The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

How about the stock market that had dropped 6500 points or the five quarters of negative GDP?

How was that lagging?
Stock market was going up as Bush left office. Stock market is a leading indicator.
What you dont know would fill an encyclopedia.

It was?

Seem to remember it dropping over 7000 points in total....that is going up?
What you remember is hysterical.
You still have difficulty with historical records don't you?

Rabbid should write history books for the state of Texas. They are into fictional history, I understand.
Your acknowledgement of my superior knowledge is accepted.
Bush had already bailed out the auto industry, over Congress' objections. March 2009 was 2 months after Obama assumed office. Most of the damage had been done. All he needed to do was nothing. But of course we cant let a crisis go to waste.

Right...."most of the damage had been done" is right. The damage you are speaking of is the George W Bush presidency, right?

He walked into that one like a cartoon character walking past the edge of a cliff and remaining suspended in mid air, until he realizes what he's done. lol
Funny you think in terms of cartoon characters. Are you 9 years old?

I'm not one being a cartoon character.

I'll save your post acknowledging that Bush was fully responsible for the 2007 recession. You can eat it in the future.

And to this day the GOP will advocate tax cuts for the wealthy. W began two wars then gave a tax break for the wealthy. He should have just taken a drink instead.....

The attack on 9-11 started one war and the material breach of the cease fire by Iraq started the other one. Bush had the votes from Congress for both wars.
Bush gave tax cuts to EVERY taxpayer and that included the high income earners.
Right...."most of the damage had been done" is right. The damage you are speaking of is the George W Bush presidency, right?

He walked into that one like a cartoon character walking past the edge of a cliff and remaining suspended in mid air, until he realizes what he's done. lol
Funny you think in terms of cartoon characters. Are you 9 years old?

I'm not one being a cartoon character.

I'll save your post acknowledging that Bush was fully responsible for the 2007 recession. You can eat it in the future.

And to this day the GOP will advocate tax cuts for the wealthy. W began two wars then gave a tax break for the wealthy. He should have just taken a drink instead.....

The attack on 9-11 started one war and the material breach of the cease fire by Iraq started the other one. Bush had the votes from Congress for both wars.
Bush gave tax cuts to EVERY taxpayer and that included the high income earners.

Yes, Republican tax cuts are the reason 47% of Americans pay no federal income tax.

The ceasefire violations were never sufficient cause to invade Iraq.
He walked into that one like a cartoon character walking past the edge of a cliff and remaining suspended in mid air, until he realizes what he's done. lol
Funny you think in terms of cartoon characters. Are you 9 years old?

I'm not one being a cartoon character.

I'll save your post acknowledging that Bush was fully responsible for the 2007 recession. You can eat it in the future.

And to this day the GOP will advocate tax cuts for the wealthy. W began two wars then gave a tax break for the wealthy. He should have just taken a drink instead.....

The attack on 9-11 started one war and the material breach of the cease fire by Iraq started the other one. Bush had the votes from Congress for both wars.
Bush gave tax cuts to EVERY taxpayer and that included the high income earners.

Yes, Republican tax cuts are the reason 47% of Americans pay no federal income tax.

The ceasefire violations were never sufficient cause to invade Iraq.
So you support Republican tax cuts, right?
He walked into that one like a cartoon character walking past the edge of a cliff and remaining suspended in mid air, until he realizes what he's done. lol
Funny you think in terms of cartoon characters. Are you 9 years old?

I'm not one being a cartoon character.

I'll save your post acknowledging that Bush was fully responsible for the 2007 recession. You can eat it in the future.

And to this day the GOP will advocate tax cuts for the wealthy. W began two wars then gave a tax break for the wealthy. He should have just taken a drink instead.....

The attack on 9-11 started one war and the material breach of the cease fire by Iraq started the other one. Bush had the votes from Congress for both wars.
Bush gave tax cuts to EVERY taxpayer and that included the high income earners.

Yes, Republican tax cuts are the reason 47% of Americans pay no federal income tax.

The ceasefire violations were never sufficient cause to invade Iraq.

Strange that Bush cited violation of the UN resolution as grounds to invade and then ignored the UN when they asked for more time to verify WMD claims
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Funny you think in terms of cartoon characters. Are you 9 years old?

I'm not one being a cartoon character.

