The Question No PROG Will Dare Answer


The list is a formidable one, including double-digit inflation, double-digit interest rates, lagging savings and investment, sluggish productivity growth, chronic unemployment and a loss by some American industries, such as autos and steel, of the ability to compete in world markets.

Mr. Reagan's problem is more complex than was Mr. Roosevelt's, since chronic inflation - partly a consequence of the Keynesian revolution - is combined with the problems of unemployment and slow or no growth.

With real gross national product growing by no more than 1 percent in 1981, the unemployment rate, which averaged 7.3 percent in 1980, is likely to rise above 8 percent and stay there through most of 1981.

Economy in The Reagan Era

Slaying the Dragon

Before prosperity, however, there would be a bit more pain. Through most of the first two years of Reagan's first term, Americans already battered by the stagflation of the 1970s had to endure the sharpest recession in decades. The severity of the downturn was largely a consequence of Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker's determination to end the devastating inflationary trends of the 1970s by any means necessary. Following the monetarist teachings of influential University of Chicago economist Milton Friedman, Volcker resolved to "slay the inflationary dragon" by sharply curtailing the growth of the money supply. That monetary contraction, imposed starting in 1980, succeeded in its primary objective; the inflation rate fell from a devastating high of 13.5% in 1980 to just 3.2% by 1983.19 However, it also produced a sharp jump in real interest rates that contributed to the brutal recession of 1981-82. The national unemployment rate exceeded 10% throughout 1982, rendering more Americans jobless than at any time since the Great Depression. (Not coincidentally, President Reagan's public approval rating bottomed out at just 35% that same year.)

To his great credit, however, Reagan stuck by Volcker even when it would have been politically expedient for him to pressure the Fed Chairman to expand the money supply to provide a short-term boost to the economy. Both men's patience paid off after 1983, when—with inflation under control at last—the economy began growing again. That growth continued, unabated, through the rest of Reagan's two-term presidency, marking the longest peacetime period of unbroken economic expansion yet seen in American history. (An even longer boom would occur a decade later, during a Bill Clinton presidency that largely followed Reagan's lead in economic policy.) Overall, between 1981 and 1989, real GDP per capita increased by nearly 23%; in the same span of time, the value of the stock market more than tripled.20
The last post was in relation to the Blithering Idiot who gets his jollies off attacking Reagan.

Reagan ended the INFLATION against CONVENTIONAL WISDOM. His policy ended it, and then we had a time of prosperity. He didn't influx the system with Currency as we have done today.

The economy then grew and unemployment went down.

His fix WORKED.

Obama and the Dems are a failure.
At least so far....maybe today we'll get a breakthrough. :eusa_shifty:

HOW MUCH DEBT are you willing to allow the government shysters to put us in? What's the number when even the maoists say enough is enough? We're at $17T now....many economists think $20T is the tipping point. Obama has raised the debt-ceiling 7 times after screaming like a woman when Dubya did it. He's added $6T to the debt and continues to run $1T yearly deficits. After $20T, another financial meltdown of any kind, could tip us over into default. Surely you leftists don't believe Wall Street has stopped dealing in mortgage-based derivatives. Surely you don't believe criminal enterprises like Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley have stopped rigging the futures markets. So how much is close to the edge of diaster are you willing to tread?

If I were to:
  • end these bullshit wars
  • close all these bases we got around the world
  • bring all the troops home
  • cancel all drone programs
  • cut the defense budget in half
I would save enough money to pay off the deficit and fund the ACA.

I would also have enough money leftover, to fund infrastructure projects.

Maybe I should be President?
If I were to:
  • end these bullshit wars
  • close all these bases we got around the world
  • bring all the troops home
  • cancel all drone programs
  • cut the defense budget in half
I would save enough money to pay off the deficit and fund the ACA.

I would also have enough money leftover, to fund infrastructure projects.

Maybe I should be President?

Is North Korea having an election?

You should definitely run!
BTW You leftist Idiot.

If our current operating costs for 2 months of bills are about 300 Billion a month when you add in the Interest on the debt, with REVENUES AT 200 BILLION A MONTH currently, how much actual debt will we incure in those 2 months.

You do know how to add and subtract don't you.....................

In 2 Standard months as stated you'd be 200 BILLION IN THE HOLE with 400 Billion in Revenues............

But WAIT.............The GOP offered 988 BILLION to pay 2 months. The Dems wanted over a Trillion for 2 months.

That's an extra 400 BILLION in debt over and above the cost's per month for doing business. Which if you can FREAKIN ADD brings us to a total of 600 BILLION OF NEW DEBT.

