The Question No PROG Will Dare Answer

What are you prepared to cut to reduce the debt?

At what point is it TOO MUCH?



When is enough enough..........................

Government - Interest Expense on the Debt Outstanding

Interest on the debt for this year at 395 BILLION and climbing.

Please disregard the 167 BILLION in payments from Secretary Lew from May until now, as they were paid by the SAME BEANS THAT GAVE JACK A BEANSTOCK................

You see, it's magical when ruled by Obama.

Right now the GOP is WASTING billions of taxpayer dollars by shutting down the government because they failed to abide by their sworn Oath to uphold the Constitution. An oath that requires them to pass legislation to fund the government. Instead the GOP is the direct cause of WASTEFUL SPENDING that is being done with funds borrowed from China.

So until the GOP figures out what it means to uphold the Constitution and do the job they were elected to do they can shove their pious principles and screeching. You can't be "holier than thou" on spending you are the CAUSE of it.

Grow up, sober up and get to work passing the bills that were supposed to fund the government.

The Founding Fathers gave the power of the purse to the House of Representatives.

Madison stated that it can be used as a WEAPON when the Government gets out of control.

Obama and the Dems are out of control, and refuse to cut anything. The very Sequester deal was Obama's brain child. It was supposed to be so bad that they would agree on cuts. He promised NO NEW TAXES in this deal. Promised Compromise to find LEGIT CUTS.


We have no reason to Respect the word of a Liar.

Your move.
What are you prepared to cut to reduce the debt?

At what point is it TOO MUCH?



When is enough enough..........................

Government - Interest Expense on the Debt Outstanding

Interest on the debt for this year at 395 BILLION and climbing.

Please disregard the 167 BILLION in payments from Secretary Lew from May until now, as they were paid by the SAME BEANS THAT GAVE JACK A BEANSTOCK................

You see, it's magical when ruled by Obama.

Right now the GOP is WASTING billions of taxpayer dollars by shutting down the government because they failed to abide by their sworn Oath to uphold the Constitution. An oath that requires them to pass legislation to fund the government. Instead the GOP is the direct cause of WASTEFUL SPENDING that is being done with funds borrowed from China.

So until the GOP figures out what it means to uphold the Constitution and do the job they were elected to do they can shove their pious principles and screeching. You can't be "holier than thou" on spending you are the CAUSE of it.

Grow up, sober up and get to work passing the bills that were supposed to fund the government.

The Founding Fathers gave the power of the purse to the House of Representatives.

Madison stated that it can be used as a WEAPON when the Government gets out of control.

Obama and the Dems are out of control, and refuse to cut anything. The very Sequester deal was Obama's brain child. It was supposed to be so bad that they would agree on cuts. He promised NO NEW TAXES in this deal. Promised Compromise to find LEGIT CUTS.


We have no reason to Respect the word of a Liar.

Your move.

Right now there are senior citizens who can't sign up for social security and medicare, people who have to choose between food and medication, people who don't know if they are going to lose their homes, people who will lose their jobs all because the GOP refuses to abide by their sworn duty to the people of this nation. The longer this keeps on the worse this will become.

Destroying the lives of the American people is your responsibility and those people will hold you accountable. Ball is in your court.
Right now the GOP is WASTING billions of taxpayer dollars by shutting down the government because they failed to abide by their sworn Oath to uphold the Constitution. An oath that requires them to pass legislation to fund the government. Instead the GOP is the direct cause of WASTEFUL SPENDING that is being done with funds borrowed from China.

So until the GOP figures out what it means to uphold the Constitution and do the job they were elected to do they can shove their pious principles and screeching. You can't be "holier than thou" on spending you are the CAUSE of it.

Grow up, sober up and get to work passing the bills that were supposed to fund the government.

The Founding Fathers gave the power of the purse to the House of Representatives.

Madison stated that it can be used as a WEAPON when the Government gets out of control.

Obama and the Dems are out of control, and refuse to cut anything. The very Sequester deal was Obama's brain child. It was supposed to be so bad that they would agree on cuts. He promised NO NEW TAXES in this deal. Promised Compromise to find LEGIT CUTS.


We have no reason to Respect the word of a Liar.

Your move.

Right now there are senior citizens who can't sign up for social security and medicare, people who have to choose between food and medication, people who don't know if they are going to lose their homes, people who will lose their jobs all because the GOP refuses to abide by their sworn duty to the people of this nation. The longer this keeps on the worse this will become.

