trump, I don't know what for except for one thing, and that is just sad.
And now Trump will have to deal with the numbers from an economic freeze.

May not be his fault, but it is his economy

Obama's great work at reducing pollution that is killing Americans.

Utilities had damaged the economy most through the emission of sulfur dioxide (SO2), which can harm the lungs directly or combine with ammonia to form particulate matter. The EPA estimates that PM 2.5—the deadliest particulate matter—is responsible for 90 percent of the 100,000 premature deaths caused by air pollution annually in the U.S.

Premature death carries a significant social cost, and Azevedo and her colleagues calculated the reduction in gross external damages from air pollution across the economy. (They did not assess some other forms of economic damage, such as climate damage.)

Damage to the economy from emissions dropped from $1 trillion to $719 billion from 2008 to 2014, Azevedo said.

“This is not trivial. These damages would correspond to something like 6% of GDP in 2008. And they are down to a little bit over 4% in 2014. So the good news is that through 2014, the U.S. economy continues to be on its path to be less pollution-intensive, and with lower consequences.”"
When U.S. Emissions Dropped, Mortality Dropped Dramatically
When Obama energy policy took hold people in third world countries died from starvation as a result.

You guys love to lie about Obama. So you go ahead and give trump a second term and watch the disaster you supported unfold to it's conclusion.
Are you really serious? trump was handed declining unemployment, record job growth, and full employment. C'mon folks we have to be more detailed here. Unemployment was 4.7 percent when trump took office I mean, can we get real? It fell by a point during his time and that wasn't because of anything he has done.

Obama was handed a dying economy and yet you want to contrast the numbers with trump when for most of this presidency trump has rode on Obamas economic work.

I know most of you guys here want to re elect trump, I don't know what for except for one thing, and that is just sad.
And now Trump will have to deal with the numbers from an economic freeze.

May not be his fault, but it is his economy
He's took credit for what he did not do, so he must now take whatever is coming.
The monthly unemployment rate for March 2020 was 4.4%. This is the 39th unemployment report with Trump in office, his 39th month recorded for this list. This brings Trump's average unemployment rate for his term in office to date, up from 3.95% in February 2019 to 3.96% in March 2020.

The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Gerald Ford: 7.77%

Average Unemployment Rates for US Presidents since after World War II:

01. Donald Trump: 3.96%
02. Lyndon Johnson: 4.19%
03. Harry Truman: 4.26%
04. Dwight Eisenhower: 4.89%
05. Richard Nixon: 5.00%
06. Bill Clinton: 5.20%
07. George W. Bush: 5.27%
08. John Kennedy: 5.98%
09. George H.W. Bush: 6.30%
10. Jimmy Carter: 6.54%
11. Barack Obama: 7.45%
12. Ronald Reagan: 7.54%
13. Gerald Ford: 7.77%

There are 9 months left in Trumps first Presidential term, assuming he completes it.

The labor force participation rate is at 62.7% for March 2020, down from 63.4% in February 2020.
Trumps numbers are headed for double digits, perhaps over 20 percent.

Last months numbers were as of March 14, before most businesses started to shut down. There were still 700,000 job losses. In actuality, the number is over 3 million and rising.

It may take a while for the numbers to recover as many businesses will not come back.
Are you really serious? trump was handed declining unemployment, record job growth, and full employment. C'mon folks we have to be more detailed here. Unemployment was 4.7 percent when trump took office I mean, can we get real? It fell by a point during his time and that wasn't because of anything he has done.

Obama was handed a dying economy and yet you want to contrast the numbers with trump when for most of this presidency trump has rode on Obamas economic work.

I know most of you guys here want to re elect trump, I don't know what for except for one thing, and that is just sad.
And now Trump will have to deal with the numbers from an economic freeze.

May not be his fault, but it is his economy
He's took credit for what he did not do, so he must now take whatever is coming.
Regardless, he can no longer claim the greatest economy in history.
Average means nothing...

What you get it at and what you give it back is what matters... Trump inherited a good economy and he has increased borrowing for tax cuts for the rich...
you just don't want to know facts. amazing. wow. you can't be helped. but I will point out forever your failure at seeking out facts.

What do you mean... I accepted the average but pointed out that it is pretty meaning less. Unemployment is what was it when you got (the day you implemented something) and what you gave it back at, not the average while you were getting it there...

