The Question No PROG Will Dare Answer

BTW You leftist Idiot.

If our current operating costs for 2 months of bills are about 300 Billion a month when you add in the Interest on the debt, with REVENUES AT 200 BILLION A MONTH currently, how much actual debt will we incure in those 2 months.

You do know how to add and subtract don't you.....................

In 2 Standard months as stated you'd be 200 BILLION IN THE HOLE with 400 Billion in Revenues............

But WAIT.............The GOP offered 988 BILLION to pay 2 months. The Dems wanted over a Trillion for 2 months.

That's an extra 400 BILLION in debt over and above the cost's per month for doing business. Which if you can FREAKIN ADD brings us to a total of 600 BILLION OF NEW DEBT.

Why is this? As I've already said and proved through the Treasury Dept. site...............They've been cooking the books since May...................

And now we owe money from the past to pay for the Creative Accounting.

If you can't add and subtract data. I suggest you get an Elementary School child to teach you.
Nice. No link to a bat shit crazy con site this time, dipshit. So, you are not capable of understanding that the deficit is shrinking???
That would be per the CBO. What is your source, me boy???

And, what do you think people are going to have to pay back??? Who should they write their check to, me boy. Even if you can not understand deficits and national debt of a sovereign nation (And obviously you can not) you may be interested in looking at history, and you will find, if you were cogent (OOOPS, forgot who I was talking to) that the national debt and the deficit pretty much always decrease when there is full employment. Now, understand, me boy, that the national debt always increases due to inflation and increases in population, so I am speaking in terms of as a percentage of GDP.

Way to much for you. You need to go worship reagan some more. You poor ignorant clown.

What is the budget for expenditures per month you tool................

And BTW are you smart enough to look at the data from the Debt to the penny site for this year........................

Sure, the debt never went up since FUCKING MAY................

If you believe that, I've got some Ocean Front Property to sell you in Arizona.
But...he just did insult you, Joe. :confused:

No, he attempted to insult me....the difference being when an individual is mentally ill and standing on a traffic island calling me names for ignoring his begging, I don't see it as an insult. More like a call for help.....which of course I don't answer. I know a woman who used to hold up a dollar to these types and when they raced over to her car, she maced them. By comparison I see myself as a gentle soul who tolerates gutless ninnies like you and this Dildo_Te doorknob. Hope that helps. :eusa_angel:

p.s. Joe sends you his regards

(whoever Joe is)
Last edited:

The list is a formidable one, including double-digit inflation, double-digit interest rates, lagging savings and investment, sluggish productivity growth, chronic unemployment and a loss by some American industries, such as autos and steel, of the ability to compete in world markets.

Mr. Reagan's problem is more complex than was Mr. Roosevelt's, since chronic inflation - partly a consequence of the Keynesian revolution - is combined with the problems of unemployment and slow or no growth.

With real gross national product growing by no more than 1 percent in 1981, the unemployment rate, which averaged 7.3 percent in 1980, is likely to rise above 8 percent and stay there through most of 1981.

Economy in The Reagan Era

Slaying the Dragon

Before prosperity, however, there would be a bit more pain. Through most of the first two years of Reagan's first term, Americans already battered by the stagflation of the 1970s had to endure the sharpest recession in decades. The severity of the downturn was largely a consequence of Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker's determination to end the devastating inflationary trends of the 1970s by any means necessary. Following the monetarist teachings of influential University of Chicago economist Milton Friedman, Volcker resolved to "slay the inflationary dragon" by sharply curtailing the growth of the money supply. That monetary contraction, imposed starting in 1980, succeeded in its primary objective; the inflation rate fell from a devastating high of 13.5% in 1980 to just 3.2% by 1983.19 However, it also produced a sharp jump in real interest rates that contributed to the brutal recession of 1981-82. The national unemployment rate exceeded 10% throughout 1982, rendering more Americans jobless than at any time since the Great Depression. (Not coincidentally, President Reagan's public approval rating bottomed out at just 35% that same year.)

