The problem with capitalism

"Wages can be controlled by business". What's the alternative? Wages controlled by the government? The same government that can't control immigration or spending? That would be freaking chaos.
"Wages can be controlled by business". What's the alternative? Wages controlled by the government? The same government that can't control immigration or spending? That would be freaking chaos.
As If business would extent their generosity to the working man. Theyd reduce before that.

You cannot leave wages rises etc to private enterprise. They will screw the shit out i5f every one of them.
Republicans fight every wage rise every time.
As If business would extent their generosity to the working man. Theyd reduce before that.

You cannot leave wages rises etc to private enterprise. They will screw the shit out i5f every one of them.
Republicans fight every wage rise every time.
Generosity? Do you expect generosity from an army of unnamed federal bureaucrats?
Adam smith said that at any time the market, jobs and wages can be controlled by business and not by the markets and at that time it is wrong and something has to be done about it, That is what is going on now. The possibility of the chance to get ahead is the driving force that separates capitalism from all other economic concepts but the right, since Reagan's trickle down lie, has taken that away totally from the possibilities. The only threat to capitalism in this country is the right wing , thinking they deserve it all.

A Guide to Statistics on Historical Trends in Income Inequality | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

The biggest problem with capitalism is when capitalism takes over the government. As in the rich are paying for things they want, over the wishes of everyone else.
The biggest problem with capitalism is when capitalism takes over the government. As in the rich are paying for things they want, over the wishes of everyone else.
That's not a problem that stems from capitalism, it's a problem that stems from bad government. "I'm from the government, I'm here to help you"........Ronald Reagan.
Its not even socialism or any aspect of socialism, having social programs is not socialism , if it was, literally every civilization back to and including the Roman empire would be socialist. All aspecks of the rights attack of socialism is stupid , and only comes with their own made up definition of socialism. Fact is it already has a clear concise definition and that definition shows how completely stupid these right wingers are, Don't play their game , you are to smart for that and they are way to stupid to ever considered a source on anything, with them it is either a lie or straight up stupidity. Simple question have you ever heard the truth from any wacko righty here?
I have stated, I have no problem with the fact that our capitalist society incorporates bits of socialism and I am not against all social programs by any means. There are are many things the government chooses to do with those multi-thousand dollar checks I have written most of my life at tax time or had taken out of my paycheck every week, 2 weeks or monthly, that I would never contribute to, in my wildest pipe dream. I have no problem with aid to the poor, that is the poor by no fault of their own. I have a lot of problem with support to the poor that just do not want to work (yes, they are out there) or do work some but on purpose not enough to cut down the free money from the government (again, yes they are out there). I see a certain amount of socialism to the wealthy, as I have never escaped the tax man, yet some are in a bracket where they can take advantage of breaks, write offs and questionable expensing to the point they pay no tax, but the country's bill must be paid by somebody and I and people like me (yes, we're out there) continue to write those checks. To me that is socialism. The #3 definition of socialism in most main dictionaries is (this one from Webster):

It is really the first 2/3 of that def that gets people. What people are afraid of is the phrase Creeping Socialism (this one from Conservapedia

While not a right wing fanatic about it, I do realize it exists and the conservative in me, means wanting to slow it down as much as possible to the limits of what I can as a somewhat conservative private citizen, 47 year married, head of household. I'm not wanting to roll the clock back, like many of the knee jerk conservatives on here, just slow the pace and be left alone by my government. I'm one who has always sent in that check on time, never bouncing, with an outward smile, but inwardly just praying the dumbasses that are giving the money I worked for away would at least spend it on things and people I would approve of for one reason or another, in one way or another, though often they simply don't. I'll tell ya right now, the "Crack Pipes For The Poor" idea, just doesn't cut it.
I appreciate your optimistic view of my intelligence but no, pretty average, (again, a lot of average people out here), most of the time with old common sense views. Most people similar, until they get on the internet, becoming fire breathers or mouth breathers, depending on your point of view.
That's not a problem that stems from capitalism, it's a problem that stems from bad government. "I'm from the government, I'm here to help you"........Ronald Reagan.

It's a problem that stems from the political system, rather than bad government. The system is massively open to abuse, and this abuse is "legal".
Communist and fascist nations have State Police; the US has local police and sheriff agencies - government employed - is a system of socialism. As is the Post Office, our National Parks and are members of the United States Armed Forces.

