The problem with capitalism

jbander georgephillip
‘I can’t stand on my own two feet and earn enough money…therefore I deserve a cut of yours…..oh and by the way, let tens of millions of illegal Mexicans in so I can compete with them.’

The bizarre part is; they can’t understand how fucking crazy that shit sounds.

What is silly about this is that the only people in the US who can get any significant welfare, are single mothers and disabled.
If you think there is more, you are just wrong.

And the "illegal aliens" in the US are actually all those of European descent.
The Hispanics actually are the real natives and citizens, who have a right to be here.
Says who, you? Butt out loser, mind your own business. Go earn your own wealth and stop trying to mooch off the rest of us.

That is ignorant because there is no way anyone can significantly "mooch".
That is a deliberately made up myth.
And who says there is a difference between the money needed for survival and excess profits, is the IRS.
But they have also become corrupted and allow the wealthy significant loopholes.
What is silly about this is that the only people in the US who can get any significant welfare, are single mothers and disabled.
If you think there is more, you are just wrong.

And the "illegal aliens" in the US are actually all those of European descent.
The Hispanics actually are the real natives and citizens, who have a right to be here.
Hahaha…okay Humberto…you silly libtard you.
You didn’t even know that America was founded on July 4, 1776 and not one day earlier….hahahaha
The point of socialism, communism, and marxism it to figure out how to avoid the inherent slavery of capitalism.
Incorrect. The root of those ideologies is to redistribute wealth from those with means to those with needs, thus buying the votes of useful idiots and increasing the power of the government upper class.
There is a difference between money you need to survive, and additional excess money.
The poor are being taxed even on what they need to survive, while the wealthy can easily afford tax exemptions on luxuries, like the mortgage interest on mansions.
I know….we should fix our poverty issue by recruiting tens of millions of desperate thirdworlders….what do you think?
The left is correct they are entitled to more fairness in housing, tuition, unions, jobs, health care, etc.
More fairness? WTF does that mean? Life isn't fair, first off, and you purchase things for what the seller offers them. If he charges too much, no one will buy his products and he will go out of business.
The poor are being unfairly gouged by monopolies.
The only entity in America that can establish monopolies is the government.
There is a difference between money you need to survive, and additional excess money.
Incorrect. Money is money. The only difference is that marxists and their useful idiot followers think they know best how to redistribute it from the earners to the wanters.
What is silly about this is that the only people in the US who can get any significant welfare, are single mothers and disabled.
If you think there is more, you are just wrong.

And the "illegal aliens" in the US are actually all those of European descent.
The Hispanics actually are the real natives and citizens, who have a right to be here.

Not since we formed this country they don't.
What is silly about this is that the only people in the US who can get any significant welfare, are single mothers and disabled.
"Significant" is a subjective opinion. I know millionaires who are getting free food cards.
There is a difference between money you need to survive, and additional excess money.
The poor are being taxed even on what they need to survive, while the wealthy can easily afford tax exemptions on luxuries, like the mortgage interest on mansions.

So who determines what is needed to survive? A tent under a bridge with some caned goods is enough to survive. The Amish and Quakers survive by fireplace in the middle of winter with no running water, heat or electricity.

What people want or need is determined by the individual--not you. If people are lazy or don't want to try, they are poor. If people want to work their asses off and invest, they are middle-class. If people want to start their own business and work towards success, they are the wealthy. Why should somebody not be taxed because they have little money due to their own choices in life?
The left is correct they are entitled to more fairness in housing, tuition, unions, jobs, health care, etc.
The poor are being unfairly gouged by monopolies.

Taking from other people for yourself is not fairness. After all, that's what government does.
That is ignorant because there is no way anyone can significantly "mooch".
That is a deliberately made up myth.
And who says there is a difference between the money needed for survival and excess profits, is the IRS.
But they have also become corrupted and allow the wealthy significant loopholes.
Allowing people to keep their own money they earned is a "loophole"? I think your kind would be happier living in a communist country tending a rice patty. :itsok:
Hahaha…okay Humberto…you silly libtard you.
You didn’t even know that America was founded on July 4, 1776 and not one day earlier….hahahaha

And the New England colonists murdered tens of thousands of natives even to steal New England.
But in 1776, the US has not yet stolen FL, or across the Appalachians.
We kept murdering and stealing all across the entire continent after that.
And it is not America.
That is what Amerigo Vespucci called the western hemisphere continents.
This country is the USA.
And we did not gain it legally, fairly, or by paying for it.
Incorrect. The root of those ideologies is to redistribute wealth from those with means to those with needs, thus buying the votes of useful idiots and increasing the power of the government upper class.

The root of those ideologies is to prevent unfair extortion, like slavery.
Marx was a member of the wealthy elite, so knew all the details of how to extort and abuse.

The upper class who stole the democracy from us, are the evil capitalists.
And the New England colonists murdered tens of thousands of natives even to steal New England.
But in 1776, the US has not yet stolen FL, or across the Appalachians.
We kept murdering and stealing all across the entire continent after that.
And it is not America.
That is what Amerigo Vespucci called the western hemisphere continents.
This country is the USA.
And we did not gain it legally, fairly, or by paying for it.
Awesome story…I’m so proud of our history and our badass army.
Those were the times….bigger stronger army’s conquered and took what they wanted….Ask the Conquistadors or the Aztecs.
Hey, remember when cavemen raped, murdered and ate their own? Those were the times.
I know….we should fix our poverty issue by recruiting tens of millions of desperate thirdworlders….what do you think?

Hard working immigrants are a way to boost productivity in competition with China.
Have immigrants ever historically been bad?
I don't think so.
The root of those ideologies is to prevent unfair extortion, like slavery.
Marx was a member of the wealthy elite, so knew all the details of how to extort and abuse.
Incorrect. The root of those ideologies is to redistribute wealth from those with means to those with needs, thus buying the votes of useful idiots and increasing the power of the government upper class.

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