Zone1 bad news for liberals: God hates abortion, and here is scripture to back that up

People living today think they are so much smarter than people who lived, say 1500 years ago

How does that work?

Oh, that's right. One word suffices: ARROGANCE

People who lived 1500 years ago were just as intelligent or wise as people who live today (likely more so). Maybe their IQs were a tad less then, because today we know a lot more about diet and exercise, but for the most part, people back then were just as smart and some were likely a lot smarter.

Then there is this:

They were more civilized.

There wasn't a lot of abortion going on. Everyone back then knew that abortion is murder.

But hey... Today, we are "evolved" :rolleyes:
People living today think they areso much smarter than people who lived, say 1500 years ago
Because they are. And more moral and ethical. And clearly more educated.

Think how much better you could be, without clinging to a book of bronze age mythologies.
Because they are. And more moral and ethical. And clearly more educated.

Think how much better you could be, without clinging to a book of bronze age mythologies.
thanks for making my point, namely that I myself would NEVER EVER want to be "as 'smart as' o_O you!
Well good, I guess.

Luckily for you, we educated people will let you reap the benefits of our labors anyway.

You're welcome.
If you are so educated, why don't your posts show it?

Instead, you have this intelligent poster (yours truly) wanting to do the old Ignore option.

I mean, I have better things to do than read anything written by someone who defies logic, common sense... on a daily basis
keep doing all u can to justify your evil

you will have to answer for it after death

God sends judgment on a nation for three main sins:

1. Abortions (the killing of unborn babies) Now days they are killing the babies right after birth and calling those murders-late term abortions.

2. Homosexual Abominations (Sodom and Gomorrah)

3. Doing any kind of harm to Israel/Jerusalem

The democrat party's main #1 platform is abortion baby killing. They all side in favor of killing babies as long as they chose to remain apart of that political party. The DNC does not keep it a secret that they are all about killing babies. They want to kill babies up to the the ninth month of pregnancy and after the birth of the baby. That is their political parties platform. Bible says a little leaven (sin) leaventh the whole lump.

Many are trapped in sin because of a lack of information of God's truth.
Show where your passage applies specifically to abortion

God knew what abortion was.
If he opposed it, he would have forbid it
Abortion is murder. When the people sacrificed their babies to Molech in the fire they were murdering them.

The fire today in our modern world is electricity. The electrical currents that KILL, as the abortion vacuum sucks the breathing baby out of the woman's womb murdering it. It is done today for the EXACT same reason it was done back during the Bible. It was done to trade in the baby for some sort of hope of prosperity.

1. One speaking of a need to prosper in their career so they murder the unborn baby.
2. One speaking of it just not being a good time to bring it into the world because they are about to get promoted on the job so they murder the unborn baby.
3. One just feeling like they have no money to support it on their own-they want to stick around to prosper in the world but kill the baby.

However, God says do not murder and do not kill. No one can hide behind the word "abortion" to disguise the fact that they are murdering. The irony of a democrat political party making the murder of babies their main platform while speaking of a need for gun control.
There are many scriptures to back this up. There is Moses and the 10 Commandments (not Suggestions!) wherein we are told not to MURDER

But I was reading some of the Mass readings for this month (possibly next month, cannot recall off the top of my head)

and I came across

Psalm 106 (parts directly referring to the murder of one's children [abortion] are highlighted in green)

In the camp they envied Moses,

as well as Aaron, the holy one of the LORD.

17The earth opened up and swallowed [the Moses-defying] Dathan;

it covered the assembly of Abiram.

18Then fire blazed through their company;

flames consumed the wicked.

19At Horebc they made a calf

and worshiped a molten image.

20They exchanged their Gloryd

for the image of a grass-eating ox.

21They forgot God their Savior,

who did great things in Egypt,

22wondrous works in the land of Ham,

and awesome deeds by the Red Sea.

23So He said He would destroy them—

had not Moses His chosen one

stood before Him in the breach

to divert His wrath from destroying them.

24They despised the pleasant land;

they did not believe His promise.

25They grumbled in their tents

and did not listen to the voice of the LORD.