I'll save your post acknowledging that Bush was fully responsible for the 2007 recession. You can eat it in the future.

And to this day the GOP will advocate tax cuts for the wealthy. W began two wars then gave a tax break for the wealthy. He should have just taken a drink instead.....

The attack on 9-11 started one war and the material breach of the cease fire by Iraq started the other one. Bush had the votes from Congress for both wars.
Bush gave tax cuts to EVERY taxpayer and that included the high income earners.

Yes, Republican tax cuts are the reason 47% of Americans pay no federal income tax.

The ceasefire violations were never sufficient cause to invade Iraq.

Strange that Bush cited violation of the UN resolution as grounds to invade and then ignored the UN when they asked for mor time to verify WMD claims
Not strange at all. The UN had 18 months to verify claims and Iraq was playing cat and mouse games with them. There was no indication Iraq would cooperate, rather than just stall for time.
Bush understood that with regard to Iraq.
Obama doesnt understand that with regard to Iran.
WHat you dont know fills the uiniverse, Nutjobber.
I'm not one being a cartoon character.

I'll save your post acknowledging that Bush was fully responsible for the 2007 recession. You can eat it in the future.

And to this day the GOP will advocate tax cuts for the wealthy. W began two wars then gave a tax break for the wealthy. He should have just taken a drink instead.....

The attack on 9-11 started one war and the material breach of the cease fire by Iraq started the other one. Bush had the votes from Congress for both wars.
Bush gave tax cuts to EVERY taxpayer and that included the high income earners.

Yes, Republican tax cuts are the reason 47% of Americans pay no federal income tax.

The ceasefire violations were never sufficient cause to invade Iraq.

Strange that Bush cited violation of the UN resolution as grounds to invade and then ignored the UN when they asked for mor time to verify WMD claims
Not strange at all. The UN had 18 months to verify claims and Iraq was playing cat and mouse games with them. There was no indication Iraq would cooperate, rather than just stall for time.
Bush understood that with regard to Iraq.
Obama doesnt understand that with regard to Iran.
WHat you dont know fills the uiniverse, Nutjobber.

Hans Blix was right....Bush was wrong about Iraq
Barack Obama was right.......Bush was wrong about Iraq
And to this day the GOP will advocate tax cuts for the wealthy. W began two wars then gave a tax break for the wealthy. He should have just taken a drink instead.....

The attack on 9-11 started one war and the material breach of the cease fire by Iraq started the other one. Bush had the votes from Congress for both wars.
Bush gave tax cuts to EVERY taxpayer and that included the high income earners.

Yes, Republican tax cuts are the reason 47% of Americans pay no federal income tax.

The ceasefire violations were never sufficient cause to invade Iraq.

Strange that Bush cited violation of the UN resolution as grounds to invade and then ignored the UN when they asked for mor time to verify WMD claims
Not strange at all. The UN had 18 months to verify claims and Iraq was playing cat and mouse games with them. There was no indication Iraq would cooperate, rather than just stall for time.
Bush understood that with regard to Iraq.
Obama doesnt understand that with regard to Iran.
WHat you dont know fills the uiniverse, Nutjobber.

Hans Blix was right....Bush was wrong about Iraq
Barack Obama was right.......Bush was wrong about Iraq
LOL! What you dont know fills a library.
The attack on 9-11 started one war and the material breach of the cease fire by Iraq started the other one. Bush had the votes from Congress for both wars.
Bush gave tax cuts to EVERY taxpayer and that included the high income earners.

Yes, Republican tax cuts are the reason 47% of Americans pay no federal income tax.

The ceasefire violations were never sufficient cause to invade Iraq.

Strange that Bush cited violation of the UN resolution as grounds to invade and then ignored the UN when they asked for mor time to verify WMD claims
Not strange at all. The UN had 18 months to verify claims and Iraq was playing cat and mouse games with them. There was no indication Iraq would cooperate, rather than just stall for time.
Bush understood that with regard to Iraq.
Obama doesnt understand that with regard to Iran.
WHat you dont know fills the uiniverse, Nutjobber.

Hans Blix was right....Bush was wrong about Iraq
Barack Obama was right.......Bush was wrong about Iraq
LOL! What you dont know fills a library.

