The Radical Right Wing Breitfart Site Caught Spreading Lies Once Again

This is my exact complaint about many conservatives. We don't check our facts, and when we don't, stuff like this happens. No one will take us seriously when we tell the truth if we are not checking our facts NOW.

And you don't have this complaint about liberals?

Now, that is funny.

They don't spread outright lies unlike the right wing propaganda machine.

Now you are insulting our intelligence.
Cut the fucking bullshit.
It is simply astonishing to me that fact-checking is nearly extinct in both journalism and in the copy-and-paste mentalities we see so prevalent on this forum. Mindless parroting without a lick of common sense or critical thinking.

Propaganda outlets like Breitbart will destroy themselves from within.

This is my exact complaint about many conservatives. We don't check our facts, and when we don't, stuff like this happens. No one will take us seriously when we tell the truth if we are not checking our facts NOW.

And you don't have this complaint about liberals?

Now, that is funny.

I can say this about conservatives because I am one. I also find it interesting that when I have used fact-checking sites such as Snopes and, those sites are rejected by some conservatives as being "liberally biased" and "a shill for George Soros."

And unfortunately, when liberals don't fact check, it usually doesn't make the news as much as it does when conservatives don't fact check.
Breitbart reports the facts. Only the facts. The problem you libs have is the facts usually uncover or expose liberalism for the scourge that it is.

And if we don't believe you, we can just ask the Friends of Hamas.

And I have clue how you can other than just the need for deflection, involve an Islamist terror organization into the debate.
This is my exact complaint about many conservatives. We don't check our facts, and when we don't, stuff like this happens. No one will take us seriously when we tell the truth if we are not checking our facts NOW.

And you don't have this complaint about liberals?

Now, that is funny.

They don't spread outright lies unlike the right wing propaganda machine.


Which news station recently had to fire 3 'journalists', 1 editor and issue a withdrawal and apology for 'misrepresenting' the facts on the Zimmerman/Martin story?

Clue: It was not Brietbart, it was not Fox. It was not a right wing 'propaganda machine' at all.


That story - the one they withdrew - is still being quoted by people as legitimate 'fact'.

It must suck to be a fucking idiot. Fortunately, I will never have to find out firsthand.
The Left's media outlets are more subtle with their lies. While the Right manufactures more outright bullshit than the Left, the Left has a tendency to commit lies of omission more frequently than the Right.

These days, there are are few sources I don't automatically mistrust.

When legislation is at issue, it is far better to read it for yourself. It also helps to actually know how the government works.

When someone is copying and pasting a story making the rounds, it is better to track it down to the original source.

I don't know why people on this forum link to web sites which are clearly not the original source of a story. When you are copying a link, and in the story it says "according to" such-and-such other site, why not link to that?

Linking to Breitbart or Huffpost or the Daily Caller or CNS News screams, "I'm a piss drinker!"
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lol, radical right wing..

let me guess, mediamatters? thinkprogress? I can't see the Op..can't take all the stupid

Yes, mediamatters and thinkprogress forced breitbart to put together an article based on a story from a satire site. breitbart takes their story down after they realize it is a satire site and don't even list a retraction. Good god are you an idiot.
The Left's media outlets are more subtle with their lies. While the Right manufactures more outright bullshit than the Left, the Left has a tendency to commit lies of omission more frequently than the Right.

These days, there are are few sources I don't automatically mistrust.

When legislation is at issue, it is far better to read it for yourself. It also helps to actually know how the government works.

When someone is copying and pasting a story making the rounds, it is better to track it down to the original source.

I don't know why people on this forum link to web sites which are clearly not the original source.

I'd call it a draw when it comes to mis-reporting. Both sides suck, which I why I don't waste my time with the news media.

But... for entertainment value... it's quite funny to watch the kool-aiders get all excited by their bullshit.
And you don't have this complaint about liberals?

Now, that is funny.

They don't spread outright lies unlike the right wing propaganda machine.

It must suck to be a fucking idiot. Fortunately, I will never have to find out firsthand.

That's true, being an idiot would be a compliment to your levels of stupidity.

Being a brainwashed, ass sucking bitch that still defends the radical right wing propaganda machine, even after they have been caught twice just recently lying their asses off spreading BS shows what a good and obedient piece of shit you are.

I can't imagine what being a pathetic sheep it must be to live on your knees and as obedient parrot to your right wing masters. You sure love it, but the rest of us will actually think for ourselves.
Breitbart deleted the story which was intended as satire and it was never posted. Media Matters obtained a copy and pretended it was real. The ignorant drooling left thought the story was real because they have a genetic predisposition to believe everything the propaganda media tells them to believe.
Breitbart reports the facts. Only the facts. The problem you libs have is the facts usually uncover or expose liberalism for the scourge that it is.

