The Question No PROG Will Dare Answer

labor force participation at lowest level since 1978 - Sep. 6, 2013

The official U.S. unemployment rate is falling, but that's not necessarily a good thing.
That's because the slice of Americans involved in the labor force has shrunk to a level not seen in 35 years.

The labor force participation rate -- the percentage of people over 16 who either have a job or are actively searching for one -- fell to 63.2% in August. The last time it was that low was in August of 1978.
In the latter half of the 20th century, the rate rose steadily for decades as more women were entering the workforce, eventually peaking at 67.3% in 2000. But the number has been on the decline ever since -- a trend that was accelerated by the Great Recession.
Now you're switching to labor force participation. Pick one: labor force or employment.
But in either case you've just undercut your own were implying that the ratio (either one) was bad under Carter, but you've just shown that it was at then record highs. And you've confirmed my point that both ratios have been declining since 2000.

Thanks for proving me right.
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How Fucking Quaint...............

Cherry picking data for years that suck at unemployment showing improvement.
Huh? Follow the conversation...Bull used a 2010 article to claim we had lost 7.9 million jobs since 2008 (which was true at the time). I pointed out that since that article had been written, we have gained 6 million jobs. I showed him wrong using the data for 2010 to present...that's the only relevant data...not sure what other years would be relevant when we were installing about 2010-2013.

BLS, of course, series report CES0000000001

I assume you mean the lowest employment-population ratio in 35 years.

Hmmmmmmmmmmm...........Who was the President then....................

Oh yeah PEANUT HEAD. Nice economy back then wasn't it...
Not particularly, but apparently you don't realize that the emp-pop ratio then was the highest ever to that point. Surely you're not claiming we're better off than any time before 1978?
And that the emp-pop ratio reached its peak in 2000 (under Clinton) then declined. It went up again 2003-2007, but dropped again after's stabilized some,
Series LNS 12300000

You can access the series reports at BLS Series Report : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Thank you for proving my point of Reagan. Notice the downward spike under Carter..........................

Notice the upward spike under Reagan............................

While Obama wasn't in office in the crash of 2008, his policies are failing to turn the spike upward..................

What we needed was another Reagan not another Carter to fix this mess.
You're not very good at reading charts, here's the localized chart 1977-1988

The emo-pop ratio only dropped, slightly, in Carter's last year, continued to drop through the recession and then came back up.

The President is pretty irrelevant...there are other factors. It went up under Carter due to continuing entry of women, and then the recession.
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labor force participation at lowest level since 1978 - Sep. 6, 2013

The official U.S. unemployment rate is falling, but that's not necessarily a good thing.
That's because the slice of Americans involved in the labor force has shrunk to a level not seen in 35 years.

The labor force participation rate -- the percentage of people over 16 who either have a job or are actively searching for one -- fell to 63.2% in August. The last time it was that low was in August of 1978.
In the latter half of the 20th century, the rate rose steadily for decades as more women were entering the workforce, eventually peaking at 67.3% in 2000. But the number has been on the decline ever since -- a trend that was accelerated by the Great Recession.
Now you're switching to labor force participation. Pick one: labor force or employment.
But in either case you've just undercut your own see implying that the ratio (either one) was bad under Carter, but you've just shown that it was at then record highs. And you've confirmed my point that both ratios have been declining since 2000.

Thanks for proving me right.

Which part of less people are working above the age of 16 don't you understand.........

If less people are employed via the rate then there is less employment period.............

And yes it's been going down since 2000............I've never denied that.......

But if you can't see how employment via the population as a real indicator of improvement, then you are a tool.......

Secondly you ignore the issues of Part time employment.
Huh? Follow the conversation...Bull used a 2010 article to claim we had lost 7.9 million jobs since 2008 (which was true at the time). I pointed out that since that article had been written, we have gained 6 million jobs. I showed him wrong using the data for 2010 to present...that's the only relevant data...not sure what other years would be relevant when we were installing about 2010-2013.

BLS, of course, series report CES0000000001

I assume you mean the lowest employment-population ratio in 35 years.

Not particularly, but apparently you don't realize that the emp-pop ratio then was the highest ever to that point. Surely you're not claiming we're better off than any time before 1978?
And that the emp-pop ratio reached its peak in 2000 (under Clinton) then declined. It went up again 2003-2007, but dropped again after's stabilized some,
Series LNS 12300000

You can access the series reports at BLS Series Report : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Thank you for proving my point of Reagan. Notice the downward spike under Carter..........................