Obama got high and going higher and gave it back real low... Obama got it while it was on the way to 10% and he turned on that when his policies started to kick in and gave it back (i.e. when Trump's policies started to kick in) at 4.0% (I could say lower as Trump did effectively nothing for the first 10 months of office on the economy).

Today Unemployment is 3.5%, So Trump has really only improved it by .5% while increasing borrowing to $1 trillion.

I will just point out that the Germany economy is meant to be going into recession, They have an unemployment rate 3.1%(US: 3.5%) and surplus of 1.2% of GDP (US: 5.5% deficit). As a recession note, the res of the world is preparing for one, it is due. Trumpnomics is trying to keep borrowing to prolong it but that just means US will just crash harder.
Obama’s energy policy caused unemployment. No improvement began until after fracking — which Obama opposed.
He just made it as safe as possible. Fracking went on like crazy under him. It's nice to have natural resources.

Franco... do you believe everything Obama said was true?
Are these statements and actions what a President who loves our country, wants to see our country better off?
I mean for example Obama was all in favor of oil tankers carrying 1 million barrels of oil on the open ocean when a simple dry land pipeline carrying
700 barrels of oil per mile would be safer on the environment.
View attachment 299957

Manufacturing is in a recession right now and trump did not bring back manufacturing jobs. Most of those decisions were made before trump took office.

Obama did not lie over 16,000 times in 8 years much less the 4 we have had under trump., trump does not love America. But what you say about Obama fits right in with the racist narrative. He wasn't America, he hates America. You white racists don't get it because none of your asses have to live as black people. Obama loved this country more than any of you. He put his life out there on the line literally. Because there were all kinds of rumors about Obama getting shot and whites were the ones telling me this. So what kind of man would fabricate his birth to run for office in a country where he might get killed? You fucking white idiots.
the government shut down businesses. you know that correct? many manufacturers are gearing up to produce products they don't manufacture to help with this supposed crisis. why are you always so dumb?

Obama's great work at reducing pollution that is killing Americans.

Utilities had damaged the economy most through the emission of sulfur dioxide (SO2), which can harm the lungs directly or combine with ammonia to form particulate matter. The EPA estimates that PM 2.5—the deadliest particulate matter—is responsible for 90 percent of the 100,000 premature deaths caused by air pollution annually in the U.S.

Premature death carries a significant social cost, and Azevedo and her colleagues calculated the reduction in gross external damages from air pollution across the economy. (They did not assess some other forms of economic damage, such as climate damage.)

Damage to the economy from emissions dropped from $1 trillion to $719 billion from 2008 to 2014, Azevedo said.

“This is not trivial. These damages would correspond to something like 6% of GDP in 2008. And they are down to a little bit over 4% in 2014. So the good news is that through 2014, the U.S. economy continues to be on its path to be less pollution-intensive, and with lower consequences.”"
When U.S. Emissions Dropped, Mortality Dropped Dramatically
When Obama energy policy took hold people in third world countries died from starvation as a result.

You guys love to lie about Obama. So you go ahead and give trump a second term and watch the disaster you supported unfold to it's conclusion.
wow, we have your permission? why thanks. I think we will.
Are you really serious? trump was handed declining unemployment, record job growth, and full employment. C'mon folks we have to be more detailed here. Unemployment was 4.7 percent when trump took office I mean, can we get real? It fell by a point during his time and that wasn't because of anything he has done.

Obama was handed a dying economy and yet you want to contrast the numbers with trump when for most of this presidency trump has rode on Obamas economic work.

I know most of you guys here want to re elect trump, I don't know what for except for one thing, and that is just sad.
And now Trump will have to deal with the numbers from an economic freeze.

May not be his fault, but it is his economy
He's took credit for what he did not do, so he must now take whatever is coming.
or obammy did this. can't have it both ways lefty bag. if it was obammy's market and economy, it still is. you really are a finger pointer. watch your eyes.
This whole thread title is stupid and I thin I said it before

A measure of president is what he got it (well 6 mths to 1 yr after gets office ) and what he gave back (well 6 mths to 1 yr after leaves office )... Averages are a joke because the president would get an country in the shit and give it back at a high would have only an average rating...

