Zone1 The Prophet Joseph Smith understanding of the Earth may be scientifically correct

When you see Babylon the great( worldwide false religionssssss) fall=Locking of the door to all. But then its to late. It triggers tribulation. You see The JW,s are the only ones to see that truth. Rev says. The merchants stand at a distance and mourn the fall of Babylon the great.Why? Because their shelves remain full= no more religious holidays. If their shelves are full, then the factory shelves are full= worldwide layoffs all at once. Not so hilarious is it Cougarbear. And the bible says-God puts it into their hearts to do away with Babylon the great-It cannot be stopped. When it occurs things will move swiftly.
I wouldn't worry about what we teach concerning the end of the world. We are very aware of prophecy with added information from God as well. Things you don't have. For instance, before Jesus comes and stands in the parted Mount of Olives, he will first secretly come to Adam-Ondi-Ahman (Where Adam Dwelt after leaving the Garden). He will meet with Adam and all the prophets from Adam to Joseph Smith to our present day prophet Russel M. Nelson and other in the future. Adam will receive the keys back from the prophets and then give them to Jesus Christ. The end will be shortly after. We most likely won't be aware or told of this event. But, those capable will begin our tract back to Jackson County Missouri.
The priesthood of ancient Israel ended with Jesus, as he was the High Priest in the order of Melchizedek, not Aaron, to bring about a New Covenant.

Rabbinic “Jews” are fake Jews in name only and have nothing to do with ancient Israel.
Nope. As Paul wrote in Hebrews, the Melchizedek Priesthood continued as did the Aaronic (Levitical) Priesthood with the Apostles and Saints for a while. As the centuries came and went, the Melchizedek Priesthood was lost as well as the Aaronic too. The Catholic Church has a Priesthood after strange Orders like Jesuits... The other churches with Priests the same as well. But, the two Priesthoods were restored in these the latter-days to prepare for Jesus Christ's second coming. Happened in the spring of 1829.
Just because Abraham and other Jewish Kings broke God’s Laws does not mean we can break them.

These men were examples of how Israel kept breaking God‘s covenant and laws, which is exactly why their nation was led to ruin over and over.
Show anywhere in the OT that Abraham and others broke a law having more than one wife? It's true in NT times when it said back then that bishops, elders, deacons and other priesthood offices could not have more than one wife. But, that didn't mean the general population couldn't. And, in the beginning of this last dispensation before the end, the Lord again instituted the practice. Why? It's just my opinion that in the resurrection, their will be substantially more women in the Celestial Kingdom than men. To be in the highest degree of the Celestial Kingdom, women have to be sealed for all eternity to a man. (Not the other way around) So, many women will be goddesses and queens of their own universes together with one man.
During Noah’s time the earth was completely covered with water. This was the baptism of the earth and symbolized a cleansing (1 Pet. 3:20–21).
Therefore, the Earth itself is of intelligence and must choose good over evil as well. Eventually, it will be baptized by fire as well, with the Holy Ghost. The Earth became new again free from sin and sinful beings as well as all creatures great and small, and bad weeds... Now, science is finding that the earth has its own intelligence. It was made spiritually first as we were too and all things in it from the beginning of time. A living soul our earth is.

Go Utes
Yes God cleaning the Nephlim and the wicked off of his earth=99.9% mislead. Jesus compares these last days to Noahs day-Luke 17:26) = 99% minimum mislead on this earth today.
You should believe the bible-This is how it will be cleansed of those 99%=Rev 19:11
When altered things contradict Gods word-they are false.
I can prove from your own Bible Jehovah is Jesus Christ, so I wouldn't be throwing stuff around about others and their belief in the Bible.
During Noah’s time the earth was completely covered with water. This was the baptism of the earth and symbolized a cleansing (1 Pet. 3:20–21).
Therefore, the Earth itself is of intelligence and must choose good over evil as well. Eventually, it will be baptized by fire as well, with the Holy Ghost. The Earth became new again free from sin and sinful beings as well as all creatures great and small, and bad weeds... Now, science is finding that the earth has its own intelligence. It was made spiritually first as we were too and all things in it from the beginning of time. A living soul our earth is.

