The Radical Right Wing Breitfart Site Caught Spreading Lies Once Again

I don't know what kind of person besides perhaps a brainwashed subhuman that would ever take the breitfart site seriously, but unfortunately there are many of those among us.

This one is downright hysterical what the propaganda site is spreading now,..

"’s Big Journalism website on Monday fell for a fake report on a satire website which claimed that Nobel Price-winning economist had filed for bankruptcy.

Business Insider reported that Big Journalism’s Larry O’Connor ran with the satirical report from The Daily Currant in an effort to smear Krugman.

Krugman took to his New York Times blog on Monday to explain that he had been “Breaitbarted” and reminded readers that had also recently published a false story linking Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel to the non-existent group “Friends of Hamas.”

“I wanted to wait and see which right-wing media outlets would fall for the hoax,” Krugman wrote. “And came through!”

Breitbart uses satire website to smear Krugman with false bankruptcy report | The Raw Story

Breitbart reports the facts. Only the facts. The problem you libs have is the facts usually uncover or expose liberalism for the scourge that it is.

Tell us again about President Obama's shirtsleeves.

I don't know what kind of person besides perhaps a brainwashed subhuman that would ever take the breitfart site seriously, but unfortunately there are many of those among us.

This one is downright hysterical what the propaganda site is spreading now,..

"’s Big Journalism website on Monday fell for a fake report on a satire website which claimed that Nobel Price-winning economist had filed for bankruptcy.

Business Insider reported that Big Journalism’s Larry O’Connor ran with the satirical report from The Daily Currant in an effort to smear Krugman.

Krugman took to his New York Times blog on Monday to explain that he had been “Breaitbarted” and reminded readers that had also recently published a false story linking Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel to the non-existent group “Friends of Hamas.”

“I wanted to wait and see which right-wing media outlets would fall for the hoax,” Krugman wrote. “And came through!”

Breitbart uses satire website to smear Krugman with false bankruptcy report | The Raw Story

Breitbart reports the facts. Only the facts. The problem you libs have is the facts usually uncover or expose liberalism for the scourge that it is.

And btw, why did they take the story down?
I don't know what kind of person besides perhaps a brainwashed subhuman that would ever take the breitfart site seriously, but unfortunately there are many of those among us.

This one is downright hysterical what the propaganda site is spreading now,..

"’s Big Journalism website on Monday fell for a fake report on a satire website which claimed that Nobel Price-winning economist had filed for bankruptcy.

Business Insider reported that Big Journalism’s Larry O’Connor ran with the satirical report from The Daily Currant in an effort to smear Krugman.

Krugman took to his New York Times blog on Monday to explain that he had been “Breaitbarted” and reminded readers that had also recently published a false story linking Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel to the non-existent group “Friends of Hamas.”

“I wanted to wait and see which right-wing media outlets would fall for the hoax,” Krugman wrote. “And came through!”

Breitbart uses satire website to smear Krugman with false bankruptcy report | The Raw Story

Liberals rip for false report based on erroneous Boston Globe article | Twitchy

This needs repeating

Liberals rip for false report based on erroneous Boston Globe article | Twitchy
Breitbart deleted the story which was intended as satire and it was never posted. Media Matters obtained a copy and pretended it was real. The ignorant drooling left thought the story was real because they have a genetic predisposition to believe everything the propaganda media tells them to believe.

Breitbart fell for it as others have in the past. The difference this time around is that no retraction or apology was issued. Considering the source, that isn't surprising.

And it was real, there is a screen grab out there.

It wasn't posted by Breitbart. There is no reason for them to apologize. It was a trash find by Media Matters and they posted it. Media Matters should apologize.

Except that it was posted by breitbart. Their editor even admitted it. breitbart should be the one apologizing.
Cause no one can photoshop that!