Notice the upward spike under Reagan............................

While Obama wasn't in office in the crash of 2008, his policies are failing to turn the spike upward..................

What we needed was another Reagan not another Carter to fix this mess.
You're not very good at reading charts, here's the localized chart 1977-1988

The emo-pop ratio only dropped, slightly, in Carter's last year, continued to drop through the recession and then came back up.

The President is pretty irrelevant...there are other factors. It went up under Carter due to continuing entry of women, and then the recession.

Spare me. I was around back then and the economy was in the dumps. STAGFLATION is ignored by you, and inherited by Reagan. You see the continued downward trend of a Recession by Carter continued down as Reagan increased interest rates to kill stagflation.

It worked. Then he tackled the unemployment.

It worked.

Obama's strategy of DUMPING CURRENCY OUT and anti business strategies is not working.
If you want to take a bite out of the debt, reign in The Military-Industrial Complex.

Not that the bankers don't need a shorter leash... but if trimming the national debt is the goal, the US needs to stop spending ten times what the rest of the world spends on arms.

Combine that with fair and simple taxes and the stars await.

While you were "pruning" posts in my thread, you might have noticed the premise of this thread is a NUMBER of debt the leftists here would not go past. I have no interest in the feeble suggestions of how to "reduce" the debt or what programs the leftists demand be kept. I have no interest in their moronic thoughts of who ran up the debt or their lies about Hussein reducing it. Not a one of them have any idea what they're talking about or care to know. So please consider pruning the meaningless drivel from those I've asked to leave yet continue to troll the thread and me.

No... while I was pruning your posts I was learning what a potty-mouth you can be.

I saw the number question in your opening post. Still doesn't deserve a simple answer because it's not a simple question.

Point is, out-spending the world ten-fold in the arms race following World War II is what created the debt and NOT borrowing and spending so much on weaponry is the way to fix it.

If your goal is actually trimming the national debt, as almost alluded to in your opening post, blaming some imaginary devil you've named Hussein isn't productive to the debate.


On the other hand, if you're goal is to make a squeaky noise from the right, carry on.

Thank you. I always appreciate gaining new information.
Stages of Democracy - Where's the U.S.
1. From Bondage to spiritual faith;
2. From spiritual faith to great courage;
3. From courage to liberty;
4. From liberty to abundance;
5. From abundance to complacency;
6. From complacency to apathy;
7. From apathy to dependence;
8. From dependence back into bondage"
labor force participation at lowest level since 1978 - Sep. 6, 2013

The official U.S. unemployment rate is falling, but that's not necessarily a good thing.
That's because the slice of Americans involved in the labor force has shrunk to a level not seen in 35 years.

The labor force participation rate -- the percentage of people over 16 who either have a job or are actively searching for one -- fell to 63.2% in August. The last time it was that low was in August of 1978.
In the latter half of the 20th century, the rate rose steadily for decades as more women were entering the workforce, eventually peaking at 67.3% in 2000. But the number has been on the decline ever since -- a trend that was accelerated by the Great Recession.
Now you're switching to labor force participation. Pick one: labor force or employment.
But in either case you've just undercut your own see implying that the ratio (either one) was bad under Carter, but you've just shown that it was at then record highs. And you've confirmed my point that both ratios have been declining since 2000.

Thanks for proving me right.

Which part of less people are working above the age of 16 don't you understand.........

If less people are employed via the rate then there is less employment period.............
Do you not understand the difference between a level and a rate? Employment can go up, but the ratio go down. Employment (and jobs, different concepts) has been going up since 2010, but not as fast as population growth. I'm not really sure what you're trying to argue.

But if you can't see how employment via the population as a real indicator of improvement, then you are a tool.......
Are you claiming the increase in employment-population under Ford and Carter was a sign of improvement? That's an odd position. There are many non-economic reasons for changes up or down in the ratio.It's an indicator of overall health, but it can be misleading. In any case, my initial point was only that Bull was wrong in stating we had not gained 6 million jobs since 2010. I made no further claims.

Secondly you ignore the issues of Part time employment.
Because it wasn't relevant. I was talking about jobs, from the payroll survey, which doesn't't differentiate between full and part time. You switched the topic to employment and the emp-pop ratio, from the household survey, which does differentiate, but the issue never came up.