Why is this? As I've already said and proved through the Treasury Dept. site...............They've been cooking the books since May...................

And now we owe money from the past to pay for the Creative Accounting.

If you can't add and subtract data. I suggest you get an Elementary School child to teach you.
BTW You leftist Idiot.

If our current operating costs for 2 months of bills are about 300 Billion a month when you add in the Interest on the debt, with REVENUES AT 200 BILLION A MONTH currently, how much actual debt will we incure in those 2 months.

You do know how to add and subtract don't you.....................

In 2 Standard months as stated you'd be 200 BILLION IN THE HOLE with 400 Billion in Revenues............

But WAIT.............The GOP offered 988 BILLION to pay 2 months. The Dems wanted over a Trillion for 2 months.

That's an extra 400 BILLION in debt over and above the cost's per month for doing business. Which if you can FREAKIN ADD brings us to a total of 600 BILLION OF NEW DEBT.

Why is this? As I've already said and proved through the Treasury Dept. site...............They've been cooking the books since May...................

And now we owe money from the past to pay for the Creative Accounting.

If you can't add and subtract data. I suggest you get an Elementary School child to teach you.

Federal Reserve maintains bond-buying stimulus in surprise move | Business | The Guardian

The FOMC said fiscal policy was "restraining economic growth" and expressed concern about rising mortgage rates and the still high unemployment rate. Bernanke said the FOMC's ability to mitigate the impact of a debt ceiling crisis was "very limited".

Bernanke has linked any tapering of the QE policy to a sustained decline in the unemployment rate. US unemployment dipped to 7.3% last month, down from 8.1% a year ago. But the pace of job recovery remains sluggish and the latest drop was driven in part by people deciding to leave the workforce. The labour force participation rate slumped to 63.2%, its worst reading in 35 years.


QE will continue at 85 BILLION A MONTH, using Fiat Currency to stimulate the economy and force rates down.

That's 85 BILLION A MONTH IN BONDS..........................

Readings from Shadow Stats regarding the manipulation of the CPI over the decades. Thus artificially lowering the CPI, by manipulating the list of goods used for calculating the CPI.

Anyone who shops knows that everything costs more now. Our dollar value is down and costs are up. In direct relation. Yet, since the Fed forces DEFLATION with FIAT CURRENCY, and they manipulate the CPI's, we don't see it on their reports as they manipulate the system.

Read about it if you choose to, or not. Doesn't matter to me. Just simply spew the usual garbage that it doesn't matter and all that BS, as we financially ruin our country.
A genuine marine would be man enough to admit that he was wrong.

Hey Dildo_Te....shouldn't you be flitting around "thanking" the other prog peckerwoods instead of trying to insult me?....We both know that without the mileage of the internet between you and me you'd have been long gone by now. And tidy up that fucked up avatar....ya look like something out of a german beer commercial. :lol:

Obviously you have no idea who that is in my avatar picture. Just like everything else where you demonstrate your appalling ignorance. You also don't have a clue how to behave yourself in social media. You are an embarrassment to the USMC assuming that you ever were a marine in the first place.
Obviously you have no idea who that is in my avatar picture. Just like everything else where you demonstrate your appalling ignorance. You also don't have a clue how to behave yourself in social media. You are an embarrassment to the USMC assuming that you ever were a marine in the first place.

You're the most ignorant, zipless dickwad hanging around this think you can insult me ya maggot? think again. :doubt:
Obviously you have no idea who that is in my avatar picture. Just like everything else where you demonstrate your appalling ignorance. You also don't have a clue how to behave yourself in social media. You are an embarrassment to the USMC assuming that you ever were a marine in the first place.

You're the most ignorant, zipless dickwad hanging around this think you can insult me ya maggot? think again. :doubt:

You will have to navigate their site to get the data.

click data base and tools
click employment
click labor force stats
click Employment Level - Civilian Labor Force - LNS12000000
click retrieve data

And you will see Labor Force Stats.
Good deal. Just to prove that you are 1. Incapable of researching anything through impartial sources, and 2. Stupid enough to believe the shit you read on bat shit crazy con sites, you use to prove a point. If i give you a link to, I suspect you would not bother with it, and bitch like crazy. But then, only cons use sources like naturalnews. Because you are a dipshit.

Got a good, impartial source to prove your conspiracy theory, dipshit?
Obviously you have no idea who that is in my avatar picture. Just like everything else where you demonstrate your appalling ignorance. You also don't have a clue how to behave yourself in social media. You are an embarrassment to the USMC assuming that you ever were a marine in the first place.

