The Presidential Records Act Prescribes No Penalties For Violations

It is all right there. Why did the damn FBI raid Trump's home?
Because the person who is the face of the movement to end our representative democracy stole classified documents that he could use to help end our representative democracy
The PRA is not a criminal statute.
You are right. There are no criminal penalties or an enforcement mechanism associated with the law, but other federal laws do punish violators for mishandling government records.

For instance, under U.S. Code Title 18, section 2071, someone could face a fine and up to three years in prison.

No former presidents have actually been penalized for breaking this law if someone were to be found guilty of mishandling government records, they could face penalties under other federal laws and could be “disqualified from holding any office under the United States.”

I think Trump would not get jail time but would barred holding any federal office.
You are right. There are no criminal penalties or an enforcement mechanism associated with the law, but other federal laws do punish violators for mishandling government records.

For instance, under U.S. Code Title 18, section 2071, someone could face a fine and up to three years in prison.

No former presidents have actually been penalized for breaking this law if someone were to be found guilty of mishandling government records, they could face penalties under other federal laws and could be “disqualified from holding any office under the United States.”

I think Trump would not get jail time but would barred holding any federal office.
Then kiss Brandon’s ass goodbye.
Nope. He self-reported, show no defiance or arrogance or resistance like an Orange Turd we all know.
Bullshit. Once it became clear that he had in his possession many of those documents (stored in a variety of places) which he wasn’t supposed to have in the first place, he was docile. Big whoop.

It doesn’t explain why he took them in the first place and held them for all those years.

By the way, the FBI “search” team who invaded Mar a Lago staged some pretty pictures for their buddies in the media. Included was a Time Magazine.

Was that a “Presidential record” as defined in the law? Or, did Trump have a right to claim that some of the items seized that day were actually his own ?
No MAGA allowed bub. Biden and his people, when they became aware, immediately reported it.

Trump? Lied, denied, refused, yelled, bellow, and is wondering why he is being investigated?

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