The Question No PROG Will Dare Answer

What do futures markets and derivatives have to do with the public debt?

Did you miss the year 2008? Do you know how close we came to financial CHAOS thanks to the major banks selling sketchy bundled-mortgages (derivatives) with AIG insuring that garbage? Got any idea how the furture's market you think a player should be able to bury the competition with volume buys without ever taking physcial possession of the commody? Got any idea how many jobs were lost and never recovered? Those were taxpayers who are now tax recipients. That year cost us 2 or 3 times the $1T Clinturd's fiasco did. Or the the $1T that 9/11 did. Or the $3T in treasure spent in Iraq and Afghanistan and the rest of the ME. Instead of repairing the damage by cutting taxes and regulations to the bone while indicting every banker motherfucker who knew they were breaking multiple SEC rules and did it anyway, Barry Boi threw $6T at the solar industry and growing his government by thousands of former campaign workers. That's what.

Obama did not throw $6,000,000,000,000 at the solar industry.

The amount of national debt has nothing to do with derivative markets. The national debt had nothing to do with the financial crisis.
I'm not even sure it's possible to go bankrupt. We issue our own currency.

We would never go bankrupt theoretically. We could go bankrupt if we decide to not pay it back.

No, bankrupt is being unable to ever pay it back....we're already there.
Uh, are you always this stupid. We have always had a national debt. And it has been, as I proved to you, much higher as a percent of gdp. Were we bankrupt then, dipshit? Because, you see, it decreased greatly over time. Funny. Nobody tried to send out collection notices. Just as they do not now. You really need to get a grip. The only place that says we are bankrupt, or that the national debt or the deficit is a problem are the bat shit crazy con web sites that you spend your time in. And you. We can borrow money. We can spend at will. Kind of a bit different than being bankrupt.

However, believing that we are bankrupt, and getting people to believe you, and stopping spending by the gov, WILL create a much worse economy. And it will increase unemployment. Which is what the tea party wants. They want to ruin this economy. As do you.
Obama did not throw $6,000,000,000,000 at the solar industry.

The amount of national debt has nothing to do with derivative markets. The national debt had nothing to do with the financial crisis.

:lol: How fucking stupid do you have to be to post here? Seriously, you're an idiot of EPIC proportions.....Did the financial crisis have anything to do with the debt? Play your girlie games down in the food or music have no business in this thread. Give a NUMBER of get the fuck out of it, pinhead.

The financial crisis had nothing to do with the national debt.

If you think it did, explain how.

And, if so, why did the price of Treasury debt rise instead of fall?


Edit - And I've already given you a number.
We're actually running deficits that are half of what George W. Bush left us with those two wars he so cheerfully started but wasn't man enough to finish.

The rate of government spending is actually falling. Two different months this year we actually posted surplusses.

Looks like we'll have to raise the debt ceiling a few more times, but at the rate we're going, looks like we'll crest at about $19-20 trillion and then come down some.

As long as we make our payments, we're fine. That's how credit works. You'd think the pro-business people would understand this, but they don't. They keep saying America's broke, but she isn't broke. She currently produces $16 trillion for every $16.7 trillion she spends.

We're not broke. We're simply in debt. When a Republican gets their phone bill, do they refuse to pay it because they claim to be broke? No. Once you get any bill in the mail, you go in debt until you make your payments, which you make because you work and are a producer.

That's actually not so bad. We just need to raise taxes and cut spending moderately, and we'll go back into surplus, just like we did in the 90's, which is what California is doing now.

This is not a crisis. It's a totally solvable problem turned into a crisis by retards on the right. Everything's a manufactured crisis started by them because they hate the idea that they're no longer in control of the will of the majority of America.
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At least so far....maybe today we'll get a breakthrough. :eusa_shifty:

HOW MUCH DEBT are you willing to allow the government shysters to put us in? What's the number when even the maoists say enough is enough? We're at $17T now....many economists think $20T is the tipping point. Obama has raised the debt-ceiling 7 times after screaming like a woman when Dubya did it. He's added $6T to the debt and continues to run $1T yearly deficits. After $20T, another financial meltdown of any kind, could tip us over into default. Surely you leftists don't believe Wall Street has stopped dealing in mortgage-based derivatives. Surely you don't believe criminal enterprises like Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley have stopped rigging the futures markets. So how much is close to the edge of diaster are you willing to tread?

So you want more regulation on Wall Street? Okay, we are down with that.

If you want to take a bite out of the debt, reign in The Military-Industrial Complex.

Not that the bankers don't need a shorter leash... but if trimming the national debt is the goal, the US needs to stop spending ten times what the rest of the world spends on arms.