There are a number of measures:
Deficit - The most important
Labour Participation
Income Gap
Stock Market
GDP Growth
Drug Addiction

Generally speaking Trump has made this worse in every one of those except Crime which was a tie (it has declining for 25 years and if anything it slowed a bit under Trump but not significantly).

I can hear people say what about tax cut. When you are borrowing money to fund a tax cut you are transferring the money the people paying it back to the people who got it. So the general Taxpayer gave money the the rich.

And if you voted for him because you got Judges, was it really worth it... He has got thousands of Americans needlessly killed over being incompetent. His team are possibly is worse set of individuals running the country in modern history.
Seriously Biden could just appoint a team and play golf 6 days a week and in 4 years the country would be better off than under Trump.

The problem is Trump took a gamble like ignoring the CoronaVirus and putting in a travel ban thinking that would stop it. Biden at the time (and there is plenty of video evidence) was saying this will slow the virus coming but we need to use that time, Trump squandered that time.

I was a call a big one and Trump got it dead wrong and Biden got it right. That doesn't make Biden a genius, he read reports and had experience, but it made him right.

So the Democratic strategy is simple this fall, On the biggest call of Presidency, Trump got it wrong and Biden was right. The result is Americans died.
Hmmm - after losing 10 million jobs in the last week, Trump may beat 'em all within the next 2-3 months.
Average means nothing...

What you get it at and what you give it back is what matters... Trump inherited a good economy and he has increased borrowing for tax cuts for the rich...
you just don't want to know facts. amazing. wow. you can't be helped. but I will point out forever your failure at seeking out facts.

What do you mean... I accepted the average but pointed out that it is pretty meaning less. Unemployment is what was it when you got (the day you implemented something) and what you gave it back at, not the average while you were getting it there...

Obama got high and going higher and gave it back real low... Obama got it while it was on the way to 10% and he turned on that when his policies started to kick in and gave it back (i.e. when Trump's policies started to kick in) at 4.0% (I could say lower as Trump did effectively nothing for the first 10 months of office on the economy).

Today Unemployment is 3.5%, So Trump has really only improved it by .5% while increasing borrowing to $1 trillion.

I will just point out that the Germany economy is meant to be going into recession, They have an unemployment rate 3.1%(US: 3.5%) and surplus of 1.2% of GDP (US: 5.5% deficit). As a recession note, the res of the world is preparing for one, it is due. Trumpnomics is trying to keep borrowing to prolong it but that just means US will just crash harder.
Obama’s energy policy caused unemployment. No improvement began until after fracking — which Obama opposed.
He just made it as safe as possible. Fracking went on like crazy under him. It's nice to have natural resources.

Franco... do you believe everything Obama said was true?
Are these statements and actions what a President who loves our country, wants to see our country better off?
I mean for example Obama was all in favor of oil tankers carrying 1 million barrels of oil on the open ocean when a simple dry land pipeline carrying
700 barrels of oil per mile would be safer on the environment.
View attachment 299957

Manufacturing is in a recession right now and trump did not bring back manufacturing jobs. Most of those decisions were made before trump took office.

Obama did not lie over 16,000 times in 8 years much less the 4 we have had under trump., trump does not love America. But what you say about Obama fits right in with the racist narrative. He wasn't America, he hates America. You white racists don't get it because none of your asses have to live as black people. Obama loved this country more than any of you. He put his life out there on the line literally. Because there were all kinds of rumors about Obama getting shot and whites were the ones telling me this. So what kind of man would fabricate his birth to run for office in a country where he might get killed? You fucking white idiots.

"not lie over 16,000 times"

I really hope, and think, that any reasonable person doesn't read past that -
Average means nothing...

What you get it at and what you give it back is what matters... Trump inherited a good economy and he has increased borrowing for tax cuts for the rich...
you just don't want to know facts. amazing. wow. you can't be helped. but I will point out forever your failure at seeking out facts.

What do you mean... I accepted the average but pointed out that it is pretty meaning less. Unemployment is what was it when you got (the day you implemented something) and what you gave it back at, not the average while you were getting it there...

Obama got high and going higher and gave it back real low... Obama got it while it was on the way to 10% and he turned on that when his policies started to kick in and gave it back (i.e. when Trump's policies started to kick in) at 4.0% (I could say lower as Trump did effectively nothing for the first 10 months of office on the economy).

