The Real American Political Leaning

You've lost the popular vote in five of the last six presidential elections.
I take it this comment is directed at a Republican voter. Let us hope you do not imagine his implies the Democrats have done real well with the popular vote. Look at the numbers below and on the link -- the turnout numbers are mostly terrible. Popular vote wise, people do not like either party. That saddens some of us who wish one or both parties could sway people. But with the media culture of gotcha politics spilling over into the polity as a whole...

2012 Barack Obama Democratic 51.06%

2008 Barack Obama Democratic 52.93%​

2004 George W. Bush Republican 50.73%

2000 George W. Bush Republican 47.87%

1996 Bill Clinton Democratic 49.23%

1992 Bill Clinton Democratic 43.01%

List of United States presidential elections by popular vote margin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You didn't mention that Bush lost that popular vote. Damn shame about the FL steal that Jeb Bush and his concubine pulled off too because if Al Gore had been the president we wouldn't have gotten marred down in an unnecessary war in Iraq and 4500 young Americans would still be alive not to mention the 35,000 seriously wounded and the trillion borrowed dollars.

Also in 1992 Ross Perot got nearly 20% of the vote in a three man race.

the label "progressive" is a joke for the Lib/democrats, because they are always Regressing.
Referring to the article, was the bottom map current makeup and the top one 2014? I kept getting popups on the site and so didn't keep it open all that long.
The thing is yesterday's liberals become tomorrow's conservatives. Conservatives 50 years from now will not hate gay people, oppose all birth control, hate brown people (they probably will have a few new minorities to hate though), etc. Just like today's conservatives don't believe in a lot of the crap conservatives from 50 years ago believed and are more in line with what liberals from 50 years ago believed.

Progress always wins.

Gawd damn you are stupid. Just silly amounts of full fucking stupid.

The most racist fucking people on earth are Democrats, the harder left you lean the more you care about skin color and gender.

People become fiscally conservative because they learn through the economic lessons of life that high taxes and endless social programs always fall light years short of what they were sold to be. Hell, look at Obamacare, it's been falling apart since the day it was made and lets be blunt, it's not even fully implemented yet lol. For the hard lefties out there that's ok, because it was all about an even bigger Government take over of HC, thus making it's epic failures on Obamacare's take over of HC magically *good*... Yes *GOOD*.

People don't become "conservative" over a life time because they found Jesus, it's because they learn fiscal responsibility or some degree of that. The less actual education in life that you have, the less actual experience you have in life the higher the likelihood you are for social programs meant to take care of you.
I was referring far moreso to social conservatives than fiscal ones.

I understand... What's funny is all you're doing is admitting that Liberal Progressives are dumb as shit on economics only to later "get a clue," but bring their "less racist" side to the conservative end of the spectrum as time goes on. Where you get lost is in claiming nutty progressives become conservative is that in doing this they realized and must reject progressive social programs in order to be fiscally conservative.

Progressive (D) = Full retard. Emotional religiously faith based economic views despite a considerably easy to understand economic reality. Supports endless spending on feel good programs no matter how little return is yielded for the tens and hundreds of billions lost.

Conservative (R) = Half retard. Generally stuck in their bigoted ways due to a longer experience in life and seeing trends. Economically literate due to life lessons from when they were progressive and made many bad economic decisions based on emotion.

Libertarian (L) Loling @ Progressives and conservatives.

Is that why Conservatism is based on Ayn Rand's Objective "IF IT FEELS GOOD, DO IT" Realism?
Do some reading once in a while.
There are right wingers that subscribe to Objectvism.

But that philosophy only have a few parallels to conservatism.

Directors and CEOs live and breath Objectivism and they are the group that has the most impact on legislation.
You've lost the popular vote in five of the last six presidential elections.
I take it this comment is directed at a Republican voter. Let us hope you do not imagine his implies the Democrats have done real well with the popular vote. Look at the numbers below and on the link -- the turnout numbers are mostly terrible. Popular vote wise, people do not like either party. That saddens some of us who wish one or both parties could sway people. But with the media culture of gotcha politics spilling over into the polity as a whole...