To his great credit, however, Reagan stuck by Volcker even when it would have been politically expedient for him to pressure the Fed Chairman to expand the money supply to provide a short-term boost to the economy. Both men's patience paid off after 1983, when—with inflation under control at last—the economy began growing again. That growth continued, unabated, through the rest of Reagan's two-term presidency, marking the longest peacetime period of unbroken economic expansion yet seen in American history. (An even longer boom would occur a decade later, during a Bill Clinton presidency that largely followed Reagan's lead in economic policy.) Overall, between 1981 and 1989, real GDP per capita increased by nearly 23%; in the same span of time, the value of the stock market more than tripled.20
Yes, indeed. The gdp took off AFTER reagan saw the value in stimulus spending. But not before. So, in escence, you just admitted that it is a good thing to follow Reagan's policy from 1982 forward, which was to borrow like crazy, triple the national debt, in order to spend stimulatively. And the results you may receive are a really good economy. Thanks for agreeing with me. Sorry that you can not see the folly of his original tax decrease in Feb of 1981. When unemployment was high. And that it helped push unemployment to a new high. But at least you see that the fact that your hero raised taxes after that point, borrowed like crazy to support stimulus spending, worked for him. Good for you. Oh, and by the way, you forgot to mention that he pushed volker out as hard as he could. He was gone before the end or ronnie's term. funny how you missed that.

So, the national debt tripled, and we must have seen the economy crash, right?? No??? How come, me boy. You are telling us all that it is about to.

Did you notice, as I have told you, that after full employment the national debt decreased as a percent of gdp. And that under Clinton, we had deficit's??? Just wondered if you noticed that. But not under reagan. Hell, he ran the deficit up every year, on the way to tripling the national debt. Which, by the way, caused him to have a good economy.
This thread is and remains about a NUMBER you will not allow the debt to climb past....either simpy write a NUMBER or get out. This is my thread and that's what is required to remain here.
Did you notice, as I have told you, that after full employment the national debt decreased as a percent of gdp. And that under Clinton, we had deficit's??? Just wondered if you noticed that. But not under reagan. Hell, he ran the deficit up every year, on the way to tripling the national debt. Which, by the way, caused him to have a good economy.

You should hire somebody to give you a concussion....a good brain-bounce would benefit you greatly. Clinturd's "surplus" actually belonged to Newt Gingrich as everybody knows, and did NOT reduce the debt. In fact, the debt rose under Clinturd same as it did under Dutch. The entitlement programs and rapidly expanding make-work federal jobs are the culprit. Ditch the EPA and American industry will return....Ditch the IRS with a national sales tax and the true amount of tax owed will flow into the Treasury. HANG Pelousy and Reid from streetlamps and this can be accomplished before we hit the $20T mark and start to wobble.
This thread is and remains about a NUMBER you will not allow the debt to climb past....either simpy write a NUMBER or get out. This is my thread and that's what is required to remain here. know what, Joe? I don't think starting a thread grants you administration over it. Sorry to break the news to you. You'll have to find some other way to feel empowered.
I respect your position, and will with hold the data I was about to post per your request.
Treasury Dept. Fiasco: U.S. Debt Has Stayed the Same for Past 3 Months - Despite $98 Billion Deficit in July | Independent Journal Review

[/$16.7 trillion + $98 billion = $16.7 trillion? B]

In fact, according to the Department of the Treasury, the federal debt has been exactly the same - $16,699,396,000,000 – for the past three months. This number is just $25 million below the legal debt limit that was set earlier this year. On May 17, Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew submitted a letter to Congressional leaders, stating that he was beginning to implement ”the standard set of extraordinary measures” to prevent the Treasury from exceeding the federal debt limit. He did not state how long the measures would last, but he did describe them in the letter’s appendix:

1. Suspending sales of State and Local Government Series Treasury securities

2. Redeeming existing, and suspending new, investments of the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund and the Postal Service Retirees Health Benefit Fund

3. Suspending reinvestment of the Government Securities Investment Fund

4. Suspending reinvestment of the Exchange Stabilization Fund

These four actions, according to Secretary Lew, should secure the United States an extra “$260 billion in headroom under the limit”. Basically, while we’ve been adding to the debt and violating the legal debt limit since May, the Treasury, in a let’s-keep-this-under-wraps-but-it’s-totally-legal way, has been freezing and redeeming its investments so that we can float along a little longer.