Destroying the lives of the American people is your responsibility and those people will hold you accountable. Ball is in your court.

Dear Ms. Burwell:
This letter sets forth the contingency plan of the Social Security Administration (SSA) to
continue activities during a potential lapse in Federal appropriations and resulting partial
shutdown of agency operations. Our 2013 contingency plan is consistent with the plan we
submitted to your office in December 2011, with slight adjustments in the number of employees
we are excepting from furloughs under applicable exceptions to the Antideficiency Act. The
functions of the excepted employees will remain essentially the same as those described in our
2011 plan. Because of the fluidity of the current budget situation, we will reevaluate and adjust
our plan as necessary. I have enclosed a chart setting forth our proposed employee count by
agency component, as well as a brief description of the functions those employees will perform.
This letter further explains our legal basis for conducting those functions during a partial


This is from the Social Security Office regarding the shut down. Please prove your point using their table and get back to me.

Ball returned and is in play....................

Your move.
Well, eagle, me poor ignorant con tool, you are backing a horse that can not and will not win. It is a tea party idea. And if you ever talked to a tea party member, you would realize that they are butt stupid. Here are some of the costs, which rational people realize. And they also realize that this bit of GOP kabuki theater will cost hundreds of billions ir it goes for any length of time. And they realize that the GOP is going to loose this fight, and a whole lot of support. The government will see costs, but the majority of the costs will be born by the private sector in terms of lost contracts, and financial costs over a long period of time.

What will happen to veterans receiving compensation for service- or combat-related wounds and injuries?
The Department of Veterans Affairs said if the shutdown continues into late October, it will run out of money for compensation and pension checks to more than 3.6 million veterans who rely on the money to support themselves.

How many federal employees would be furloughed?
J. David Cox, president of the American Federation of Government employees, said he expects the number will be 800,000 to 1 million, out of 2.1 million federal employees. That's consistent with a USA TODAY analysis of 2011 shutdown contingency plans, which found that 59% of non-defense government employees would continue to work.

Will civilian defense workers be furloughed?
About half of them, or about 400,000, will be sent home, according to the Defense Department's contingency plan.

How much money would a shutdown save taxpayers?
Most likely, it wouldn't. The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget says shutdowns cost money in terms of contingency planning, lost user fees and back pay. A government estimate after the shutdown in 1995-96 estimated its cost at $1.4 billion.

What effect would a shutdown have on the economy?
Economists say even a short shutdown — of three or four days — would begin to shave decimal points off economic growth. A sustained shutdown of three or four weeks "would do significant economic damage," economist Mark Zandi told USA TODAY.

Will Amtrak trains continue to run?
Yes, for now. A statement from the federally subsidized rail service said the trains would run during a "short-term federal government shutdown" in "the coming days or weeks."

“Any delay in raising the debt ceiling would have dire economic consequences,” said Mark Zandi of Moody’s Analytics, testifying on Capitol Hill this week. “Consumer, business and investor confidence would be hit hard, putting stock, bond and other financial markets into turmoil.”

In the event of a default, the United States’ borrowing costs would probably rise and continue at somewhat higher levels even after the Treasury Department returned to new issuance on the bond market, causing a direct hit to taxpayers. But financial analysts are more immediately worried about the potential for wide market gyrations as investors reassessed their pricing of trillions of dollars of debt products tied to Treasury rates and sought safety in new markets or instruments.

Yup. This is a truly stupid move by a group of tea party republicans and their bosses. And it is going to cost the people of this country big time. Anyone that believes differently is simply brain dead.
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Well, eagle, me poor ignorant con tool, you are backing a horse that can not and will not win. It is a tea party idea. And if you ever talked to a tea party member, you would realize that they are butt stupid. Here are some of the costs, which rational people realize. And they also realize that this bit of GOP kabuki theater will cost hundreds of billions ir it goes for any length of time. And they realize that the GOP is going to loose this fight, and a whole lot of support. The government will see costs, but the majority of the costs will be born by the private sector in terms of lost contracts, and financial costs over a long period of time.

What will happen to veterans receiving compensation for service- or combat-related wounds and injuries?
The Department of Veterans Affairs said if the shutdown continues into late October, it will run out of money for compensation and pension checks to more than 3.6 million veterans who rely on the money to support themselves.

How many federal employees would be furloughed?
J. David Cox, president of the American Federation of Government employees, said he expects the number will be 800,000 to 1 million, out of 2.1 million federal employees. That's consistent with a USA TODAY analysis of 2011 shutdown contingency plans, which found that 59% of non-defense government employees would continue to work.