Income inequality came with Voodoo economics, aka trickle down, which has never trickled down to the masses of people. Ask yourself, why is so much poverty in the United States in the pockets of billionaires?

Those who didn't read history learned politics from Limbaugh and those talking heads who followed him.

Everyday they sell BIG LIES, and everyday true believers on social media never research what these talking heads are echoing the same lie. Of course they don't know they contribute to the BIG LIE a phrase coined by Hitler in his book, Mein Kamph.***

***See: Joseph Goebbels On the “Big Lie”

Ask yourself, why is there so much poverty in the United States, and so much wealth and income in the pockets of the billionaires?
Poverty in the US? Compared to poverty in what other country? Define poverty in the US. You get free phones, internet, cable, healthcare, food stamps, housing. Let’s see some numbers.
The only threat to capitalism in this country is the right wing , thinking they deserve it all.

Interesting that there should be a grain of truth to your post in that I long ago calculated that the late-70s was where wages diverged and that (as of about a year ago long before current inflation), that you had to make at least $13.00 an hour now just to equal the buying power of minimum wage back in circa 1979, but then you go off again on your usual insane hate-filled rant against conservatives wrongly misidentifying ordinary human greed which would follow in ANY economic system as purely a function of the "right-wing" as if you socialists flew on gilded wings and would do so much different or better.
Adam smith said that at any time the market, jobs and wages can be controlled by business and not by the markets and at that time it is wrong and something has to be done about it, That is what is going on now. The possibility of the chance to get ahead is the driving force that separates capitalism from all other economic concepts but the right, since Reagan's trickle down lie, has taken that away totally from the possibilities. The only threat to capitalism in this country is the right wing , thinking they deserve it all.

I don't know what dimension you've existed in the past year, but the corporations aren't calling the shots right now; the workers are.
Sorry have to ask ,where did you get the idea that the things you listed are socialist, they are not in any way socialist. There is only one way that Marxism, socialism and communism is implemented and without this there is no socialism , Marxism or Communism . It is the prime tenant and that is the means of production is owned, operated and controlled by the state and the sale of that production is designated to the state. This has never happened in this country and it never will unless it would be because of the actions of the right wing.
You're correct, Mea culpa. What I listed was not Socialism, per se; yet they are not working in the Private Sector they work in the Public Sector. It is a series of occupations whose employees earn their wages and benefits by taxes. Not Capitalism not Socialism, thus an amalgamation, I guess.
Generosity? Do you expect generosity from an army of unnamed federal bureaucrats?
Who sets the wages in the country and by what benchmark?
Doing a private deal with the boss benefits no one but the boss because he is the boss.

Get that?
Adam smith said that at any time the market, jobs and wages can be controlled by business and not by the markets and at that time it is wrong and something has to be done about it, That is what is going on now. The possibility of the chance to get ahead is the driving force that separates capitalism from all other economic concepts but the right, since Reagan's trickle down lie, has taken that away totally from the possibilities. The only threat to capitalism in this country is the right wing , thinking they deserve it all.

A Guide to Statistics on Historical Trends in Income Inequality | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
When the free enterprise system fails the majority of people it will cease to function, I do not know what will replace it but hopefully it will be less subjective and more realistic.
Capitalism rewards those who work hard and smart, socialism rewards those who don't.
A greedy boss will give you a reward? Like fucking hell he will. He'll sack you if you want more regardless of how hard you work. Then you rely on SS to survive.

You simply hate the working class although you are one of them. You consider them to be lefties and you hate them. You been on a steady diet of Republican propaganda and now you believe it.
Socialism is how America was formed and still applies to this day.
Without government spending on infrastructure etc, it would stop. Yes it is socialism.
Hospitals, doctors, roads, bridges, schools, police, nurses, ambulances, etc. All funded by the government socialist programmes to keep people employed. Then there's those little family subsidies even republicans get but not prepared to admit the are taking socialism. Sound familiar you idiot. You know fuck all.
What is this even, Capitalism is the only way, there has never been socialism in this country and there never will be , like I said capitalism is the only way.
There's got to be a better way or we don't have a future.

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