The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

can the liberals answer this? if so many people are working and the economy is fixed, whay are so many still on entitlements?
spoonman, let me explain a simple fact to you. It has probably been explained to you a couple of dozen times but as you are a member of the gop the explanation has probably flown in one ear and out the other.
You like to condemn Social Security as an entitlement. You like to act like somehow the government is giving all these people free money! IT DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY! From the first job I had to the last job each and every paycheck I received had money taken out of it and turned over to the government. All these years, right up until I retired the government was holding my money and keeping records of it. When I retired I started to receive the money back in the form of Social Security checks. THE GOVERNMENT IS GIVING ME BACK MY MONEY! You twit, the money given back to me is not government money, it is MY money being returned to me. Are you really so stupid that you cannot understand how Social Security works? Are you really that stupid?
The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Barrack Obama: 8.86%

Average Unemployment Rates For US Presidents since World War II:

01. Lyndon Johnson: 4.19%
02. Harry Truman: 4.26%
03. Dwight Eisenhower: 4.89%
04. Richard Nixon: 5.00%
05. Bill Clinton: 5.20%
06. George W. Bush: 5.27%
07. John Kennedy: 5.98%
08. George H.W. Bush: 6.30%
09. Jimmy Carter: 6.54%
10. Ronald Reagan: 7.54%
11. Gerald Ford: 7.77%
12. Barack Obama: 8.86%

How come no one ever averaged out the unemployment rate like that before Obama became president?

Oh, I know, because since the BLS has kept stats, there's only ever been one Republican president who lowered the unemployment rate on their watch and there's never been a Democrat president who increased the unemployment rate on theirs. So how else can the GOP attack Obama?
Up until Obama The President of the United States was accountable for many things....

Obama is not it seems....

You could say that about Bush.

Because it seems no one holds him responsible for some pretty fucked up shit.

Which Obama had to fix.
but hasn't fixed

He hasn't?

Employment in the private sector has grown for 49 consecutive months now. If that trend keeps up for 3 more months, you will be hearing a lot about this since that will make this period the longest stretch of growth in the private sector in the history of keeping employment stats.
The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Barrack Obama: 8.86%

Average Unemployment Rates For US Presidents since World War II:

01. Lyndon Johnson: 4.19%
02. Harry Truman: 4.26%
03. Dwight Eisenhower: 4.89%
04. Richard Nixon: 5.00%
05. Bill Clinton: 5.20%
06. George W. Bush: 5.27%
07. John Kennedy: 5.98%
08. George H.W. Bush: 6.30%
09. Jimmy Carter: 6.54%
10. Ronald Reagan: 7.54%
11. Gerald Ford: 7.77%
12. Barack Obama: 8.86%

How come no one ever averaged out the unemployment rate like that before Obama became president?

Oh, I know, because since the BLS has kept stats, there's only ever been one Republican president who lowered the unemployment rate on their watch and there's never been a Democrat president who increased the unemployment rate on theirs. So how else can the GOP attack Obama?

Let me see if I'm following your train of thought here, Faun...

You're not disputing the number of 8.86% for Barack Obama...but you're upset because you don't think anyone EVER averaged out the unemployment rates before Barack Obama became President?

You seriously believe that? I mean SERIOUSLY? You think they only started keeping track of unemployment rates because it's embarrassing to Obama because his are so bad? Is that your contention? SERIOUSLY? :wine: Damn, Dude...that is some serious whine you're working there!
Presidents don't, and shouldn't, control the economy although the policies they create affect it greatly. Obamacare killed jobs. Crony capitalism tilts the playing field. Those things negatively affect us all. Best thing that the president and congress can do is follow the constitution and stop meddling where they don't belong.