Today Unemployment is 3.5%, So Trump has really only improved it by .5% while increasing borrowing to $1 trillion.

I will just point out that the Germany economy is meant to be going into recession, They have an unemployment rate 3.1%(US: 3.5%) and surplus of 1.2% of GDP (US: 5.5% deficit). As a recession note, the res of the world is preparing for one, it is due. Trumpnomics is trying to keep borrowing to prolong it but that just means US will just crash harder.
Obama’s energy policy caused unemployment. No improvement began until after fracking — which Obama opposed.
He just made it as safe as possible. Fracking went on like crazy under him. It's nice to have natural resources.

Franco... do you believe everything Obama said was true?
Are these statements and actions what a President who loves our country, wants to see our country better off?
I mean for example Obama was all in favor of oil tankers carrying 1 million barrels of oil on the open ocean when a simple dry land pipeline carrying
700 barrels of oil per mile would be safer on the environment.
View attachment 299957

Manufacturing is in a recession right now and trump did not bring back manufacturing jobs. Most of those decisions were made before trump took office.

Obama did not lie over 16,000 times in 8 years much less the 4 we have had under trump., trump does not love America. But what you say about Obama fits right in with the racist narrative. He wasn't America, he hates America. You white racists don't get it because none of your asses have to live as black people. Obama loved this country more than any of you. He put his life out there on the line literally. Because there were all kinds of rumors about Obama getting shot and whites were the ones telling me this. So what kind of man would fabricate his birth to run for office in a country where he might get killed? You fucking white idiots.

Average means nothing...

What you get it at and what you give it back is what matters... Trump inherited a good economy and he has increased borrowing for tax cuts for the rich...
you just don't want to know facts. amazing. wow. you can't be helped. but I will point out forever your failure at seeking out facts.

What do you mean... I accepted the average but pointed out that it is pretty meaning less. Unemployment is what was it when you got (the day you implemented something) and what you gave it back at, not the average while you were getting it there...

Obama got high and going higher and gave it back real low... Obama got it while it was on the way to 10% and he turned on that when his policies started to kick in and gave it back (i.e. when Trump's policies started to kick in) at 4.0% (I could say lower as Trump did effectively nothing for the first 10 months of office on the economy).

Today Unemployment is 3.5%, So Trump has really only improved it by .5% while increasing borrowing to $1 trillion.

I will just point out that the Germany economy is meant to be going into recession, They have an unemployment rate 3.1%(US: 3.5%) and surplus of 1.2% of GDP (US: 5.5% deficit). As a recession note, the res of the world is preparing for one, it is due. Trumpnomics is trying to keep borrowing to prolong it but that just means US will just crash harder.
Obama’s energy policy caused unemployment. No improvement began until after fracking — which Obama opposed.
He just made it as safe as possible. Fracking went on like crazy under him. It's nice to have natural resources.

Franco... do you believe everything Obama said was true?
Are these statements and actions what a President who loves our country, wants to see our country better off?
I mean for example Obama was all in favor of oil tankers carrying 1 million barrels of oil on the open ocean when a simple dry land pipeline carrying
700 barrels of oil per mile would be safer on the environment.
View attachment 299957

Manufacturing is in a recession right now and trump did not bring back manufacturing jobs. Most of those decisions were made before trump took office.

Obama did not lie over 16,000 times in 8 years much less the 4 we have had under trump., trump does not love America. But what you say about Obama fits right in with the racist narrative. He wasn't America, he hates America. You white racists don't get it because none of your asses have to live as black people. Obama loved this country more than any of you. He put his life out there on the line literally. Because there were all kinds of rumors about Obama getting shot and whites were the ones telling me this. So what kind of man would fabricate his birth to run for office in a country where he might get killed? You fucking white idiots.

View attachment 318813

How Barack Obama Has Made $20 Million Since Arriving In Washington

How Barack Obama Achieved a Net Worth of $40 Million

Barack and Michelle Obama had no more than $1.3 million in net worth when Barack entered the White House as the 44th President of the United States. However, it is interesting to note that rather reliable sources now estimate them to be worth around $40 million, which is a remarkable increase over the course of around a decade’s time.
Average means nothing...

What you get it at and what you give it back is what matters... Trump inherited a good economy and he has increased borrowing for tax cuts for the rich...
you just don't want to know facts. amazing. wow. you can't be helped. but I will point out forever your failure at seeking out facts.

