Not really. I'm not Christian. They aren't "my people". It's not my religion. I don't have one.

Islamic jihad revolves around an archaic, fundamentalist reading of their texts. It REVOLVES around it. It is the foremost impetus of their actions. There are other political factors involved, but their terrorism is as lethal as it is because they have a genuine belief in martyrdom and paradise, leaving them unafraid of death.

With the KKK, Christianity is a tool. Their ideology revolves around racial superiority, which has nothing to do with the bible. At least, not in a modern-day context.

You guys are not acknowledging the drastic differences in motivation.

They misrepresent the bible's teachings to justify their hatred and greed. They are just as driven by what they believe the bible to say as any Muslim terrorist is driven by the Koran.
Not really. I'm not Christian. They aren't "my people". It's not my religion. I don't have one.

Islamic jihad revolves around an archaic, fundamentalist reading of their texts. It REVOLVES around it. It is the foremost impetus of their actions. There are other political factors involved, but their terrorism is as lethal as it is because they have a genuine belief in martyrdom and paradise, leaving them unafraid of death.

With the KKK, Christianity is a tool. Their ideology revolves around racial superiority, which has nothing to do with the bible. At least, not in a modern-day context.

You guys are not acknowledging the drastic differences in motivation.

They misrepresent the bible's teachings to justify their hatred and greed. They are just as driven by what they believe the bible to say as any Muslim terrorist is driven by the Koran.

No. They are driven by their belief in the racial superiority of whites, and also to some extent the racial inferiority of blacks and Jews. That's ... kind of their thing. They use Christianity as a stick, but it's not really their game.

The belief in black inferiority in particular came about because greedy slavemasters needed a way to dehumanize their slaves. So they basically created racism. It was not such a thing before the slave trade popped off in the Americas.

That has 0 to do with Christianity.
Not really. I'm not Christian. They aren't "my people". It's not my religion. I don't have one.

Islamic jihad revolves around an archaic, fundamentalist reading of their texts. It REVOLVES around it. It is the foremost impetus of their actions. There are other political factors involved, but their terrorism is as lethal as it is because they have a genuine belief in martyrdom and paradise, leaving them unafraid of death.

With the KKK, Christianity is a tool. Their ideology revolves around racial superiority, which has nothing to do with the bible. At least, not in a modern-day context.

You guys are not acknowledging the drastic differences in motivation.

They misrepresent the bible's teachings to justify their hatred and greed. They are just as driven by what they believe the bible to say as any Muslim terrorist is driven by the Koran.

No. They are driven by their belief in the racial superiority of whites, and also to some extent the racial inferiority of blacks and Jews. That's ... kind of their thing. They use Christianity as a stick, but it's not really their game.

The belief in black inferiority in particular came about because greedy slavemasters needed a way to dehumanize their slaves. So they basically created racism. It was not such a thing before the slave trade popped off in the Americas.

That has 0 to do with Christianity.

Talk to a hard core KKK member. He will quote more scriptures than a backwoods Baptist preacher. They believe the bible justifies and supports white supremacy. They are the chosen race.
The difference being, the bible is not said to be the actual word of God.

Actually I believe it is said to be that.

Whereas the Quran is. It's a lot easier to bend the rules when you can justify it with, "Oh, well that was a long time ago. Those guys were just primitive and misinterpreted God."

Rather than, "Uh ... this is what God said, so ... kinda have to stick with that, yeah??"

Which is why you don't see Christians regularly blowing themselves up in the name of God.

Ever hear of the IRA? Or Tim McVeigh?

he bible also didn't have a messianic figure like Muhammad in it. Who was indeed a warlord and a rapist.

According to -----? This board?

The bible is not the word of God. There are parts that are, like the ten commandments, but most of it is second-hand accounts written by normal men, and doesn't pretend to be anything more than that.

The fact that you don't know this is kind of making me doubt your capacity to have this conversation. I'm not one of those agnostics/atheists who goes and scarfs down all the religious texts just to rip on them, but even I know that much.

The IRA was motivated by a hatred for the English, IIRC.

McVeigh did not kill in the name of God either. In fact ...

"In McVeigh's biography American Terrorist, released in 2002, he stated that he did not believe in a hell and that science is hisreligion. In June 2001, a day before the execution, McVeigh wrote a letter to the Buffalo News identifying himself as agnostic."

Doesn't matter. It's his heritage.

Just as Islam is the heritage of so-called "Islamic terrorists" ---- even if their level of participation in that religion is completely unknown to the outside observer, a level which varies as naturally as that between McVeigh and Eric Rudolph.