It's incredibly that we have things like a jobs bill. Government cannot create jobs. If they want to see more jobs created, they need to untie the hands of employers and small business creators.
Obama's green energy scam and denial of fossil fuel extraction has cost our economy over $1.2 trillion every year since he took office.
That's the kind of spending money that this economy would have used to build upon itself. Instead we stay in the hole because he wants people on the dole.
The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Barrack Obama: 8.86%

Average Unemployment Rates For US Presidents since World War II:

01. Lyndon Johnson: 4.19%
02. Harry Truman: 4.26%
03. Dwight Eisenhower: 4.89%
04. Richard Nixon: 5.00%
05. Bill Clinton: 5.20%
06. George W. Bush: 5.27%
07. John Kennedy: 5.98%
08. George H.W. Bush: 6.30%
09. Jimmy Carter: 6.54%
10. Ronald Reagan: 7.54%
11. Gerald Ford: 7.77%
12. Barack Obama: 8.86%

How come no one ever averaged out the unemployment rate like that before Obama became president?

Oh, I know, because since the BLS has kept stats, there's only ever been one Republican president who lowered the unemployment rate on their watch and there's never been a Democrat president who increased the unemployment rate on theirs. So how else can the GOP attack Obama?

Let me see if I'm following your train of thought here, Faun...

You're not disputing the number of 8.86% for Barack Obama...but you're upset because you don't think anyone EVER averaged out the unemployment rates before Barack Obama became President?

You seriously believe that? I mean SERIOUSLY? You think they only started keeping track of unemployment rates because it's embarrassing to Obama because his are so bad? Is that your contention? SERIOUSLY? :wine: Damn, Dude...that is some serious whine you're working there!

Actually, the number isn't even 8.86%. But then, righties never can handle math. Still, the actual number is high and higher than the rest. No, my contention is this reflects just how desperate the right is. It's kind of like them talking about the labor force participation rate. No one has ever averaged out the unemployment rate before, yet since the right has this insatiable need to attack Obama over the unemployment rate, even as it improves, they have to keep finding innovative ways to make him look bad.

Averaging out the unemployment rate is an effective way to hide the fact that he was handed the worst economy since the Great Depression though, so I understand why they resort to a metric that has never been used before.

Still, righties can't escape the fact that Reagan remains the only Republican president to lower the unemployment rate by the end of his presidency or the fact that no Democrat president has increased it.

By the way, what do you think averaging out the unemployment rate means in terms of a presidents' handling of the economy?
Presidents don't, and shouldn't, control the economy although the policies they create affect it greatly. Obamacare killed jobs. ......
I stopped reading right there: Obamacare killed jobs. I'll ignore the fact that you were to lazy to provide a link if there even is one and point out that in the last month of the bush administration Americans were losing 750,000 jobs a month. If you have trouble with numbers let me write it out for you: Seven hundred and fifty THOUSAND jobs a month. Within one year Obama had stopped that job loss and the American workers started gaining those jobs back.


The red shows bush's job loss during the last several months he was in office. The blue shows what happened after Obama took office.
Who cares? Presidents don't decide who works or who doesn't.

I'm just curious. Why would you average in the first month or 3 months or 6 months of a president's term implying that he had anything to do with that unemployment rate?

presidents have a fairly great amount of influence with the direction the economy takes...
How come no one ever averaged out the unemployment rate like that before Obama became president?

Oh, I know, because since the BLS has kept stats, there's only ever been one Republican president who lowered the unemployment rate on their watch and there's never been a Democrat president who increased the unemployment rate on theirs. So how else can the GOP attack Obama?

Let me see if I'm following your train of thought here, Faun...

You're not disputing the number of 8.86% for Barack Obama...but you're upset because you don't think anyone EVER averaged out the unemployment rates before Barack Obama became President?

You seriously believe that? I mean SERIOUSLY? You think they only started keeping track of unemployment rates because it's embarrassing to Obama because his are so bad? Is that your contention? SERIOUSLY? :wine: Damn, Dude...that is some serious whine you're working there!