And if we don't believe you, we can just ask the Friends of Hamas.

And I have clue how you can other than just the need for deflection, involve an Islamist terror organization into the debate.

:lol: You have NO IDEA why he referenced that, did you? :rofl:
Breitbart deleted the story which was intended as satire and it was never posted. Media Matters obtained a copy and pretended it was real. The ignorant drooling left thought the story was real because they have a genetic predisposition to believe everything the propaganda media tells them to believe.

It was posted on Breitbart. They have a screen capture.
Breitbart deleted the story which was intended as satire and it was never posted. Media Matters obtained a copy and pretended it was real. The ignorant drooling left thought the story was real because they have a genetic predisposition to believe everything the propaganda media tells them to believe.

Breitbart fell for it as others have in the past. The difference this time around is that no retraction or apology was issued. Considering the source, that isn't surprising.

And it was real, there is a screen grab out there.
REPORTER: Hey, boss, I just heard a really juicy story that commie Paul Krugman filed for bankruptcy!

BREITBART EDITOR: Did you check the bankruptcy court filings?


BREITBART EDITOR: Did you speak with Krugman?


BREITBART EDITOR: Did you speak with the person who originated the story?


BREITBART EDITOR: How do you know it is true?

REPORTER: Because I want it to be.

BREITBART EDITOR: Attaboy! Run it!

Is Dan Rather working for Breitbart now? I did not know that!
I don't know what kind of person besides perhaps a brainwashed subhuman that would ever take the breitfart site seriously, but unfortunately there are many of those among us.

This one is downright hysterical what the propaganda site is spreading now,..

"’s Big Journalism website on Monday fell for a fake report on a satire website which claimed that Nobel Price-winning economist had filed for bankruptcy.

Business Insider reported that Big Journalism’s Larry O’Connor ran with the satirical report from The Daily Currant in an effort to smear Krugman.

Krugman took to his New York Times blog on Monday to explain that he had been “Breaitbarted” and reminded readers that had also recently published a false story linking Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel to the non-existent group “Friends of Hamas.”

“I wanted to wait and see which right-wing media outlets would fall for the hoax,” Krugman wrote. “And came through!”

Breitbart uses satire website to smear Krugman with false bankruptcy report | The Raw Story

Well considering the left are the ones bringing brietbart up all the time, I am going to guess that they are the ones taking the site seriously.
This is my exact complaint about many conservatives. We don't check our facts, and when we don't, stuff like this happens. No one will take us seriously when we tell the truth if we are not checking our facts NOW.

And you don't have this complaint about liberals?

Now, that is funny.

They don't spread outright lies unlike the right wing propaganda machine.

Sure. you can't even stop yourself from lying to yourself.
Breitbart deleted the story which was intended as satire and it was never posted. Media Matters obtained a copy and pretended it was real. The ignorant drooling left thought the story was real because they have a genetic predisposition to believe everything the propaganda media tells them to believe.

But but but... They lied. They had to. You dont possibly think the left wing propaganda sites are lying about what Brietbart said do you?
Breitbart deleted the story which was intended as satire and it was never posted. Media Matters obtained a copy and pretended it was real. The ignorant drooling left thought the story was real because they have a genetic predisposition to believe everything the propaganda media tells them to believe.

Breitbart fell for it as others have in the past. The difference this time around is that no retraction or apology was issued. Considering the source, that isn't surprising.

And it was real, there is a screen grab out there.

Cause no one can photoshop that!
Breitbart deleted the story which was intended as satire and it was never posted. Media Matters obtained a copy and pretended it was real. The ignorant drooling left thought the story was real because they have a genetic predisposition to believe everything the propaganda media tells them to believe.

You need to stop lying to yourself.

Breitfart was caught red handed spreading outright lies again and pulled it like the pussies they are without issuing an apology.
Do you have any idea how often I've seen people site The Onion as a source for a story? I've seen it here on USMB, by both the left and the right, as well as "official" news agencies once or twice. It happens.

Didn't we get some threads here about Sarah Palin joining Al- Jazeera America courtesy of the The Onion? Even the Washington Post ran with that.
Do you have any idea how often I've seen people site The Onion as a source for a story? I've seen it here on USMB, by both the left and the right, as well as "official" news agencies once or twice. It happens.

The snag here is anonymous message board posters don’t claim to be a legitimate news service.

Breitbart does.

And, as I stated, I've seen legitimate news services fall for satirical news stories.

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