The Public Trial of Justice Roberts


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Obama is shamelessly trying to intimidate Justice Roberts into upholding Obamacare. This is the second time Obama has shown disdain for SCOTUS. I hope the judges stick to the constitution and refuse to cowtow to the bullies in Washington who only care about their own power and careers.

Publicly chastising the court — and now taunting Roberts specifically — seems to have two purposes. One is to get under Roberts’ skin in hopes that he’ll rule the “correct” if not necessarily “legally correct” way. Two is to lay the groundwork for declaring the court illegitimate if all or part of Obamacare is overturned.
Either way, it’s politics at its filthiest and is beneath the dignity of the court — and of the White House. Unfortunately for Roberts, it’s up to him to hold the bar high.

The public trial of Justice Roberts
Kathleen Parker | The public trial of Justice Roberts -
What sort of power do you think that Obama has over the court, that he can "bully" them?

This is the most baffling sort of nonsense that you guys come up with. You guys talk about how much you hate political correctness, but flip a shit any time Obama says something mean about someone you like.

There's nothing unprecedented about Obama stating he disagrees with the Court. It's not "bullying", it's rhetoric.
Obama is shamelessly trying to intimidate Justice Roberts into upholding Obamacare. This is the second time Obama has shown disdain for SCOTUS. I hope the judges stick to the constitution and refuse to cowtow to the bullies in Washington who only care about their own power and careers.

Publicly chastising the court — and now taunting Roberts specifically — seems to have two purposes. One is to get under Roberts’ skin in hopes that he’ll rule the “correct” if not necessarily “legally correct” way. Two is to lay the groundwork for declaring the court illegitimate if all or part of Obamacare is overturned.
Either way, it’s politics at its filthiest and is beneath the dignity of the court — and of the White House. Unfortunately for Roberts, it’s up to him to hold the bar high.

The public trial of Justice Roberts
Kathleen Parker | The public trial of Justice Roberts -

And yet it's good politics and that's all that matters.
Obama is shamelessly trying to intimidate Justice Roberts into upholding Obamacare. This is the second time Obama has shown disdain for SCOTUS. I hope the judges stick to the constitution and refuse to cowtow to the bullies in Washington who only care about their own power and careers.


For the right the ACA is about politics, not the law or Constitution.
What sort of power do you think that Obama has over the court, that he can "bully" them?

This is the most baffling sort of nonsense that you guys come up with. You guys talk about how much you hate political correctness, but flip a shit any time Obama says something mean about someone you like.

There's nothing unprecedented about Obama stating he disagrees with the Court. It's not "bullying", it's rhetoric.

Obama is the one acting like the power of SCOTUS is nothing compared to his. He shows a tremendous lack of respect for anyone who disagrees with him. In this case, the justices have yet to tell us their decision, but considering the questions they asked, it may not bode well for Obama's unconstitutional individual mandate. I sense they are getting nervous and they are lashing out as if SCOTUS is out of line to disagree with them.

It's simple really. Nothing in the constitution gives government the authority to force participation in commerce by mandating that we all purchase something from a third party. It's not there and they have no legal leg to stand on.

I think the message is clear from Obama that Roberts will be targeted and they will make life difficult for him if he follows the law.
What sort of power do you think that Obama has over the court, that he can "bully" them?

This is the most baffling sort of nonsense that you guys come up with. You guys talk about how much you hate political correctness, but flip a shit any time Obama says something mean about someone you like.

There's nothing unprecedented about Obama stating he disagrees with the Court. It's not "bullying", it's rhetoric.

Obama is the one acting like the power of SCOTUS is nothing compared to his.
How is he "acting" like this? ("talking" isn't "acting")
He shows a tremendous lack of respect for anyone who disagrees with him.
How has Obama "shown a tremendous lack of respect" for Roberts, or the court?
In this case, the justices have yet to tell us their decision, but considering the questions they asked, it may not bode well for Obama's unconstitutional individual mandate.
If the Supreme Court strikes the mandate down, then that's what'll happen. I don't understand what's so controversial about Obama defending the bill he pushed.
I sense they are getting nervous and they are lashing out as if SCOTUS is out of line to disagree with them.
And what else does your crystal ball make you "sense", oh great swami?

It's simple really. Nothing in the constitution gives government the authority to force participation in commerce by mandating that we all purchase something from a third party. It's not there and they have no legal leg to stand on.
Neither you nor I are Constitutional Scholars, and neither of our opinions matter in the slightest bit.