Will civilian defense workers be furloughed?
About half of them, or about 400,000, will be sent home, according to the Defense Department's contingency plan.

How much money would a shutdown save taxpayers?
Most likely, it wouldn't. The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget says shutdowns cost money in terms of contingency planning, lost user fees and back pay. A government estimate after the shutdown in 1995-96 estimated its cost at $1.4 billion.

What effect would a shutdown have on the economy?
Economists say even a short shutdown — of three or four days — would begin to shave decimal points off economic growth. A sustained shutdown of three or four weeks "would do significant economic damage," economist Mark Zandi told USA TODAY.

Will Amtrak trains continue to run?
Yes, for now. A statement from the federally subsidized rail service said the trains would run during a "short-term federal government shutdown" in "the coming days or weeks."

“Any delay in raising the debt ceiling would have dire economic consequences,” said Mark Zandi of Moody’s Analytics, testifying on Capitol Hill this week. “Consumer, business and investor confidence would be hit hard, putting stock, bond and other financial markets into turmoil.”

In the event of a default, the United States’ borrowing costs would probably rise and continue at somewhat higher levels even after the Treasury Department returned to new issuance on the bond market, causing a direct hit to taxpayers. But financial analysts are more immediately worried about the potential for wide market gyrations as investors reassessed their pricing of trillions of dollars of debt products tied to Treasury rates and sought safety in new markets or instruments.

Yup. This is a truly stupid move by a group of tea party republicans and their bosses. And it is going to cost the people of this country big time. Anyone that believes differently is simply brain dead.

Thanks for pointing that out.

Obama and the Dems are responsible. You Lied in the last deal, and created a BS law that, and have implemented policy that is anti business.

Your policies have not yielded the jobs. As the info I've posted backs up.

You have delayed key elements of Obamacare already. You have the option of delaying the law for a year to get your shit together.

See how easy that was.

Finally, this has occurred before and we survived.

And this discussion should have happened in the early summer instead of now.
Well, eagle, me poor ignorant con tool, you are backing a horse that can not and will not win. It is a tea party idea. And if you ever talked to a tea party member, you would realize that they are butt stupid. Here are some of the costs, which rational people realize. And they also realize that this bit of GOP kabuki theater will cost hundreds of billions ir it goes for any length of time. And they realize that the GOP is going to loose this fight, and a whole lot of support. The government will see costs, but the majority of the costs will be born by the private sector in terms of lost contracts, and financial costs over a long period of time.

What will happen to veterans receiving compensation for service- or combat-related wounds and injuries?
The Department of Veterans Affairs said if the shutdown continues into late October, it will run out of money for compensation and pension checks to more than 3.6 million veterans who rely on the money to support themselves.

How many federal employees would be furloughed?
J. David Cox, president of the American Federation of Government employees, said he expects the number will be 800,000 to 1 million, out of 2.1 million federal employees. That's consistent with a USA TODAY analysis of 2011 shutdown contingency plans, which found that 59% of non-defense government employees would continue to work.

Will civilian defense workers be furloughed?
About half of them, or about 400,000, will be sent home, according to the Defense Department's contingency plan.

How much money would a shutdown save taxpayers?
Most likely, it wouldn't. The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget says shutdowns cost money in terms of contingency planning, lost user fees and back pay. A government estimate after the shutdown in 1995-96 estimated its cost at $1.4 billion.

What effect would a shutdown have on the economy?
Economists say even a short shutdown — of three or four days — would begin to shave decimal points off economic growth. A sustained shutdown of three or four weeks "would do significant economic damage," economist Mark Zandi told USA TODAY.

Will Amtrak trains continue to run?
Yes, for now. A statement from the federally subsidized rail service said the trains would run during a "short-term federal government shutdown" in "the coming days or weeks."

“Any delay in raising the debt ceiling would have dire economic consequences,” said Mark Zandi of Moody’s Analytics, testifying on Capitol Hill this week. “Consumer, business and investor confidence would be hit hard, putting stock, bond and other financial markets into turmoil.”

In the event of a default, the United States’ borrowing costs would probably rise and continue at somewhat higher levels even after the Treasury Department returned to new issuance on the bond market, causing a direct hit to taxpayers. But financial analysts are more immediately worried about the potential for wide market gyrations as investors reassessed their pricing of trillions of dollars of debt products tied to Treasury rates and sought safety in new markets or instruments.