Why is it impossible for you right wingers to ever sack up and call out your propaganda masters for spreading outright lies? :eusa_think:

because you have an incredibly low standard for "Beyond a reasonable doubt" when it comes to so non-existent right-wing "Propaganda masters" and an incredibly high standard when it comes Left wing propaganda. Because you are two faced hypocritcal pieces of trash who yell and scream futile attacks with the flimisiest of evidence and then bend over forwards and backwards to defend clear cut bullcrap from your rulers.

You've got nothing but an accusation about a story that surprise surprise isnt on the site. And statements from Krugman who is a documented liar who knows exactly how to get the people who aren't thinking to do exactly what he wants.

we don't call our our propaganda masters because we don't have masters. We are our own masters. We do this radical thing called "thinking" where we look at evidence and ask questions. We don't immediate accept the first line of crap someone feeds us.

What kind of site wuould you call Business Insider?

That's where the screen-grab is from.

I don't know what kind of person besides perhaps a brainwashed subhuman that would ever take the breitfart site seriously, but unfortunately there are many of those among us.

This one is downright hysterical what the propaganda site is spreading now,..

"’s Big Journalism website on Monday fell for a fake report on a satire website which claimed that Nobel Price-winning economist had filed for bankruptcy.

Business Insider reported that Big Journalism’s Larry O’Connor ran with the satirical report from The Daily Currant in an effort to smear Krugman.

Krugman took to his New York Times blog on Monday to explain that he had been “Breaitbarted” and reminded readers that had also recently published a false story linking Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel to the non-existent group “Friends of Hamas.”

“I wanted to wait and see which right-wing media outlets would fall for the hoax,” Krugman wrote. “And came through!”

Breitbart uses satire website to smear Krugman with false bankruptcy report | The Raw Story

Liberals rip for false report based on erroneous Boston Globe article | Twitchy

This needs repeating

Liberals rip for false report based on erroneous Boston Globe article | Twitchy

Feel free to start a thread on the Boston Globe article.
Part of the problem is that in cyberspace, anybody can set up a masthead webpage purporting to be a news website and publish anything they want.

I fact check everything relentlessly. There are still mainstream newspapers which do fact check, but even the New York Times has been duped by reporters making stuff up.
I don't know what kind of person besides perhaps a brainwashed subhuman that would ever take the breitfart site seriously, but unfortunately there are many of those among us.

This one is downright hysterical what the propaganda site is spreading now,..

"’s Big Journalism website on Monday fell for a fake report on a satire website which claimed that Nobel Price-winning economist had filed for bankruptcy.

Business Insider reported that Big Journalism’s Larry O’Connor ran with the satirical report from The Daily Currant in an effort to smear Krugman.

Krugman took to his New York Times blog on Monday to explain that he had been “Breaitbarted” and reminded readers that had also recently published a false story linking Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel to the non-existent group “Friends of Hamas.”

“I wanted to wait and see which right-wing media outlets would fall for the hoax,” Krugman wrote. “And came through!”

Breitbart uses satire website to smear Krugman with false bankruptcy report | The Raw Story

Liberals rip for false report based on erroneous Boston Globe article | Twitchy

Are we supposed to worry about what another wingnut site has to say about this?

There's a certain someone on here who has Breitbart in his avatar and apparently reveres his memory. I notice he isn't weighing in on this.

Wonder why....
Breitbart deleted the story which was intended as satire and it was never posted. Media Matters obtained a copy and pretended it was real. The ignorant drooling left thought the story was real because they have a genetic predisposition to believe everything the propaganda media tells them to believe.

That's an interesting twist on the story. Can you tell us how you found that out?
Breitbart deleted the story which was intended as satire and it was never posted. Media Matters obtained a copy and pretended it was real. The ignorant drooling left thought the story was real because they have a genetic predisposition to believe everything the propaganda media tells them to believe.

Izzat a fact.

Can you back that "intended as satire" part up?
I don't know what kind of person besides perhaps a brainwashed subhuman that would ever take the breitfart site seriously, but unfortunately there are many of those among us.