As Rabbi runs away once again
Wow, not only do liberals still believe in man made global warming, they still think Booooosh was solely responsible for the crash of 2008 even though the democrats took over the congress (House and Senate in 2007) and controlled the purse strings.

Where, they deliberately ignored ALL of the Bush's 17 warnings about the housing bubble. Where, the democrats used the economic crash to win the election in that important election year.

Anyone thinking the capitalist hating democrats would not sabotage the country in order to gain power and push their socialist agenda are awfully naive. In other words, anyone that does not believe that, are true left wing tool bags. Nothing more.

Look at how they divide races, classes, and genders (along with whatever else they can) in order to gain voters. Destroy our laws by ignoring them and deliberately violating them. Diminish our allies and enhance our enemies. Open door policy all under the guise that they actually care about the poor illegals, when in actuality they just want their votes.

Say, did Holder or any other piece of shit ever hand over what the congress was asking for in regards to fast and furious? No? Thought not.

Fucking liberals..
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Republicans have to hide the gains in employment by averaging it out. With employment it is more accurate to know what figures the administration started with and where the figures are today.
Republicans have to hide the gains in employment by averaging it out. With employment it is more accurate to know what figures the administration started with and where the figures are today.

Obama has dropped unemployment by 4.8 % and averages almost a million jobs a month more than he started out with
Republicans have to hide the gains in employment by averaging it out. With employment it is more accurate to know what figures the administration started with and where the figures are today.
And under Obama barely more people are working today than 7 years ago, which is even worse given the growth in the potential workforce.
He walked into that one like a cartoon character walking past the edge of a cliff and remaining suspended in mid air, until he realizes what he's done. lol
Funny you think in terms of cartoon characters. Are you 9 years old?

I'm not one being a cartoon character.

I'll save your post acknowledging that Bush was fully responsible for the 2007 recession. You can eat it in the future.

And to this day the GOP will advocate tax cuts for the wealthy. W began two wars then gave a tax break for the wealthy. He should have just taken a drink instead.....

The attack on 9-11 started one war and the material breach of the cease fire by Iraq started the other one. Bush had the votes from Congress for both wars.
Bush gave tax cuts to EVERY taxpayer and that included the high income earners.

Yes, Republican tax cuts are the reason 47% of Americans pay no federal income tax.

The ceasefire violations were never sufficient cause to invade Iraq.

Why hasn't Obama raised the federal income tax on the lower and middle class tax payers if the tax cut was such a bad thing?

The leading Democrats in the Senate apparently disagreed with your opinion on invading Iraq since they voted for it.
Funny you think in terms of cartoon characters. Are you 9 years old?

I'm not one being a cartoon character.

I'll save your post acknowledging that Bush was fully responsible for the 2007 recession. You can eat it in the future.

And to this day the GOP will advocate tax cuts for the wealthy. W began two wars then gave a tax break for the wealthy. He should have just taken a drink instead.....

The attack on 9-11 started one war and the material breach of the cease fire by Iraq started the other one. Bush had the votes from Congress for both wars.
Bush gave tax cuts to EVERY taxpayer and that included the high income earners.

Yes, Republican tax cuts are the reason 47% of Americans pay no federal income tax.

The ceasefire violations were never sufficient cause to invade Iraq.

Why hasn't Obama raised the federal income tax on the lower and middle class tax payers if the tax cut was such a bad thing?

The leading Democrats in the Senate apparently disagreed with your opinion on invading Iraq since they voted for it.

How did Democrats in the House vote?

You keep avoiding that more Democrats voted against the war than for it and that only seven Republicans had the balls to oppose the invasion
I'm not one being a cartoon character.

I'll save your post acknowledging that Bush was fully responsible for the 2007 recession. You can eat it in the future.

And to this day the GOP will advocate tax cuts for the wealthy. W began two wars then gave a tax break for the wealthy. He should have just taken a drink instead.....

The attack on 9-11 started one war and the material breach of the cease fire by Iraq started the other one. Bush had the votes from Congress for both wars.
Bush gave tax cuts to EVERY taxpayer and that included the high income earners.

Yes, Republican tax cuts are the reason 47% of Americans pay no federal income tax.

The ceasefire violations were never sufficient cause to invade Iraq.

Why hasn't Obama raised the federal income tax on the lower and middle class tax payers if the tax cut was such a bad thing?