2012 Barack Obama Democratic 51.06%

2008 Barack Obama Democratic 52.93%​

2004 George W. Bush Republican 50.73%

2000 George W. Bush Republican 47.87%

1996 Bill Clinton Democratic 49.23%

1992 Bill Clinton Democratic 43.01%

List of United States presidential elections by popular vote margin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You didn't mention that Bush lost that popular vote. Damn shame about the FL steal that Jeb Bush and his concubine pulled off too because if Al Gore had been the president we wouldn't have gotten marred down in an unnecessary war in Iraq and 4500 young Americans would still be alive not to mention the 35,000 seriously wounded and the trillion borrowed dollars.

Also in 1992 Ross Perot got nearly 20% of the vote in a three man race.

the label "progressive" is a joke for the Lib/democrats, because they are always Regressing.

How's 'bout you wait till a Republican administration does something like sending Americans to the moon and returning them safely to earth? They're too busy cutting taxes for rich people and starting oil wars to ever do anything progressive for the nation. Hell.....they won't even agree to repair and rebuild the infrastructure. The president introduced a plan to put a million people to work rebuilding our roads, dams, levees, bridges etc. and the Right Wing assholes wouldn't do it. Here's what your party has been worth for the last six years:

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Take a good look at the above map What does it tell you?

While Yglesias notes that the presidency is “extremely important,” he says: “But there are also thousands of critically important offices all the way down the ballot. And the vast majority — 70 percent of state legislatures, more than 60 percent of governors, 55 percent of attorneys general and secretaries of state — are in Republicans hands. And, of course, Republicans control both chambers of Congress.”

My home state, Nevada, is now in the red zone in spite of (or perhaps due to) Dingy Harry. We have the Left Coast and a few holdouts in the northeast. Otherwise, the PEOPLE have chosen the GOP to run things. Perhaps the inaction of Congress is what they want while their state and local legislatures/councils crank out conservative measures.

Read more @ These 2 Images Should Terrify Every Democrat And Give Hope To Every Republican

So you post a map saying Nevada is run by Democrats and then you say Nevada is run by Republicans.

The map shows that as of 2014 Republican state legislatures represent about 170 million Americans and Democratic state legislatures represent about 130 million Americans,

a difference much smaller than the illusion the map creates.
You've lost the popular vote in five of the last six presidential elections.
I take it this comment is directed at a Republican voter. Let us hope you do not imagine his implies the Democrats have done real well with the popular vote. Look at the numbers below and on the link -- the turnout numbers are mostly terrible. Popular vote wise, people do not like either party. That saddens some of us who wish one or both parties could sway people. But with the media culture of gotcha politics spilling over into the polity as a whole...

2012 Barack Obama Democratic 51.06%

2008 Barack Obama Democratic 52.93%​

2004 George W. Bush Republican 50.73%

2000 George W. Bush Republican 47.87%

1996 Bill Clinton Democratic 49.23%

1992 Bill Clinton Democratic 43.01%

List of United States presidential elections by popular vote margin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You didn't mention that Bush lost that popular vote. Damn shame about the FL steal that Jeb Bush and his concubine pulled off too because if Al Gore had been the president we wouldn't have gotten marred down in an unnecessary war in Iraq and 4500 young Americans would still be alive not to mention the 35,000 seriously wounded and the trillion borrowed dollars.

Also in 1992 Ross Perot got nearly 20% of the vote in a three man race.

the label "progressive" is a joke for the Lib/democrats, because they are always Regressing.

How's 'bout you wait till a Republican administration does something like sending Americans to the moon and returning them safely to earth? They're too busy cutting taxes for rich people and starting oil wars to ever do anything progressive for the nation. Hell.....they won't even agree to repair and rebuild the infrastructure. The president introduced a plan to put a million people to work rebuilding our roads, dams, levees, bridges etc. and the Right Wing assholes wouldn't do it. Here's what your party has been worth for the last six years:

First time I ever of THE PLAN. you have a link for that ?
where do we live China? He put a up a Plan to have a Million people go to work on the road, bridges, etc? Not anyone can just put on some boots and gloves to go work on a bridge, you have to KNOW what the hell you are doing. and if he had that plan why didn't he use it when he STOLE almost a Trillion dollars and called it a, Stimulus? where did THAT MONEY go? It's not the GOVERNMENTS position to PUT PEOPLE to work. you're want to be a SLAVE move to China, North Korea, etc. you are a scary person that you want THIS GOVERNMENT to run your life
Lets just divide the nation and let the libs go live their socialist dream, the fools will come begging us for money and food in short order.

