The problem with capitalism

Next you can tell us how the right,aka Republicans has never created any debt in the last sixty years.

Of course they did but not nearly to the extent the Democrats have. Furthermore the right doesn't push to have government cater to your every need, and that's what the left is all about.
Bullshit, both parties created debt and Trump did 8 trillion in four years alone.

How could that be when Trump only had two years with a Republican House? Furthermore the Democrats held strong with their wasteful spending until we faced a government shutdown, and we both know who the media would have placed blame on for that.

The truth of the matter is some of that spending Trump had to approve due to covid, rebuilding the military, and being forced to sign off on Democrat spending. Would you like me to list the spending they insisted on?
How could that be when Trump only had two years with a Republican House? Furthermore the Democrats held strong with their wasteful spending until we faced a government shutdown, and we both know who the media would have placed blame on for that.

The truth of the matter is some of that spending Trump had to approve due to covid, rebuilding the military, and being forced to sign off on Democrat spending. Would you like me to list the spending they insisted on?
Playing stupid doesn't help your lies.
Adam smith said that at any time the market, jobs and wages can be controlled by business and not by the markets and at that time it is wrong and something has to be done about it, That is what is going on now. The possibility of the chance to get ahead is the driving force that separates capitalism from all other economic concepts but the right, since Reagan's trickle down lie, has taken that away totally from the possibilities. The only threat to capitalism in this country is the right wing , thinking they deserve it all.

A Guide to Statistics on Historical Trends in Income Inequality | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Nope the threat to capitalism is our own government. They just allowed a 3 trillion dollar transfer of money from small business to large corporations.
The market economy gets fucked up when the government gets involved in it. Like making people stay home from work, forcing small businesses to close and keeping large businesses open, paying people not to work, regulating out energy production - not to mention bailouts to save unhealthy businesses that the market tried to weed out and incentives that drive bad behavior and the creation of weak businesses not founded on market demand.
If you want to piss off these mooching deadbeats on the left, ask them how much of your money they feel entitled to.
jbander georgephillip
‘I can’t stand on my own two feet and earn enough money…therefore I deserve a cut of yours…..oh and by the way, let tens of millions of illegal Mexicans in so I can compete with them.’

The bizarre part is; they can’t understand how fucking crazy that shit sounds.
But Socialism has always worked....never in history

Not only has socialism always worked, but it is the only good thing about any society.
There is not a single family, tribe, local society, etc. that was not socialist and was still successful.
About the only society that was not socialist was the ancient Spartans, who abandoned their children to the wild to see who would survive to be allowed back as an adult.
Every other human society in all history was socialist.
Sorry have to ask ,where did you get the idea that the things you listed are socialist, they are not in any way socialist. There is only one way that Marxism, socialism and communism is implemented and without this there is no socialism , Marxism or Communism . It is the prime tenant and that is the means of production is owned, operated and controlled by the state and the sale of that production is designated to the state. This has never happened in this country and it never will unless it would be because of the actions of the right wing.

Socialism, communism, and maxism do not at all require state ownership of anything.

The point of socialism, communism, and marxism it to figure out how to avoid the inherent slavery of capitalism.
When profits are the only motivation, instead of any human value like rights, then the combination of economic power, makes it inherently dangerous.

And there are many ways socialism, communism, and marxism suggest avoiding the dangers of capitalism.
State ownership of means of production is only one of them, and even that does not preclude private ownership of means of production, as long as it is not a monopoly.

And of course socialism, communism, and marxism has existed in the US.
The Post Office, schools, SS, roads, families, NASA, NOAH, DARPA, etc, are all socialist, communists, and marxist.
The fact we only do socialism, communism, and marxism with limited and unprofitable ventures, is not relevant.
We likely should do far more socialism, communism, and marxism.
Of course they did but not nearly to the extent the Democrats have. Furthermore the right doesn't push to have government cater to your every need, and that's what the left is all about.

Absolutely no public health care, when it is obvious the private health care monopoly is gouging with double the reasonable prices, is not exactly "catering".
If the right was being fair, we would have had a gov solution to this 40 years ago.
If nothing else, at least some anti trust prosecutions.
Our very own Ken Blackwell said it best "Democrats believe if you make money, you are not entitled to it, but if you want money, you are."

There is a difference between money you need to survive, and additional excess money.
The poor are being taxed even on what they need to survive, while the wealthy can easily afford tax exemptions on luxuries, like the mortgage interest on mansions.
The market economy gets fucked up when the government gets involved in it. Like making people stay home from work, forcing small businesses to close and keeping large businesses open, paying people not to work, regulating out energy production - not to mention bailouts to save unhealthy businesses that the market tried to weed out and incentives that drive bad behavior and the creation of weak businesses not founded on market demand.

Bailouts like banks, GM, Chrysler, etc. were temporary, were paid back, and saved a huge chunk of the economy.

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