You seem in distant on reading some overall argument in my posts, but I have no idea what argument you think I'm trying to make.
Please stick to what I've actually written rather than inventing some broader claim that I'm not making.
Derrivitives are at the root of all evil in the world.

Nah, Man... Derivatives are just a tool.

LOVE of derivatives is the root of all evil in the world.

Derivatives where illegal from 1936 to 1983. They were part of the lessons learned from the Great Depression. Part of the Glass Steigal Act.

Had they stayed illegal, there would have never been a stock market crash in 2008.

The final nail in the coffin occurred in 2000. Allowing Shadow trading beyond SEC control. The house of cards was created in 8 years or less. They pulled the cards out of the bottom, and the whole thing collapsed.

We have now built a recovery on FIAT CURRENCY, another house of cards via derivatives. Which is why the economy is not improving IN RELATION TO THE MARKETS.

Derivatives should be illegal, but they have now created so many of them that they simply don't know what to do about it anymore.
Now you're switching to labor force participation. Pick one: labor force or employment.
But in either case you've just undercut your own see implying that the ratio (either one) was bad under Carter, but you've just shown that it was at then record highs. And you've confirmed my point that both ratios have been declining since 2000.

Thanks for proving me right.

Which part of less people are working above the age of 16 don't you understand.........

If less people are employed via the rate then there is less employment period.............
Do you not understand the difference between a level and a rate? Employment can go up, but the ratio go down. Employment (and jobs, different concepts) has been going up since 2010, but not as fast as population growth. I'm not really sure what you're trying to argue.

But if you can't see how employment via the population as a real indicator of improvement, then you are a tool.......
Are you claiming the increase in employment-population under Ford and Carter was a sign of improvement? That's an odd position. There are many non-economic reasons for changes up or down in the ratio.It's an indicator of overall health, but it can be misleading. In any case, my initial point was only that Bull was wrong in stating we had not gained 6 million jobs since 2010. I made no further claims.

Secondly you ignore the issues of Part time employment.
Because it wasn't relevant. I was talking about jobs, from the payroll survey, which doesn't't differentiate between full and part time. You switched the topic to employment and the emp-pop ratio, from the household survey, which does differentiate, but the issue never came up.

You seem in distant on reading some overall argument in my posts, but I have no idea what argument you think I'm trying to make.
Please stick to what I've actually written rather than inventing some broader claim that I'm not making.


You know exactly what I'm saying. Less people are working PERIOD. Employment is a numbers game. And the numbers are lower even with population increases as I've shown from data you ignore.

You didn't look again at the thread I posted again. Showing the numbers, which show you are full of it.
Thank you for proving my point of Reagan. Notice the downward spike under Carter..........................

Notice the upward spike under Reagan............................

While Obama wasn't in office in the crash of 2008, his policies are failing to turn the spike upward..................

What we needed was another Reagan not another Carter to fix this mess.
You're not very good at reading charts, here's the localized chart 1977-1988

The emo-pop ratio only dropped, slightly, in Carter's last year, continued to drop through the recession and then came back up.

The President is pretty irrelevant...there are other factors. It went up under Carter due to continuing entry of women, and then the recession.

Spare me.
What exactly in my post are you disagreeing with? I was pinpointing out that the emp-pop ratio went up under Carter. You, not I, are the one claiming that an increasing ratio is a positive sign.
I was around back then and the economy was in the dumps.
I was out of the country in those years, but I read the US news. I never said things weren't bad in fact, it was my point that they were bad! The economy was bad, but the emo-pop ratio was going up, proving it's not the best indicator of the economy.
STAGFLATION is ignored by you, and inherited by Reagan.
How is that relevant in a discussion about direction of the emp-pop ratio?????

You seem to be arguing against things I haven't claimed. Odd.
Derrivitives are at the root of all evil in the world.

Nah, Man... Derivatives are just a tool.

LOVE of derivatives is the root of all evil in the world.

Derivatives where illegal from 1936 to 1983. They were part of the lessons learned from the Great Depression. Part of the Glass Steigal Act.

Had they stayed illegal, there would have never been a stock market crash in 2008.