But what happens when the Treasury’s $260 billion dollar cushion runs out? Sure, Lew’s move may soften the blow, but it doesn’t solve the underlying issue. When will Congress, the President, and the Treasury Department realize this?


Secretary Lew has openly admitted to cooking the books in a letter to Congressional Leaders.

The list is a formidable one, including double-digit inflation, double-digit interest rates, lagging savings and investment, sluggish productivity growth, chronic unemployment and a loss by some American industries, such as autos and steel, of the ability to compete in world markets.

Mr. Reagan's problem is more complex than was Mr. Roosevelt's, since chronic inflation - partly a consequence of the Keynesian revolution - is combined with the problems of unemployment and slow or no growth.

With real gross national product growing by no more than 1 percent in 1981, the unemployment rate, which averaged 7.3 percent in 1980, is likely to rise above 8 percent and stay there through most of 1981.

Economy in The Reagan Era

Slaying the Dragon

Before prosperity, however, there would be a bit more pain. Through most of the first two years of Reagan's first term, Americans already battered by the stagflation of the 1970s had to endure the sharpest recession in decades. The severity of the downturn was largely a consequence of Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker's determination to end the devastating inflationary trends of the 1970s by any means necessary. Following the monetarist teachings of influential University of Chicago economist Milton Friedman, Volcker resolved to "slay the inflationary dragon" by sharply curtailing the growth of the money supply. That monetary contraction, imposed starting in 1980, succeeded in its primary objective; the inflation rate fell from a devastating high of 13.5% in 1980 to just 3.2% by 1983.19 However, it also produced a sharp jump in real interest rates that contributed to the brutal recession of 1981-82. The national unemployment rate exceeded 10% throughout 1982, rendering more Americans jobless than at any time since the Great Depression. (Not coincidentally, President Reagan's public approval rating bottomed out at just 35% that same year.)

To his great credit, however, Reagan stuck by Volcker even when it would have been politically expedient for him to pressure the Fed Chairman to expand the money supply to provide a short-term boost to the economy. Both men's patience paid off after 1983, when—with inflation under control at last—the economy began growing again. That growth continued, unabated, through the rest of Reagan's two-term presidency, marking the longest peacetime period of unbroken economic expansion yet seen in American history. (An even longer boom would occur a decade later, during a Bill Clinton presidency that largely followed Reagan's lead in economic policy.) Overall, between 1981 and 1989, real GDP per capita increased by nearly 23%; in the same span of time, the value of the stock market more than tripled.20
Yes, indeed. The gdp took off AFTER reagan saw the value in stimulus spending. But not before. So, in escence, you just admitted that it is a good thing to follow Reagan's policy from 1982 forward, which was to borrow like crazy, triple the national debt, in order to spend stimulatively. And the results you may receive are a really good economy. Thanks for agreeing with me. Sorry that you can not see the folly of his original tax decrease in Feb of 1981. When unemployment was high. And that it helped push unemployment to a new high. But at least you see that the fact that your hero raised taxes after that point, borrowed like crazy to support stimulus spending, worked for him. Good for you. Oh, and by the way, you forgot to mention that he pushed volker out as hard as he could. He was gone before the end or ronnie's term. funny how you missed that.

So, the national debt tripled, and we must have seen the economy crash, right?? No??? How come, me boy. You are telling us all that it is about to.

Did you notice, as I have told you, that after full employment the national debt decreased as a percent of gdp. And that under Clinton, we had deficit's??? Just wondered if you noticed that. But not under reagan. Hell, he ran the deficit up every year, on the way to tripling the national debt. Which, by the way, caused him to have a good economy.

And Obama has spent TRILLIONS on Stimulus and other Spending Measures without results.

As the BLS data shows, after 5 years our economy sucks. After 5 years the growth is small. After 5 years those employed continue to decline. After 5 years the Fed keeps DUMPING CURRENCY into the system DEFLATING THE DOLLAR. After 5 years, we get more part time jobs................