Ummmmmm, no.
I appreciate others rights to their beliefs however I don’t believe the Book of Mormon to be an inspired book, so quoting it does nothing to sway an argument.

I also don’t understand Mormons believing the color of one’s skin being a factor in the way God sees or judges a person.

I hate to see you find out the hard way. These last days are nearing there end. Jehovah loves you.
Simple question jdub, Did Jehovah die?
"Chandler took the collection on an exhibition tour of the northeastern United States, occasionally selling off a mummy or two. In July 1835 he made his way to Kirtland, Ohio and sold what remained of the collection (four mummies, two or three rolls of papyri and some loose papyrus sheets) to a group of citizens who purchased them for $2,400 on behalf of Joseph Smith and the Church. Not long after that Joseph announced that the papyri contained writings of the biblical patriarchs Abraham and Joseph. Various entries in his journal indicate that Joseph immediately began working on a translation of the Abraham material."

From The Book of Abraham

He translated the entire thing wrong, btw. Every word. Wrong.
What was found was just a small portion. You are making judgments that you don't have much information on. There was a lot more there but burned up in that Chicago fire. Heck, there are books mentioned in the OT that are lost. What did they have that may change your view on things? Also, no one said it was translated. And, they are not for private interpretations. One verse may have multiple meanings.

It's a complete fabrication. The entire thing. Egg on your faces since 1966.

It's a complete fabrication. The entire thing. Egg on your faces since 1966.

When you simply won’t accept truth and reality that what was found was only a tenth of what was actually there. Thus, your hatred shows in your ignorance and void of all the facts.
When you simply won’t accept truth and reality that what was found was only a tenth of what was actually there. Thus, your hatred shows in your ignorance and void of all the facts.

What they found was compared against what Joseph Smith SAID the documents stated. And it was all a lie and a fabrication. That's not "ignorance" and it's not "hate". It's just factual.
He translated the entire thing wrong, btw. Every word. Wrong.
So, what was found after the fire? A tenth of what they bought. So, you are judging the validity of only what was safe after the fire. What about the Book of Abraham being in the 9/10 that was lost?
So, what was found after the fire? A tenth of what they bought. So, you are judging the validity of only what was safe after the fire. What about the Book of Abraham being in the 9/10 that was lost?

You have to obsess about what was "lost" because what was found is such an abomination.

Folks who are not Mormon:

Joe Smith claimed the book was actually written by Abraham. Instead he was centuries off in the timeline. It was a standard funeral document--a "breathing" document. Egyptian, written in hieroglyphics, which Smith could pass off as "translating" in the 1800s but not in the 20th century. Nothing at all to do with Abraham. When it was discovered, even Mormons were sure it would validate Smith's claims. When it didn't....well, Cougarbear here is what you get. It's sad, but I've seen it before.

Joe Smith was a fraud and he launched a fraudulent form of Christianity that has tragically sucked in too many good people. Who need Jesus.
The Book of Abraham is not part of the Bible.
By the way, the Book of Abraham is a true book of revelation from God.
Nope. Joseph Smith invented the book of Abraham. He fooled a few people especially the ignorant.
I wouldn't worry about what we teach concerning the end of the world. We are very aware of prophecy with added information from God as well. Things you don't have. For instance, before Jesus comes and stands in the parted Mount of Olives, he will first secretly come to Adam-Ondi-Ahman (Where Adam Dwelt after leaving the Garden). He will meet with Adam and all the prophets from Adam to Joseph Smith to our present day prophet Russel M. Nelson and other in the future. Adam will receive the keys back from the prophets and then give them to Jesus Christ. The end will be shortly after. We most likely won't be aware or told of this event. But, those capable will begin our tract back to Jackson County Missouri.
Wow what nonsense your religion teaches-RUN FROM THEM.

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