I think the message is clear from Obama that Roberts will be targeted and they will make life difficult for him if he follows the law.
What decoder ring allowed you to find that secret "message"?
He's black!!! You liberals must be racists!!! "According to your own rules!!!!".
Healthcare will be found unconstitutional, and if you weak bitches go near his house. I will personally blow your asses up. Good luck in the near future being weak assed occupiers.
Obama is shamelessly trying to intimidate Justice Roberts into upholding Obamacare. This is the second time Obama has shown disdain for SCOTUS. I hope the judges stick to the constitution and refuse to cowtow to the bullies in Washington who only care about their own power and careers.


For the right the ACA is about politics, not the law or Constitution.

Bullshit. Provide a single justification in the Constitution that allows the Government to order citizens to BUY anything.
Obama is shamelessly trying to intimidate Justice Roberts into upholding Obamacare. This is the second time Obama has shown disdain for SCOTUS. I hope the judges stick to the constitution and refuse to cowtow to the bullies in Washington who only care about their own power and careers.


For the right the ACA is about politics, not the law or Constitution.

Bullshit. Provide a single justification in the Constitution that allows the Government to order citizens to BUY anything.

Sure there is. It provides for well regulated militias. The first congress ordered all male citizens, age 17 or over, to have a rifle and sufficient ammo.
there was no constitution when the first congress convened


beats me, but if that's what you're hanging your argument upon, i'd say you're fucked :lol:

good luck
Obama is shamelessly trying to intimidate Justice Roberts into upholding Obamacare. This is the second time Obama has shown disdain for SCOTUS. I hope the judges stick to the constitution and refuse to cowtow to the bullies in Washington who only care about their own power and careers.


For the right the ACA is about politics, not the law or Constitution.

Bullshit. Provide a single justification in the Constitution that allows the Government to order citizens to BUY anything.

Section 8 - Powers of Congress

To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;

Any more questions?
Obama is shamelessly trying to intimidate Justice Roberts into upholding Obamacare. This is the second time Obama has shown disdain for SCOTUS. I hope the judges stick to the constitution and refuse to cowtow to the bullies in Washington who only care about their own power and careers.


For the right the ACA is about politics, not the law or Constitution.

This court has been the most radical in history. I thought Bush v. Gore was bad..but Heller? Citizens United?

Heck..and wasn't it that conservatives complained about legislating from the bench?

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For the right the ACA is about politics, not the law or Constitution.

Bullshit. Provide a single justification in the Constitution that allows the Government to order citizens to BUY anything.

Section 8 - Powers of Congress

To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;

Any more questions?

what color is the sky on your home planet?
beats me, but if that's what you're hanging your argument upon, i'd say you're fucked :lol:

good luck

It should be a no brainer. We have precedent to force citizens to pay for stuff, going back to our founding. The clear constitutional case is based on Article 1, section 8.

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

Clearly, the unfunded mandate of 1792 is authorized for "common defense." Just as clear, Obamacare (I'm really starting to love that word), is granted power under "general welfare".

It's certainly to the common good (or general welfare) that the American citizens not have to bear the brunt of high healthcare costs, because law forces emergency rooms to not turn away crazy old bag ladies who were hit by drunk drivers.

What my argument does do, is show the morons where the power of congress can be found in the constitution. It does show they have their heads up there asses claiming that Obamacare is unconstitutional, because it forced people to buy something. That issue was settled in 1792, by our founders.
beats me, but if that's what you're hanging your argument upon, i'd say you're fucked :lol:

good luck

It should be a no brainer. We have precedent to force citizens to pay for stuff, going back to our founding. The clear constitutional case is based on Article 1, section 8.

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

Clearly, the unfunded mandate of 1792 is authorized for "common defense." Just as clear, Obamacare (I'm really starting to love that word), is granted power under "general welfare".

It's certainly to the common good (or general welfare) that the American citizens not have to bear the brunt of high healthcare costs, because law forces emergency rooms to not turn away crazy old bag ladies who were hit by drunk drivers.

What my argument does do, is show the morons where the power of congress can be found in the constitution. It does show they have their heads up there asses claiming that Obamacare is unconstitutional, because it forced people to buy something. That issue was settled in 1792, by our founders.

Still..when you have a court chock full of Judges asking about broccoli..

It don't look good.

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