26So He raised His hand and swore

to cast them down in the wilderness,

27to dispersee their offspring among the nations

and scatter them throughout the lands.

28They yoked themselves to Baal of Peor

and ate sacrifices offered to lifeless gods.

29So they provoked the LORD to anger with their deeds,

and a plague broke out among them.

30But Phinehas stood and intervened,

and the plague was restrained.

31It was credited to him as righteousness

for endless generations to come.

32At the waters of Meribahf they angered the LORD,

and trouble came to Moses because of them.

33For they rebelled against His Spirit,g

and Moses spoke rashly with his lips.

34They did not destroy the peoples

as the LORD had commanded them,

35but they mingled with the nations

and adopted their customs.

36They worshiped their idols,

which became a snare to them.

37They sacrificed their sons

and their daughters to demons.

38They shed innocent blood—

the blood of their sons and daughters,

whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan,

and the land was polluted with blood.

39They defiled themselves by their actions

and prostituted themselves by their deeds.

40So the anger of the LORD burned against His people,

and He abhorred His own inheritance.

41He delivered them into the hand of the nations,

and those who hated them ruled over them.

42Their enemies oppressed them,

and subdued them under their hand.

43Many times He rescued them,

but they were bent on rebellion

and sank down in their iniquity.

God literally wiped out ALL of humanity and all of the animals except for a few in the Noah's ark story. You'd have been dead with them.

And the ones who survived, get this, inbreeding....

God sends judgment on a nation for three main sins:

1. Abortions (the killing of unborn babies) Now days they are killing the babies right after birth and calling those murders-late term abortions.

2. Homosexual Abominations (Sodom and Gomorrah)

3. Doing any kind of harm to Israel/Jerusalem

The democrat party's main #1 platform is abortion baby killing. They all side in favor of killing babies as long as they chose to remain apart of that political party. The DNC does not keep it a secret that they are all about killing babies. They want to kill babies up to the the ninth month of pregnancy and after the birth of the baby. That is their political parties platform. Bible says a little leaven (sin) leaventh the whole lump.

Many are trapped in sin because of a lack of information of God's truth.

God killed babies... he killed them all in Noah's Ark story. Boom

Also something like 75% of pregnancies are aborted before the woman even knows she's preggers. That's God, right there.
God killed babies... he killed them all in Noah's Ark story. Boom

Also something like 75% of pregnancies are aborted before the woman even knows she's preggers. That's God, right there.
As Christian believes we must do ONLY what God tells us to do. We are NOT capable of doing everything God has done because we lack the power God has.

As far as the Noah's Ark story goes God did not kill anyone. The people chose to die through their disobedience to God. That is the fault of the adult humans- not God.

No one gets an abortion without knowing they are pregnant. They either took a pregnancy test at home, at the doctor's office, and EVERY single abortion clinic will give them a pregnancy test first. Where did you get the false notion that 75% of pregnancies are aborted before a woman knows she's pregnant. Thats not true and its crazy logic. God is good, Amen.
As Christian believes we must do ONLY what God tells us to do. We are NOT capable of doing everything God has done because we lack the power God has.

As far as the Noah's Ark story goes God did not kill anyone. The people chose to die through their disobedience to God. That is the fault of the adult humans- not God.

No one gets an abortion without knowing they are pregnant. They either took a pregnancy test at home, at the doctor's office, and EVERY single abortion clinic will give them a pregnancy test first. Where did you get the false notion that 75% of pregnancies are aborted before a woman knows she's pregnant. Thats not true and its crazy logic. God is good, Amen.

The problem with your first statement is "how do you know what God tells you to do?"

Oh, God didn't kill anyone with a huge flood intended to kill everyone except Noah and his family because God has a hissy fit.

"Now God saw that the earth had become corrupt and was filled with violence."

" So God said to Noah, “I have decided to destroy all living creatures, for they have filled the earth with violence. Yes, I will wipe them all out along with the earth!"

And you think this is God not killing anyone. I guess Hitler never killed anyone either, which is why when Hitler was around, God didn't send a huge flood to kill everyone then.

