The princes and paupers of Tehran


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
I think you find the same thing here in Southern California regardless of the religion of the Iranians. The parking lot of the Iranian market is filled with Mercedes Benz and other expensive cars and many of their houses are like mansions. However, you will find other Iranians here who are not able to live this way. In spite of this, you will find these Iranians just as hospitable as those who have a lot and will invite you into their homes for some refreshments and even a meal at times if they are having one.

The princes and paupers of Tehran
By News Desk
Published: October 11, 2014

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Rival page ‘PoorkidsofTehran’ takes a dig at the ‘rich kids’ by posting photographs showcasing disparity between the rich and poor in Iran. PHOTO: PUBLICITY

It is the best of times, it is the worst of times in Iran as the chasm between the state’s rich and poor catches global attention after Instagram account ‘RichkidsofTehran’ and its rival page ‘PoorkidsofTehran’ come to the fore.

Banned by the state on Thursday for its ‘vulgar’ content, the ‘RichkidsofTehran’ page garnered nearly 100,000 followers in a month, with a photo gallery showcasing decadent living in Tehran, often rebuked for its regressive worldview.

Now reading “Shut down due to the high amount of false publicity,” the ‘RichkidsofTehran’ page aimed at depicting an image of Iran different from the stereotypes projected by western alarmists. Clarifying the reason behind making the account, its unidentified owners said, “We love our city of Tehran. We are in no way trying to put difference between rich and poor. We are trying to show the world how beautiful Tehran and people from Tehran are.”

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