Combine that with fair and simple taxes and the stars await.
If you want to take a bite out of the debt, reign in The Military-Industrial Complex.

Not that the bankers don't need a shorter leash... but if trimming the national debt is the goal, the US needs to stop spending ten times what the rest of the world spends on arms.

Combine that with fair and simple taxes and the stars await.

While you were "pruning" posts in my thread, you might have noticed the premise of this thread is a NUMBER of debt the leftists here would not go past. I have no interest in the feeble suggestions of how to "reduce" the debt or what programs the leftists demand be kept. I have no interest in their moronic thoughts of who ran up the debt or their lies about Hussein reducing it. Not a one of them have any idea what they're talking about or care to know. So please consider pruning the meaningless drivel from those I've asked to leave yet continue to troll the thread and me.
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If you want to take a bite out of the debt, reign in The Military-Industrial Complex.

I wouldn't worry about that so much, the governmental-industrial complex dwarfs it. If you check the Bureau of Useless Federal Bureaus website, you'll see that the over site bureau that compiles statistics on what the bureau of keeping track of statistics is up to, did a study on the effect of sunny Sunday afternoons on Federal Employees who do nothing but track how many people have names starting with X...

Not that the bankers don't need a shorter leash... but if trimming the national debt is the goal, the US needs to stop spending ten times what the rest of the world spends on arms.

Combine that with fair and simple taxes and the stars await.

How about we fire 99.3% of Federal employees instead?
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Obama did not throw $6,000,000,000,000 at the solar industry.

The amount of national debt has nothing to do with derivative markets. The national debt had nothing to do with the financial crisis.

:lol: How fucking stupid do you have to be to post here? Seriously, you're an idiot of EPIC proportions.....Did the financial crisis have anything to do with the debt? Play your girlie games down in the food or music have no business in this thread. Give a NUMBER of get the fuck out of it, pinhead.

The financial crisis had nothing to do with the national debt.

If you think it did, explain how.

What the FUCK is the matter with you? We've lost almost 8,000,000 JOBS since the crash in 2008.

Those were TAXPAYERS that are no longer PAYING TAXES. I know you have no background, training, or even interest in what are you doing here?
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If you want to take a bite out of the debt, reign in The Military-Industrial Complex.

Not that the bankers don't need a shorter leash... but if trimming the national debt is the goal, the US needs to stop spending ten times what the rest of the world spends on arms.

Combine that with fair and simple taxes and the stars await.

While you were "pruning" posts in my thread, you might have noticed the premise of this thread is a NUMBER of debt the leftists here would not go past. I have no interest in the feeble suggestions of how to "reduce" the debt or what programs the leftists demand be kept. I have no interest in their moronic thoughts of who ran up the debt or their lies about Hussein reducing it. Not a one of them have any idea what they're talking about or care to know. So please consider pruning the meaningless drivel from those I've asked to leave yet continue to troll the thread and me.

Since the OP is about the "number" it seems ironic that it is the GOP who are WASTING billions of dollars by shutting down the government. That "WASTEFUL SPENDING" is driving the debt "number" much higher than necessary and it is because the Republican controlled house refuses to keep the government running per their sworn oath to uphold the Constitution.
If you want to take a bite out of the debt, reign in The Military-Industrial Complex.

Not that the bankers don't need a shorter leash... but if trimming the national debt is the goal, the US needs to stop spending ten times what the rest of the world spends on arms.

Combine that with fair and simple taxes and the stars await.

While you were "pruning" posts in my thread, you might have noticed the premise of this thread is a NUMBER of debt the leftists here would not go past. I have no interest in the feeble suggestions of how to "reduce" the debt or what programs the leftists demand be kept. I have no interest in their moronic thoughts of who ran up the debt or their lies about Hussein reducing it. Not a one of them have any idea what they're talking about or care to know. So please consider pruning the meaningless drivel from those I've asked to leave yet continue to troll the thread and me.

No... while I was pruning your posts I was learning what a potty-mouth you can be.

I saw the number question in your opening post. Still doesn't deserve a simple answer because it's not a simple question.

Point is, out-spending the world ten-fold in the arms race following World War II is what created the debt and NOT borrowing and spending so much on weaponry is the way to fix it.

If your goal is actually trimming the national debt, as almost alluded to in your opening post, blaming some imaginary devil you've named Hussein isn't productive to the debate.


On the other hand, if you're goal is to make a squeaky noise from the right, carry on.
At least so far....maybe today we'll get a breakthrough. :eusa_shifty:

HOW MUCH DEBT are you willing to allow the government shysters to put us in? What's the number when even the maoists say enough is enough? We're at $17T now....many economists think $20T is the tipping point. Obama has raised the debt-ceiling 7 times after screaming like a woman when Dubya did it. He's added $6T to the debt and continues to run $1T yearly deficits. After $20T, another financial meltdown of any kind, could tip us over into default. Surely you leftists don't believe Wall Street has stopped dealing in mortgage-based derivatives. Surely you don't believe criminal enterprises like Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley have stopped rigging the futures markets. So how much is close to the edge of diaster are you willing to tread?