Only 2% of Americans still live on farms and raise their own cattle, grow their own food, Blues. I am one of the 2% out there but more and more big corporations are in control of food production. At best there is a 2 - 3 day food supply at your local Walmart / grocery stores for the population in that area. If something catastrophic were to happen it would effect most everyone across the board. Not just the liberals.

How in the world do you find time to post on discussion forums.

I remember waking before dawn to feed the chickens and milk the cows before eating breakfast, then doing chores, Brief break for lunch followed by working until sundown and dinner. Too tired to do anything but watch one or two tv shows and getting off to bed so I could get up early the next morning.


Take a good look at the above map What does it tell you?

While Yglesias notes that the presidency is “extremely important,” he says: “But there are also thousands of critically important offices all the way down the ballot. And the vast majority — 70 percent of state legislatures, more than 60 percent of governors, 55 percent of attorneys general and secretaries of state — are in Republicans hands. And, of course, Republicans control both chambers of Congress.”

My home state, Nevada, is now in the red zone in spite of (or perhaps due to) Dingy Harry. We have the Left Coast and a few holdouts in the northeast. Otherwise, the PEOPLE have chosen the GOP to run things. Perhaps the inaction of Congress is what they want while their state and local legislatures/councils crank out conservative measures.

Read more @ These 2 Images Should Terrify Every Democrat And Give Hope To Every Republican
It tells me that Republicans like to live in states where there isn't anybody else living with them

Yes... Because all the blue states have 38 million people like California... 2 states make up almost 60 million of your 120....


Fucking progressives...
Quit your belly aching you anti social freak show.

Backwaters like Wyoming have 2 Senators for 700,000 people. California has 2 Senators for 38 million people.

You flyover hillbillies have more say so in congress than you deserve, just because your dumbasses are afraid of people in the big cities
You've lost the popular vote in five of the last six presidential elections.
I take it this comment is directed at a Republican voter. Let us hope you do not imagine his implies the Democrats have done real well with the popular vote. Look at the numbers below and on the link -- the turnout numbers are mostly terrible. Popular vote wise, people do not like either party. That saddens some of us who wish one or both parties could sway people. But with the media culture of gotcha politics spilling over into the polity as a whole...

2012 Barack Obama Democratic 51.06%

2008 Barack Obama Democratic 52.93%​

2004 George W. Bush Republican 50.73%

2000 George W. Bush Republican 47.87%

1996 Bill Clinton Democratic 49.23%

1992 Bill Clinton Democratic 43.01%

List of United States presidential elections by popular vote margin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I usually don't respond to posts like as it's futile. However, let me ask you a question:

How many Americans ELIGIBLE to vote bothered to register?

How many REGISTERED Americans actually went to the polls and VOTED?

Then, figure the percentages and you will see just how farcical these percentages are.

51% of 25% is NOT a clear majority.

Take a good look at the above map What does it tell you?

While Yglesias notes that the presidency is “extremely important,” he says: “But there are also thousands of critically important offices all the way down the ballot. And the vast majority — 70 percent of state legislatures, more than 60 percent of governors, 55 percent of attorneys general and secretaries of state — are in Republicans hands. And, of course, Republicans control both chambers of Congress.”

My home state, Nevada, is now in the red zone in spite of (or perhaps due to) Dingy Harry. We have the Left Coast and a few holdouts in the northeast. Otherwise, the PEOPLE have chosen the GOP to run things. Perhaps the inaction of Congress is what they want while their state and local legislatures/councils crank out conservative measures.

