The Q-Kooks are still in Dallas waiting for JFK & Jr to show up!

How are any of them “Q-Anon”?

There are batshit crazy people who think Elvis is coming back.
You do know that this whole thing was stared by a Q-Anon nutcase, right?

Michael Brian Protzman, 58, known to his tens of thousands of loyal and obsessive followers as Negative48, showed up in Dallas to see the prediction he’d made come true.

Protzman, born in the same year Kennedy was shot, has run his own demolition firm, called Eclipse Demolition, for the last 14 years from his hometown of Federal Way, Washington. Records show that the company went into administration last year, around the same time that Protzman was beginning a new career as a QAnon influencer.
But unlike most influencers, Protzman has effectively built a cult within the QAnon movement, where his followers refer to him as a godlike figure, are willing to travel across the country to see JFK resurrected, and most of all, continue to praise Protzman even when the miracle fails to materialize.

His rise within the QAnon world has been rapid. Back in March, his Negative48 Telegram channel had around 1,700 members; today, it has over 105,000 members. But aside from the number of followers Protzman has, what makes him stand out from other QAnon influencers is the loyalty and worship he has engendered in those people.
Protzman has used his newfound fame to spread deeply antisemitic content while pushing highly suspect financial investments to his followers, many of whom confessed within the channel that they are in vulnerable situations personally and are in need of help.

Meet the Antisemitic QAnon Leader Who Led Followers to Dallas to Meet JFK
You do know that this whole thing was stared by a Q-Anon nutcase, right?

Michael Brian Protzman, 58, known to his tens of thousands of loyal and obsessive followers as Negative48, showed up in Dallas to see the prediction he’d made come true.

Protzman, born in the same year Kennedy was shot, has run his own demolition firm, called Eclipse Demolition, for the last 14 years from his hometown of Federal Way, Washington. Records show that the company went into administration last year, around the same time that Protzman was beginning a new career as a QAnon influencer.
But unlike most influencers, Protzman has effectively built a cult within the QAnon movement, where his followers refer to him as a godlike figure, are willing to travel across the country to see JFK resurrected, and most of all, continue to praise Protzman even when the miracle fails to materialize.

His rise within the QAnon world has been rapid. Back in March, his Negative48 Telegram channel had around 1,700 members; today, it has over 105,000 members. But aside from the number of followers Protzman has, what makes him stand out from other QAnon influencers is the loyalty and worship he has engendered in those people.
Protzman has used his newfound fame to spread deeply antisemitic content while pushing highly suspect financial investments to his followers, many of whom confessed within the channel that they are in vulnerable situations personally and are in need of help.

Meet the Antisemitic QAnon Leader Who Led Followers to Dallas to Meet JFK
Never heard of him. Again, what makes him “Q anon”?
You do know that this whole thing was stared by a Q-Anon nutcase, right?

Michael Brian Protzman, 58, known to his tens of thousands of loyal and obsessive followers as Negative48, showed up in Dallas to see the prediction he’d made come true.

Protzman, born in the same year Kennedy was shot, has run his own demolition firm, called Eclipse Demolition, for the last 14 years from his hometown of Federal Way, Washington. Records show that the company went into administration last year, around the same time that Protzman was beginning a new career as a QAnon influencer.
But unlike most influencers, Protzman has effectively built a cult within the QAnon movement, where his followers refer to him as a godlike figure, are willing to travel across the country to see JFK resurrected, and most of all, continue to praise Protzman even when the miracle fails to materialize.

His rise within the QAnon world has been rapid. Back in March, his Negative48 Telegram channel had around 1,700 members; today, it has over 105,000 members. But aside from the number of followers Protzman has, what makes him stand out from other QAnon influencers is the loyalty and worship he has engendered in those people.
Protzman has used his newfound fame to spread deeply antisemitic content while pushing highly suspect financial investments to his followers, many of whom confessed within the channel that they are in vulnerable situations personally and are in need of help.

Meet the Antisemitic QAnon Leader Who Led Followers to Dallas to Meet JFK

Ya know, it's pretty hilarious. There have been a half dozen Q's over the years. The original Q distanced himself from all his original crap recently. But there have been many replacements.

Not real sure what they'd do without their conspiracy theories. :)
People who use Q-Tips to clean their brains. Run along now, go play in traffic or something.
So you can’t answer the question. You just label whoever you want as “Q-anon” then declare that all people on the right agree with whatever crazy thing is put out there.

Run along now, go play in traffic or something.
Think I’m kidding? Nope! :lol:

So you can’t answer the question. You just label whoever you want as “Q-anon” then declare that all people on the right agree with whatever crazy thing is put out there.

Run along now, go play in traffic or something.
I did moron. Provided you with a link and an excerpt. Not my problem that you can't read. Now, git.
I did moron. Provided you with a link and an excerpt. Not my problem that you can't read. Now, git.
Your link provides no proof he is “Q-Anon”, it just claims he is one.

It’s Vice after all, the same people that literally photoshopped smiles on murder victims of the Khmer Rogue regime.

Your link provides no proof he is “Q-Anon”, it just claims he is one.

It’s Vice after all, the same people that literally photoshopped smiles on murder victims of the Khmer Rogue regime.

View attachment 565485
And what do you bring to the table? You claim you never heard of this guy and don't even know what or who Q-Annon is. I have provided proof. Go ahead and refute. If not, my original offer stands. Go play in traffic. Now, fuck off.

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