The press is like a disease.

humpty dumpty sat on the wall, humpty dumpty had a great fall.Putin came over and grabbed his balls, etc.
Lets not confuse a free press with what we actually have, a department of propaganda for left wing assholes in the Democratic party.
Stop whining like a pussy!!!

You're Winning!!!

You're Winning!!!

Or at least, in your delusional mind you are. LOL.

When the walls, come tumbling down,
When the walls, come tumbling down,
When the walls, come tumbling tumbling, tumbling tumbling, doooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwn...

I heard from a source today that Trump was going to stand on the wall next week and sign the new repeal of obamacare.

And all the Fox horses and all the Twit men
Won't be able to put Rumpty together again.

But it will be a Great Fall. Amazing, incredible fall. Biggest Fall in the world. Personal friend of mine too.
humpty dumpty sat on the wall, humpty dumpty had a great fall.Putin came over and grabbed his balls, etc.

Damn. Didn't see this before I posted. It was original I tell ya.

Rumpty Dumpty campaigned on "a wall"
Rumpty Dumpty had a great fall.
But come January and the spring --- eh, not so much.
The press is like a disease.

" like" a disease

more truthful would be

"is" a disease

A few years ago, I heard of a poll where something like 70% of R voters said the government should have some degree of control over our press.

You just cannot fix stupid and that's what you fools are.


/---- They already do starting with the FCC you moron
It's official now, all the media is in full blown attack Trump mode. And the gullible scum swallow it hook line and sinker.
We worship big corporations here in america. The press are corporate entities. You want it, now you got what you asked for. Hypocrite.
In America there is scarcely a hamlet that has not its newspaper. It may readily be imagined that neither discipline nor unity of action can be established among so many combatants, and each one consequently fights under his own standard. All the political journals of the United States are, indeed, arrayed on the side of the administration or against it; but they attack and defend it in a thousand different ways. They cannot form those great currents of opinion which sweep away the strongest dikes. This division of the influence of the press produces other consequences scarcely less remarkable. The facility with which newspapers can be established produces a multitude of them; but as the competition prevents any considerable profit, persons of much capacity are rarely led to engage in these undertakings. Such is the number of the public prints that even if they were a source of wealth, writers of ability could not be found to direct them all. The journalists of the United States are generally in a very humble position, with a scanty education and a vulgar turn of mind. The will of the majority is the most general of laws, and it establishes certain habits to which everyone must then conform; the aggregate of these common habits is what is called the class spirit (esprit de corps) of each profession; thus there is the class spirit of the bar, of the court, etc. The class spirit of the French journalists consists in a violent but frequently an eloquent and lofty manner of discussing the great interests of the state, and the exceptions to this mode of writing are only occasional. The characteristics of the American journalist consist in an open and coarse appeal to the passions of his readers; he abandons principles to assail the characters of individuals, to track them into private life and disclose all their weaknesses and vices.

Tocqueville: Book 1 Chapter 11

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