You're the most ignorant, zipless dickwad hanging around this think you can insult me ya maggot? think again. :doubt:
That is not possible. Totally impossible, me poor ignorant con tool. Because you are still around.
Employment Situation Summary

Household Survey Data

Both the number of unemployed persons, at 11.3 million, and the
unemployment rate, at 7.3 percent, changed little in August. The
jobless rate is down from 8.1 percent a year ago. (See table A-1.)

Among the major worker groups, the unemployment rates for adult men
(7.1 percent), adult women (6.3 percent), teenagers (22.7 percent),
whites (6.4 percent), blacks (13.0 percent), and Hispanics (9.3
percent) showed little change in August. The jobless rate for Asians
was 5.1 percent (not seasonally adjusted), little changed from a year
earlier. (See tables A-1, A-2, and A-3.)

In August, the number of long-term unemployed (those jobless for 27
weeks or more) was about unchanged at 4.3 million
. These individuals
accounted for 37.9 percent of the unemployed. Over the past 12 months,
the number of long-term unemployed has declined by 733,000. (See
table A-12.)

The civilian labor force participation rate edged down to 63.2 percent
in August. The employment-population ratio, at 58.6 percent, was
essentially unchanged.
(See table A-1.)

The number of persons employed part time for economic reasons
(sometimes referred to as involuntary part-time workers) declined by
334,000 to 7.9 million in August. These individuals were working part
time because their hours had been cut back or because they were unable
to find a full-time job. (See table A-8.)

In August, 2.3 million persons were marginally attached to the labor
force, down by 219,000 from a year earlier. (The data are not
seasonally adjusted.) These individuals were not in the labor force,
wanted and were available for work, and had looked for a job sometime
in the prior 12 months. They were not counted as unemployed because
they had not searched for work in the 4 weeks preceding the survey.

(See table A-16.)

Among the marginally attached, there were 866,000 discouraged workers
in August, essentially unchanged from a year earlier. (The data are
not seasonally adjusted.) Discouraged workers are persons not
currently looking for work because they believe no jobs are available
for them. The remaining 1.5 million persons marginally attached to the
labor force in August had not searched for work for reasons such as
school attendance or family responsibilities. (See table A-16.)
Good deal. Just to prove that you are 1. Incapable of researching anything through impartial sources, and 2. Stupid enough to believe the shit you read on bat shit crazy con sites, you use to prove a point. If i give you a link to, I suspect you would not bother with it, and bitch like crazy. But then, only cons use sources like naturalnews. Because you are a dipshit.

Got a good, impartial source to prove your conspiracy theory, dipshit?


I've posted the data from the Treasury time and time again DIPSHIT..........

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

Search 2013 data and get back to me......................

We've went since May with the debt virtually unchanged.

If you can't see it, then you are a dumb ass.
Obviously you have no idea who that is in my avatar picture. Just like everything else where you demonstrate your appalling ignorance. You also don't have a clue how to behave yourself in social media. You are an embarrassment to the USMC assuming that you ever were a marine in the first place.

You're the most ignorant, zipless dickwad hanging around this think you can insult me ya maggot? think again. :doubt:

But...he just did insult you, Joe. :confused:
BTW You leftist Idiot.

If our current operating costs for 2 months of bills are about 300 Billion a month when you add in the Interest on the debt, with REVENUES AT 200 BILLION A MONTH currently, how much actual debt will we incure in those 2 months.

You do know how to add and subtract don't you.....................

In 2 Standard months as stated you'd be 200 BILLION IN THE HOLE with 400 Billion in Revenues............

But WAIT.............The GOP offered 988 BILLION to pay 2 months. The Dems wanted over a Trillion for 2 months.

That's an extra 400 BILLION in debt over and above the cost's per month for doing business. Which if you can FREAKIN ADD brings us to a total of 600 BILLION OF NEW DEBT.

Why is this? As I've already said and proved through the Treasury Dept. site...............They've been cooking the books since May...................

And now we owe money from the past to pay for the Creative Accounting.

If you can't add and subtract data. I suggest you get an Elementary School child to teach you.
Nice. No link to a bat shit crazy con site this time, dipshit. So, you are not capable of understanding that the deficit is shrinking???
That would be per the CBO. What is your source, me boy???

And, what do you think people are going to have to pay back??? Who should they write their check to, me boy. Even if you can not understand deficits and national debt of a sovereign nation (And obviously you can not) you may be interested in looking at history, and you will find, if you were cogent (OOOPS, forgot who I was talking to) that the national debt and the deficit pretty much always decrease when there is full employment. Now, understand, me boy, that the national debt always increases due to inflation and increases in population, so I am speaking in terms of as a percentage of GDP.

Way to much for you. You need to go worship reagan some more. You poor ignorant clown.

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