The Prump Putin Tillerson Triangle


Senior Member
Feb 21, 2018
Early on in his Presidency, Donald Trump seemed highly interested in seeing Mitt Romney get the Secretary of State position in his cabinet. Things were going well in that direction, until suddenly Trump nixed Mitt. And next thing you knew, we had Tillersen as Trump's new choice for the job. Funny thing was, Tillersen had deep Russian ties and ties to many of the people that kept the Russian government and large corporations going. So,, what a coincidence. Trump's good friend, Putin loved Tillersen and had relations going back a number of years with him.
So, Trump appointed Tillersen to the job of Sec of State.
Now, a new paper from Christopher Steel, just a couple months old, says that Putin was the reason Tillersen was appointed. The document says Putin told Trump to appoint Tillersen, and then Trump did as he was told.
And now, all that information is in the hands of Special Council Robert Mueller. One could expect that if it could be proven that Trump did the bidding of Putin in appointing Tillersen, then the game would be pretty much over. That would leave Trump impeachment bound.
Your post is just the tip of the iceberg concerning the Trump Crime Family.
Mueller is taking so long with his investigation because trump’s crimes are vast and wide ranging.
I predict the world will be shocked( or maybe not) when Bob Mueller rolls out his lengthy list of criminal indictments against Trump.

I also predict the deplorables will defend the indefensible proving that they don’t respect the rule of law and only care about holding onto their white supremacist president.
Jesus Christ, you mental cases still have the fake Russia collusion nonsense up yer behinds. Sad.
Jesus Christ, you mental cases still have the fake Russia collusion nonsense up yer behinds. Sad.
Do you live in an alternative universe or just plain insane thinking the Russian investigation isn’t real?
How’d you get so stupid? Information deprived???. There’s news on this criminal investigation every single day. Of course not on Fox. Their job is to pretend nothing is happening and the president never does anything wrong. You fall for those lies?
Reasonable...please stop being crazy and getting banned repeatedly. I appreciate your ridiculous comments and insane input at this site and wish to try to help you comprehend reality. So once again, where did you graduate high school, you sick freak. :p
Jesus Christ, you mental cases still have the fake Russia collusion nonsense up yer behinds. Sad.
Jesus Christ, you mental cases still have the fake Russia collusion nonsense up yer behinds. Sad.

Lets see. Maybe just a bit of logic and rational thought (look up the hard words). Should we believe Snouter, the con troll. Or should we believe the FBI, British Intelligence, Mueller's team of investigators, Christopher Steel, and various journalistic organizations.
Damn, Snouter, you loose. Big time. Actually, Snouter, it is you that has his head up his ass.
Reasonable...please stop being crazy and getting banned repeatedly. I appreciate your ridiculous comments and insane input at this site and wish to try to help you comprehend reality. So once again, where did you graduate high school, you sick freak. :p
Snouter, we thank you so much for your brilliant comments. You must have had to look in at least one bat shit crazy con web site to get your ideas. Thankfully, that is as far as you went. Cause perusing multiple impartial sources would have been way to confusing for you. And as a con troll, you want to look at just one side (the bat shit crazy side) so you can be told what to believe.
Early on in his Presidency, Donald Trump seemed highly interested in seeing Mitt Romney get the Secretary of State position in his cabinet. Things were going well in that direction, until suddenly Trump nixed Mitt. And next thing you knew, we had Tillersen as Trump's new choice for the job. Funny thing was, Tillersen had deep Russian ties and ties to many of the people that kept the Russian government and large corporations going. So,, what a coincidence. Trump's good friend, Putin loved Tillersen and had relations going back a number of years with him.
So, Trump appointed Tillersen to the job of Sec of State.
Now, a new paper from Christopher Steel, just a couple months old, says that Putin was the reason Tillersen was appointed. The document says Putin told Trump to appoint Tillersen, and then Trump did as he was told.
And now, all that information is in the hands of Special Council Robert Mueller. One could expect that if it could be proven that Trump did the bidding of Putin in appointing Tillersen, then the game would be pretty much over. That would leave Trump impeachment bound.
Hi, Ho, Blow the Man Down

First he'd have to get a blowjob. And there's no way to prove that anymore, not since signs were put up in the White House saying INTERNS MUST SWALLOW.

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