And so on.

As usual, REALITY SUCKS LIB. The data doesn't back you up. Under Reagan we had a few rough years and he got rid of STAGFLATION that was a result of the 70's. He had to END INFLATION FIRST, then get the jobs. He did it by increasing interest, AND RESTRICTING THE MONEY SUPPLY.

Your side, said that he was WRONG BACK THEN and us the opposite today.

Reagan was RIGHT, and YOUR GUYS WERE WRONG..........................

Spending...........Yes he increased spending, BUT HE IMPROVED THE ECONOMY BY DOING SO. He saved the military, which I was a part of. Every President since Reagan has had the benefit of BETTER EQUIPMENT for our military which is now used in Wars.

Bottom line. Our economy IMPROVED under Reagan.

But...he just did insult you, Joe. :confused:

No, he attempted to insult me....the difference being when an individual is mentally ill and standing on a traffic island calling me names for ignoring his begging, I don't see it as an insult. More like a call for help.....which of course I don't answer. I know a woman who used to hold up a dollar to these types and when they raced over to her car, she maced them. By comparison I see myself as a gentle soul who tolerates gutless ninnies like you and this Dildo_Te doorknob. Hope that helps. :eusa_angel:

p.s. Joe sends you his regards

(whoever Joe is)

What is really hysterical is that I have upset the marine-wannabe so badly that he went to all the trouble of trying to force me to stop posting in "his" thread.

Which just goes to prove that I must be getting under his ultra thin skin when it comes to exposing his ignorance. :eusa_whistle:
You don't have to get nervous until he goes into his 'cat stance.'
This thread is and remains about a NUMBER you will not allow the debt to climb past....either simpy write a NUMBER or get out. This is my thread and that's what is required to remain here.




What are you prepared to cut to reduce the debt?

At what point is it TOO MUCH?



When is enough enough..........................

Government - Interest Expense on the Debt Outstanding

Interest on the debt for this year at 395 BILLION and climbing.

Please disregard the 167 BILLION in payments from Secretary Lew from May until now, as they were paid by the SAME BEANS THAT GAVE JACK A BEANSTOCK................

You see, it's magical when ruled by Obama.
You don't have to get nervous until he goes into his 'cat stance.'

:lol: neko ashi dachi

Last edited: Limit 5-17-13 Boehner.pdf

The Honorable John A. Boehner
U.S. House of Representatives
Wasrungton, DC 20515
Dear Mr. Speaker:
May 17, 2013
As provided by Public Law 113-3, the statutory debt limit was suspended by Congress through
May 18, 2013. Because Congress has not yet acted to approve normal borrowing authority after
May 18, the Treasury Department will begin implementing the standard set of extraordinary
measures that enable us, on a temporary basis, to protect the full faith and credit of the United
States by continuing to pay the nation'S bills. These measures are the same ones that have been
used in previous debt limit impasses, and are described in detail in an appendix to this letter.


There is the letter from Treasury Secretary Lew.
This thread is and remains about a NUMBER you will not allow the debt to climb past....either simpy write a NUMBER or get out. This is my thread and that's what is required to remain here.




What are you prepared to cut to reduce the debt?

At what point is it TOO MUCH?



When is enough enough..........................

Government - Interest Expense on the Debt Outstanding

Interest on the debt for this year at 395 BILLION and climbing.

Please disregard the 167 BILLION in payments from Secretary Lew from May until now, as they were paid by the SAME BEANS THAT GAVE JACK A BEANSTOCK................

You see, it's magical when ruled by Obama.

Right now the GOP is WASTING billions of taxpayer dollars by shutting down the government because they failed to abide by their sworn Oath to uphold the Constitution. An oath that requires them to pass legislation to fund the government. Instead the GOP is the direct cause of WASTEFUL SPENDING that is being done with funds borrowed from China.

So until the GOP figures out what it means to uphold the Constitution and do the job they were elected to do they can shove their pious principles and screeching. You can't be "holier than thou" on spending you are the CAUSE of it.

Grow up, sober up and get to work passing the bills that were supposed to fund the government.

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