The Primacy of Risk


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
On the primacy of risk.

1. Businessmen, entrepreneurs, are the modern equivalent of the explorers or adventurers of old. They take the chances that move society forward.

Why don’t we have a special holiday for the small business owners, the ones who do most of the hiring in our nation, who don’t have set hours of work, or set salaries, but who put in whatever number of hours is necessary or reinvest their profits to keep the business going…who pay double the Social Security taxes, and their own health benefits…

Not even a postal stamp in their honor?

2. We have a President who encourages the young to avoid the risk that made our nation the envy of the world, and to pursue, instead, a government job.
a. Where is the reward for risk taking? Work in the private sector, where the tax revenues arise to pay for those in secure government work?

“Overall, federal workers earned an average salary of $67,691 in 2008 for occupations that exist both in government and the private sector, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data. The average pay for the same mix of jobs in the private sector was $60,046 in 2008, the most recent data available. “Report: Government Jobs Pay Better - EconWatch - CBS News

3. The reason so many flock to this country is one word: opportunity. The chance that hard working and taking a chance will reap rewards.

“ I lived for about a decade, on and off, in France and later moved to the United States. Nobody in their right mind would give up the manifold sensual, aesthetic and gastronomic pleasures offered by French savoir-vivre for the unrelenting battlefield of American ambition were it not for one thing: possibility.
You know possibility when you breathe it. For an immigrant, it lies in the ease of American identity and the boundlessness of American horizons after the narrower confines of European nationhood and the stifling attentions of the European nanny state, which has often made it more attractive not to work than to work. High French unemployment was never much of a mystery." edcohen.2.20587034.html

4. The left uses the media to perpetuate a failed attitude of covetousness, of class warfare, and of hating any who seem to have done better, materially.

Q: Have you heard about McDonald's' new Obama Value Meal?
A: Order anything you like and the guy behind you has to pay for it. -O'Brien

So, on this Tax Day, consider: the world is upside down. We honor those who take, and offer punition to those who create.

Tytler was correct:
“No republic has long outlived the discovery by a majority of its people that they could vote themselves largesse from the public treasury.”
Good post.

It's time for those who produce and believe in traditional values of Liberty, Fiscal Conservatism, and Limited Government to take back the country. The looters have had their turn - and made a mess of things.

*going to two tea parties today*

Good post.

So all of this is why your red states are welfare recipients from us in the blue states. That is correct, we have to fund your lazy asses with our hard work. Liberals contributions supporting lazy assed consevatives.

And when you fellows had the power from 2001 to 2009, what the hell did you do for the small businessman or woman? Nada, nothing. You gave huge tax breaks to the very wealthy, and did your best to destroy the middle class.
So all of this is why your red states are welfare recipients from us in the blue states. That is correct, we have to fund your lazy asses with our hard work. Liberals contributions supporting lazy assed consevatives.

And when you fellows had the power from 2001 to 2009, what the hell did you do for the small businessman or woman? Nada, nothing. You gave huge tax breaks to the very wealthy, and did your best to destroy the middle class.

So glad to see that you have another venue to place your mindless bumber stickers since the good ship 'Environmentalism' seems to have sprung a leak.

And, I appreciate the addition to the diversity of the board: it would be so dull if we only had intelligent posts.

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