Shit you're right, it would seem that tax rates are recklessly low! It's unsustainable!
If you want to take a bite out of the debt, reign in The Military-Industrial Complex.

Not that the bankers don't need a shorter leash... but if trimming the national debt is the goal, the US needs to stop spending ten times what the rest of the world spends on arms.

Combine that with fair and simple taxes and the stars await.

While you were "pruning" posts in my thread, you might have noticed the premise of this thread is a NUMBER of debt the leftists here would not go past. I have no interest in the feeble suggestions of how to "reduce" the debt or what programs the leftists demand be kept. I have no interest in their moronic thoughts of who ran up the debt or their lies about Hussein reducing it. Not a one of them have any idea what they're talking about or care to know. So please consider pruning the meaningless drivel from those I've asked to leave yet continue to troll the thread and me.

No... while I was pruning your posts I was learning what a potty-mouth you can be.

I saw the number question in your opening post. Still doesn't deserve a simple answer because it's not a simple question.

Point is, out-spending the world ten-fold in the arms race following World War II is what created the debt and NOT borrowing and spending so much on weaponry is the way to fix it.

If your goal is actually trimming the national debt, as almost alluded to in your opening post, blaming some imaginary devil you've named Hussein isn't productive to the debate.


On the other hand, if you're goal is to make a squeaky noise from the right, carry on.

No, the POINT is the thread asks one very simple leftist asswipes can't seem to concentrate long enough to even attempt an answer. And leftists like you have no fucking clue about the role the US military actually plays in our economy and on the world stage. So like the other nitwits who've trashed this thread, how about you take a fucking hike too....XXXXXXX so either choose a NUMBER or get lost.
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Gutting the military will NOT solve the debt problem, which is only going to grow increasingly severe as entitlement spending continues to expand at an ever-greater rate of acceleration. Irresponsibly dire cuts to the military will only make matters worse - in many ways.
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:lol: How fucking stupid do you have to be to post here? Seriously, you're an idiot of EPIC proportions.....Did the financial crisis have anything to do with the debt? Play your girlie games down in the food or music have no business in this thread. Give a NUMBER of get the fuck out of it, pinhead.

The financial crisis had nothing to do with the national debt.

If you think it did, explain how.

What the FUCK is the matter with you? We've lost almost 8,000,000 JOBS since the crash in 2008.

7.9 million jobs lost, many forever - Jul. 2, 2010

Those were TAXPAYERS that are no longer PAYING TAXES. I know you have no background, training, or even interest in what are you doing here?
You really should pay more attention...the article you link to is dated July 2010 (latest data were for June.
We've gained 6 million jobs back since then.
The financial crisis had nothing to do with the national debt.

If you think it did, explain how.

What the FUCK is the matter with you? We've lost almost 8,000,000 JOBS since the crash in 2008.

7.9 million jobs lost, many forever - Jul. 2, 2010

Those were TAXPAYERS that are no longer PAYING TAXES. I know you have no background, training, or even interest in what are you doing here?
You really should pay more attention...the article you link to is dated July 2010 (latest data were for June.
We've gained 6 million jobs back since then.

NO, we have not...the lost jobs answered the prior idiot's assertion "the financial crisis nothing to do with the debt" but I seem to have the DUMBASS magnet engaged and can't end the barrage of idiot-wind flowing in....pick a NUMBER or get the fuck out of this thread.
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...pick a NUMBER or get the fuck out of this thread.

I don't know if you were aware of this, but starting a thread doesn't make you a mini-moderator. People are trying to engage in discussion and you are trolling.

What the FUCK is the matter with you? We've lost almost 8,000,000 JOBS since the crash in 2008.

7.9 million jobs lost, many forever - Jul. 2, 2010

Those were TAXPAYERS that are no longer PAYING TAXES. I know you have no background, training, or even interest in what are you doing here?
You really should pay more attention...the article you link to is dated July 2010 (latest data were for June.
We've gained 6 million jobs back since then.

NO, we have not.
No? We haven't gained 6 million jobs since June 2010?

June 2010, 130,094,000 non farm payroll jobs
August 2013, 136,133,000 jobs
Now find someone who can count past 10 without taking their shoes off to do the math tor you. How many jobs have been gained since June 20 10?
Next time don't assume everyone's as stupid as you and that you can use deceptive figures.
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