The final nail in the coffin occurred in 2000. Allowing Shadow trading beyond SEC control. The house of cards was created in 8 years or less. They pulled the cards out of the bottom, and the whole thing collapsed.

We have now built a recovery on FIAT CURRENCY, another house of cards via derivatives. Which is why the economy is not improving IN RELATION TO THE MARKETS.

Derivatives should be illegal, but they have now created so many of them that they simply don't know what to do about it anymore.

Actually what was illegal was for banks to be part of investment brokerages and vice versa under Glass-Steagal. The repeal of Glass-Steagal was just one more piece of the Republican Contract on America which was primarily intended to "deregulate" Wall Street and other corporations.

So the mortgage bubble occurred when the deregulated Wall St banks started handing out Subprime mortgages without following the standard practice of income verification of the borrowers. The Wall St banks then packaged their subprime mortgages together with regular mortgages as derivatives and fraudulently sold them off as prime derivatives to investors without telling them about the subprime mortgages.

Many of those "investors" were nations like Greece that simply could not absorb the losses when those Wall St derivative "investments" turned out to be junk. None of this would have happened if Glass-Steagal was never "deregulated" by Republicans. Yes, I know Clinton signed the bill but he was deceived just like everyone else by the Wall St con artists. None of whom are even facing charges let alone been tried and made to serve the jail time they so justly deserve.
Which part of less people are working above the age of 16 don't you understand.........

If less people are employed via the rate then there is less employment period.............
Do you not understand the difference between a level and a rate? Employment can go up, but the ratio go down. Employment (and jobs, different concepts) has been going up since 2010, but not as fast as population growth. I'm not really sure what you're trying to argue.

Are you claiming the increase in employment-population under Ford and Carter was a sign of improvement? That's an odd position. There are many non-economic reasons for changes up or down in the ratio.It's an indicator of overall health, but it can be misleading. In any case, my initial point was only that Bull was wrong in stating we had not gained 6 million jobs since 2010. I made no further claims.

Secondly you ignore the issues of Part time employment.
Because it wasn't relevant. I was talking about jobs, from the payroll survey, which doesn't't differentiate between full and part time. You switched the topic to employment and the emp-pop ratio, from the household survey, which does differentiate, but the issue never came up.

You seem in distant on reading some overall argument in my posts, but I have no idea what argument you think I'm trying to make.
Please stick to what I've actually written rather than inventing some broader claim that I'm not making.

What exatly are you claiming in untrue or inaccurate?

You know exactly what I'm saying.
No, not really. You seem to be addressing points I'm not actually making, so it's a bit confusing.
Less people are working PERIOD.
What time frame are you talking about? If you mean there are fewer people working now than before the recession, that's true. But Employment and jobs have been going up the last 3 years.
Employment is a numbers game.
ummm, yeah, counting usually is.
And the numbers are lower even with population increases as I've shown from data you ignore.
Which numbers and what time frame? And population changes have nothing to do with the level of employment or jobs.

You didn't look again at the thread I posted again. Showing the numbers, which show you are full of it.
Which thread? Which numbers? You've posted nothing that contradicts anything I've said. You've made a couple of links to pure data, without comment, so I'm not sure what point you intended, and there was nothing there contrary to what I said, so I had no response.

This started because Bull claimed we had lost 7.9 million jobs since the recession and used a 2010 article to prove it. While yes, we did lose that many in that time period, we've gained 6 million jobs since then, and I showed that with BLS data. Are you claiming that's not true?

You for some reason brought up the employment population ratio (which is from a different survey and uses different concepts and definitions). You tried to link the current low rate to the Carter years as if it was a low number then, when in fact it was a historical high. The level of employment can go up while the ratio goes down. Do you deny that?

I'm just not sure what exactly of MY actual points you're arguing against.

Note that I have made NO claims about the overall health of the economy or the labor force.
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At least so far....maybe today we'll get a breakthrough. :eusa_shifty:

HOW MUCH DEBT are you willing to allow the government shysters to put us in? What's the number when even the maoists say enough is enough? We're at $17T now....many economists think $20T is the tipping point. Obama has raised the debt-ceiling 7 times after screaming like a woman when Dubya did it. He's added $6T to the debt and continues to run $1T yearly deficits. After $20T, another financial meltdown of any kind, could tip us over into default. Surely you leftists don't believe Wall Street has stopped dealing in mortgage-based derivatives. Surely you don't believe criminal enterprises like Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley have stopped rigging the futures markets. So how much is close to the edge of diaster are you willing to tread?


