The Ranting Of Our Delusional President


Diamond Member
May 7, 2017
Have we ever had a more mentally imbalanced President?

No, we never have, and I don't think it is even comparable to anyone in our nations' relatively brief history. The man needs some kind of medication and mental health treatment, and who amongst his staff could make such a suggestion?

Grandpa Trump Calls Fox & Friends | The Daily Show
Already the best President since Ronald Reagan. Will likely exceed him.

Very Stable Genius.

Enjoying watching the Trump Derangement Syndrome eat you Bolsheviks up. not a river in Egypt.
"... I went to an Ivy League school. I’m very highly educated. I know words, I have the best words. I have the best, but there is no better word than stupid. Right? There is none, there is none. There’s no, there’s no, there’s no word like that.”

"... I went to an Ivy League school. I’m very highly educated. I know words, I have the best words. I have the best, but there is no better word than stupid. Right? There is none, there is none. There’s no, there’s no, there’s no word like that.”


The Ranting Of Our Delusional President

Has it ever occurred to you that whenever everything coming through to you sounds like nonsense, that it isn't the transmitter that has a problem, but it just might be the RECEIVER. ;)
Best POTUS evah!

We appreciate your sacrifice, America, thanks for taking one for the team!
Have we ever had a more mentally imbalanced President?

No, we never have, and I don't think it is even comparable to anyone in our nations' relatively brief history. The man needs some kind of medication and mental health treatment, and who amongst his staff could make such a suggestion?

Grandpa Trump Calls Fox & Friends | The Daily Show

Here you are whining like a little bitch and pissing your little pink panties for the thousan’th time....meanwhile, good quality, productive REAL Americans are kicking ass and still smiling ear to mothafucking ear....Does that tell you anything?

That "real Americans" constitute the sum of the Dumbing Down of America, and that many were born as the result of incestual sexual relationships.
Have we ever had a more mentally imbalanced President?

No, we never have, and I don't think it is even comparable to anyone in our nations' relatively brief history. The man needs some kind of medication and mental health treatment, and who amongst his staff could make such a suggestion?

Grandpa Trump Calls Fox & Friends | The Daily Show

Well, first you had Saint Ronnie who couldn't recall his mental balance and then the idiot offspring of the Bu$h crime family who didn't have anything to balance but I guess the deplorable orange twitter addict beats them both

I don't understand why you would want treatment for his 'problems' though, you think that will make murica great again?

Have we ever had a more mentally imbalanced President?

No, we never have, and I don't think it is even comparable to anyone in our nations' relatively brief history. The man needs some kind of medication and mental health treatment, and who amongst his staff could make such a suggestion?

Grandpa Trump Calls Fox & Friends | The Daily Show
The left have never been so openly unbalanced, so mentally unhinged, so fueled by irratiobal HATE, and / or so openly SEDITIOUS / TREASONOUS than they gave been / are now...

...and to think what triggered it was because the Obama administration and liberal media protected a treasonous felon from going to prison, GAVE her the DNC nomination when it was obvious she could not win it, and then she still lost the election....

...and snowflakes refuse to accept the results of the election, preferring to support the open treasonoys coup the left continues to attempt to conduct....
The left have never been so openly unbalanced, so mentally unhinged, so fueled by irratiobal HATE, and / or so openly SEDITIOUS / TREASONOUS than they gave been / are now...

...and to think what triggered it was because the Obama administration and liberal media protected a treasonous felon from going to prison, GAVE her the DNC nomination when it was obvious she could not win it, and then she still lost the election....

...and snowflakes refuse to accept the results of the election, preferring to support the open treasonoys coup the left continues to attempt to conduct....

Sure, but the psycho princess isn't in the oval office so it's a bit useless to claim she would have been more insane than the orange clown

Sure, but the psycho princess isn't in the oval office so it's a bit useless to claim she would have been more insane than the orange clown

The career-long scandal-plagued, sexual deviant-enabling, pathelogical lying, influence-peddling felon who jeopardized national security, abandoned Americans to needlessly prevenatably die, and committed treason by selling out to the KGB Bank / Russia for $145 million, and who collaborated with foreign spies working with Russians, who lied / cheated / stole the DNC nomination she could not legitimately win ...

What liberal extremist worth their weight in Rubles could not say with a straight face Hillary would have been a much 'better' President?!
...What liberal extremist worth their weight in Rubles could not say with a straight face Hillary would have been a much 'better' President?!

Well, of course the psycho princess would have been better, she was the most qualified progressive warmonger in history, she's a woman (probably) and it was her turn....

There has to be a reason Hillary didn't get her rightful crown and it simply can't be that she sucked even more than the orange clown so..... the Russians did it...

Have we ever had a more mentally imbalanced President?

No, we never have, and I don't think it is even comparable to anyone in our nations' relatively brief history. The man needs some kind of medication and mental health treatment, and who amongst his staff could make such a suggestion?

Grandpa Trump Calls Fox & Friends | The Daily Show

Every time I see a title such as the one on this thread I am guaranteed to find a delusional leftist rant by someone who is mega butthurt about all that Trump winning.

This thread is no exception.

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