The Radical Right claim they're become extremist because they're using the tactics of the left?

If you had understood her original point, she equates the co opting of the Tea Party to the Co Opting of the left by radicals like Abby Hoffman.

Had anyone bothered to actually comprehend what she was saying, they would have seen she was being very measured and placing both sides feet in the fire.

It's just too bad the usual partisan parade knee jerk response had to jump down her throat for three pages with no clue what she was actually talking about.

are you joking?

robmoney will swing any way he needs to get money for the next run.

Fortunately we will never have to watch him do it

are you joking?

robmoney will swing any way he needs to get money for the next run.

Fortunately we will never have to watch him do it

Romney has a chance. Although lately I think Obamas been hitting him fairly well.

I still say its going to be very very close.
Yeah, like it was close when the Republicans swept up last time.

It's not going to be close. Obama will be lucky if he isnt' chased out before the election. Everybody is sick of him. I don't think anybody except the most extreme of the loons, wants him to stay. claim they're become extremist because they're using the tactics of the left?

If you had understood her original point, she equates the co opting of the Tea Party to the Co Opting of the left by radicals like Abby Hoffman.

Had anyone bothered to actually comprehend what she was saying, they would have seen she was being very measured and placing both sides feet in the fire.

It's just too bad the usual partisan parade knee jerk response had to jump down her throat for three pages with no clue what she was actually talking about.

Vidi, thanks for trying to explain me to these and you are right. The first three pages were a total waste of time but it's early yet so we shall see.
What amazes me is how angry some of these folks are and how insults seem to be their first and perhaps their only reaction to anything. I've been called more names in the last 3 hours that I have in my whole life and that was just for having an opinion. Imagine what would have happened if I'd actually DONE something.:D

are you joking?

robmoney will swing any way he needs to get money for the next run.

Fortunately we will never have to watch him do it

Romney has a chance. Although lately I think Obamas been hitting him fairly well.

I still say its going to be very very close.

I agree there. I think it's going to be squeeky close.
People react strongly to liars. That's what it comes down to. You post vapid nonsense, with nothing to support any of the silly claims you made..which of course draws the most vapid trolls on the site, and you think that means something. All it means is that liars and extremists band together.
I heard this, in essence last night and it hit me like a ton of bricks. It sums up my feelings in the best possible way and apologies to Aaron Sorkin for paraphrasing:

The tea party isn't what it started out to be.It has been hijacked by the radical right wing extremists.

Back in 1968 when Davis and Hayden organized the SDS it was for the express purpose of stopping the Vietnam war. But it got co-opted by the likes of Jerry Rubin and Abby Hoffman and the yippies. The yippies, as it turned out were about flipping off the establishment, not trusting anybody over 30 and getting high. And that is how the left progressives were percieved for the next 40 years. Passing out daisys and smoking pot.

I understood the tea party in the beginning just as I understood the SDS. It was a grass roots middle class movement responding spontaineously to bad trends, a stagnent economy and sloppy government. But the radical right, in the form of the Koch brothers and other special interests moved in and polarized it into something that is now not only unrecognizable but ineffectual because they have lost their credibilty

The radical right has hi-jacked the republican party which in turn has enslaved the republican middle. with one possible exception. NOBODY would have run Abby Hoffman or Jerry Rubin for any office and no candidate would have sought their endorsement. Can you see Kennedy in a photo op with Bernadine Dorhn?

Hoffman and Rubin weren't democrats and neither are the Koch brothers republicans.

That's what I have so far, I'm still building on it.:D

You have some evidence of this or is it just because you say so?
People react strongly to liars. That's what it comes down to. You post vapid nonsense, with nothing to support any of the silly claims you made..which of course draws the most vapid trolls on the site, and you think that means something. All it means is that liars and extremists band together.

By 'vapid trolls' I assume you mean yourself and at long last we finally agree. I just thank God you don't know where I live.:D
I heard this, in essence last night and it hit me like a ton of bricks. It sums up my feelings in the best possible way and apologies to Aaron Sorkin for paraphrasing:

The tea party isn't what it started out to be.It has been hijacked by the radical right wing extremists.

Back in 1968 when Davis and Hayden organized the SDS it was for the express purpose of stopping the Vietnam war. But it got co-opted by the likes of Jerry Rubin and Abby Hoffman and the yippies. The yippies, as it turned out were about flipping off the establishment, not trusting anybody over 30 and getting high. And that is how the left progressives were percieved for the next 40 years. Passing out daisys and smoking pot.