This one is downright hysterical what the propaganda site is spreading now,..

"’s Big Journalism website on Monday fell for a fake report on a satire website which claimed that Nobel Price-winning economist had filed for bankruptcy.

Business Insider reported that Big Journalism’s Larry O’Connor ran with the satirical report from The Daily Currant in an effort to smear Krugman.

Krugman took to his New York Times blog on Monday to explain that he had been “Breaitbarted” and reminded readers that had also recently published a false story linking Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel to the non-existent group “Friends of Hamas.”

“I wanted to wait and see which right-wing media outlets would fall for the hoax,” Krugman wrote. “And came through!”

Breitbart uses satire website to smear Krugman with false bankruptcy report | The Raw Story

Huff Post, Media Matters, Mother Jones, Daily Kos, The Nation, etc...

Who could question their honesty...
I don't know what kind of person besides perhaps a brainwashed subhuman that would ever take the breitfart site seriously, but unfortunately there are many of those among us.

This one is downright hysterical what the propaganda site is spreading now,..

"’s Big Journalism website on Monday fell for a fake report on a satire website which claimed that Nobel Price-winning economist had filed for bankruptcy.

Business Insider reported that Big Journalism’s Larry O’Connor ran with the satirical report from The Daily Currant in an effort to smear Krugman.

Krugman took to his New York Times blog on Monday to explain that he had been “Breaitbarted” and reminded readers that had also recently published a false story linking Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel to the non-existent group “Friends of Hamas.”

“I wanted to wait and see which right-wing media outlets would fall for the hoax,” Krugman wrote. “And came through!”

Breitbart uses satire website to smear Krugman with false bankruptcy report | The Raw Story

Huff Post, Media Matters, Mother Jones, Daily Kos, The Nation, etc...

Who could question their honesty...

Is this what breitfart is telling you right wing sheep to parrot? This has been at least the 5th "BWAAAAAAK!" of this BS in the thread.

**PRO TIP** If you right wingers actually called out your masters for their lies instead of defending them, you might actually earn some credibility,..

Nope I'll just keep it right here. You god damn faggot ass liberals are fucking hypocrites.
You called out but said nothing about the faggot paper boston globe
I don't know what kind of person besides perhaps a brainwashed subhuman that would ever take the breitfart site seriously, but unfortunately there are many of those among us.

This one is downright hysterical what the propaganda site is spreading now,..

"’s Big Journalism website on Monday fell for a fake report on a satire website which claimed that Nobel Price-winning economist had filed for bankruptcy.

Business Insider reported that Big Journalism’s Larry O’Connor ran with the satirical report from The Daily Currant in an effort to smear Krugman.

Krugman took to his New York Times blog on Monday to explain that he had been “Breaitbarted” and reminded readers that had also recently published a false story linking Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel to the non-existent group “Friends of Hamas.”

“I wanted to wait and see which right-wing media outlets would fall for the hoax,” Krugman wrote. “And came through!”

Breitbart uses satire website to smear Krugman with false bankruptcy report | The Raw Story

Liberals rip for false report based on erroneous Boston Globe article | Twitchy

Are we supposed to worry about what another wingnut site has to say about this?


Are you saying the faggot globe didn't make the same news release?
Is this what breitfart is telling you right wing sheep to parrot? This has been at least the 5th "BWAAAAAAK!" of this BS in the thread.

**PRO TIP** If you right wingers actually called out your masters for their lies instead of defending them, you might actually earn some credibility,..

1) We don't have masters to call out (I know this is difficult for you to understand)
2) If we did, they would actually have to lie for us to call them out. The editor making a mistake and then admitting he made a mistake isn't a lie. Especially when it was a mistake originally posted by another media source and just repeated.

Nope I'll just keep it right here. You god damn faggot ass liberals are fucking hypocrites.
You called out but said nothing about the faggot paper boston globe

You have a lot of anger. I suggest professional help.

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