The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

The monthly unemployment rate for April 2020 was 14.7%. This is the 40th unemployment report with Trump in office, his 40th month recorded for this list. This brings Trump's average unemployment rate for his term in office to date, up from 3.96% in March 2020 to 4.23% in April 2020.

The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Gerald Ford: 7.77%

Average Unemployment Rates for US Presidents since after World War II:

01. Lyndon Johnson: 4.19%
02. Donald Trump: 4.23%
03. Harry Truman: 4.26%
04. Dwight Eisenhower: 4.89%
05. Richard Nixon: 5.00%
06. Bill Clinton: 5.20%
07. George W. Bush: 5.27%
08. John Kennedy: 5.98%
09. George H.W. Bush: 6.30%
10. Jimmy Carter: 6.54%
11. Barack Obama: 7.45%
12. Ronald Reagan: 7.54%
13. Gerald Ford: 7.77%

There are 8 months left in Trumps first Presidential term, assuming he completes it.

The labor force participation rate is at 60.2% for April 2020, down from 62.7% in March 2020. This is the lowest labor force participation rate since January 1973 when it stood at 60.0%.

The April unemployment rate of 14.7% is the highest since 1939 when the annual unemployment number was 17.2%. So this is the highest monthly unemployment rate in 81 years.

Trump loses his #1 position on the chart of the lowest average unemployment rates since World War II. Donald Trump may drop further down the chart over the next 8 months.
It only gets worse from here
Take out 9-11 and Bush kept us safe
True enough but what is your point???????? Do you have any idea? You blame Bush for 911 and Trump for the pandemic???
Honestly, you are at the kindergarten level which is typical of liberalism. Do you see why we say liberalism is based in ignorance?
Take out 9-11 and Bush kept us safe
True enough but what is your point???????? Do you have any idea? You blame Bush for 911 and Trump for the pandemic???
Honestly, you are at the kindergarten level which is typical of liberalism. Do you see why we say liberalism is based in ignorance?
The point is....

A president is judged on his WHOLE Presidency, not just the good parts
A president is judged on his WHOLE Presidency, not just the good parts

intelligent people judge him by what he controlled, not by what he didn't. A child, a tiny child, and a liberal would not need to learn that from others. Always so embarrassing!!

The Buck stops with the President. Everything that happens, good or bad must be considered when voting this fall. The President's response to this virus, the number of Americans infected, the number of Americans dead we'll be considered as well as what happens with the economy.

Taiwan, a country of 24 million people, only has 440 infections, 6 deaths, and at present, only 79 active cases of the virus. By June the virus may not be present anywhere in Taiwan, allowing for the economy to be more open.

The Virus, public health, and the economy are all linked together. Proper government action like Taiwan took on January 20, 2020 putting in travel restrictions on everyone coming into the country is why Taiwan is in such a good position relative to the United States.

Taiwan was more exposed to the virus given their greater travel and trade links with China thanks in part to their geographic proximity. Taiwan will be leaving this virus behind this summer, while the United States is in a middle of a disaster that may be getting worse with states opening up.
The blame for the virus can be assigned to New York City and the fact that it is a travel hub. NYC, NJ ,Chicago, Seattle, and Detroit are the hot spots for COVID-19. What do they have in common? Lots of people from China pass through. New Orleans had Mardi Gras which led to their high level of infestation.
A president is judged on his WHOLE Presidency, not just the good parts

intelligent people judge him by what he controlled, not by what he didn't. A child, a tiny child, and a liberal would not need to learn that from others. Always so embarrassing!!
We look at how Trump responded to one of the worst crisis in American history.

We see a response of denial, spreading misinformation, delay, working one state against another.
We see America with five percent of the worlds population having 33 percent of the infections.

History will not look fondly on Trump
Trump has missed his opportunity for showing greatness and leadership in a national crisis. He has instead chosen mediocrity, incompetence, and failure. A shallow man with emotional and physiological deficiencies. Trump will be the symbol of a man child from now and forever.
The blame for the virus can be assigned to New York City and the fact that it is a travel hub. NYC, NJ ,Chicago, Seattle, and Detroit are the hot spots for COVID-19. What do they have in common? Lots of people from China pass through. New Orleans had Mardi Gras which led to their high level of infestation.

TAIWAN is far more exposed to China than any United States city. Because TAIWAN acted early, January 20, 2020, and restricted ALL TRAVEL into the country, they only had 440 cases and 6 deaths. TAIWAN now only has 68 active cases.