What do you mean... I accepted the average but pointed out that it is pretty meaning less. Unemployment is what was it when you got (the day you implemented something) and what you gave it back at, not the average while you were getting it there...

Obama got high and going higher and gave it back real low... Obama got it while it was on the way to 10% and he turned on that when his policies started to kick in and gave it back (i.e. when Trump's policies started to kick in) at 4.0% (I could say lower as Trump did effectively nothing for the first 10 months of office on the economy).

Today Unemployment is 3.5%, So Trump has really only improved it by .5% while increasing borrowing to $1 trillion.

I will just point out that the Germany economy is meant to be going into recession, They have an unemployment rate 3.1%(US: 3.5%) and surplus of 1.2% of GDP (US: 5.5% deficit). As a recession note, the res of the world is preparing for one, it is due. Trumpnomics is trying to keep borrowing to prolong it but that just means US will just crash harder.
Obama’s energy policy caused unemployment. No improvement began until after fracking — which Obama opposed.
He just made it as safe as possible. Fracking went on like crazy under him. It's nice to have natural resources.

Franco... do you believe everything Obama said was true?
Are these statements and actions what a President who loves our country, wants to see our country better off?
I mean for example Obama was all in favor of oil tankers carrying 1 million barrels of oil on the open ocean when a simple dry land pipeline carrying
700 barrels of oil per mile would be safer on the environment.
View attachment 299957

Manufacturing is in a recession right now and trump did not bring back manufacturing jobs. Most of those decisions were made before trump took office.

Obama did not lie over 16,000 times in 8 years much less the 4 we have had under trump., trump does not love America. But what you say about Obama fits right in with the racist narrative. He wasn't America, he hates America. You white racists don't get it because none of your asses have to live as black people. Obama loved this country more than any of you. He put his life out there on the line literally. Because there were all kinds of rumors about Obama getting shot and whites were the ones telling me this. So what kind of man would fabricate his birth to run for office in a country where he might get killed? You fucking white idiots.

View attachment 318813

How Barack Obama Has Made $20 Million Since Arriving In Washington

How Barack Obama Achieved a Net Worth of $40 Million

Barack and Michelle Obama had no more than $1.3 million in net worth when Barack entered the White House as the 44th President of the United States. However, it is interesting to note that rather reliable sources now estimate them to be worth around $40 million, which is a remarkable increase over the course of around a decade’s time.

The Great Obama is in high demand for his speeches and books

Who wouldn’t want to hear him speak?
This whole thread title is stupid and I thin I said it before

A measure of president is what he got it (well 6 mths to 1 yr after gets office ) and what he gave back (well 6 mths to 1 yr after leaves office )... Averages are a joke because the president would get an country in the shit and give it back at a high would have only an average rating...

There are a number of measures:
Deficit - The most important
Labour Participation
Income Gap
Stock Market
GDP Growth
Drug Addiction

Generally speaking Trump has made this worse in every one of those except Crime which was a tie (it has declining for 25 years and if anything it slowed a bit under Trump but not significantly).

I can hear people say what about tax cut. When you are borrowing money to fund a tax cut you are transferring the money the people paying it back to the people who got it. So the general Taxpayer gave money the the rich.

And if you voted for him because you got Judges, was it really worth it... He has got thousands of Americans needlessly killed over being incompetent. His team are possibly is worse set of individuals running the country in modern history.
Seriously Biden could just appoint a team and play golf 6 days a week and in 4 years the country would be better off than under Trump.

The problem is Trump took a gamble like ignoring the CoronaVirus and putting in a travel ban thinking that would stop it. Biden at the time (and there is plenty of video evidence) was saying this will slow the virus coming but we need to use that time, Trump squandered that time.

I was a call a big one and Trump got it dead wrong and Biden got it right. That doesn't make Biden a genius, he read reports and had experience, but it made him right.

So the Democratic strategy is simple this fall, On the biggest call of Presidency, Trump got it wrong and Biden was right. The result is Americans died.
This shut down is stupid
This whole thread title is stupid and I thin I said it before

A measure of president is what he got it (well 6 mths to 1 yr after gets office ) and what he gave back (well 6 mths to 1 yr after leaves office )... Averages are a joke because the president would get an country in the shit and give it back at a high would have only an average rating...