I understood the tea party in the beginning just as I understood the SDS. It was a grass roots middle class movement responding spontaineously to bad trends, a stagnent economy and sloppy government. But the radical right, in the form of the Koch brothers and other special interests moved in and polarized it into something that is now not only unrecognizable but ineffectual because they have lost their credibilty

The radical right has hi-jacked the republican party which in turn has enslaved the republican middle. with one possible exception. NOBODY would have run Abby Hoffman or Jerry Rubin for any office and no candidate would have sought their endorsement. Can you see Kennedy in a photo op with Bernadine Dorhn?

Hoffman and Rubin weren't democrats and neither are the Koch brothers republicans.

That's what I have so far, I'm still building on it.:D

You have some evidence of this or is it just because you say so?

Well Im relying rather heavily on historical fact where Rubin and Hoffman were concerned. I lived through that era, was involved and Im pretty sure I got it right.
I heard this, in essence last night and it hit me like a ton of bricks. It sums up my feelings in the best possible way and apologies to Aaron Sorkin for paraphrasing:

The tea party isn't what it started out to be.It has been hijacked by the radical right wing extremists.

Back in 1968 when Davis and Hayden organized the SDS it was for the express purpose of stopping the Vietnam war. But it got co-opted by the likes of Jerry Rubin and Abby Hoffman and the yippies. The yippies, as it turned out were about flipping off the establishment, not trusting anybody over 30 and getting high. And that is how the left progressives were percieved for the next 40 years. Passing out daisys and smoking pot.

I understood the tea party in the beginning just as I understood the SDS. It was a grass roots middle class movement responding spontaineously to bad trends, a stagnent economy and sloppy government. But the radical right, in the form of the Koch brothers and other special interests moved in and polarized it into something that is now not only unrecognizable but ineffectual because they have lost their credibilty

The radical right has hi-jacked the republican party which in turn has enslaved the republican middle. with one possible exception. NOBODY would have run Abby Hoffman or Jerry Rubin for any office and no candidate would have sought their endorsement. Can you see Kennedy in a photo op with Bernadine Dorhn?

Hoffman and Rubin weren't democrats and neither are the Koch brothers republicans.

That's what I have so far, I'm still building on it.:D

You have some evidence of this or is it just because you say so?

Well Im relying rather heavily on historical fact where Rubin and Hoffman were concerned. I lived through that era, was involved and Im pretty sure I got it right.
Translation: No.
I heard this, in essence last night and it hit me like a ton of bricks. It sums up my feelings in the best possible way and apologies to Aaron Sorkin for paraphrasing:

The tea party isn't what it started out to be.It has been hijacked by the radical right wing extremists.

Back in 1968 when Davis and Hayden organized the SDS it was for the express purpose of stopping the Vietnam war. But it got co-opted by the likes of Jerry Rubin and Abby Hoffman and the yippies. The yippies, as it turned out were about flipping off the establishment, not trusting anybody over 30 and getting high. And that is how the left progressives were percieved for the next 40 years. Passing out daisys and smoking pot.

I understood the tea party in the beginning just as I understood the SDS. It was a grass roots middle class movement responding spontaineously to bad trends, a stagnent economy and sloppy government. But the radical right, in the form of the Koch brothers and other special interests moved in and polarized it into something that is now not only unrecognizable but ineffectual because they have lost their credibilty

The radical right has hi-jacked the republican party which in turn has enslaved the republican middle. with one possible exception. NOBODY would have run Abby Hoffman or Jerry Rubin for any office and no candidate would have sought their endorsement. Can you see Kennedy in a photo op with Bernadine Dorhn?

Hoffman and Rubin weren't democrats and neither are the Koch brothers republicans.

That's what I have so far, I'm still building on it.:D

Well your best bet would be to go out and spend some time with some "baggers" and see what they are really like ,rather then reading an opinion from someone else to form your conclusions.

Less chance of being wrong .
Poor Candyslice can't defend their own position. Sad, the thread could have had so many opportunities for dialog.[/QUOTE]

And so far you have squandered every one of yours.:clap2: Well done.

The questions that were set out at the beginning have never been addressed so you failed to clarify, the only opinions you are interested are in agreement with yours otherwise you don't want a discussion, you want only affirmation. Let me know if you want to discuss.

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