Yeah, NO. God literally said "I'm killing all you muffer forkers"

Yes, people have abortions without knowing they're pregnant. When a fetus is rejected by the body, it's called an abortion. You don't go to a doctor or anything, your body just does it for itself. Sometimes called a "miscarriage" too.
I will never understand why the religious right is so consumed by hot-button social issues.
I will never understand why the religious right is so consumed by hot-button social issues.

I never understand how they could ever, EVER support a man like Trump
They should be holding him up and saying……NEVER be like that man
Abortion is murder. When the people sacrificed their babies to Molech in the fire they were murdering them.

. The irony of a democrat political party making the murder of babies their main platform while speaking of a need for gun control.

especially that last part (and yet the last part is more powerful in the context of the rest of it)

This is why I had that thread in General about how you have to lie to yourself constantly to be a liberal.

You have to lie to yourself every day while working w/ pro abortion groups or causes... telling yourself: "It is not human, or if it is, oh well... a woman's rights are more important"

No wonder Satan is called the Father of all LIES

AND a murderer ("from the beginning").

Satan is the one promoting abortion... using his puppets everywhere to accomplish his bloody agenda
The problem with your first statement is "how do you know what God tells you to do?"

Oh, God didn't kill anyone with a huge flood intended to kill everyone except Noah and his family because God has a hissy fit.

" So God said to Noah, “I have decided to destroy all living creatures, for they have filled the earth with violence. Yes, I will wipe them all out along with the earth!"

And you think this is God not killing anyone.

unbelievably CLUELESS

God created life and HE alone can take it


and your liberal buddies

are not... REPEAT NOT

God (despite what you think)
There are many scriptures to back this up. There is Moses and the 10 Commandments (not Suggestions!) wherein we are told not to MURDER

But I was reading some of the Mass readings for this month (possibly next month, cannot recall off the top of my head)

and I came across

Psalm 106 (parts directly referring to the murder of one's children [abortion] are highlighted in green)

In the camp they envied Moses,

as well as Aaron, the holy one of the LORD.

17The earth opened up and swallowed [the Moses-defying] Dathan;

it covered the assembly of Abiram.

18Then fire blazed through their company;

flames consumed the wicked.

19At Horebc they made a calf

and worshiped a molten image.

20They exchanged their Gloryd

for the image of a grass-eating ox.

21They forgot God their Savior,

who did great things in Egypt,

22wondrous works in the land of Ham,

and awesome deeds by the Red Sea.

23So He said He would destroy them—

had not Moses His chosen one

stood before Him in the breach

to divert His wrath from destroying them.

24They despised the pleasant land;

they did not believe His promise.

25They grumbled in their tents

and did not listen to the voice of the LORD.

26So He raised His hand and swore

to cast them down in the wilderness,

27to dispersee their offspring among the nations

and scatter them throughout the lands.

28They yoked themselves to Baal of Peor

and ate sacrifices offered to lifeless gods.

29So they provoked the LORD to anger with their deeds,

and a plague broke out among them.

30But Phinehas stood and intervened,

and the plague was restrained.

31It was credited to him as righteousness

for endless generations to come.

32At the waters of Meribahf they angered the LORD,

and trouble came to Moses because of them.

33For they rebelled against His Spirit,g

and Moses spoke rashly with his lips.

34They did not destroy the peoples

as the LORD had commanded them,

35but they mingled with the nations

and adopted their customs.

36They worshiped their idols,

which became a snare to them.

37They sacrificed their sons

and their daughters to demons.

38They shed innocent blood—

the blood of their sons and daughters,

whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan,

and the land was polluted with blood.

39They defiled themselves by their actions

and prostituted themselves by their deeds.

40So the anger of the LORD burned against His people,

and He abhorred His own inheritance.

41He delivered them into the hand of the nations,

and those who hated them ruled over them.

42Their enemies oppressed them,

and subdued them under their hand.

43Many times He rescued them,

but they were bent on rebellion

and sank down in their iniquity.
Magnificent prose---and testimony against the filth of Rome and Mecca

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