There are a number of measures:
Deficit - The most important
Labour Participation
Income Gap
Stock Market
GDP Growth
Drug Addiction

Generally speaking Trump has made this worse in every one of those except Crime which was a tie (it has declining for 25 years and if anything it slowed a bit under Trump but not significantly).

I can hear people say what about tax cut. When you are borrowing money to fund a tax cut you are transferring the money the people paying it back to the people who got it. So the general Taxpayer gave money the the rich.

And if you voted for him because you got Judges, was it really worth it... He has got thousands of Americans needlessly killed over being incompetent. His team are possibly is worse set of individuals running the country in modern history.
Seriously Biden could just appoint a team and play golf 6 days a week and in 4 years the country would be better off than under Trump.

The problem is Trump took a gamble like ignoring the CoronaVirus and putting in a travel ban thinking that would stop it. Biden at the time (and there is plenty of video evidence) was saying this will slow the virus coming but we need to use that time, Trump squandered that time.

I was a call a big one and Trump got it dead wrong and Biden got it right. That doesn't make Biden a genius, he read reports and had experience, but it made him right.

So the Democratic strategy is simple this fall, On the biggest call of Presidency, Trump got it wrong and Biden was right. The result is Americans died.
This shut down is stupid
So how many have you and Trump killed with downplaying the problem? Great job!

Meanwhile this is a really stupid idea for a thread. Nothing is that simple. all we know for sure is that the GOP causes corrupt bubbles and busts every time they get 8 years to do it. Reagan tax rates last 30 years have wrecked the middle class and the country. No sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot GOP rich.
Average means nothing...

What you get it at and what you give it back is what matters... Trump inherited a good economy and he has increased borrowing for tax cuts for the rich...
you just don't want to know facts. amazing. wow. you can't be helped. but I will point out forever your failure at seeking out facts.

What do you mean... I accepted the average but pointed out that it is pretty meaning less. Unemployment is what was it when you got (the day you implemented something) and what you gave it back at, not the average while you were getting it there...

Obama got high and going higher and gave it back real low... Obama got it while it was on the way to 10% and he turned on that when his policies started to kick in and gave it back (i.e. when Trump's policies started to kick in) at 4.0% (I could say lower as Trump did effectively nothing for the first 10 months of office on the economy).

Today Unemployment is 3.5%, So Trump has really only improved it by .5% while increasing borrowing to $1 trillion.

I will just point out that the Germany economy is meant to be going into recession, They have an unemployment rate 3.1%(US: 3.5%) and surplus of 1.2% of GDP (US: 5.5% deficit). As a recession note, the res of the world is preparing for one, it is due. Trumpnomics is trying to keep borrowing to prolong it but that just means US will just crash harder.
Obama’s energy policy caused unemployment. No improvement began until after fracking — which Obama opposed.
He just made it as safe as possible. Fracking went on like crazy under him. It's nice to have natural resources.

Franco... do you believe everything Obama said was true?
Are these statements and actions what a President who loves our country, wants to see our country better off?
I mean for example Obama was all in favor of oil tankers carrying 1 million barrels of oil on the open ocean when a simple dry land pipeline carrying
700 barrels of oil per mile would be safer on the environment.
View attachment 299957

Manufacturing is in a recession right now and trump did not bring back manufacturing jobs. Most of those decisions were made before trump took office.

Obama did not lie over 16,000 times in 8 years much less the 4 we have had under trump., trump does not love America. But what you say about Obama fits right in with the racist narrative. He wasn't America, he hates America. You white racists don't get it because none of your asses have to live as black people. Obama loved this country more than any of you. He put his life out there on the line literally. Because there were all kinds of rumors about Obama getting shot and whites were the ones telling me this. So what kind of man would fabricate his birth to run for office in a country where he might get killed? You fucking white idiots.

View attachment 318813

How Barack Obama Has Made $20 Million Since Arriving In Washington

How Barack Obama Achieved a Net Worth of $40 Million

Barack and Michelle Obama had no more than $1.3 million in net worth when Barack entered the White House as the 44th President of the United States. However, it is interesting to note that rather reliable sources now estimate them to be worth around $40 million, which is a remarkable increase over the course of around a decade’s time.

Books and speeches just like the clintons and Sanders. Big f****** mystery just for dupes like you...
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