Actually, the number isn't even 8.86%. But then, righties never can handle math. Still, the actual number is high and higher than the rest. No, my contention is this reflects just how desperate the right is. It's kind of like them talking about the labor force participation rate. No one has ever averaged out the unemployment rate before, yet since the right has this insatiable need to attack Obama over the unemployment rate, even as it improves, they have to keep finding innovative ways to make him look bad.

Averaging out the unemployment rate is an effective way to hide the fact that he was handed the worst economy since the Great Depression though, so I understand why they resort to a metric that has never been used before.

Still, righties can't escape the fact that Reagan remains the only Republican president to lower the unemployment rate by the end of his presidency or the fact that no Democrat president has increased it.

By the way, what do you think averaging out the unemployment rate means in terms of a presidents' handling of the economy?

The "real" unemployment rate is higher than 8.86. If you looked at how many full time jobs Barack Obama has turned into part time jobs with the legislation he's pushed the numbers get even worse for him!

So why isn't Barry doing what Reagan did? At this point in his second term Reagan had the economy growing by leaps and bounds, inflation under control and unemployment was coming down as well. Barack Obama isn't doing ANY of those things!

Trust don't have to do "creative accounting" to make this President look bad when it comes to the economy. The people that were getting creative were whoever it was who came up with a new economic statistic..."jobs created or saved"...when the Obama Stimulus failed miserably at creating the jobs that Barry, Harry and Nancy assured us it would!
Let me see if I'm following your train of thought here, Faun...

You're not disputing the number of 8.86% for Barack Obama...but you're upset because you don't think anyone EVER averaged out the unemployment rates before Barack Obama became President?

You seriously believe that? I mean SERIOUSLY? You think they only started keeping track of unemployment rates because it's embarrassing to Obama because his are so bad? Is that your contention? SERIOUSLY? :wine: Damn, Dude...that is some serious whine you're working there!

Actually, the number isn't even 8.86%. But then, righties never can handle math. Still, the actual number is high and higher than the rest. No, my contention is this reflects just how desperate the right is. It's kind of like them talking about the labor force participation rate. No one has ever averaged out the unemployment rate before, yet since the right has this insatiable need to attack Obama over the unemployment rate, even as it improves, they have to keep finding innovative ways to make him look bad.

Averaging out the unemployment rate is an effective way to hide the fact that he was handed the worst economy since the Great Depression though, so I understand why they resort to a metric that has never been used before.

Still, righties can't escape the fact that Reagan remains the only Republican president to lower the unemployment rate by the end of his presidency or the fact that no Democrat president has increased it.

By the way, what do you think averaging out the unemployment rate means in terms of a presidents' handling of the economy?

The "real" unemployment rate is higher than 8.86. If you looked at how many full time jobs Barack Obama has turned into part time jobs with the legislation he's pushed the numbers get even worse for him!
The "real" unemployment rate was still higher when Bush left office. At any rate, the claim is that the average under Obama is 8.86, and it's not. Demonstrating yet again how bad Conservatives are at math.

So why isn't Barry doing what Reagan did? At this point in his second term Reagan had the economy growing by leaps and bounds, inflation under control and unemployment was coming down as well. Barack Obama isn't doing ANY of those things!
What did Reagan do?

Trust don't have to do "creative accounting" to make this President look bad when it comes to the economy. The people that were getting creative were whoever it was who came up with a new economic statistic..."jobs created or saved"...when the Obama Stimulus failed miserably at creating the jobs that Barry, Harry and Nancy assured us it would!
Sure, uh-huh. If you didn't have to resort to "creative accounting," then you wouldn't be averaging out the unemployment rate (something never done before).

And you never did answer the question .... what do you think the average unemployment rate means in terms of a presidents' handling of the economy?
Let me see if I'm following your train of thought here, Faun...

You're not disputing the number of 8.86% for Barack Obama...but you're upset because you don't think anyone EVER averaged out the unemployment rates before Barack Obama became President?