TAIWAN is a country of 24 million people and is the 12 most densely populated country on the planet with the highest exposure to China. The United States could have been like Taiwan in terms of per capita cases and deaths, but it failed to act early. That is Trump's failure, because only a Federal closing of all travel from outside the country in January would have achieved the same results as TAIWAN.

When you prevent the virus from entering the country to begin with, or at least heavily limit any entry, you prevent the issues you see with New York City and New Orleans from happening in the first place.

TAIWAN actually did not have its first case of Coronavirus until February 16, 2020, nearly a month after it shut down its borders. There were bound to be some leaks, but these leaks were controlled through testing, contact tracing, and isolation of the infected and those that had any encounters with the infected. It worked really well and after that first February 16, 2020 infection, there were only 439 other infections and just 6 deaths. No one has died of coronavirus in Taiwan since April 10, 2020. Since April 10, 2020, nearly 70,000 Americans have died from coronavirus. Nearly 70,000 deaths for the United States VS ZERO deaths in Taiwan since April 10. This shows the true scale of Trumps failure.
Lots of people from China pass through.
And when Trump banned travel from China the Democrats called him a racist and xenophobe. Why would anybody be a Democrat even after Bernie has demonstrated how communistic they are? Can any Democrat answer that question?

The epicenter of the coronavirus spread in the United States is New York City. New York City was infected by people traveling from EUROPE, NOT CHINA! Again, in a pandemic, you only have hours to react given the nature of air travel in 2020. TAIWAN restricted all travel into the country from ANYWHERE. Trump only blocked one country, China which turned out to be useless because the pathogen spreads to people anywhere they live, so the only way to stop its entry into the United States is to block all travel from all countries, not just China.
History will not look fondly on Trump
The working man loves Trump and elected him after Democrats sent their jobs to China and invited in 30 million illegals to take the remaining jobs and bid down wages still further.
And the working man is paying a price with trade wars, tax cuts on the wealthy and 15 percent unemployment
Lots of people from China pass through.
And when Trump banned travel from China the Democrats called him a racist and xenophobe. Why would anybody be a Democrat even after Bernie has demonstrated how communistic they are? Can any Democrat answer that question?
Trump only banned people who were Chinese. Which is racist and xenophobic. He let anyone else into the country.

Problem was, the virus didn’t care what race you were
The blame for the virus can be assigned to New York City and the fact that it is a travel hub. NYC, NJ ,Chicago, Seattle, and Detroit are the hot spots for COVID-19. What do they have in common? Lots of people from China pass through. New Orleans had Mardi Gras which led to their high level of infestation.

TAIWAN is far more exposed to China than any United States city. Because TAIWAN acted early, January 20, 2020, and restricted ALL TRAVEL into the country, they only had 440 cases and 6 deaths. TAIWAN now only has 68 active cases.

TAIWAN is a country of 24 million people and is the 12 most densely populated country on the planet with the highest exposure to China. The United States could have been like Taiwan in terms of per capita cases and deaths, but it failed to act early. That is Trump's failure, because only a Federal closing of all travel from outside the country in January would have achieved the same results as TAIWAN.

When you prevent the virus from entering the country to begin with, or at least heavily limit any entry, you prevent the issues you see with New York City and New Orleans from happening in the first place.

TAIWAN actually did not have its first case of Coronavirus until February 16, 2020, nearly a month after it shut down its borders. There were bound to be some leaks, but these leaks were controlled through testing, contact tracing, and isolation of the infected and those that had any encounters with the infected. It worked really well and after that first February 16, 2020 infection, there were only 439 other infections and just 6 deaths. No one has died of coronavirus in Taiwan since April 10, 2020. Since April 10, 2020, nearly 70,000 Americans have died from coronavirus. Nearly 70,000 deaths for the United States VS ZERO deaths in Taiwan since April 10. This shows the true scale of Trumps failure.

BULLSHIT! The Chinese do not travel to Taiwan or vice versa. That was the main cause. The rest of your stats are irrelevant except to make you feel better.
Lots of people from China pass through.
And when Trump banned travel from China the Democrats called him a racist and xenophobe. Why would anybody be a Democrat even after Bernie has demonstrated how communistic they are? Can any Democrat answer that question?

The epicenter of the coronavirus spread in the United States is New York City. New York City was infected by people traveling from EUROPE, NOT CHINA! Again, in a pandemic, you only have hours to react given the nature of air travel in 2020. TAIWAN restricted all travel into the country from ANYWHERE. Trump only blocked one country, China which turned out to be useless because the pathogen spreads to people anywhere they live, so the only way to stop its entry into the United States is to block all travel from all countries, not just China.