Does that mean Rudolph (or Salvi or Roeder) is using that crutch of religion more than McVeigh is, in the present?

Yes of course it does.

Yet somehow when the religion is Islam ---- somehow that distinction gets tossed out the window, and we go back to "heritage". In the land of Borg where individuals no longer exist. For the Christian terrorists all sorts of exceptions of degree. For the Muslim ones --- all shoved into the same box, individual practice suddenly becomes somehow irrelevant.

Ergo --- double standard.
The bible does not talk about white supremacy. There is nothing in there glorifying white people. The people who wrote it probably weren't even white. Klan members being religious Christians is incidental, and of course they're going to try to tie religion into their dumbass beliefs. But the religion is not the cause of the belief. Do you get that??

The Quran DOES glorify jihad. The Quran does glorify Muhammad. The Quran is supposedly the word of God. How can a Muslim disregard the word of God? I mean, many do mental gymnastics to get around the nasty parts of their religion, but not all are so flexible of mind.
It does matter because Islamic terrorists will literally tell you they kill for Allah. Whereas Christian terrorists usually just happen to be Christians.

I don't know how to say it any plainer than that.

Anyway, I said my piece. But I really must pry myself away from this site before I lose my mind. You're all free to believe what you want. I never thought myself persuasive enough to convince you anyway.
Does Christianity preach white supremacy? Yes or no?
Nope. Neither does Islam.

But if you call someone a "Muslim terrorist", then it would be hypocritical not to call the KKK "Christian terrorists".
Obama condemned Islamic terrorists all the time .

BLM is an anti police brutality movement . They don't compare to neonazis .
BLM is a domestic terrorist organization that openly calls for the murder of police and white citizens. They most certainly DO compare.

Nice try, but no. Some of its members may have spouted off hate messages like this, but the group does not officially promote hate or violence. Quite the opposite.

BLM is a tricky beast. It's such a shitshow, headless hydra of a beast that it's hard to pin down exactly what its platform is or what it wants to achieve. Quite unlike the white supremacists. Their interests are clear as day.

Not tricky at all was founded by a cop killer. It's followers quote propaganda written by cop killers at their rallies. Their followers and members support violence against police and call for violence against white citizens.

That bs . How can a cop killer start anything ? Wouldn't they be in jail? Who are you talking about .

There mission is anti police brutality GASP!
You sheep really need to learn who you blindly support.


Inspiration Behind ‘Black Lives Matter’ is on the FBI’s ‘Most Wanted Terrorists’ List

You said "started by a cop killer " and even your hack infowars link says "inspired by".

You are a typical right wing fake news propagandist.
BLM is a domestic terrorist organization that openly calls for the murder of police and white citizens. They most certainly DO compare.

Nice try, but no. Some of its members may have spouted off hate messages like this, but the group does not officially promote hate or violence. Quite the opposite.

BLM is a tricky beast. It's such a shitshow, headless hydra of a beast that it's hard to pin down exactly what its platform is or what it wants to achieve. Quite unlike the white supremacists. Their interests are clear as day.

Not tricky at all was founded by a cop killer. It's followers quote propaganda written by cop killers at their rallies. Their followers and members support violence against police and call for violence against white citizens.

That bs . How can a cop killer start anything ? Wouldn't they be in jail? Who are you talking about .

There mission is anti police brutality GASP!
You sheep really need to learn who you blindly support.


Inspiration Behind ‘Black Lives Matter’ is on the FBI’s ‘Most Wanted Terrorists’ List

Infowars. Of course it is.

I said a credible source, not the least credible source you can possibly find.
Which part is wrong?

The Profound Racism of 'Black Lives Matter'
Does Christianity preach white supremacy? Yes or no?
Nope. Neither does Islam.

But if you call someone a "Muslim terrorist", then it would be hypocritical not to call the KKK "Christian terrorists".

Of course Islam doesn't preach white supremacy. I mean, what??

It preaches jihad. You know, that thing that terrorists put into action?

KKK - Their religion is influenced by their evil.
ISIS - Their religion influences their evil.

Big difference.
Obama condemned Islamic terrorists all the time .
Post a video of him doing it.
BLM is an anti police brutality movement .
Bullshit, they're an anti white, anti law and order movement. The police brutality part is the way they try to justify it.

Really? Then explain how they have so many white members ?
Weak, self loathing white liberals who feel guilty for what the Democrats did to black people for 400 years.