You seriously believe that? I mean SERIOUSLY? You think they only started keeping track of unemployment rates because it's embarrassing to Obama because his are so bad? Is that your contention? SERIOUSLY? :wine: Damn, Dude...that is some serious whine you're working there!

Actually, the number isn't even 8.86%. But then, righties never can handle math. Still, the actual number is high and higher than the rest. No, my contention is this reflects just how desperate the right is. It's kind of like them talking about the labor force participation rate. No one has ever averaged out the unemployment rate before, yet since the right has this insatiable need to attack Obama over the unemployment rate, even as it improves, they have to keep finding innovative ways to make him look bad.

Averaging out the unemployment rate is an effective way to hide the fact that he was handed the worst economy since the Great Depression though, so I understand why they resort to a metric that has never been used before.

Still, righties can't escape the fact that Reagan remains the only Republican president to lower the unemployment rate by the end of his presidency or the fact that no Democrat president has increased it.

By the way, what do you think averaging out the unemployment rate means in terms of a presidents' handling of the economy?

The "real" unemployment rate is higher than 8.86.
I stopped reading right here. Basically all your have provided is more right wing lies and foolishness. You make a ignorant statement and do not provide a link to prove your statement. I will not waste time on you.
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Let me see if I'm following your train of thought here, Faun...

You're not disputing the number of 8.86% for Barack Obama...but you're upset because you don't think anyone EVER averaged out the unemployment rates before Barack Obama became President?

You seriously believe that? I mean SERIOUSLY? You think they only started keeping track of unemployment rates because it's embarrassing to Obama because his are so bad? Is that your contention? SERIOUSLY? :wine: Damn, Dude...that is some serious whine you're working there!

Actually, the number isn't even 8.86%. But then, righties never can handle math. Still, the actual number is high and higher than the rest. No, my contention is this reflects just how desperate the right is. It's kind of like them talking about the labor force participation rate. No one has ever averaged out the unemployment rate before, yet since the right has this insatiable need to attack Obama over the unemployment rate, even as it improves, they have to keep finding innovative ways to make him look bad.

Averaging out the unemployment rate is an effective way to hide the fact that he was handed the worst economy since the Great Depression though, so I understand why they resort to a metric that has never been used before.

Still, righties can't escape the fact that Reagan remains the only Republican president to lower the unemployment rate by the end of his presidency or the fact that no Democrat president has increased it.

By the way, what do you think averaging out the unemployment rate means in terms of a presidents' handling of the economy?

The "real" unemployment rate is higher than 8.86.
And your proof of this is .............? And your link is .........?
For the love of God turn off fox and try thinking for yourself. It will be difficult but at least give it a try and stop parroting the dummies.
Comparing "average employment" would make sense if all Presidents started at the same point

Starting with near double digit unemployment does put you at a distinct disadvantage
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Actually, the number isn't even 8.86%. But then, righties never can handle math. Still, the actual number is high and higher than the rest. No, my contention is this reflects just how desperate the right is. It's kind of like them talking about the labor force participation rate. No one has ever averaged out the unemployment rate before, yet since the right has this insatiable need to attack Obama over the unemployment rate, even as it improves, they have to keep finding innovative ways to make him look bad.

Averaging out the unemployment rate is an effective way to hide the fact that he was handed the worst economy since the Great Depression though, so I understand why they resort to a metric that has never been used before.

Still, righties can't escape the fact that Reagan remains the only Republican president to lower the unemployment rate by the end of his presidency or the fact that no Democrat president has increased it.

By the way, what do you think averaging out the unemployment rate means in terms of a presidents' handling of the economy?

The "real" unemployment rate is higher than 8.86.
And your proof of this is .............? And your link is .........?
For the love of God turn off fox and try thinking for yourself. It will be difficult but at least give it a try and stop parroting the dummies.

I'm guessing he's talking about the U6 unemployment rate? That includes people who are working, just not as much as they would like; and discouraged workers.

