The problem with capitalism

"Wages can be controlled by business". What's the alternative? Wages controlled by the government? The same government that can't control immigration or spending? That would be freaking chaos.
In capitalism wages are suppose to be controlled by the market, that is as basic as capitalism gets , wages and price is suppose to be controlled by the market.
Not at all.
If you took the capital from the wealth that stole it, and did real and productive things with it, we would all be about 10 times better off.
If you look at how the wealthy elite have destroyed each other's businesses, it is very destructive, not productive.
And they dump things we need that they decide are not productive enough, like our railroads.

The wealthy steal all the time.
The salaries they can force people to accept are about half what people are really worth, and about 10% of what the workers actually produce.
All the near monopolies and wage collusion has certainly slowed our economy.
But kids learn fast, so there is really not much of a problem to have immigrant kids.
Immigrants working for less can be a problem, but would not be if we had better unions, and is not a problem with lots of jobs no one else will do, like agricultural and food processing.
Immigrant provide more resources, like consumers, than they use up.
The Border Patrol is just a scam in my opinion, and we would be better off without them.
They are an insignificant cost, and produce much more than they cost.
You can't really get medical care without paying.
The ER is the only place you can do that, and they only treat emergencies like injuries.

The ER has to take anybody that does need help and they do it all the time.

Kids learn fast if they understand the language, but these kids that come here don't, and their parents are too lazy to learn the language themselves so they can't teach their own kids. They hold up our American children in classes and that's totally unfair to the taxpaying parents that support the schools unlike illegals who don't pay a dime into the education system.

illegals and jobs they wiork.png
So the clown car shows up , anyone who wants, can look up the tenants of Marxism , socialism and communism and find out you simply have no clue,. Like I said there is only one way that these three concepts can be implemented and everyone here has heard it ,the means of production is owned operated and controlled by the state and the sales of that production is designated to the state, It's always the first tenant listed because it is the prime tenant. Here's the real issue the only way the hate party can use it as a attack on democrats is if they define it themselves , at that point you find stupid made up definitions from these people. I have buried so many right wing haters on this that I know the complete total routine of these clowns, the "owned and operated by the state" is said in many ways the state is called , the government, the worker , the people, the community ETC
IN general terms the means of production are defined as the materials, tools and other instruments used by workers to make products. This includes: machines, tools materials, plant and equipment, land, raw materials, money, energy, and anything else labor needs to make things.
The clown list of socialism, like schools and mail and roads etc where in use thousands of years before anyone even perceived the idea of socialism and the rest. It is amazing that every civilized country in the world in all of history would be socialist if what he says was the case.
People you don't get your own private definiton of Marxism , socialism and communism , they already have one and in every case their definition makes yours blatantly stupid,

Here is the proof.
All these 3 ideologies are trying to do is prevent abusive monopolies and extortion.


  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
As If business would extent their generosity to the working man. Theyd reduce before that.

You cannot leave wages rises etc to private enterprise. They will screw the shit out i5f every one of them.
Republicans fight every wage rise every time.
wage increases distribute the wealth of this country , the right only really exist for one reason , the transfer of all the new wealth to the top. all the other crap fro guns to abortion is for votes. They care nothing about these issues as a party.
The left pushes for socialism and now we are 30 trillion in debt
How does that number compare to the day Reagan took office?

Tax cuts for the rich serve a single purpose: to move more of a nation's income and wealth from the bottom 99% of makers to a largely parasitic one percent of takers

The $30 trillion in debt that right-wingers shed crocodile tears over comes from the best government money can buy borrowing from the richest one percent of its citizens instead of taxing them.
wage increases distribute the wealth of this country , the right only really exist for one reason , the transfer of all the new wealth to the top. all the other crap fro guns to abortion is for votes. They care nothing about these issues as a party.
Every time they are in power they give tax cuts to the wealthy that lead to bigger deficits.
The ER has to take anybody that does need help and they do it all the time.

Kids learn fast if they understand the language, but these kids that come here don't, and their parents are too lazy to learn the language themselves so they can't teach their own kids. They hold up our American children in classes and that's totally unfair to the taxpaying parents that support the schools unlike illegals who don't pay a dime into the education system.

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The ER ONLY does emergencies.
They don't do testing, exploratory, xrays, diagnostics, preventive, remedial, etc.
If you are not injured or about to die from a pandemic, they are not interested.

Kids learn language in only a few months.

If we want to compete successfully with China, we need to CHANGE.
That's not a problem that stems from capitalism, it's a problem that stems from bad government. "I'm from the government, I'm here to help you"........Ronald Reagan.
there is no such thing as uncontrolled successful capitalism. We are close to the end of it as we speak with Reagans trickle down lie, the right wing thinking they deserve it all and Trumps give away to the wealthy.
In capitalism wages are suppose to be controlled by the market, that is as basic as capitalism gets , wages and price is suppose to be controlled by the market.

But in reality, a single individual worker has no bargaining power with a huge company, so always loses and ends up getting ripped off.
We need collective bargaining in order to be remotely fair.
That's not a problem that stems from capitalism, it's a problem that stems from bad government. "I'm from the government, I'm here to help you"........Ronald Reagan.

All bad government comes from the wealthy elite who can buy votes by manipulating the media.
Generosity? Do you expect generosity from an army of unnamed federal bureaucrats?
Funny what do they have to do with the distribution of wealth, they are following the law made out to them. They control nothing, politicians do and government does only if the politicians tell them to.
Capitalism rewards those who work hard and smart, socialism rewards those who don't.

Capitalism has no such requirements.
The easiest and most successful ways to make profits is fraud and force, so capitalism always tends towards slavery.
And it is wrong to claim socialism rewards those who do not work hard or are smart.
Socialism just let the majority decide instead of the wealthy elite.
there is no such thing as uncontrolled successful capitalism. We are close to the end of it as we speak with Reagans trickle down lie, the right wing thinking they deserve it all and Trumps give away to the wealthy.

Allowing people to keep more of the money they created is not a giveaway by any definition of the word.
The biggest problem with capitalism is when capitalism takes over the government. As in the rich are paying for things they want, over the wishes of everyone else.
IF YOU THINK THAT CORPORATIONS AND THE WEALTHY SHOULD GET IT ALL, YOU VOTE FOR THE RIGHT , IF YOU SUPPORT CAPITALISM AS IT IS DEFINED WITH THE PRIME MOTIVE THAT MAKES CAPITALISM THE ONLY WAY, as in having the potential for the possibility to get ahead by the worker then you vote for Democrats. Without the posibilaty for the worker to get ahead which has been totally taken away for the last 40_ years by the right wing. It will collapse by the force of the peoples opposition for it, as in it all going to the top. That will screw the pooch because capitalism is really the only way.
Right now, the biggest monopoly of them all -The State- is colluding with the corporatocracy in general, and BigPharma in particular.

I thought you lefty types hated that shit?
Corporatocracy? Haven’t heard that one before.

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