Yup. This is a truly stupid move by a group of tea party republicans and their bosses. And it is going to cost the people of this country big time. Anyone that believes differently is simply brain dead.

Thanks for pointing that out.

Obama and the Dems are responsible. You Lied in the last deal, and created a BS law that, and have implemented policy that is anti business.

Your policies have not yielded the jobs. As the info I've posted backs up.

You have delayed key elements of Obamacare already. You have the option of delaying the law for a year to get your shit together.

See how easy that was.

Finally, this has occurred before and we survived.

And this discussion should have happened in the early summer instead of now.

Any idea where those jobs, jobs, jobs are that the TPM ran on in 2010?

I think maybe they lied.
So eagle, having missed everything and now trying to catch up, says:
And this discussion should have happened in the early summer instead of now.

Jesus, where have you been. It has been discussed by all sorts of rational sources. government sources. Like the cbo. Economists of every stripe. Even foreign services. You would be shocked at the information out there, if you would simply take your head out of your ass. For well over a year now, dipshit.

So, being stupid, Eagle says:
Obama and the Dems are responsible.
The congress of the us passed the bill. That is the way it is done in the usa. Read up on it.
You Lied in the last deal, and created a BS law that, and have implemented policy that is anti business.
I lied about nothing, dipshit. they did not ask my opinion. I would have suggested single payer health insurance instead. If you are saying dems lied, maybe they did. They are, after all, politicians. Got a link to a specific lie??? Or are you just thinking about your experience in the bat shit crazy con web sites you pursue.

Your policies have not yielded the jobs.
Sorry. What policies do I have ownership of, in your tiny little mind???
As the info I've posted backs up.
You do not post info. You post dogma either from you little tiny brain, or from bat shit crazy con sites. Next.

You have delayed key elements of Obamacare already.
I delayed nothing, me boy. Nice to know you think I have such power.
You have the option of delaying the law for a year to get your shit together.
No reason to do that, me boy. The bill was passed. It is the law. There is no requirement to amend it. And no need to put it off. And again, me boy, I have no such power. You must be thinking of someone else. Perhaps you should be more specific.

Here is the thing, me boy. Your heroes are paid big time by the medical insurance companies. Well documented. And they want the law overturned. And they want it overturned NOW. Because, you see, just as with social security, and just like medicare, they know the people will like it and it will then be IMPOSSIBLE to privatize. Just as W found it was impossible to privatize social security. So they are stepping away from the way laws are made and amended, and are trying to use the debt limit as a method of doing the work for them. Very tacky, and very, very, very unpopular with the american public. And, though the repubs are afraid of the tea party segment of their party, no one else is. Amazing what damage to the party these clowns continue to do.

See how easy that was.
Yes, indeed. You are a piece of cake.

Finally, this has occurred before and we survived.

Yup. We survived. We were hurt fairly badly, but we survived. And if it goes for a while this time, the pain will be much worse. Last time the repubs hurt themselves, and the economy. The same thing will happen this time. There is no doubt. Unless they cave quickly. they will cave. It is simply a mater of how much damage they are willing to inflict on the american public and the american economy to help their benefactors, the health insurance companies. For which you are a tool.
Funny. The thinking segment of the american public does not want to see workers hurt, or the economy slowed. Just agenda driven trolls like you want that.
So, what you are saying is the law and order Republicans are now doubling down on violating the process for making laws and additionally refusing to honor the law and their constitutional duty. In order to justify this mystifying obtuseness in the face of polls showing that America is not with them.
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The Founding Fathers gave the power of the purse to the House of Representatives.

Madison stated that it can be used as a WEAPON when the Government gets out of control.

Obama and the Dems are out of control, and refuse to cut anything. The very Sequester deal was Obama's brain child. It was supposed to be so bad that they would agree on cuts. He promised NO NEW TAXES in this deal. Promised Compromise to find LEGIT CUTS.


We have no reason to Respect the word of a Liar.

Your move.

Right now there are senior citizens who can't sign up for social security and medicare, people who have to choose between food and medication, people who don't know if they are going to lose their homes, people who will lose their jobs all because the GOP refuses to abide by their sworn duty to the people of this nation. The longer this keeps on the worse this will become.

Destroying the lives of the American people is your responsibility and those people will hold you accountable. Ball is in your court.