However, the U6 rate, while still high at 12.7%, is less than the 14.2% that Bush left Obama with. And of course, thanks to Bush's recession, the U6 went as high as 17.1% At 12.7%, that represents a drop in the unemployment rate of 11% from when Obama became president and a decrease of 26% since its post recession high. Compared to George Bush, who nearly doubled it from 7.3% to 14.2%, an increase of a whopping 95%.

So we have a Republican president who increased the unemployment rate and his successor, a Democrat, who's lowered it. How do Conservatives spin that to make the Democrat appear worse than the Republican? They do something never done before and average out the unemployment rate to hide the fact that Obama was handed the highest unemployment rate any president inherited (which essentially blames Obama) with the lone exception of FDR. :cuckoo:

Here's a revealing chart showing how bad Republican presidents have been in terms of unemployment ...

Here's a list of U.S. presidents, along with the diffenrence in the U3 unemployment rate after being in office for 62 months...

Clinton .............. -2.6
Johnson ............ -2.3
Obama .............. -1.1
Kennedy** ......... -0.9

Reagan .............. -0.3
Carter*** ........... 0.0
Bush ................ +0.5
Nixon ............... +1.7
GHW Bush*** ... +1.9
Ford* ............... +2.0
Eisenhower ...... +3.8

* = in office 29 months

** = in office 34 months

*** = in office 48 months

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

You'll notice that Reagan is the only president to lower the unemployment rate by this time in his presidency (and barely); while no Democrat ever increased it.

How does the GOP spin that? Average out the unemployment rate. :lol:
Comparing "average employment" would make sense if all Presidents started at the same point

Starting win near double digit unemployment does put you at a distinct disadvantage

Which is exactly why Conservatives are doing this. It also hides the fact that Obama has lowered unemployment while Bush nearly doubled it. And it has the added benefit of blaming Obama with the millions of job loses which occurred at the beginning of his presidency due to the Great Recession Bush left for him.
The "real" unemployment rate is higher than 8.86.
And your proof of this is .............? And your link is .........?
For the love of God turn off fox and try thinking for yourself. It will be difficult but at least give it a try and stop parroting the dummies.

I'm guessing he's talking about the U6 unemployment rate? That includes people who are working, just not as much as they would like; and discouraged workers.

However, the U6 rate, while still high at 12.7%, is less than the 14.2% that Bush left Obama with. And of course, thanks to Bush's recession, the U6 went as high as 17.1% At 12.7%, that represents a drop in the unemployment rate of 11% from when Obama became president and a decrease of 26% since its post recession high. Compared to George Bush, who nearly doubled it from 7.3% to 14.2%, an increase of a whopping 95%.

So we have a Republican president who increased the unemployment rate and his successor, a Democrat, who's lowered it. How do Conservatives spin that to make the Democrat appear worse than the Republican? They do something never done before and average out the unemployment rate to hide the fact that Obama was handed the highest unemployment rate any president inherited (which essentially blames Obama) with the lone exception of FDR. :cuckoo:

Here's a revealing chart showing how bad Republican presidents have been in terms of unemployment ...

Here's a list of U.S. presidents, along with the diffenrence in the U3 unemployment rate after being in office for 62 months...

Clinton .............. -2.6
Johnson ............ -2.3
Obama .............. -1.1
Kennedy** ......... -0.9

Reagan .............. -0.3
Carter*** ........... 0.0
Bush ................ +0.5
Nixon ............... +1.7
GHW Bush*** ... +1.9
Ford* ............... +2.0
Eisenhower ...... +3.8

* = in office 29 months

** = in office 34 months

*** = in office 48 months

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

You'll notice that Reagan is the only president to lower the unemployment rate by this time in his presidency (and barely); while no Democrat ever increased it.

How does the GOP spin that? Average out the unemployment rate. :lol:

So after 5 years of almost total control of the government and trillions in stimulus Obama managed to reduce the real UE by 2 points? And you wonder why people call him a failure??

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