The problem with capitalism

The ER has to take anybody that does need help and they do it all the time.

Kids learn fast if they understand the language, but these kids that come here don't, and their parents are too lazy to learn the language themselves so they can't teach their own kids. They hold up our American children in classes and that's totally unfair to the taxpaying parents that support the schools unlike illegals who don't pay a dime into the education system.

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If you continue to try to hijack this thread you are out of here.
IF YOU THINK THAT CORPORATIONS AND THE WEALTHY SHOULD GET IT ALL, YOU VOTE FOR THE RIGHT , IF YOU SUPPORT CAPITALISM AS IT IS DEFINED WITH THE PRIME MOTIVE THAT MAKES CAPITALISM THE ONLY WAY, as in having the potential for the possibility to get ahead by the worker then you vote for Democrats. Without the posibilaty for the worker to get ahead which has been totally taken away for the last 40_ years by the right wing. It will collapse by the force of the peoples opposition for it, as in it all going to the top. That will screw the pooch because capitalism is really the only way.
Workers are winning right now. We have to make sure that continues.
Last years GDP growth shows how good it is when workers win. Years of tax cuts and pro employer policies led to weak gdp growth.
The ER ONLY does emergencies.
They don't do testing, exploratory, xrays, diagnostics, preventive, remedial, etc.
If you are not injured or about to die from a pandemic, they are not interested.

Kids learn language in only a few months.

If we want to compete successfully with China, we need to CHANGE.

How, by having workers make as much as Chinese workers? Sorry, but we don't want to live that way.

Illegals go to ER's with phony symptoms so they have to accept them. They have to do multiple tests to make sure it's nothing serious and they know what's causing the problem. It's a liability issue.

Read the link I provided, illegals also place a lot of stress on our social programs like Medicaid which is funded partly by the federal government and partly by the state. In many cases Medicaid is the largest expenditure a state has.

Only a genius child can learn a completely new language in a few months. They hold up our kids in school.
You don’t work? Inflation is high because demand is greater than supply. Supply will catch up.

Inflation is high because you have a moron that paid people more to stay home than work. That created a labor shortage, the labor shortage created the supply chain shortage. The supply chain shortage forced industry to overpay workers. The additional expense is passed on to consumers meaning we now pay more for the products and services we want, thus the definition of inflation.
The problem with capitalism is if you are a lazy fuck you don't get ahead. Morons like you hate it when people work hard and get ahead.
Statement: "Morons like you hate it when people work hard and get ahead."

Response: People like trump and his three adult kids work hard - lol.
Inflation is high because you have a moron that paid people more to stay home than work. That created a labor shortage, the labor shortage created the supply chain shortage. The supply chain shortage forced industry to overpay workers. The additional expense is passed on to consumers meaning we now pay more for the products and services we want, thus the definition of inflation.
Yes the economy did really well. Is a tariff supporter now claiming to have a problem with increased prices? That is funny.
Here is the proof.
All these 3 ideologies are trying to do is prevent abusive monopolies and extortion.


  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
a theory or system of social organization that advocates the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, capital, land, etc., by the community as a whole, usually through a centralized government.
procedure or practice in accordance with this theory.
(in Marxist theory) the stage following capitalism in the transition of a society to communism, characterized by the imperfect implementation of collectivist principles.
1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods 2a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state 3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done Definition of SOCIALISM
I have stated, I have no problem with the fact that our capitalist society incorporates bits of socialism and I am not against all social programs by any means. There are are many things the government chooses to do with those multi-thousand dollar checks I have written most of my life at tax time or had taken out of my paycheck every week, 2 weeks or monthly, that I would never contribute to, in my wildest pipe dream. I have no problem with aid to the poor, that is the poor by no fault of their own. I have a lot of problem with support to the poor that just do not want to work (yes, they are out there) or do work some but on purpose not enough to cut down the free money from the government (again, yes they are out there). I see a certain amount of socialism to the wealthy, as I have never escaped the tax man, yet some are in a bracket where they can take advantage of breaks, write offs and questionable expensing to the point they pay no tax, but the country's bill must be paid by somebody and I and people like me (yes, we're out there) continue to write those checks. To me that is socialism. The #3 definition of socialism in most main dictionaries is (this one from Webster):
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It is really the first 2/3 of that def that gets people. What people are afraid of is the phrase Creeping Socialism (this one from Conservapedia
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While not a right wing fanatic about it, I do realize it exists and the conservative in me, means wanting to slow it down as much as possible to the limits of what I can as a somewhat conservative private citizen, 47 year married, head of household. I'm not wanting to roll the clock back, like many of the knee jerk conservatives on here, just slow the pace and be left alone by my government. I'm one who has always sent in that check on time, never bouncing, with an outward smile, but inwardly just praying the dumbasses that are giving the money I worked for away would at least spend it on things and people I would approve of for one reason or another, in one way or another, though often they simply don't. I'll tell ya right now, the "Crack Pipes For The Poor" idea, just doesn't cut it.
I appreciate your optimistic view of my intelligence but no, pretty average, (again, a lot of average people out here), most of the time with old common sense views. Most people similar, until they get on the internet, becoming fire breathers or mouth breathers, depending on your point of view.
There is no argument this is the main no 1 tenet of socialism , your number three is rarely listed in comparison , You don't get your own definition of socialism Marxism or Communism. The idea that you think you can is humorous but not very convincing One more time (The means of production is owned and controlled by the state and the sales of that production is designated to the state.) if you think you can get past this to get to your definition you want you are wrong.

1a any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods 2a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property 3a : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state

Poverty in the US? Compared to poverty in what other country? Define poverty in the US. You get free phones, internet, cable, healthcare, food stamps, housing. Let’s see some numbers.
No one compared poverty in this country to other country's .
Statement: "Morons like you hate it when people work hard and get ahead."

Response: People like trump and his three adult kids work hard - lol.

Because they are not lifting 40 lbs bundles of shingles over their shoulders and climbing up three stories on a ladder means they are not working hard?
I don't know what dimension you've existed in the past year, but the corporations aren't calling the shots right now; the workers are.
don't waste bandwidth bring something to the conversation, in 2021 wages went down 2.4 percent when adding in inflation.
You're correct, Mea culpa. What I listed was not Socialism, per se; yet they are not working in the Private Sector they work in the Public Sector. It is a series of occupations whose employees earn their wages and benefits by taxes. Not Capitalism not Socialism, thus an amalgamation, I guess.
No amalgamation every type of economy, wages to government workers are paid for by taxes or in any case the population as a whole.

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