Dear Ms. Burwell:
This letter sets forth the contingency plan of the Social Security Administration (SSA) to
continue activities during a potential lapse in Federal appropriations and resulting partial
shutdown of agency operations. Our 2013 contingency plan is consistent with the plan we
submitted to your office in December 2011, with slight adjustments in the number of employees
we are excepting from furloughs under applicable exceptions to the Antideficiency Act. The
functions of the excepted employees will remain essentially the same as those described in our
2011 plan. Because of the fluidity of the current budget situation, we will reevaluate and adjust
our plan as necessary. I have enclosed a chart setting forth our proposed employee count by
agency component, as well as a brief description of the functions those employees will perform.
This letter further explains our legal basis for conducting those functions during a partial


This is from the Social Security Office regarding the shut down. Please prove your point using their table and get back to me.

Ball returned and is in play....................

Your move.

You just admitted that SS is understaffed and you missed all of the others. Keep trying.
[ame=]Stewie holds the Griffins hostage - YouTube[/ame]
No, he insulted you, Joe. He really did. You might want to pretend not to acknowledge it, but that is a different matter.

That was definitely an insult. I checked with the Russian judge, and he gave it an 8.0.

Who'd be a better judge of being insulted than you? :lol:

Again, there are insults and attempted insults.....the feeble shit some hippie loser mutters is of zero consequence to me.

The best "judge of being insulted" was you neg repping me with a mere -73. :lmao: It proved beyond any shadow of a doubt that YOU felt that you were insulted. That was a rookie mistake to make, noob!
At least so far....maybe today we'll get a breakthrough. :eusa_shifty:

HOW MUCH DEBT are you willing to allow the government shysters to put us in? What's the number when even the maoists say enough is enough? We're at $17T now....many economists think $20T is the tipping point. Obama has raised the debt-ceiling 7 times after screaming like a woman when Dubya did it. He's added $6T to the debt and continues to run $1T yearly deficits. After $20T, another financial meltdown of any kind, could tip us over into default. Surely you leftists don't believe Wall Street has stopped dealing in mortgage-based derivatives. Surely you don't believe criminal enterprises like Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley have stopped rigging the futures markets. So how much is close to the edge of diaster are you willing to tread?


What do futures markets and derivatives have to do with the public debt?
Does it really matter? The debt will never be paid off. Republicans only care about it when a Democrat is President. Then there are fiscal cliffs and disasters looming. When a Republican is President, they spend like drunken sailors (only they borrow every penny instead of through taxation). When a Democrat becomes President, suddenly they discover that there is a debt, although they deny any responsibility in creating it. If a Republican becomes President in 2016, the debt will cease being a problem once again.

Again no number. Does it really matter? Uh yeah, it does because the interest payments on the debt are approaching the lion's share of the imaginary budget Harry Reid won't allow to pass so the budget is being paid by supplimentals. Do you know what that means? Here's a hint.....we won't be able to afford Social Security payments. Or medicare payments. Or a military. Or an EPA. Or money to support infrastructure like highways and bridges. Any of this getting through the fog yet? :confused:

Interest costs are about 8% of spending IIRC.

Also, Japan's debt to GDP is 250%. So for the US, its probably higher than that.
What do futures markets and derivatives have to do with the public debt?

Did you miss the year 2008? Do you know how close we came to financial CHAOS thanks to the major banks selling sketchy bundled-mortgages (derivatives) with AIG insuring that garbage? Got any idea how the furture's market you think a player should be able to bury the competition with volume buys without ever taking physcial possession of the commody? Got any idea how many jobs were lost and never recovered? Those were taxpayers who are now tax recipients. That year cost us 2 or 3 times the $1T Clinturd's fiasco did. Or the the $1T that 9/11 did. Or the $3T in treasure spent in Iraq and Afghanistan and the rest of the ME. Instead of repairing the damage by cutting taxes and regulations to the bone while indicting every banker motherfucker who knew they were breaking multiple SEC rules and did it anyway, Barry Boi threw $6T at the solar industry and growing his government by thousands of former campaign workers. That's what.
I'm not even sure it's possible to go bankrupt. We issue our own currency.

We would never go bankrupt theoretically. We could go bankrupt if we decide to not pay it back.

No, bankrupt is being unable to ever pay it back....we're already there.

Hogwash! There is no time limit on when it must be repaid so theoretically the US could just sit on that amount and by only paying off the interest the debt itself will dwindle over time because of inflation. In a century it will only be a worth a fraction of the GDP.

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