The problem with capitalism

A greedy boss will give you a reward? Like fucking hell he will. He'll sack you if you want more regardless of how hard you work. Then you rely on SS to survive.
Are you speaking from personal experience, or just virtue signaling like you really care for the plight of your straw man?
You simply hate the working class although you are one of them.
No, I don't. I have a job and I deal with awesome working class people every day.
Telling someone "what they believe" is one of the weakest debate tactics in the book. Do better.
You consider them to be lefties and you hate them.
Incorrect again.
You bore me.
Socialism is how America was formed and still applies to this day. Without government spending on infrastructure etc, it would stop. Yes it is socialism. Hospitals, doctors, roads, bridges, schools, police, nurses, ambulances, etc. All funded by the government socialist programmes to keep people employed. Then there's those little family subsidies even republicans get but not prepared to admit the are taking socialism.
I've never denied the fact that an organized society needs elements of socialism for public services. I just prefer it to a lesser degree than most who call themselves "liberal". Socialism is a parasite upon capitalism.
Sound familiar you idiot. You know fuck all.
Go fuck yourself, imbecile.
Adam smith said that at any time the market, jobs and wages can be controlled by business and not by the markets and at that time it is wrong and something has to be done about it, That is what is going on now. The possibility of the chance to get ahead is the driving force that separates capitalism from all other economic concepts but the right, since Reagan's trickle down lie, has taken that away totally from the possibilities. The only threat to capitalism in this country is the right wing , thinking they deserve it all.

A Guide to Statistics on Historical Trends in Income Inequality | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Along with inequality there has also been an almost 60 year-long stagnation of purchasing power for a majority of Americans:

The economy has seen massive growth over those seven decades, yet most Americans' ability to purchase goods and services without acquiring massive levels of debt has barely budged.

For most Americans, real wages have barely budged for decades
Communist and fascist nations have State Police; the US has local police and sheriff agencies - government employed - is a system of socialism. As is the Post Office, our National Parks and are members of the United States Armed Forces.
Pointing out the most inefficient, corrupt, and crushingly conformist institutions as "successes of socialism" in Murica.

You moonbats really are a hoot.
Without government spending on infrastructure etc, it would stop. Yes it is socialism.
Hospitals, doctors, roads, bridges, schools, police, nurses, ambulances, etc. All funded by the government socialist programmes to keep people employed. Then there's those little family subsidies even republicans get but not prepared to admit the are taking socialism.
Socialism, strictly defined, is State ownership of all those things...Subsidized or state funding of private operations is NOT SOCIALIST, it's mercantilism and crony corporatism.
Sound familiar you idiot. You know fuck all.
100%'s you that knows fuck all, Colon.
Along with inequality there has also been an almost 60 year-long stagnation of purchasing power for a majority of Americans:

The economy has seen massive growth over those seven decades, yet most Americans' ability to purchase goods and services without acquiring massive levels of debt has barely budged.

For most Americans, real wages have barely budged for decades

The days of turning nuts onto bolts and making 50K a year are long gone and never coming back. Those jobs were replaced by automation and cheap foreign labor.

Today you need the education, skill or trade to make it in this country as few non-skilled jobs pay a so-called living wage.

There are plenty of jobs to choose from, but many Americans can't adapt to changing times. Drugs became a huge problem in this country as more and more places that pay a decent buck require employees submit to random drug screens. Younger people no longer want to work with their hands. They want to go to college so the heaviest thing they ever have to lift is their brief case.

So the solutions are out there, but as we become a lazier country, we complain instead of doing something to keep up with costs and maintain a middle-class lifestyle.
A greedy boss will give you a reward? Like fucking hell he will. He'll sack you if you want more regardless of how hard you work. Then you rely on SS to survive.

You simply hate the working class although you are one of them. You consider them to be lefties and you hate them. You been on a steady diet of Republican propaganda and now you believe it.
Socialism is how America was formed and still applies to this day.
Without government spending on infrastructure etc, it would stop. Yes it is socialism.
Hospitals, doctors, roads, bridges, schools, police, nurses, ambulances, etc. All funded by the government socialist programmes to keep people employed. Then there's those little family subsidies even republicans get but not prepared to admit the are taking socialism. Sound familiar you idiot. You know fuck all.

Government spending is not socialism. The left pushes for socialism and now we are 30 trillion in debt. We depend on government for everything from buying our diapers and food to putting the first shovel of sand on our graves. What the federal government was supposed to provide is in our Constitution and nothing more. But our founders never limited government strictly to that and that's why we are in so much debt today.
As If business would extent their generosity to the working man. Theyd reduce before that.

You cannot leave wages rises etc to private enterprise. They will screw the shit out i5f every one of them.
Republicans fight every wage rise every time.

All wages or are you referring to minimum wage?

Minimum wage increases are those mandated by government which would create a domino effect. While everybody would make more money, everything we buy would become more expensive. We are seeing that today as industry has to offer more money to attract workers, and now our inflation rate is the highest it's been in 40 years. The only entity that makes out is government as the more we make, the more taxes we pay.
This thread is about the distributions of the wealth in this country, it has nothing to do with make believe socialism.
“Distributions of wealth”…….hahaha….WTF does that even mean?
Is there some type of bread line you wait in for your “distribution”?
Is there a predetermined amount of wealth to be “distributed” in this country?
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Adam smith said that at any time the market, jobs and wages can be controlled by business and not by the markets and at that time it is wrong and something has to be done about it, That is what is going on now. The possibility of the chance to get ahead is the driving force that separates capitalism from all other economic concepts but the right, since Reagan's trickle down lie, has taken that away totally from the possibilities. The only threat to capitalism in this country is the right wing , thinking they deserve it all.

A Guide to Statistics on Historical Trends in Income Inequality | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

The problem with capitalism is if you are a lazy fuck you don't get ahead. Morons like you hate it when people work hard and get ahead.
Government spending is not socialism. The left pushes for socialism and now we are 30 trillion in debt. We depend on government for everything from buying our diapers and food to putting the first shovel of sand on our graves. What the federal government was supposed to provide is in our Constitution and nothing more. But our founders never limited government strictly to that and that's why we are in so much debt today.
Next you can tell us how the right,aka Republicans has never created any debt in the last sixty years.
Communist and fascist nations have State Police; the US has local police and sheriff agencies - government employed - is a system of socialism. As is the Post Office, our National Parks and are members of the United States Armed Forces.

Income inequality came with Voodoo economics, aka trickle down, which has never trickled down to the masses of people. Ask yourself, why is so much poverty in the United States in the pockets of billionaires?

Those who didn't read history learned politics from Limbaugh and those talking heads who followed him.

Everyday they sell BIG LIES, and everyday true believers on social media never research what these talking heads are echoing the same lie. Of course they don't know they contribute to the BIG LIE a phrase coined by Hitler in his book, Mein Kamph.***

***See: Joseph Goebbels On the “Big Lie”

Ask yourself, why is there so much poverty in the United States, and so much wealth and income in the pockets of the billionaires?

Income inequality didn't come from anything Reagan did. Income inequality comes from us giving those rich people our money. Next week you will contribute to that. You will willingly send your money to the top. You will stop at McDonald's for breakfast or lunch, you will buy gasoline for your car, you will pay your cell phone or internet bill, you will pay your cable or satellite bill. But one way or another, you like most all Americans will happily send your money to the top.

The change that came after Reagan was the tech era. We love these machines that make electrons do wonderful and entertaining things for us while making our life much easier. The solution to stopping that is quit giving the rich all your money, because sometime next week, perhaps several times, you will be sending your money to the top.

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