The premise of your question is false. It is not Democrats who are running up the debt, Clinton had a surplus, Bush exploded the debt and Obama cut spending in half.
The premise of your question is false. It is not Democrats who are running up the debt, Clinton had a surplus, Bush exploded the debt and Obama cut spending in half.

THREE lies in one sentence.....but then you don't know any better and pulled something out of your butt when confronted with reality. No NUMBER, not allowed to stay. SCRAM.
Derivatives where illegal from 1936 to 1983. They were part of the lessons learned from the Great Depression. Part of the Glass Steigal Act.

Had they stayed illegal, there would have never been a stock market crash in 2008.

The final nail in the coffin occurred in 2000. Allowing Shadow trading beyond SEC control. The house of cards was created in 8 years or less. They pulled the cards out of the bottom, and the whole thing collapsed.

We have now built a recovery on FIAT CURRENCY, another house of cards via derivatives. Which is why the economy is not improving IN RELATION TO THE MARKETS.

Derivatives should be illegal, but they have now created so many of them that they simply don't know what to do about it anymore.

Explain to me how an economy expands to accommodate rapid increases in value, such as we saw with the digital revolution, without the use of fiat currency?

If we have a gold standard, do we simply devalue the rest of the market to accommodate the introduction of value from the silicone market? Because that is precisely what would occur if we had a fixed pool of gold pegged to an expanding economy.

Somewhere along the line, someone got the idea that fiat currency is "bad." Opposition to fiat currency in general simply demonstrates abject ignorance of market economics. Yes, monetary policy can and is abused, but this doesn't mean that fiat currency is the issue.
Explain to me how an economy expands to accommodate rapid increases in value, such as we saw with the digital revolution, without the use of fiat currency?

If we have a gold standard, do we simply devalue the rest of the Somewhere along the line, someone got the idea that fiat currency is "bad." Opposition to fiat currency in general simply demonstrates abject ignorance of market economics. Yes, monetary policy can and is abused, but this doesn't mean that fiat currency is the issue.

Derivatives became a money-making venture for financial institutions in an economy that was no longer producing anything in the US. Selling each other cheeseburgers and insurance policies is what we are. They saw the "housing boom" was simply a massive Ponzi scheme built on the promise of a 25% yearly equity bump. So they decided to package up their junk, talk AIG into insuring it, and off to Europe they went with it.

As to fiat currency, it allows rogue nations like china to keep their currency valuation far below it's actual worth and keep their labor price low. All to squeeze more capital flight from the US. Japan did it and have done quite well with it. They claim they can't honor our trade agreements with them because they're in a "recession" that's now lasted about 15 years. Countries without gold (or cotton or coal...whatever you attach a fiat currency to) have no obligation to back up their currency with anything but promises. We back our currency with the United States Marine Corps....should that ever not be the case, we'll quickly move into third-world status as our wealth rots on the vine.
Derivatives became a money-making venture for financial institutions in an economy that was no longer producing anything in the US.

That's nice, but not relevant to the question I asked.

Selling each other cheeseburgers and insurance policies is what we are. They saw the "housing boom" was simply a massive Ponzi scheme built on the promise of a 25% yearly equity bump. So they decided to package up their junk, talk AIG into insuring it, and off to Europe they went with it.

A wee bit of over-simplification, perhaps?

As to fiat currency, it allows rogue nations like china to keep their currency valuation far below it's actual worth and keep their labor price low. All to squeeze more capital flight from the US.

Perhaps, but how would a gold standard in the USA stop this? In fact, wouldn't it make matters worse?

Japan did it and have done quite well with it. They claim they can't honor our trade agreements with them because they're in a "recession" that's now lasted about 15 years. Countries without gold (or cotton or coal...whatever you attach a fiat currency to) have no obligation to back up their currency with anything but promises. We back our currency with the United States Marine Corps....should that ever not be the case, we'll quickly move into third-world status as our wealth rots on the vine.

A fiat currency in any nation is backed by the full faith and credit of the issuing agency - nothing more. The Marines have nothing to do with it.

You ARE correct that introduction of currency at a rate substantially greater than the introduction of wealth into that economy, will erode the wealth of wage earners, as we are seeing in this nation.

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