Read more @ These 2 Images Should Terrify Every Democrat And Give Hope To Every Republican

So you post a map saying Nevada is run by Democrats and then you say Nevada is run by Republicans.


The governor of Nevada is a Republican.
The majority of the state legislature is Republican
One Senator is GOP the other is Dingy Harry
We have ONE Dem Rep - the other four are GOP

So, the map makes absolutely no sense when it comes to Nevada
You've lost the popular vote in five of the last six presidential elections.
I take it this comment is directed at a Republican voter. Let us hope you do not imagine his implies the Democrats have done real well with the popular vote. Look at the numbers below and on the link -- the turnout numbers are mostly terrible. Popular vote wise, people do not like either party. That saddens some of us who wish one or both parties could sway people. But with the media culture of gotcha politics spilling over into the polity as a whole...

2012 Barack Obama Democratic 51.06%

2008 Barack Obama Democratic 52.93%​

2004 George W. Bush Republican 50.73%

2000 George W. Bush Republican 47.87%

1996 Bill Clinton Democratic 49.23%

1992 Bill Clinton Democratic 43.01%

List of United States presidential elections by popular vote margin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I usually don't respond to posts like as it's futile. However, let me ask you a question:

How many Americans ELIGIBLE to vote bothered to register?

How many REGISTERED Americans actually went to the polls and VOTED?

Then, figure the percentages and you will see just how farcical these percentages are.

51% of 25% is NOT a clear majority.
You do know you are helping to make the point Dante was making? Things can get convoluted in threads that go on and on like this one.

Dante wrote "Let us hope you do not imagine his implies the Democrats have done real well with the popular vote"

Anyone can argue over a majority of the vote or a majority of illegible or potential voters . But to make what point?

Take a good look at the above map What does it tell you?

While Yglesias notes that the presidency is “extremely important,” he says: “But there are also thousands of critically important offices all the way down the ballot. And the vast majority — 70 percent of state legislatures, more than 60 percent of governors, 55 percent of attorneys general and secretaries of state — are in Republicans hands. And, of course, Republicans control both chambers of Congress.”

My home state, Nevada, is now in the red zone in spite of (or perhaps due to) Dingy Harry. We have the Left Coast and a few holdouts in the northeast. Otherwise, the PEOPLE have chosen the GOP to run things. Perhaps the inaction of Congress is what they want while their state and local legislatures/councils crank out conservative measures.

Read more @ These 2 Images Should Terrify Every Democrat And Give Hope To Every Republican

So you post a map saying Nevada is run by Democrats and then you say Nevada is run by Republicans.


The governor of Nevada is a Republican.
The majority of the state legislature is Republican
One Senator is GOP the other is Dingy Harry
We have ONE Dem Rep - the other four are GOP

So, the map makes absolutely no sense when it comes to Nevada

So did you think that a thread with a premise backed up by something that makes no sense was really that good of an idea?

Oh, btw,

Between the liberals, the moderate Democrats, and the GOP RINO's, I'd say the country in reality is overwhelmingly

not conservative.
Lets just divide the nation and let the libs go live their socialist dream, the fools will come begging us for money and food in short order.

Only 2% of Americans still live on farms and raise their own cattle, grow their own food, Blues. I am one of the 2% out there but more and more big corporations are in control of food production. At best there is a 2 - 3 day food supply at your local Walmart / grocery stores for the population in that area. If something catastrophic were to happen it would effect most everyone across the board. Not just the liberals.

How in the world do you find time to post on discussion forums.

I remember waking before dawn to feed the chickens and milk the cows before eating breakfast, then doing chores, Brief break for lunch followed by working until sundown and dinner. Too tired to do anything but watch one or two tv shows and getting off to bed so I could get up early the next morning.


I'm usually awake before dawn. I post my prayer meeting scriptures /worship music before dawn or in the evening usually. My husband feeds the cattle and our chickens. I have my own chores to do and I also have help if I need it. It might surprise you to know that the busiest people are usually the same people who are willing to volunteer their time to any worthy endeavor. I manage my time very well. If I have a day to spend here? I do. Otherwise I write when I can.

As for television? I do not have time for television.

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