So not Chinese ever traveled to NYC? Do you realize how stupid you sound? You should, because all we hear is "DUMBASS" coming out!
A president is judged on his WHOLE Presidency, not just the good parts

intelligent people judge him by what he controlled, not by what he didn't. A child, a tiny child, and a liberal would not need to learn that from others. Always so embarrassing!!

The Buck stops with the President. Everything that happens, good or bad must be considered when voting this fall. The President's response to this virus, the number of Americans infected, the number of Americans dead we'll be considered as well as what happens with the economy.

Taiwan, a country of 24 million people, only has 440 infections, 6 deaths, and at present, only 79 active cases of the virus. By June the virus may not be present anywhere in Taiwan, allowing for the economy to be more open.

The Virus, public health, and the economy are all linked together. Proper government action like Taiwan took on January 20, 2020 putting in travel restrictions on everyone coming into the country is why Taiwan is in such a good position relative to the United States.

Taiwan was more exposed to the virus given their greater travel and trade links with China thanks in part to their geographic proximity. Taiwan will be leaving this virus behind this summer, while the United States is in a middle of a disaster that may be getting worse with states opening up.
Unfortunately the left fought Trump's travel bans tooth and nail and they where the ones who took no action while celebrating Trump's impeachment.
A president is judged on his WHOLE Presidency, not just the good parts

intelligent people judge him by what he controlled, not by what he didn't. A child, a tiny child, and a liberal would not need to learn that from others. Always so embarrassing!!

The Buck stops with the President. Everything that happens, good or bad must be considered when voting this fall. The President's response to this virus, the number of Americans infected, the number of Americans dead we'll be considered as well as what happens with the economy.

Taiwan, a country of 24 million people, only has 440 infections, 6 deaths, and at present, only 79 active cases of the virus. By June the virus may not be present anywhere in Taiwan, allowing for the economy to be more open.

The Virus, public health, and the economy are all linked together. Proper government action like Taiwan took on January 20, 2020 putting in travel restrictions on everyone coming into the country is why Taiwan is in such a good position relative to the United States.

Taiwan was more exposed to the virus given their greater travel and trade links with China thanks in part to their geographic proximity. Taiwan will be leaving this virus behind this summer, while the United States is in a middle of a disaster that may be getting worse with states opening up.
Unfortunately the left fought Trump's travel bans tooth and nail and they where the ones who took no action while celebrating Trump's impeachment.
Your timing is off
Impeachment was a done deal by the time the virus hit our shores.
It is not hard for Trump to close our borders, he has been trying to do so since he took office.

Block Muslims, block Mexicans, block Chinese.
But of course, white people are OK
It was white people who brought the virus
The monthly unemployment rate for May 2020 was 13.3%. This is the 41st unemployment report with Trump in office, his 41st month recorded for this list. This brings Trump's average unemployment rate for his term in office to date, up from 4.23% in April 2020 to 4.45% in May 2020.

The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Gerald Ford: 7.77%

Average Unemployment Rates for US Presidents since after World War II:

01. Lyndon Johnson: 4.19%
02. Harry Truman: 4.26%
03. Donald Trump: 4.45%
04. Dwight Eisenhower: 4.89%
05. Richard Nixon: 5.00%
06. Bill Clinton: 5.20%
07. George W. Bush: 5.27%
08. John Kennedy: 5.98%
09. George H.W. Bush: 6.30%
10. Jimmy Carter: 6.54%
11. Barack Obama: 7.45%
12. Ronald Reagan: 7.54%
13. Gerald Ford: 7.77%

There are 7 months left in Trumps first Presidential term, assuming he completes it.

The labor force participation rate is at 60.8% for May 2020, up from 60.2% in April 2020.

Surprisingly, the unemployment rate went down in May to 13.3% from 14.7% in April. Most predictions were for an increase to 19.5% unemployment for May. Labor force participation rate also increased. Perhaps this reflects that many business's have held onto their employees and there was an improvement once some of the first states started to open up in May. So it looks like the re-openings in May prevented a worse unemployment rate and slightly improve things. Unfortunately when it comes to the spread of COVID-19, there has been no real improvement in the number of new daily infections and deaths since about May 10, 2020. The United States seems to be stuck at a rate that is about 50% of the worst days for the virus in April.

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