A neat trick since Democrats haven't even existed for even two hundred years.
Call yourself whatever you want, you're the same assholes you were in biblical times. You think everything is your property, including people.
Nice try, but no. Some of its members may have spouted off hate messages like this, but the group does not officially promote hate or violence. Quite the opposite.

BLM is a tricky beast. It's such a shitshow, headless hydra of a beast that it's hard to pin down exactly what its platform is or what it wants to achieve. Quite unlike the white supremacists. Their interests are clear as day.

Not tricky at all was founded by a cop killer. It's followers quote propaganda written by cop killers at their rallies. Their followers and members support violence against police and call for violence against white citizens.

That bs . How can a cop killer start anything ? Wouldn't they be in jail? Who are you talking about .

There mission is anti police brutality GASP!
You sheep really need to learn who you blindly support.


Inspiration Behind ‘Black Lives Matter’ is on the FBI’s ‘Most Wanted Terrorists’ List

Infowars. Of course it is.

I said a credible source, not the least credible source you can possibly find.
Which part is wrong?

The Profound Racism of 'Black Lives Matter'

I don't care how many alt right hack links you have .

You said it was started by a cop killer . You are a liar. Linking to racist sites that share your view does nothing .
Not tricky at all was founded by a cop killer. It's followers quote propaganda written by cop killers at their rallies. Their followers and members support violence against police and call for violence against white citizens.

That bs . How can a cop killer start anything ? Wouldn't they be in jail? Who are you talking about .

There mission is anti police brutality GASP!
You sheep really need to learn who you blindly support.


Inspiration Behind ‘Black Lives Matter’ is on the FBI’s ‘Most Wanted Terrorists’ List

Infowars. Of course it is.

I said a credible source, not the least credible source you can possibly find.
Which part is wrong?

The Profound Racism of 'Black Lives Matter'

I don't care how many alt right hack links you have .

You said it was started by a cop killer . You are a liar. Linking to racist sites that share your view does nothing .
I think someone is fear mongering rather than reading facts. Tisk tisk.
Obama condemned Islamic terrorists all the time .
Post a video of him doing it.
BLM is an anti police brutality movement .
Bullshit, they're an anti white, anti law and order movement. The police brutality part is the way they try to justify it.

Really? Then explain how they have so many white members ?
Weak, self loathing white liberals who feel guilty for what the Democrats did to black people for 400 years.

What "conservatives " have done . The conservative/ liberal split has been steady , even if party names have changed .
No, what "Democrats" have done.
Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary -
Does Christianity preach white supremacy? Yes or no?
Nope. Neither does Islam.

But if you call someone a "Muslim terrorist", then it would be hypocritical not to call the KKK "Christian terrorists".

Of course Islam doesn't preach white supremacy. I mean, what??

It preaches jihad. You know, that thing that terrorists put into action?

Nope. Stop drinking the piss your bigoted propaganda sources pour for you. You look like a retard.
Obama condemned Islamic terrorists all the time .
Post a video of him doing it.
BLM is an anti police brutality movement .
Bullshit, they're an anti white, anti law and order movement. The police brutality part is the way they try to justify it.

Really? Then explain how they have so many white members ?
Weak, self loathing white liberals who feel guilty for what the Democrats did to black people for 400 years.

What "conservatives " have done . The conservative/ liberal split has been steady , even if party names have changed .
No, what "Democrats" have done.
Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary -
Why are out of state right wingers rushing to defend those racist Democrats statues in Virginia?

Why do so many right wingers fly the same flag as those old time racist Democrats?
what is wrong with Trump ? Here's a guy who tweets more about brits being run over by terrorists , than he does armeicans being run over .

Here's the guy who complained that pols would say "Islamic terrorists " . And he can't even crap on neo nazis? How hard is that? They have "nazi" in their name ! If there's one thing 99% of Americans can agree on, it's that nazis are bad !!!

Dog whistle heard loud n clear.

I agree with you this time. I think Trump should have been much tougher. that guy was a terrorist/ murderer and should get fried.
Does Christianity preach white supremacy? Yes or no?
Nope. Neither does Islam.

But if you call someone a "Muslim terrorist", then it would be hypocritical not to call the KKK "Christian terrorists".

Of course Islam doesn't preach white supremacy. I mean, what??

It preaches jihad. You know, that thing that terrorists put into action?

Nope. Stop drinking the piss your bigoted propaganda sources pour for you. You look like a retard.

^ Instead of calmly stating his case, lashes out because he knows he's wrong and got called out on it. Typical thug behavior.

You know you're doing something right when the lefties are calling you a bigot and the right-wingers are calling you a filthy librul.

Anyway, thanks for letting me know you're no one to take seriously.

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