How trump is making the GOP the Party of Putin

They don't. dimocraps really don't have the IQ to use their own minds, their brains. They just don't.

Ever notice how they always use the same words, the same descriptions.... What was the 'dimocrap word-of-the-day' ............ (I think that was it) Sponge Brains Shits pants..................... Didn't Sponge Brains Shits Pants promise................. Has Sponge Brains Shits Pants ..................................... out for you, dimocrap scumbags??

The only thing dimocrap scum.......
......................dimocrap scum............
Did you think of "dimocrap" by yourself? or are you just using the same words? or the same descriptions of "sponge brains shits pants" that one yours? What was your IQ?
We now have repub MAGA Senators praising Putin and saying he is at the top of his game.

Says you. If I was gonna start a thread with such nonsense I'd get right to showing such. YouTube, transcripts, whatever get busy, slick! We are supposed to take your word on this, Jim? First fail is the MSNBC link. If I showed a Fox link you'd lose your mind. A MSNBC link constitutes a thread worthy starter? Have you, Jim, ever had an original thought in your life? I'm gonna need exactly what you said so I'll wait.
Did you think of "dimocrap" by yourself? or are you just using the same words? or the same descriptions of "sponge brains shits pants" that one yours? What was your IQ?
My IQ was 145 last time it was checked. About the time I was in High School.


BTW, a person's IQ doesn't change, it can't be improved. Just a thought. So, no matter how much 'education' (read: indoctrination) you get, no matter how many 'credentials' you receive, if you were born stupid (you were) nothing can change that.
I have to give it to trump. He has duped an entire political party to admire a murderer and a dictator. Can anyone even imagine Ronald Reagan saying a Russian Dictator is a Genius? The old GOP was never in admiration of thugs. The new MAGA GOP seems to love strong men and killers.
You're right. The GOP was never in admiration of thugs. That is, until Trump came along. Now their knees start knocking at the mere thought of The Gangster sending out a mean tweet against them.

Other then a select few they're all gutless cowards.
No one, I mean no one, has praised Putin, Xi and Kim Jong Un more than Trump and you Trumpers. Now you are all scurrying away from Putin…for now. (Except of course for the MAGA gift to cede Putin Western Europe if Trump is elected) That is until Trump starts singing Putin’s praises again, and then you will all be back on the Putin train.

All simply made up
No one, I mean no one, has praised Putin, Xi and Kim Jong Un more than Trump and you Trumpers. Now you are all scurrying away from Putin…for now. (Except of course for the MAGA gift to cede Putin Western Europe if Trump is elected) That is until Trump starts singing Putin’s praises again, and then you will all be back on the Putin train.
Show me a post that I made that praised Putin, or is just another knee jerk reaction from the lazy left?
Biden has sent aid to Ukraine to kick Putin in the nuts. Meanwhile, MAGA world kowtows to Putin and can bow and scrape low enough to please him.

Putin would be in Kiev had Trump been re-elected.

And he will hand over Ukraine if he wins this year. were saying?
And not in Ukraine.
I have to give it to trump. He has duped an entire political party to admire a murderer and a dictator. Can anyone even imagine Ronald Reagan saying a Russian Dictator is a Genius? The old GOP was never in admiration of thugs. The new MAGA GOP seems to love strong men and killers.
As usual, Democrats (and the Democrat-controlled media) took what President Trump said about Putin out of context.
Putin's commie propaganda plays the American left like a violin. Biden is knee deep in foreign corruption and the infamous "Steele Doctrine" concocted by the FBI has been found to be a treasonous fraud but the left still plays the tired old Russian card. It beats talking about Biden.
Absolutely correct!
Actions speak louder than words, which is why most Leftists, or Deomocrats like yourself, or whatever you are, are clueless as Biden has now made Russia and Iran GREAT AGAIN. And here you people are hung up on MAGA a campaign slogan.. hung up on sound bites as its true. Putin and Iran, have completely played Biden and will continue to do so. I can say, Putin is our enemy and at the moment he's at the Top of his game when it comes to manipulating this administration. Which is exactly why we need a change.

I remember it came out after dovuments from the old Soviet Union were declassified that Senator Ted Kennedy had traveled on his own to the Soviet Union to meet with the Russians in an attempt to undermine Ronald Reagans campaign run

YOU PEOPLE, havnt changed one bit since then.. you just use different masks.

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Blah Blah Blah
Says you. If I was gonna start a thread with such nonsense I'd get right to showing such. YouTube, transcripts, whatever get busy, slick! We are supposed to take your word on this, Jim? First fail is the MSNBC link. If I showed a Fox link you'd lose your mind. A MSNBC link constitutes a thread worthy starter? Have you, Jim, ever had an original thought in your life? I'm gonna need exactly what you said so I'll wait.
trump is a lapboy for Poootin. Everyone knows that. Donnie is gonna have to ask Vlad for more money since his NY loss.
My IQ was 145 last time it was checked. About the time I was in High School.


BTW, a person's IQ doesn't change, it can't be improved. Just a thought. So, no matter how much 'education' (read: indoctrination) you get, no matter how many 'credentials' you receive, if you were born stupid (you were) nothing can change that.
I guess you weren't smart enough to notice that my less than subtle post was pointing out the hypocrisy in your post. You know.... where you where you were making fun of democrats IQ for chanting "Maga, Maga, Maga" while you chanting "dimocrap, dimocrap, dimocrap". Casting pearls before swine.... my bad.

BTW just some advice.... when you brag about you internet IQ don't forget to talk about your internet mansion, yacht and supermodel girlfriend. :auiqs.jpg:

I guess you weren't smart enough to notice that my less than subtle post was pointing out the hypocrisy in your post. You know.... where you where you were making fun of democrats IQ for chanting "Maga, Maga, Maga" while you chanting "dimocrap, dimocrap, dimocrap". Casting pearls before swine.... my bad.

BTW just some advice.... when you brag about you internet IQ don't forget to talk about your internet mansion, yacht and supermodel girlfriend. :auiqs.jpg:

How about my internet ignore button, scumbag

We now have repub MAGA Senators praising Putin and saying he is at the top of his game. One day we hear repubs showering Putin with adoration and the next day we hear others crying that "the sky is falling" because Putin is preparing to send a satellite killer into space. Someone needs to revise the MAGA script on Putin. All the while, trump is not even trying to hide his love and admiration for the man. What a sick party the GOP has become.
You silly bastards come up with the funniest shit. That’s all it is though, shit.

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