The leading Democrats in the Senate apparently disagreed with your opinion on invading Iraq since they voted for it.

How did Democrats in the House vote?

You keep avoiding that more Democrats voted against the war than for it and that only seven Republicans had the balls to oppose the invasion
Enough Democrats voted for it, including Hillary Clinton, to enable the war. What about that is mysterious to you? Dems were for the war before they were against it.
And to this day the GOP will advocate tax cuts for the wealthy. W began two wars then gave a tax break for the wealthy. He should have just taken a drink instead.....

The attack on 9-11 started one war and the material breach of the cease fire by Iraq started the other one. Bush had the votes from Congress for both wars.
Bush gave tax cuts to EVERY taxpayer and that included the high income earners.

Yes, Republican tax cuts are the reason 47% of Americans pay no federal income tax.

The ceasefire violations were never sufficient cause to invade Iraq.

Why hasn't Obama raised the federal income tax on the lower and middle class tax payers if the tax cut was such a bad thing?

The leading Democrats in the Senate apparently disagreed with your opinion on invading Iraq since they voted for it.

How did Democrats in the House vote?

You keep avoiding that more Democrats voted against the war than for it and that only seven Republicans had the balls to oppose the invasion
Enough Democrats voted for it, including Hillary Clinton, to enable the war. What about that is mysterious to you? Dems were for the war before they were against it.


As in we lied to enough Democrats to get them to believe us?

Obama did not believe you
If you make that claim, tell us how it does affect our economic policy. The US is one of the top oil producers in the world now. So who is controlling the economy?
Is, or is not, the stock market reaching record highs?
So who is controlling the economy?

Seems the repubs talk out of both sides of their mouths. If the president does do something about unemployment with the powers he has, he is meddling in the business world and needs to stay out of it, but now they want to shame him for doing nothing. His proposals were so shot down at every venue by the right wing. They are the job killers.
The right wing
The only thing hurting this economy -- and that includes unemployment -- is Obama energy policy.
The attack on 9-11 started one war and the material breach of the cease fire by Iraq started the other one. Bush had the votes from Congress for both wars.
Bush gave tax cuts to EVERY taxpayer and that included the high income earners.

Yes, Republican tax cuts are the reason 47% of Americans pay no federal income tax.

The ceasefire violations were never sufficient cause to invade Iraq.

Why hasn't Obama raised the federal income tax on the lower and middle class tax payers if the tax cut was such a bad thing?

The leading Democrats in the Senate apparently disagreed with your opinion on invading Iraq since they voted for it.

How did Democrats in the House vote?

You keep avoiding that more Democrats voted against the war than for it and that only seven Republicans had the balls to oppose the invasion
Enough Democrats voted for it, including Hillary Clinton, to enable the war. What about that is mysterious to you? Dems were for the war before they were against it.


As in we lied to enough Democrats to get them to believe us?

Obama did not believe you
There were no lies. Democrats had access to the same intelligence Bush did. Facts just are not your friends, Nutjobber. Must be why you live in Fantasyland.
And to this day the GOP will advocate tax cuts for the wealthy. W began two wars then gave a tax break for the wealthy. He should have just taken a drink instead.....

The attack on 9-11 started one war and the material breach of the cease fire by Iraq started the other one. Bush had the votes from Congress for both wars.
Bush gave tax cuts to EVERY taxpayer and that included the high income earners.

Yes, Republican tax cuts are the reason 47% of Americans pay no federal income tax.

The ceasefire violations were never sufficient cause to invade Iraq.

Why hasn't Obama raised the federal income tax on the lower and middle class tax payers if the tax cut was such a bad thing?

The leading Democrats in the Senate apparently disagreed with your opinion on invading Iraq since they voted for it.

How did Democrats in the House vote?

You keep avoiding that more Democrats voted against the war than for it and that only seven Republicans had the balls to oppose the invasion
Enough Democrats voted for it, including Hillary Clinton, to enable the war. What about that is mysterious to you? Dems were for the war before they were against it.
Do not address the piece of shit. He just brought up the fucking war again. He then claims all of the democrats voted against it. He of course ignored the Iraq Liberation Act for wmds signed by Bill.

They are fucking sheep. You would have better luck trying to communicate with a worm.

They are all double talking hypocritical losers. No exceptions. They deserve zero respect.

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